[Kamikaze] Stop The Witch Hunt | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

[Kamikaze] Stop The Witch Hunt

Enough already! At this point we're beating the proverbial dead horse. It's one thing to do some good investigative journalism. It's another to question standing policy or programs. But it's another altogether to be obsessed with finding fault in some of those same policies or programs, even after no wrongdoing has been found.

Yes, we know that some of the new city employees hired during the Melton administration have criminal records. But am I still actually seeing full-fledged stories on this? Unbelievable! This very publication has done several stories. I have written several columns … months ago. Hell, even Eric Stringfellow spotlighted Donald Ray Quinn aka Donny Money, one of said employees.

Yet, The Clarion-Ledger saw fit to rehash it again a few days ago, reporting that Quinn, Anthony Staffney and Maurice Warner are now city employees.

Our mayor has seen fit to give these gentlemen a second chance, but someone, somewhere has a real problem with it. Sure, Quinn and Anthony Staffney, who are on payroll as "senior administrative clerks," have blemishes in their past. Both led street lives that landed them time in federal institutions. Both are still under federal supervision. So?

Both these gentlemen have led exemplary lives since their release. In fact, Quinn is one of the co-founders of the MAP Coalition and a popular artist in his own right. Staffney, in the time I have personally known him, has been nothing short of professional. On behalf of the city, they manage hundreds of young people and probably serve as the best example of how you can turn your life around.

This, to me, is akin to a witch hunt. The stigma on ex-convicts continues. But these stories have produced no huge public outcry. So leave them be, and let them do their jobs.

What better way to break the criminal cycle than by trusting the system that we have put in place to rehabilitate these folks? It angers me to read blogs or readers' letters that come off as if they are "better" than these gentlemen. That these gentlemen are not "worth" these second chances. That these gentlemen are not "competent" enough to do these jobs.

Now I do understand, as a taxpayer, the fiscal responsibility in this. If we're putting a strain on the city's budget, then by all means let's be frugal. If there is money missing, then as a taxpayer, I want it to be found. If this is a money issue, no problem. If this is a people issue, then that's where I draw the line.

A city or an administration that is not youth-oriented is destined to fail. We've got to stop holding rallies, giving speeches and pointing fingers, and start providing solutions. The quickest way to keep youngsters out of your home and off your street corner is to give them a way to support themselves. The best way to keep ex-cons from returning to prison is to immediately give them a respectable way to earn an income.

Insanity is described as doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. If we keep abandoning young people, then we can expect the worst … again and again! And that is the truth … sho-nuff.

Previous Comments


Let's not forget that Melton and his crew wouldn't sit down by a convicted felon who dealt drugs in the 80's during a debate! Then Melton went and took a contract away from the same gentleman! So now we are just supposed to bend over and accept the fact Melton is giving these young men and second chance. You can't have it both ways. Very hypocritical, very unprofessional and so very Melton! For me this is the only reason I am interested in who Melton hires. If he never made an ass of himself at that forum, it wouldn't matter. Now what does matter is that Melton may be circumventing the law if he is allowing any new hires (in any department) to forgo the MANDATORY drug test to gain employment with the City. That's the word on the street; and I doubt the City has the paper work to back it up.


Well, I am interested to know more about the application process. I certainly am not against the idea of hiring ex-convicts -- however, were these jobs given in a competitive way? Or, did it just happen that he gave them to three young men he has known a very long time? Certainly, Jackson citizens have the right to question this and ensure he's not just engaging in cronyism to help the kids he believes he failed years ago (which I'm not pulling out of thin air; that's what he told me during the interviews). Also, Kamikaze, are you doing any paid work for the city or Mr. Melton? If so, you should reveal that in a piece about this. I should have thought to ask you during the editing process, but didn't. Certaintly, the whole Covington thing was a joke, but I do think there are even more important issues here. Certainly, drug testing is very important; both Mr. Melton and Mr. Melvin told me they are all being drug-tested. Every city hire.


I would like to know if the jobs were advertised and all interested children given a chance to apply. My neighbor thinks now he should do something wrong so Melton can give him a job. he is being told by his peers that that is the way to go. I sure hope this is wrong info but given that those hired all know Frank make me a believer. K you should be advising FM that it looks bad to only hire those he already knew . He has enough money why did he not do this a long time ago. No one would have stopped him from forming his little companies of lawn people before becoming mayor. he could have done all the cleaning of neighborhoods he wanted as a volunteer and community leader. He didnt have to become Mayor for that. As a tax payer I do have problems with the way he rewards those felons. I don't like paying them big salaries when I am not sure they aren't still in their old business. Why is he overlooking those girls and boys who are trying to do the right thing? .


Let me just say first that NO, I'm not doing any paid work for the city or the Mayor...Don't know where you could have gotten that impression...My occupation is recording artist, CEO of my company, and Pres. of the MAP. or you could say Im a concerened citizen. My thoughts and opinions are always solely my own and have no agenda otherwise...The column was not to promote the mayor's policy or defend him(and never is)..he can do that on his own...I don't know exactly how to take your question Donna so hopefully that answers it. I will always be on the side of what I feel is right or just, whatever that may be. Im on no ones "side". If you DON'T agree with me, cool...If you DO agree with me, cool. I supported the Mayor because of one main premise...He genuinely cares about the youth and their future. That is my platform...Im tired of running into kids that go to bed hungry, or lak clothes or have to sleep under leaky roofs with no air or heat RIGHT IN TH?E CITY LIMITS!!! Im tired of seeing kids in certain neighborhoods not get the same amenities that other kids get...Tired of seeing the kids at jayne ave community center get their computers stole every time they get new ones and then when they do have them they are underequipped while the kids at the center in Parham Bridges have new computers with internet access and BOTH are run by the city...Its about these kids and its about giving those who HAVE done wrong another chance to be productive. Im getting long winded but Im passionate about this. These kids are the furture and our foundation and the Mayor was the best candidate to me in that regard. The other guy could have cared less... Jada...Those boys and girls that ARE doing the right thing don't need the Mayor...and Im sure they'll tell ya..they're on the right track. We need to catch those that veer of the path..


I didn't get the impression; someone asked me, and it made sense to have you address it publicly to put any rumors to rest. Thanks for doing that.


And Jada is asking good questions. The mayor should provide the answers. Otherwise, these questions are going to linger, as they should until they're answered.


Kamakaze, your point about poverty in this community and the things that some children need and deserve but, do not have. I am also aware of the fact that there are kids wou didn't have and lived in substandard conditions who were able to stay on track and many have become productive, contributing citizens. Frank Melton ran for Mayor of the City of Jackson. Poverty is one condition but does not have a total monoply on all resources and all of the Mayor's time and energy can not be spent on 10 or 12 ex-convicts. This is the problem that people seemingly are speaking too. The Mayor of a city must be multi-task oriented. All of the attributes, duties and responsibilities in this position have been trashed by Frank. Frank seems to be setting up a cotton field that will employ the "downtrotten" while others are focusing on economics and ventures that will exclude African-Americans if he is not at the table. He says he is not a Mayor "I'm just FRANK!" He says that "I am not a PLANNER" then goes out and commissions another person to do it. He makes Sherline Anderson his Chief but will not allow her to do her job. Frank nor you seem to have the understanding of this job entails. There are many people who are philanathropic and have made wonderful contributions to different causes. This week Frank is learning to drive a backhoe and other heavy equipment. This is wasteful. To break it down - let's just say that you are a doctor, the City of Jackson hired you to see patients at a local hopsital. but, the basketball team is losing games and you decide that you can leave your position as MD and go over to Lanier High School to help the coaches coach. This is just how redicilous Franks behavior is. We are up to out A$$$$ in Alligators in the community. THE CITY IS BROKE. THE EMERGENCY FUND HAS BEEN SPENT. THE MAYOR IS ASKING FOR A TAX HIKE. Many of us have experienced this type of ignorance, arrogance and stupidity and have watched Inner Cities go DOWN THE TUBE. Frank has admitted that "I have done a lot of growing up" and and that the Mayors from other Cities are "teaching me a lot". Frank is like a bad habit. We the citizens of Jackson can not afford him. This was not a job that listed OJT as a qualifier. He will have to find another playground to play cop, demolition durby man, ect.. I understandstand friendship. I understand loyalty. I understand respect. Why not recommend to your friend/mentor/savior an exercise in stepping down from this office that he has made a total mockery. This will give him all the time he will need to focus on those we need and deserve a second chance. Maybe he could get into some classes for professional weapons training. By the way, you might want to set up some type of procedure for fairness. I know some ex-prisoners who would love to have the chance that Frank has given to such a select few. Think about it!


Maybe a better title for your article is "STOP FRANK"


We all can see that Frank likely cares a lot about the children. We can also see he's a SORRY ASS Mayor. I don't see how there is any doubt about that at this point. I would love to see some real evidence that he's a good and life-altering mentor for any of the children he's living with or coming into contact with. I personally believe he cares for them and them him, but does he have a clue what he's doing with the city or the children? After all Kamikaze, I want to be a musician, but I can't play a damn thing and shouldn't be playing or teaching music.

Ray Carter

He says that "I am not a PLANNER" then goes out and commissions another person to do it. And if I'm not mistaken, that person also is "not a PLANNER." Which is a big, big mistake. Why ask someone who's not trained as a planner to do city planning? (Or am I wrong, and Sargent actually is trained as a planner?) Would he have hired Anderson if her previous job was as, say, a welder, and she had no law-enforcement training? Wondering, Tim

Tim Kynerd

I agree that the mayor is doing a horrible job running this city. Maybe the worst e.v.e.r. A clarifying question though- hasn't he always hired his friends? Aren't the big admin and supervisory positions on his staff held by his friends? Unfortunately, that's what most administrations do- when the get to power: they hire their friends. Its dissapointing that we don't ask whether some big wig was hired competively through the proper channels but we make a fuss when its a young person with a record. At least the positions these young men hold are probably less likely to cause our city problems. Less problems than say, hiring your former colleague to be an ineffective "yes (wo)man" as police chief...


Good point, Tim. It makes little sense to me, either. I also think Ray and justjess are making good points as well. It's fine that Mr. Melton "cares" about these young men. But that doesn't mean that he truly knows how to help them. He seems to be acting out of guilt as much as anything, and this just isn't the way to make decisions about city hiring. It is a vital question whether he is choosing young men to give jobs to in a fair way, or because they supported his campaign, or he goes back with them a long way. Asking those questions in no way means that people do not believe ex-cons should be helped.


No, Jane Sargent is not a Planner. And if I can remember correctly, there was not much of a plan for Jackson Public Schools when she served as Superintendent. Former Mayor Johnson is a trained/educated planner with many accomplishments throughout MS to evidence his work. We have loss over 150 projects that were on the table not to mention the $200,000 grant that Melton returned to UMC because "I don't need no handouts." Now he wants a tax inclease to "help the firefighters and policemen." This stuff has come home to rouse and Melton's story of how he fooled too many in this community will not be rewritten to make Kamikaze or anyone else feel better. This should never be repeated! By the way, did anyone see former Mayor Johnson on C-SPAN 2 last night? He was a member of a team commissioned to do the Gov. Study on Katrina for the MS Gulf Coast and New Orleans. I sat with butterflies in my stomach that this man with this kind of a knowledge and understanding would be used throughout the country but was not good enough for Jackson. We chose a empty wagon over a person with substance to head our City. This is a tragedy!


I have no problem at all with trying to help turn around young folks including ex-cons and felons being given jobs if they can do the jobs, and a fair process of hiring is in place. Jane Sargent, from all I ever heard, was well thought of in West Point and Jackson when she was working as superintendent. I think that was the title. Personally, I would have a problem with the mayor hiring me to do a city plan then saying I don't have time to write up a bunch of junk. I might get the impression he doesn't think much of me or what I would likely write. Arguably if Frank gave a crap about a city plan he would have had one before or shorly after becoming mayor. I believe he's tired of people saying he doesn't have one. Now, he will have one that he won't respect or follow. The saga continues.

Ray Carter

Didn't Melton say he offered Johnson the job as City Planner before he unseated him and Johnson turned it down. Let me say I won't be bias in favor of Sargent just because of where she did her undergraduate schooling in case anyone wonders.

Ray Carter

Justjess, et al, though Harvey was slow and painful to watch play quarterback he did eventually get us into the playoffs. Just as soon as Harvey got us there Frank came along telling us how well he could play quarterback too and that all we needed was him to get to the Super Bowl and win. Like fools we cut Harvey and hired Frank without ever seeing him take a snap or throw a single pass. Now we learn Frank don't know how to put on the uniform, and can't even find the damn dressing room or football stadium. Because of this, we have lost the first quarter and are worried like hell that we're going to get beat 60 to 0. We still haven't seen Frank take a snap or throw a pass, and I'll bet my last dollar that should he ever get the uniform on and find the stadium we won't ever get a first down. I believe the drill sargeant in Full Metal Jacket described Frank well when he told a marine he was a wasted ___. It starts with an f but it isn't the mayor's first name.

Ray Carter

This city cannot be operated based on how well-intentioned the Mayor may be. I watched a program on Animal Planet the other night wherein this old lady, perhaps in her 80s, had taken in dozens of cats and dogs over the years, and she had them all living inside her tiny house. Feces, dried and fresh, created a putrid floor covering. When the SPCA went to the house after being alerted by a neighbor, they found all of the animals were malnourished, and there was no dog or cat food to be found in the house. The filthy water bowls were virtually empty. Many of them turned out to be chronically diseased, such that their condition had deteriorated to the point that the vet at the local animal shelter determined that the majority of them would be better off put down. As they were catching and caging the animals, the old lady was absolutely distraught and devastated that they were being taken from her. Her grief was real and it was big. She really loved her animals! The moral: Even though the old lady clearly loved and cherished every single one of her pets (and it showed), there is no question but that she was unable and unsuited to give them the care and the home that they really needed and deserved. Similarly, irrespective of the Mayor's self-professed love and concern for troubled young African American males, he is clearly unable and unsuited to care for them, as evidenced by the reportedly high recitivism rate among them. We're told that he's not at his home most days and nights when "his children" are, and when he is, we're told that his firearm(s) is/are never far away or even strapped on. Then he ferries them about town at all hours of the night in the MCC during his so-called interdictions, subjecting them to injury or even death from errant gunfire and, inevitably, they are exposed to greater insight into criminal activity. As has been often pointed out here, his blatant, arrogant disdain and disregard for the rule of law is not the lesson these "children" should be getting nor the message they should be receiving from their "mentor" (and I use that word advisedly!). As far as his creating instant employment opportunities on the public till for a small group of his "children", that is plainly and simply wrong, unless there is explicit authorization spread upon the City's minutes wherein the City Council, by majority vote, authorized him to hire them in a manner at variance with the City's personnel recruitment policies. If such was not done, then it could surely be grounds for questioned costs by the city's own external auditing firm and the cost could be disallowed altogether by the State Auditor and repayment of such costs. Running a city (a local unit of government) is markedly different than running a private corporation. In government, the rules, regulations, and policies that must be followed are generally promulgated pursuant to state statute or municipal ordinance and are invariably more stringent and restrictive than in the private sector. And I'm not at all convinced that either Melton or the City Council understand the gaping exposure to liability that is being created by his 'skip-the-red-tape-and-just-get-it-done' mentality and his 'ready-fire-aim' tendencies. Like Kamikaze, I believe that these kids deserve our concern, support and a hand-up. But unlike Kamikaze, I don't believe that Melton is the best person to provide that for them, for reasons too numerous to name here and now.


I forgot one thing: Melton's assertion that he is a visionary and a leader (and not a planner) is utter bull$hit, for you can't be a visionary or a leader if you don't have a plan somewhere in your head. How can you lead if you don't know where it is you want or need to go? How can you be a visionary if you can't see where it is you want the city to be in, say, 2 years or 5 years or even 10? IMHO, he is neither planner, leader, nor visionary! I don't know how things worked at WLBT when he was CEO, but if his managerial proclivities as mayor are any indication, it must have been one chaotic, disjointed, hop-scotching journey over on Jefferson Street. And unless he relayed his 'vision' to Dr. Sargent (who I like but is no planner) to formulate in to the long-overdue 'plan', we all know Melton will not follow it. In fact, in his own words Melton characterized the plan that he couldn't write but delegated to Dr. Sargent as "a bunch of garbage". Ray Carter is right: following those comments from Melton, Dr. Sargent ought to feel about one centimenter tall!


I think that Kamikaze is just holding on to the idea that Frank can offer some good to the community, mainly the youth. However, what he is seemingly missing is that through all Frank's talking and show boating, he is doing nothing. Kaze, I am a fan of yours..a fan of your music, your columns, your work in the community, however, I am perplexed by your constant support of this man. You for one should know that he is not a man of his word. Where's the studio that he made publicly know during his campaign that he would put in the city for the youth? Where is it? Have you any idea? And as far as his cries to be doing something for the youth of the community, I must say that he has prooven nothing. The criminals of this city are getting younger and younger. The things he promised to give them to keep them out of the streets....have not come to be as of yet. He is still promising I guess. What about the guy he put in the hotel that stole a car from some random dude? Kaze, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but Mr. Frank Melton is NOT doing anything that he promised you or the city. He is a liar and a farse and he doesn't deserve your support. You are wasting your effort with him. He is synical and he is out for himself and his buddies only (and the buddies only get a limited amount of loyalty). NO, I don't know the man personally, however it doesn't take a personal relationship with him to see that crime has gotten worse since he got into office and the youth are steadily going down hill and he has done nothing to positively affect our community since he took office. He has offended people over and over again with no remorse. He has failed us and he is unapologetic for it. He is the worse mistake Jacksonians have made since I was born.


Y'know, the whole thing with Melton hiring former convicts as city employees doesn't bother me so much. In fact, its probably the least of my complaints about him. He is committed so many other questionable acts as Mayor that any confidence I had about him becoming an effective and progressive leader has gone down the toilet. The JFP, the C-L, and the MS Link are only doing their jobs in reporting these things, even if it sounds like harping to some people. Government should always be held accountable for its actions, and the people have a right to be kept informed and reminded often of the flip-flops, broken promises, bad policies and questionable dealings that have become a trademark of this administration, so that we hopefully can make better choices in the next election.

Jeff Lucas

Problem with this thing is.... one can not harp on you without information or reason to harp. The reason why JFP, CL, and any other media outlets are always talking about Melton is because he is always doing something frivolous, stupid, AGAINST THE LAW, and not to mention thoughtless and without any rationale. The man is on the front page of every news outlet on a REGULAR basis. I can't see where these folk have a choice. Their job is to report that which is news...unfortunately our Mayor is news. He made it like that, and I personally think he prefers to be in the news....good and/or bad.... I am personally waiting for the good to kick in.....


Kamikaze needs to wakeup and smell the coffee. Frank has not and is not doing anything to truly help our youth. He does one thing good and that is talk a mean game. Will someone please give me the name of one youth FM has mentored, raised or assisted over the twenty years he has been here, that he can point to as a true success story. He talks all this crap about kids but the only thing I see are thugs like him riding in the Mobile Unit doing what?? This is one sick man and anyone who thinks he okay is pretty sick themself (Kamikaze)!


This is one sick man and anyone who thinks he okay is pretty sick themself (Kamikaze)! Frankie is sick: Agreed. The man has iss-yous. Anyone who thinks he is OK is sick: I can't agree there. Misguided, yes. Sick, no. Best, Tim

Tim Kynerd

I also don't believe that Kamikaze is "sick". However, he might be a little bit niave on this issue. Either that or he just has decided that he is going to be one of the people who supports this man so that when he does do something....ANYTHING....commendable, he can say I supported you Frank. However, Mr. Sho-nuff, I think it'll be a cold day in hell before that happens. I think you should spend your time and energy on someone else....maybe even yourself. I'd vote for you for Mayor!!! Frank is not the one! Wise up....


I don't believe the people who defend Melton are sick, but they clearly have either put blinders on in order to keep doing business with the man, or don't want to admit publicly that they bet their money on the wrong team.

Jeff Lucas

Actually, ejeff I'd say this city is pretty sick right now in how they are conducting business. The laws as we know them are being ripped up like a FOI request from the Clarion Ledger! Somebody step up and honesty tell us that Ditto could get away with what Melton is doing now; and then tell us why it is OK that Melton does what he does.


Bloggers...at no point in that column did I say anything about supporting the mayor...I support that particualr policy...Futhermore my problem was moreso with folks who have a problem with...namely the C-L who KEEP bringing up the subject and writing about it.. they're not even being creative just reporting the same thing in hopes someone will say something...Honestly, I have a probelm when folks act as if they're better than these folks...They deserve a chance like anyone...Really, my column was in support of THEM!! not the mayor per se'. Yes, I and my organization did support the mayor during his campaign. To us he was the better of the two candidates, his platform was better suited for our demographic..i DID broker an interview with him with JFP..does that speak for now?...no. I have made no comments since the election so honestly no one can say if I've agreed with everything he has done or not. not naive, not sick, not misguided etc...don't put me in bed with anyone...I have and always will stand on my own merit...and Im in no ones pocket so stop putting me there. If I ever write a column for or against the mayor..it will be clearly stated and my words will be not doubt in my intentions..in other words you all will know if I do.. I stand for my family, the map coalition, and the youth of this city..period..thats who im "with"


Yes, we know that some of the new city employees hired during the Melton administration have criminal records. But am I still actually seeing full-fledged stories on this? Unbelievable! This very publication has done several stories. I have written several columns … months ago. Hell, even Eric Stringfellow spotlighted Donald Ray Quinn aka Donny Money, one of said employees. Yet, The Clarion-Ledger saw fit to rehash it again a few days ago, reporting that Quinn, Anthony Staffney and Maurice Warner are now city employees. Kamikaze, your use of the word "now" in this last sentence makes me wonder whether these fellows are recent city hires. If so, that's news and the C-L (I'll choke on these words, I know) was right to report it. If not, then I tend to agree with you that they're harping rather than reporting. Best, Tim

Tim Kynerd

This is a very relevant article in the LA Times: http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-jobs26aug26,0,1007127.story?track=tothtml


Thank you Kaze for commenting. However, I think I am a bit confused on your statements. You have a problem with the fact that the media is steadily reporting on our Mayor's antics. Why? Why would you have a problem with it, if you don't support him? The media is here to report that which is news. Frank is news. He is constantly news. It's unfortunate that it's always the same thing....(the illegal searches, the unauthorized carrying of weapons, his association with criminals) but the problem here is not the media....the problem is Frank. He refuses to obey the law. He is the one who thinks he is better than us...he has proven that the law that we must adhere to, just doesn't apply to him as Mayor. I think that the media is well within their rights to report on all his antics. Although it's nothing new, it's not their fault that he's a repeat offender. It's not their fault that he constantly picks on clubowners....namely the Upper Level. And I'd be remissed in my civic obligation if I did not mention that I don't condone drugs being in nightclubs. But there are laws that should be followed. You can't just break a law in order to catch someone else who is breaking the law. There is policy and procedures for everything and our Mayor has no respect for those policies and procedures. Thus, if he doesn't as our leader, please explain to me how expects Jacksonians to! If he can do what he wants when he wants how he wants, then why can't the clubowners do the same thing. What makes him any better than anyone else. Ever heard of lead by example. It there is any truth to that statement and we have to depend on Melton, we are in for a lot worse than what we see now. And, I still think you'd make a great Mayor! :-)


thanks...but too too many restrictions LOL...independent thinkers dont work well within a system...Just wish the mayor had realized that before he dug his hole. ...I dont like taking orders and sometimes procedure doesnt work so you have to work outside of the box to make change...and alot of times folks arent going to understand or cant understand til much later. Life isnt like "Law and Order" its more like "24" (for those that have seen it you KNOW what I mean)


I'm curious about the "change." If anyone was actually seeing positive "change," maybe Mr. Melton's lies and illegal actions wouldn't be so hard to swallow. Maybe. But we keep hearing about how he is such an independent thinker who can't manage to go along with the status quo -- and then he just repeatedly makes a fool of himself and those around him. It's indeed hard to follow your faith in him, Kamikaze.


I was talking about me...not the mayor..in response to Queen's comments..As to my reasons why I wouldnt run for mayor...and again outside of supporting him during his campaign I have yet made any of my opinions known so therein lies my amazement at how folks keep making this "link" or "support" more than it is.


in actuality my "faith" is really in what we can accomplish with the MAP coalition...'Cause quite frankly...no one else seems to have a clue or is even close to getting it right. All of our elders, "adults", and folks in positions, media etc have made this into a juvenile shouting match on the proverbial playground..Everybody and I do mean everybody 'round these parts is pointing a finger and putting blame with someone else or something else...and these kids are not getting a good example FROM ANYBODY! "He's doing this!" "she's doing that" "Whats he doin" whats she doin"? and nothing is getting accomplished..But as the saying goes...If ya want something done right...you have to do it yourself...and thats exactly what we may end up doing..


I apologize if I misinterpreted what you said. You do tend to come across as pretty apologetic for the mayor; thus, people's comments. I have faith in the MAP Coalition as well. However, I think you're being quite arrogant by saying that "no one else seems to have a clue or is even close to getting it right." That's no way to build support or reach out to others. And I am disheartened by your finger-pointing (usually without specifics) at "everybody and (you) mean everybody" getting it wrong ... except for Kamikaze and the MAP Çoalition. You slam people for trying to have a conversation and for holding their elected officials accountable, just calling it "blame." I suspect you would also complain if people didn't give a damn enough to have a conversation. You seem to want people to listen to you, but then you belittle other people when they try to participate in the dialogue. And you're getting so angry and accusatory that much of your comments, here at least, are sounding like hysterical hyperbole. For example: Everybody and I do mean everybody 'round these parts is pointing a finger and putting blame with someone else or something else...and these kids are not getting a good example FROM ANYBODY! "He's doing this!" "she's doing that" "Whats he doin" whats she doin"? and nothing is getting accomplished..But as the saying goes...If ya want something done right...you have to do it yourself...and thats exactly what we may end up doing.. You should do it yourself. So should every damn body else. And if you want to tear down what others are trying to do, and the conversations they're trying to have, fine, but I don't exactly see how that helps you out. Do you truly believe that everybody who tries to *talk* and dialogue about issues are guilty of not doing anything to help? If so, that's extremely naive and offensive. And if you don't want to hold elected officials, or some of them that you like, accountable for police brutality, lying and breaking the law, that's your perogative. But it's not your place to make fun of others for doing it. That part is getting old and is going to obscure your better messages if you're not careful. Fine if you don't agree. You expect everyone to respect your beliefs while you tear down "everybody and (you) do mean everybody"? Makes no sense to me. I really think you can use your words in a more constructive way. Your choice, though.


You know, it occurs to me that teachers are great examples. So are our hard working police, fire fighters, the man down the street who mows his yard every week, most of our pastors, the cab drivers, the single mom who keeps the clothes washed and holds down a job and just about anyone drawing an honest pay check or running a business. These are the everyday heros and all kids of all ages see these people and can have great relationships with most and learn and grow. I just don't understand what you mean when you say they are not there for these kids. Many certainly try to be. Perhaps the 'finger-pointing' should be at those who do not represent good examples; those who tear up any chance for a young person to have a normal childhood and to progress into a productive future.


Gosh darnit Chris YOU got it!!!! I agree with you 100%. thats my point and has been. there are soooo many shining examples around us that these kids can look up to and emulate but most times all they see is negative..so who do we hold accountable in that regard??? Point is, "finger-pointing" accomplishes nothing, but holding those in high regard that are making change does...the "small" folks that don't get the light they deserve..(and they stopped Kenny Stokes from doing it at council meetings). the teachers. the yard man, the elderly lady up the street. Sorry donna,(and Im not "angry" just tired) but it does SEEM that no one is getting it right. CAll it what you will and we can agree to disagree, but I never said dont hold public officials accountable. thats cool, but if you wanna talk about whats getting old..then THIS is geting old..we've had the conversations, we've had the blogs, we've read the stories, its the same thing every day, evey week..lets talk about solutions now. And quite frankly it doesnt matter who is in office. Everyone says if the mayor want in office things would be better...no they wouldnt! it would be the same with whomever was there..The damn mayor's office doesnt "make" this city, THE PEOPLE DO! Im not "apologetic" towards the mayor, he's his own man. But at the same time Im not looking to him or any one person to "save" Jackson..that job is simply too big for one person. If he looks stupid, foolish, incompetent, whatever, thats on him but he doesnt define Jackson for me. Hell, Harvey Johnson was incompetent and robotic to me but I didnt let HIM define Jackson for me either. Public officials are public officials are public officials..in any election you are choosing between the lesser of two evils. Politicians politic, thats what they do...Every one of them say whatever will get them elected, the mayor included, so Im never surprised. the streets are never surprised. somebody ends up getting the shaft. Danks did it, ditto did it harvey did it, the mayor did it. so we can talk about til we're blue in the face but it amounts to just that...talk!


take a poll donna, go on every blog where the mayor is the subject and ask just how many of the detractors have been into georgetown and gone to Lanier and talked to those kids? How many have been to Wood St. (or would have had the guts to go) and tried to offer them jobs?, how many have gone into these schools and mentored students? how many have gone into a crack house or dilapidated home that has people living in it..(Hell Donna you saw it!) how many of them have served on a committee or spoke on a panel or actually physically done anything but "open a dialogue" or "hold a public official accountable"? How many have had a relative or loved one get released from jail only to have all doors closed to him because he is an ex-con? how many of them have gone to bed hungry? had kids go to bed hungry? But...I must admit, you're right..as citizens they have a right to ask questions. But when ya dont get answers whadya do? keep asking? or do something. Im never going to wait for a "politician" to do anything for me. No problem with the dialogue Donna, discuss away, thats how a democracy works.


Kamikaze, I have no idea what your point is anymore.


I think Kamikaze's point (and I may not be getting it) is: at least Frank Melton actually associates personally with the youth in these areas, rather than keeping an arm's length. Is that right? In the sense that many politicians might talk big but still never come face to face with this group of people & the issues involved.


I think Kaze's point is that he feels like there has been enough talk about the mayor and what he's not doing. Maybe he feels like if we have come to the conclusion that Frank is not good for the city and he is insists on corrupting us as citizens of the city, then stop talking and do someting. I think Kamikaze is saying that yeah Frank lied (and does continue - hope I'm not putting words in your mouth Kaze) but oh well, we see the issues, the problems, we should get out there and do something and stop having these long sessions of bash Frank meetings. I accept your point of view Kamikaze, HOWEVER, I must say that you still sound apologetic for the man. And it's okay if you are. You just so happen to be on a thread where the folks on here are not in support of this man's antics and his inability to follow the law. We too are tired. ANd it is getting to the point where one would have to be blunt about your decisions. Because if one decides that they are in support of Frank, then it makes you wonder what kind of person you must be? If you think that man is doing the best he can with his office....something has got to be wrong with you. If you think that things are not much worse now then they were before he took office....something has got to be wrong with you. That's just the bottom line. I am sure that you have other fans on here besides me and it is important to me as a fan that I know what your opinion is. You have every right (and probably are very smart for that) to hold your opinion to yourself. But I surely would love to know what it is.


And Donna allow me to add that I think you were out of order for your post towards Kaze. I don't really think all of that was necessary. He didn't give me the anger that you so easily saw. I tend to think that sometimes your emotional attachment to things seem to dictate how you react to certain posts and people. And yes, don't get me wrong I know you can do it like that....but fair is fair.


Well heck Queen01, you just did the same thing to Donna Ladd that Kaze, in my opinion, is doing to all bloggers. I'm sure that Kaze can take care of himself and there is an old saying that goes "if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen" and still another that says, "If you can't run with the big dogs, stay your a$$ on the porch." I don't know Kaze and I can only make inferences to the things that he writes. I perceive him as being young and I'm no fortune teller or psychic, but he seems to be filled with pain and disappointment. Frank has been a disappointment but apparently there is something that Kaze is still trying to hold on to. Kaze said in an earlier blog that he supported melton because his credentials were best suited for the "demographics" of Jackson. I don't know what planet this information came off of because Melton was not a participant in the political process. He was not a registered voter and voted for the first time when he ran against Johnson. Melton lied about his homestead exemption and really was an illegal candidate. This is a man who admits that he can not write a Plan for the City and does not have a clue about the type of experience one would need to produce such. This is a man (fm) with total disgard and disrespect for any type of authority to include the Bill of Rights, the laws governing police and firefighters. He has lied on so many and has caused the loss of jobs for many people who truly need to work. You can't care about kids and harm adults (parents). Guess what, troubled aren't the only kids in this city who need assistance. Some of the brightest and best have left Jackson because of the job market. This is a type of deth it seems for Kaze and Queen01 is trying to let him grieve without the disturbance of anyone. It's called, MOTHERING. The facts are the same, this City is moving backwards and if you know anything about change, it starts with public outcry. Kaze wants to move this thing faster than people can go.


Well heck Queen01, you just did the same thing to Donna Ladd that Kaze, in my opinion, is doing to all bloggers. I'm sure that Kaze can take care of himself and there is an old saying that goes "if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen" and still another that says, "If you can't run with the big dogs, stay your a$$ on the porch." I did no such thing. I merely mentioned to her that in my opinion she was a bit hasty in her response. I too have fallen guilty in speaking out of emotional attachment. I did not in any way offend her. And if it is in your opinion that my opinion should not have been stated to Donna because Kamikaze can "take care of himself", then do you not agree that you've done the same thing because I am sure Donna can as well "take care of herself". But I'm not going to get into that type of debate here with you. I hope that Donna can see that as a regular I wanted to offer to her a bit of the other side. I am sure that she can understand that. She's a journalist. I felt I could point out something to her that maybe she didn't realize at the time. I could be wrong. But that's that. I'm not going to even endulge in that. I said it. I meant it and that's that. Donna please don't feel offended and don't let any element of negativity that comes after this make you feel like I was in any way doing anything but pointing out that I felt like you may have read more into his comment that was was intended. Because when I read it, it did not strike me the way it obviously struck you. I do realize that some people like to get on things and make them be more drama filled but that statement was not meant to be offensive to you. REALLY!


And Justjess, did you read any of my posts prior to the one about Donna....you couldn't have. I am NOT at all a FRANK SUPPORTER. I have made that no secret so maybe you are just barking up the wrong tree. And again, I am not getting into one of those battles that JFP is so famous for nothing gets resolved when that happens. That is probably another reason why Kaze feels the way he does. It's just trivial back and forth whinning. AGAIN I SAY.....I AM NOT IN SUPPORT OF MR. MELTON READ MY POST...funny thing is I am more offended that someone would think I am than I bet Donna is by my post. Now what does that say about our Mayor....


I dunno. After reading K's last post, he seems to be saying that all politicians are crooks, so we shouldn't bother criticizing them for it. He also seems to think that folks are unable to both think critically AND act in a way that they feel is best to improve the city. Just because people blog, doesn't mean they aren't acting. And, just because someone has not lived in a violent, impoverished neighborhood does NOT make them incapable of trying to act on behalf of those people. I'm personally already tired of being told that I shouldn't criticize the Mayor because I'm not personally suffering enough. I really don't buy K's notion that Johnson was incompetent, just like Melton is. WTF? Johnson, as far as I know, actually obeyed and upheld the laws of our city and country. He did NOT set fire to houses, carry firearms into churches, and refuse to publish crime stats, for example. Melton is a bad mayor, and a bad example for any person trying to look to him for guidance.


I agree with Kate 100%. Kaze, you got to give it up on the mayor. Save yourself before it's too late. The house is on fire. The tide is over your head. The ship is about to sink. The nurse is cutting off the respirator. The cows are coming home. The dogs have stopped barking. The groundkeepers are cutting off the lights. The DJ is loading up his equipment. The coroner is on the way to pick up the body. Frank ain't worth a sh1t. And that's the truth, Ruth. Sho Nuff. And we still love you.

Ray Carter

Queen601, please! I didn't say that you were a Frank Melton supporter. Read carefully my blog. If anything, I was trying to be sensitive to the fact that Kaze seems to be grieving the loss of his great expectations for Melton and that you were allowing him to do that through what was coming across to me as "mothering." No harm intended. I do have one question for Kaze and that is: Where is the evidence of Johnson's incompetence? This was the kind of sh$$ that Melton talked during the campaign to include accusing him of building a home in Madison. There is a letter that a Sociologist wrote to the CL entitled "I Salute Mayor Johnson. Someday when I have more time, I will post it. Until then Queen601, "my bad" if I said anything that offended you.


AAAARRRGGGHHH(SCREAMING AT THE TOP OF MY LUNGS!!!!!!!)LOL!!! is no one reading??? Where have I come out with all this "support" of the mayor...AGAIN..I did support him during the election..MAP endorsed him..but I have not since made my opinions of his antics known..Ive written or spoke on policies(Not because i was supporting the mayor, but because I was supporting and defending a colleague of mine in this column), Ive supported an appointment(Marcus Ward, based on the man, not because he was hired by the mayor). and really havent spoken on much else..I have yet to see where I wrote "GO MAYOR GO" or held any rallies on his behalf..Don't vindicate me because I choose to hold my opinion close to the vest. So please, stop putting me in bed with anyone, I roll dolo(thats solo for the slang impaired). I work in the interest of getting things done...the interview I brokered was not done "for the mayor" but in the interest of opening a dialogue and bringing order to what I percieved as two sides not acting properly..MY OPINION. Im not "holding on to anything" Im not "greiving", Im not doing anything..Fact is...I don't give a damn what the mayor does 'cuz thats not gonna stop what Im doing. He is ONE MAN and he cant sway the city one way or the other...period and I suggest we all do the same..(QUEEN, you were right) enough already! Its up to all that are concerned to do something... go back and read my last post..What are WE prepared to do. If you dont like the mayor, dont like what hes doing...then do something yourself and stop whining...our actions can canel out anything he does...and thats good or bad.


okay and to summarize...kate.. yes there are many politicians that are crooks. We all know it. the ones that arent still lied to a degree to get into office. Either that or they have some personal agenda to push. If a politician truly came out and was honest and said what we knew to be true, he'd never get elected 'cuz some group somewhere would be pissed..Its just how it is. they only sound good to get elected. thats the game..Its choosing the leser of two evils.CHESS NOT CHECKERS!!.and the ones that are genuinely good and are genuinely for the people a'la Kenny Stokes get called "crazy" or "bad for jackson" or and "embarassment". Forgive me if Im disillusioned at the political process. Justjess..I said that the Mayor was best suited for MY demographic...my age group or as we've been called "the hip-hop generation" Now to the Johnson thing..Johnson was a great city planner, his technical skills are great, he followed and upheld all the laws, he stayed out of police business. he was a great businessman and statesman who definitely displayed class at all times. Got great respect for him. ...but the man was robotic and had the personality of a rock! He was cold and defintitely not a people person. Never saw him the hood and quite frankly acted a little too snooty for most folks taste. Didnt reach out to my demographic. didnt reach out to the MAP coalition until it was election time. then upon speaking at the Birdland, appeared uncomfortable, out-of -place, and acted as if he was too good to be there. got a little razzled when he realized that that room full of "thugs" actually had good questions for him. actually cared about what was going on with the city. That type of person ust doesnt sit well with me...THATS ME. I like a public servant who can sit with kings and vibe with paupers...A man who can dine with statesmen and turn around and have a beer with folks in the projects..THATS ME!! ANYONE that acts like their too good to be around the least of us will NEVER get my vote. period. Johnson could have cared less what was going on in Georgetown, or Brownbottom, or on the OTHER end of Farish while he was trying to renovate one part of it. Once again that me..you may have seen something different. So the mayor, in a sense, was the lesser of two evils. Neither i nor did any one in the coalition expect EITHER candidate to really make good on everything they promised on those nights..Those folks have come to not expect much from politicians. But yet I still try to persuade them because one of them may be the person who breaks the mold.


My, what a rat's nest Kamikaze stirs up. ;-) I'm not angry at Kamikaze, Queen; I'm stating my opinion about a number of things he's written recently. I think I know well how he means to come across, and for the most part agree with him, but I think he gets a bit lost in his passion and then generalizes about other people only talking and not acting, that the MAP Coalition is the only one with the answers, and so on. I find that offensive to people who know how to talk and act, and I think Kamikaze is fully capable of taking my criticism. But I'm not mad at him. He's my columnist, and I love the conversation he stirs up. He knows that. Otherwise, carry on. I'm just dipping in a moment from my blogging holiday. Holla.


P.S. He's also my friend.


Kamikaze, now I hear you saying that you choose style over substance. Your only objection to Johnson is that he "didn't reach out to you." Now to the Johnson thing..Johnson was a great city planner, his technical skills are great, he followed and upheld all the laws, he stayed out of police business. he was a great businessman and statesman who definitely displayed class at all times. Got great respect for him. ...but the man was robotic and had the personality of a rock! He was cold and defintitely not a people person. Never saw him the hood and quite frankly acted a little too snooty for most folks taste. Didnt reach out to my demographic. didnt reach out to the MAP coalition until it was election time. then upon speaking at the Birdland, appeared uncomfortable, out-of -place, and acted as if he was too good to be there. Who do you think is better, in the long run [Chess, Not Checkers!] for the MAP coalition, or for anyone who wants to live and work in Jackson. A great businessman and statesman, or a yahoo who cultivates votes by "vibing with paupers." I personally have a hard time believing that the type of "care" Melton shows is better for the youth and poor of this city than the type of meticulous planning and progress that Johnson gave us. In business and government, I look for leaders who are *good at what they do*, not ones that I want to hang out and have a beer with. If I can get both in one package, that's a bonus. But competence comes first, not how much I like the person. Good lord, do we not remember that Bush got elected on the meme of "he's just like one of us! It's good that he's stupid! Kerry is just some intellectual elitist!". If my choice is an incompetent good ole boy (Bush/Melton) vs. a competent stick in the mud, intellectual, elitist (Kerry/Gore/Johnson), then my vote goes to competence.


And my competence rant brings us full circle to the topic of the article. Are the men hired by Melton qualified to do the job? What were the criteria under which they were hired? Is Melton creating a long term strategy [Chess, Not Checkers!] for ongoing support of felons, creating long term jobs programs, support in their new lives, etc.? Or, is this just a one shot deal that he's set up for his friends?


Well Kaze, too bad you didn't get to know Johnson. If you had known him or if you were able to get past what I perceive as personal envy and jealousy with a strong sense of personal entitlement, your criticism would not be so petty. Just think about this: I'm a life long Democrat. I supported Bill Clinton. How is the Sam Hell could I be angry with Bill because he didn't reach out to me personally. All ententies must be considered to address the issue fairly. The problem with this situation is your giving Johnson so many positive acolades; yet, you tripped him up because of one of those I, ME, MY situations. This, in my opinion, is so unfair. My challenge to you is to get to know this person (Johnson) and stop dogging the man because he appears cold. Could he be shy? I know this man and his whole family and I must say that they are some of the finest people I have ever met in my entire life and believe me, I've been around for a few years. I do admire your dedication to the MAP coalition and your strong support of young people. This is great! Just remember that the young becomes the old and the old becomes or should become pillars of the community. Don't knock Johnson because he does not hang in the "hiphop" clubs. I don't know your age but I'm curious to know if your parent(s) l hang out with the "hiphops?" This is not being disrespectful: It is just raising some awareness. I don't think that you are going to find Ditto, Danks, Ronnie Musgrove, Bennie Thompson, Alice Clark, Harden, Barbour, Blackmon, ect hanging out in young folks hangouts. I don't party with my adult sons and daughters. It does not mean that one does not care about you and other young people - It simply means that for every thing "There Is A Season."


Thank you Donna for that response. I appreciate you saying too that he is your friend. Maybe that peice of information was needed. Because people don't always agree and that's why it is so important to have these types of dialogues. I do agree with Kaze on the fact that somethings have been discussed so much...they just get rehashed over and over again. I even notice that the Frank bashing just jumps from one thread to another. So in that notion I can see Kaze's point. On the other side of that, I think Frank is the reason why these blogs keep going on. It's his fault not the media. However at the same time if we gone do all this talking, let's do some acting too. I mean it's doing nothing put giving Frank the publicity he desires and steady feeds into his enormous ego. I appreciate being informed on his antics but if it only fuels conversation that's not going to do much for the city. Talk is cheap. I'm ready for some action. I think this city needs saving from our Mayor and all these blogs and conversations with all these intellegent and well connected folk and we are still just talking. Let's do something. I mean is there nothing we can do, but just talk? I am not buying that at all. I've seen you and Kaze go at it before that's why I felt like I could tell you what I thought about your reply to his post. I know that great minds will clash from time to time....believe me I know...I have a great mind. :-) I've had tie ins with you and with Mr. Shonuff as well. I think that's great. And you're right, he can really get some stuff started up can't he.....:-) Thanks again for not taking that post (as others may have done) and allowing it to turn into something offensive as it was not intended that way. By the way....HAPPY FRIDAY FOLKS!!!!


Don't knock Johnson because he does not hang in the "hiphop" clubs. I don't know your age but I'm curious to know if your parent(s) l hang out with the "hiphops?" OH MY GOODNESS.... Here we go again with the personal crap. Kaze...mayne don't go there.


Kaze, et al, lots of folks are scared of hip-hopers/rappers, and just as many think rappers and hip-hopers are crazy as hell. We don't see enough proof to the contrary. I was the fathers day speaker at a church in Greenville and talked about rap alot because of all the young folks in the audience. I called Snoop Dog "stupid dog" and Iced Tea "iced pea." I pretended I didn't know their real entertainment names. The children loved me, and the pastor immediately made me the Youth Director of the church. The kids came up to me trying to give me the rappers real names. We can't get too far removed from the people we need and those who needs us.

Ray Carter

justjess...lemme set ya straight if I may...there is no jealousy here. If I may be extremely candid for one moment, which my close friends know I can be when needed, allow me to re-introduce myself my name is KAMIKAZE and I dont need to envy anyone. Im envied! LOL. secondly, I've known Johnson since I was in the first grade..thank you. He and my father were co-scoutmasters in my cubscout troop and me and his son Bo grew up together..He and my parents are acquaintances as well. He is also my fraternity brother and oversaw my pledging at JSU. So.....I know the man well and still...my opinion stands! and I still respect the hell outta the guy. nothing against him personally. .And please dont insult my intelligence...I didnt say Johnson had to hang out in hiphop clubs, dont be ridiculous..neither does the mayor...you know exactly what I mean. I supported Bill Clinton, and Johnson is no Clinton. Clinton was waaaay more personable and incidentally didnt reach out to me personally. and kate..again..I dont mean literally drink a beer with me, but the ability has to be there. and please...Bush is a buffoon and fyi..he's an elitist!! check his pedigree. he's no good ole boy he just wanted the conservative hicks in the red states to think so. He's about the rich..period...not poor black or white. none of those politicians named have to hang out with me...hell that would be reaaaalllyy awkward but I and those in my demo have to feel like they give a damn.


Now I've lost your point, again, Kamikaze. You say that a leader needs to be able to "sit with kings and vibe with paupers...A man who can dine with statesmen and turn around and have a beer with folks in the projects..". Then you say that it's just the ability that's needed. You say that you "like and respect" Johnson, but that "Johnson could have cared less what was going on in Georgetown, or Brownbottom, or on the OTHER end of Farish while he was trying to renovate one part of it." How can you "like and respect" a man who doesn't care about the poor? You're making no sense, and I'm about done trying to figure out what your point is. If all it takes to win your vote is that a politician "reach out to you", well then, you're going to get what you deserve.


Kamikaze, then we're fraternity brothers, too.

Ray Carter

I supported Bill Clinton, and Johnson is no Clinton. Clinton was waaaay more personable and incidentally didnt reach out to me personally. You know who was REALLY personable? Ronald Reagan. In my book, personable is as personable does. he's no good ole boy he just wanted the conservative hicks in the red states to think so. He's about the rich..period...not poor black or white. But the people who voted for him don't think so...just like you don't seem to be able to see what Melton is really about. (Feeding his own ego at all costs, as far as I can tell, to answer the obvious question.) Best, Tim

Tim Kynerd

We all know what Melton isn't - a good mayor and police chief. But what is he good at. All I can see right now is that he's a pimp with the biggest pimp-mobile of all. He low-rides and slow-rides nightly at taxpayers expense while rolling with his boys - wanna-be pimps, too, including many with troubled pasts and scary futures. Unlike Johnson he will roll up Snoop-Dog-Style to various clubs with one hand on his gun and the other one on his Johnson, and holler at his boys. I fyou're not one of his boys yet you had better run before he shakes you down. Shawn Carter wrote a song about Melton called "Big Pimping." I'll post the lyrics at some point.

Ray Carter

Ok, here we go. I can't post much of it, too much cursing and dissing of women: "You know I thug 'em, f 'em, love 'em, leave 'em cause I don't f ing need 'em. Take 'em out the hood, keep 'em looking good, But I don't f ing feed 'em. First time they fuss I'm breezin, Talking 'bout what's the reasons. I'm a pimp in every sense of the word. We're doin' big pimpin, we're spendin' cheese Big Pimping." The mayor is pimping us and his entourage just like Jay-Z talked of pimping women. Beyonce would be so much better off if she were with me instead of Shawn Carter aka Jay-Z.

Ray Carter

I'm reading some of the earlier posts in this thread and I have to say that the "keepin' it real" thing creeps me the hell out. Nobody ever criticized me for not hanging out at the country club or Denny's or the Cracker Barrel, or learning to play golf, or watching The Waltons, so I don't understand why hanging out at hip-hop clubs is supposed to be some kind of rite of passage for black folks. It's one more of those standards that says that 90% of the country belongs to whites and that if you're black you'd better stick with the other 10%. I reckon folks used to call that segregation, and I think it's probably part of the reason why Melton got so many votes--from both sides of Gallatin. Mississippi culture is diseased. There's no other way to put it. It's diseased. I'm not saying other states aren't bad, but Mississippi is the only state I've examined for long enough to make that kind of diagnosis. Half the time it sounds to me like the white guy saying "know your place" and the black guy saying "keep it real" are saying roughly the same thing: to find the exclusively "black" city culture and stay there. I don't like that a bit. So with respect, Kaze, to hell with the whole hip-hop club standard. Harvey Johnson can hang out wherever he wants. Cheers, TH

Tom Head

whew! (sigh) youre not seeing my point at all... "How can you "like and respect" a man who doesn't care about the poor?" ..I got nothing against the man PERSONALLY..that has nothing to do with him being a public servant..ok? Personally as a human being, a scholar. etc..I do respect him. Just dont think his personality was suited for certain aspects of being mayor thats all. Its never all or nothing with me aiiight? Its BUSINESSWISE that I had the problem..And Tom "keeping it real" can go horribly wrong. You can overdo it..It is a very thin line than can be breached but it is those that can balance it that are most successful. A happy medium..Johnson was just too too far on the other end FOR ME..MAYBE NOT FOR YOU, BUT FOR ME! ok my opinion again. .. keeping it real is NOT going to a hip-hop club or listening to rap or having a beer. Its the mantra that EVERYONE is important! its the belief that our YOUTH are the foundation that will put this city back where it needs to be. Not a telecom center thats spitting distance away from some families that are going to bed hungry with no air or heat (thats real). Its taking a meeting with a homeless man who comes on the 3rd floor of city hall, smelly, but doesnt have an appointment but needs to speak to someone about his problem(havent seen it but using it as an example). Its a line that I walk everyday being the honors college graduate, former AP writer, community leader so to speak. Im still a "rapper" and I still maintain my ties with folks that may not have left the "hood" physically or mentally. I can adapt in both worlds and I get respect in both worlds. Consequently it gives me a wider vision than some folks. Its never a black/white issue with me Tom. This is a have/have not issue. plain and simple. its not forgetting that you may or may not have once been a HAVE NOT. And if you havent, its having empathy for those that are. THEY need our help first!! THEY need our help most! . .and again I never said Johnson had to come to a damn hip-hop club..Learn one thing about me as a columnist. When Im making my point, I will print it and it will be understood clearly. I dont hold my tongue. So dont misconstrue my words. If I meant that I wanted Johnson to come to hip-hop club, I would have said it!


"Harvey Johnson can hang out wherever he wants." Ya darn tootin Tom, I agree...but as mayor ya also must hang out where you're "needed". Even if it is somewhere you dont want to be. "just like you don't seem to be able to see what Melton is really about." Thats a biiiiig assumption Tim. but i cant go back and re-explain it. just read the earlier posts..Not writing this to defend the mayor at all. No one knows WHAT i think so dont ASSUME...You have no idea if I "see" what hes about or not...


K, I beg to differ. YOUTH are not THE FOUNDATION of Jackson. They are one piece of the puzzle. Important? Yes. The whole picture? No way. Should we, as a society, judge ourselves by how we treat the weakest among us? Yes. But, you need us old folks, who have been around a while, earning money, learning one or two things, to help make it work. The 'youth' of Jackson do not exist in isolation from the rest of the city. And, if "youth" want to be seen as important politically, then they need to get out and vote in greater numbers than I've seen them doing. As for Johnson, I thought your complaint was that he was 'elitist'. Now you're saying he didn't have the business smarts to run the city. Which is it? Is it better for Jackson to NOT have the Telecom center, because we have so many people living in poverty? Is the city better off with it, or without it? Will the revenues generated from that property go to help improve conditions in the city, or not? I believe that alleviating poverty is important. But to complain about the Telecom Center because it is close to impoverished neighborhoods is... confusing to me. The city needs to generate revenue in order to provide services to its citizens.


YEAH RAY CARTER>....you get the blogger of the day award!!!! I think you have closed this thread for us all......NEEEEEEXT! And kate maybe you're missing the point because he's not saying what you'd like to hear. I can't see why you are so confused. I think he's being quite frank with his comments and although I think this has gone way pass what it should, he is still making perfect sense to me. But you know, yall go ahead and do what it do.....,


maybe businesswise was the wrong term...sorry. PEOPLEWISE...mayorwise..PUBLIC servantwise...great planner, ignored the little people IMO.


For the record, K, I'm fully aware of the fact that you never suggested that Johnson had to hang out in Hip Hop clubs. I really don't know how that particular item got added to your list of comments. But, to add to that, I don't think that a Mayor has to "hang out" with every citizen in order to help them. I think that it is entirely possible to work towards creating effective long term strategies to alleviate homelessness, crime, drug addiction, and poverty without spending time 'hanging out' with the "real" people. Any leader has limited time, and should spend resources wisely. Not "hanging out" just to make himself look good. I say it's results, not style.


I think people on here are so ready to type that they read things into posts. I have done that. For example Kate, kaze was talking about BUSH BEING AN ELITIST, NOT JOHNSON. Read for comprehension, not for argument sake. And before justjess tells me that Kaze can take up for himself. I am not taking up for him, I am just in agreement with parts of his stand. Just like I am in agreement with a part of yours. When I agree with you, it's good we can go on, but when there is a level of disagreement, there goes the forum. There goes the misunderstanding and all the other stuff that comes with it..


I can feel what Kami was saying about Johnson. It has a lot of relevance in understanding just why he was voted out. There was a sense among many, right or wrong, that he was out of touch with the inner city. I once heard a couple of ladies during the campaign down at Gloria's Kitchen mention how they liked Johnson during his first four years, but that he had now become a pretty boy who was giving the white folks what they wanted (Telcom Center, King Edward, Union Station) didn't care to show his face in the hood until election time. That was their reason for favoring Melton, that at least he wasn't afraid to be in the hood working with kids and the poor, I guess that meant he was "keeping it real" in their minds. President Clinton was a man I admired greatly, in part because he was able to communicate with black people in a way that few white politicians have been able to in my memory (Jack Kemp being the other one on the Republican side). I could easily picture Clinton sitting next to me church, singing spiritual hymns, shaking hands with the pastor, hugging the "Mothers", and feeling like he was at home. That's why some considered him the nation's first Black President (I don't). Bush always looks like a scared punk whenever he speaks before a black audience, and looks like he'd rather be anywhere else but there, and black people know it.

Jeff Lucas

"You know I thug 'em, f 'em, love 'em, leave 'em cause I don't f ing need 'em. Take 'em out the hood, keep 'em looking good, But I don't f ing feed 'em. First time they fuss I'm breezin, Talking 'bout what's the reasons. I'm a pimp in every sense of the word. We're doin' big pimpin, we're spendin' cheese Big Pimping." The mayor is pimping us and his entourage just like Jay-Z talked of pimping women. Beyonce would be so much better off if she were with me instead of Shawn Carter aka Jay-Z. AGAIN, RAY CARTER IS THE MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think you made my day Ray!!!


Oh my I was so excited about you spittin lyrics that I didn't catch the Beyonce part (see what I mean about reading over stuff). My comment to that is you take B, I'll take J!!!! And then we'll see who's pimpin!!! HA! This is finally fun!!! Yeaaa!


Queen, I'm just having a hard time understanding what it is that Kamikaze is looking for in a mayor. I think he's going back and forth. You may not see it, but when he says that Johnson was "great" but then was a supporter of Melton, it makes no sense to me. I sort of see where he's going, I think, but I think he's using the wrong "measuring stick" to judge the effectiveness/worth of our leadership. And, because I'm not entirely clear on what his point is, and I like reading his columns, and he seems like a bright young man, I'm gonna keep asking. I give him a hard time, because I actually do want to understand where he's coming from. I want him to articulate it in a way that makes sense to a 42 year old white lady.


Queen, Kamikaze did write: but the man was robotic and had the personality of a rock! He was cold and defintitely not a people person. Never saw him the hood and quite frankly acted a little too snooty for most folks taste. Snooty = elitist, at least in my book. I think my complaint is that there is a perception that, per ejeff's post, Johnson was giving White folks what they want (Telcom center, King Edward, Union Station). Now, explain to me how those are "white folks" projects, when they are in down town Jackson? And, how is it that working hard on development projects like those somehow translates to a mayor who doesn't care about the inner city? I can agree with the perception that Johnson could seem "out of touch", especially given the media coverage he got. But to say that translates into him not caring about the city is just a huge stretch of imagination to me.


Reminds me of all the talk about Al Gore being "wooden," and look where that got us. I agree completely that one's comfort in a hip-hop club should not determine whether they are right for political office. If they are, great. But things like honesty and law-abiding should also factor in somewhere along the line. Not to mention the willingness to actually do the job one is elected to do.


Kamikaze, do you remember these Earth, Wind and Fire lyrics?: "after the love is gone, what used to be right is now wrong." You're hating on Johnson without much of a reason. Once you lost your taste for him he couldn't do anything right. Lots of people felt this way. We should all know well now that nothing was really wrong with Johnson. Probably 95% of us would gladly take him back now that we have seen the shoddy works of Mayor Big Pimping. Johnson was too slow to act for some of our taste and too uncommon for many more of us. Kamikaze, you know our fraternity is full of the Johnson-type, and many of them became very successful as a result of it. The fraternity tried to make us that way too. We chose to be slightly different.

Ray Carter

Kate, unfortunately some people are too small-minded to see the big picture. Or maybe it's like Kami mentioned in an earlier post: Not a telecom center thats spitting distance away from some families that are going to bed hungry with no air or heat (thats real). Now mind you, I don't buy into the idea that Johnson was some elistist who didn't care about the inner city. Just the opposite, I believe rebuilding the inner city was his greatest passion. I can tell you about plenty of projects spearheaded or conceived by Johnson designed to promote urban renewal, fix drainage and infrastructure problems in underserved areas, and bring jobs to the city. But some people like the idea of a mayor being accessible to all, as though they should have a direct line to his office or can walk up to his office in City Hall and speak to him personally, or shake his hand when he comes down to Lanier H.S. and tell him about their problem. That's one reason why Kenny Stokes is so beloved by his constituents...ask any of them.

Jeff Lucas

I should also add that I always found Mayor Johnson very warm. Of course, I wasn't trying to project popular perceptions on him. I make up my own mind about people. Certainly, Melton seems comfortable around lots of people. He can also seem very fake about it such as when he is hugging a young person and looks around to make sure a reporter is watching. He's done that in front of me many times.


I guess it's saying, Kate, that with the same stroke that made places like the Telcom Center and Convention Center possible, why not go a few blocks south and look at how to improve the conditions of the people living in shotgun shacks and houses not fit for human habitation? Is there a project that could have been conceived to address their needs at the same time? That's a question that comes to mind for some people who see things that appear to have the mark of working for the elites (white and black) while possibly ignoring the plight of poor people a mere block away.

Jeff Lucas

ejeff, can you name a specific proposal that would be both financially profitable for the investors (which is necessary in order to get the money) and serve the interests you're describing? Obviously if the world were full of altruists, it'd be a better place. But since it's not, I think it's much better for the poor that we have the Telcom building bringing in a wide range of new jobs and more income for city services than that we not have the Telcom building bringing in a wide range of new jobs and more income for city services, if those are the two options on the table. Cheers, TH

Tom Head

Tom, I'm not suggesting that projects like the Telcom Center don't benefit the poor by possibly stimulating the local economy, merely pointing out that for some, the very sight of dilapidated housing in the shadow of a gleaming new building like the ones going in the downtown area brings home the disparity between the haves and have nots. Much like New Orleans in the pre-Katrina days.

Jeff Lucas

I'm out for the weekend. Safety and good bar-b-que to all of you. As Richard Pryor oftens said "I hope was funny?" Insightful, too.

Ray Carter

"I guess it's saying, Kate, that with the same stroke that made places like the Telcom Center and Convention Center possible, why not go a few blocks south and look at how to improve the conditions of the people living in shotgun shacks and houses not fit for human habitation? Is there a project that could have been conceived to address their needs at the same time?" BY GEORGE I THINK SOMEONE HAS GOT IT..AND IT ONLY TOOK TWO DAYS!!! ..."merely pointing out that for some, the very sight of dilapidated housing in the shadow of a gleaming new building like the ones going in the downtown area brings home the disparity between the haves and have nots. Much like New Orleans in the pre-Katrina days." THIS GUYS ON A ROLL...HES SEEN MY POINT!!! KATE..YA READING? ..."some people like the idea of a mayor being accessible to all, as though they should have a direct line to his office or can walk up to his office in City Hall and speak to him personally," ...AND THEY SHOULD BE ABLE TO!! ESPECIALLY A CITY OF OUR SIZE.. ..."That's one reason why Kenny Stokes is so beloved by his constituents...ask any of them." .BEAUTIFUL. THERE IT IS SUMMED UP...


Thats a biiiiig assumption Tim. but i cant go back and re-explain it. just read the earlier posts..Not writing this to defend the mayor at all. No one knows WHAT i think so dont ASSUME...You have no idea if I "see" what hes about or not... Kamikaze, you've given no evidence in this thread that you have realized what Frankie Boy is about. I can only judge by what you write, you know? And I'll also say that what I would characterize as "voting emotionally" is extremely unlikely to advance our society -- including helping to combat poverty and other evils. Hell, most of my relatives do it, and it's the reason we have the government we currently have. If more people would vote based on issues and hard facts rather than on emotional reactions to the candidates, I am convinced we would be light-years better off. As far as I can see, that is the elephant in this particular room. Best, Tim

Tim Kynerd

"Kamikaze, you've given no evidence in this thread that you have realized what Frankie Boy is about." ..EXACTLY!! and none of my writing has specifically said that I do or dont support him...this column was about the constant rehashing of the issue of ex-cons being hired during this administration...doesnt matter who the mayor is...I think when monitored correctly it is a good idea and I support the gentlemen mentioned in my column...period.


Well, I think now we need to wonder if Melton is even a good role model for people like Quinn and Staffney much less the youths that Kamikaze and other groups are trying to reach in the inner city?


That is a good point pikersam. Melton being a role model to anyone is just a flat out frightening idea. And especially those who have already been introduced to criminal activity. Then that would make it even worse. It seems like to me that Frank could easily allow them to use the experience they've gained at doing things the "WRONG WAY" in his administration since he is so dead set on continuing to do things the "WRONG WAY".... The man is a loose cannon. What's up with him tearing down a house that was being lived in? Donna, I too see your point as well about Johnson. He was always (and still is) a very warm body. That doesn't mean he was a mayor-fit. But he was certainly more "people oriented" than our current mayor. I was never impressed with Johnson on any level because to me he seemed fake too. I know some of you know him personally, don't be offended, notice the word of choice here is SEEMED. However Frank on the other hand puts up no effort to even act like he cares unless, as Donna noted, someone's watching with a camera.


Kamikaze, I'm not sure how I was supposed to get your point, as articulated by ejeff, from your comments about how a mayor needs to hang out, how Johnson was too snooty, etc. Also, I think the key part of ejeff's post was: Is there a project that could have been conceived to address their needs at the same time?". Is there such a project? Was there one in the works that Johnson scuttled in order to have the Telcom center built? I'm really not certain how we are supposed to end poverty in Jackson without trying to attract businesses, via projects like the Telcom Center, Union Station and the King Edward. If you've got a plan, I'd love to hear it. Ultimately, I guess I'm just surprised that you support this notion of style (mayor's got to hang out, be accessible) over substance (mayor's got to actually bring money and jobs into the city).


In an effort to assist Kate with her confusion/surprise....A MAYOR SHOULD POSSESS BOTH OF THOSE QUALITIES!!! A mayor should not be so stand offish that no one knows who he is. But on the other hand we don't want him around so much that he becomes associate with known gang members either. A mayor must have substance of course. I don't think that's questionable. We need money brought into the city, we need jobs...but we also need a mayor who is not only focused on those with money but also the inner city youth's needs, their activities, as well as a focus on other demographics, especially those of my generation between the ages of 18 & 40 (who unfortunately were not a concern for Johnson). Frank "acted" like we were a concern for him, but I'll be the first to admit that he got us, just like he gets everyone else. HE LIED!!!!


But, I don't see *any* proof that folks between 18 & 40 were "not a concern" for Johnson, other than a *perception* that he was 'snooty.' That's why I'm harping on this. If you stepped back, and looked at his record, instead of relying on "what everyone knows" via various lame media reports, then a different picture was painted. And, if the younger demographic wants to start to influence the political machine, then they need to be smarter about who they vote for, and not fall for this "I'm your buddy" vibe that certain politicians like to give off.


That's why voters shouldn't fall for symbolism/soundbites over substance. FM never offered a plan or details during his campaign. He was just one walking soundbite after another. That was to cover the fact that he had no plan, and still doesn't, if he has to ask Jane Sargent to come up with one for him. I don't know why exactly he does the strange things he does like allowing his gang to ride with him in the MCU to trash an occupied dwelling, though I certain can speculate as to his true motives.

Jeff Lucas

and none of my writing has specifically said that I do or dont support him... Um, I did support him during the election.. I supported the Mayor because of one main premise...He genuinely cares about the youth and their future. I like a public servant who can sit with kings and vibe with paupers...A man who can dine with statesmen and turn around and have a beer with folks in the projects.. Whether you meant to or not, as Queen601 posted earlier in this thread, you have made it SOUND like you support Melton, and you can't really blame people for getting that impression. You've denied it, and then you've gone on to create that impression all over again. No wonder we're confused! And, if the younger demographic wants to start to influence the political machine, then they need to be smarter about who they vote for, and not fall for this "I'm your buddy" vibe that certain politicians like to give off. A-MEN.

Tim Kynerd

We need money brought into the city, we need jobs...but we also need a mayor who is not only focused on those with money but also the inner city youth's needs, their activities, as well as a focus on other demographics, especially those of my generation between the ages of 18 & 40 (who unfortunately were not a concern for Johnson). I really am not seeing the either-or here. Isn't bringing money into the city the best way to ensure that the city HAS the money to ADDRESS the problems of young people? Isn't bringing money into the city the best way to ADDRESS the lack of employment that plagues people in their 20s, for example?

Tim Kynerd

Okay Kate, maybe I can just speak for me and it'll be easier to grasp what I'm trying to say. I don't feel like Harvey Johnson did much of anything for the community besides maybe built some buildings here and there. I never felt involved in his campaign because he never involved me or my generation. He didn't feel it necessary to even address us until AFTER Frank started. The entire tenure of his office was based on focusing on people with money at the time. Not the people who would one day bring money into the city....the youth, young adults. Now, since you know him personally, I'm sure that it's a bit difficult for you to be unbiased about the man. I'm sure you feel like he did a lot and that he was a great Mayor but is that based on what he did for the city or the fact that you know him and his family?


Yes Tim it is. Put it however you wish. There was a gap between Mr. Johnson and my demographic. There was never a connection. That's my point. However, none of this is the point. Harvey is GONE! Frank is here! What can we do to get this man under control. All this searching back and forth to proove what this man said and what that man said. All this what do you mean, explain yourself....none of that is doing anything for the issue at hand. I have never seen so many people so willing to discuss and never do anything before in my life. Geesh! Some of you are just too smart for your own good. All the answers and not one action! JUST TALK!!!!


Queen, why do you think I know Johnson personally? I've met him on occasion, but never really talked to him. All I'm saying is that when voters put too much emphasis on this notion of "caring about ME PERSONALLY" and "gee, I'd like to have a beer with THAT GUY", we end up with folks like Bush and Melton. In other words, go look at politicians records before you vote. I think you may find that, for example, Johnson did more than "put up a few buildings." And, if there's no economic development, then there's no jobs for anyone, young or old. As for all my TALK!, I'm just trying to get folks like Kamikaze to think about how they are voting, so we can avoid this kind of debacle in the future.


Queen...i think that was justjess that said she knew johnson.. and Tim...I supported the mayor during his election bid..and supported him on THAT premise that you stated earlier...havent made any current comments though...and try to make sure my writing reflects unbias. again..was pointing out policy NOT doin a commercial for the mayor. I can definitely agree with one without necessarily agreeing with the other. Its not confusing Tim..never said..and not going to say "THE MAYOR" is right about this or i support "THE MAYOR" on that..I support the idea of giving felons a second chance..period..That would be with whoever was in office. ...And if young folks are falling for the "im your buddy vibe" why is that? "I like a public servant who can sit with kings and vibe with paupers...A man who can dine with statesmen and turn around and have a beer with folks in the projects.." and that statement was describing my ideal public servant..not describing the mayor per se' ..and we're reeeeaally taking this "hang out" thing too far WOW!!!! I didnt mean take it so literal. I do think "accesible" is more suitable though. The mayor is supposed to be a public servant...so....that means he is at the disposal of the public!!! Kate.. Your notion of a mayor that sits uniterrupted in his ofc allowing his "staff" to "intercept" constituents with problems because he is "too busy" drawing up economic plans for new buildings and "cant be bothered" is not an attractive scenario either.


In the end we all want the same thing for our city...obviously younger folks have a different ideal for their "mayor" and older folk have theirs..the idea is to find someone who comes closest to that description...Johnson went too far one way for me...the mayor may go too far the other way for others...Point is..i want to see this city prosper regardless of who the mayor is..And i try to do my part everyday...by my works.


Kamikaze writes: Kate.. Your notion of a mayor that sits uniterrupted in his ofc allowing his "staff" to "intercept" constituents with problems because he is "too busy" drawing up economic plans for new buildings and "cant be bothered" is not an attractive scenario either. One of the best pieces of advice I ever got about choosing a literary agent was: Never hire anybody who's always there when you call, because that means SHE DOESN'T EVER HAVE ANYTHING MORE URGENT TO DO. Real literary agents are forever negotiating contracts, pitching proposals, and dealing with author queries, and you should have to work a little bit to catch them when they're not busy and can afford to sit back and shoot the breeze. I shudder to think what it would mean if we had a mayor who was always available whenever constituents showed up at his office! Cheers, TH

Tom Head

sorry Tom..but I disagree...though I dont expect him to be sitting in his office waiting to talk to consituents(I do agree he should be out working as well), I DO expect to have access to him if there is something I need or if there is a problem.. And every citizen should have that right...Ive been in the music business Tom for close to 10 years and have fired managers for not being accesible..My career, as is my city, is important.. One of the criteria I had for choosing my current manager was my ability to reach them 24/7. it is absolutely a must!..They work for ME, as does a mayor. I dont give a damn if he's negotiating a million dollar deal with Clive Davis when I call, he better pick up...and if he CANT talk..give me a time in the VERY near future when he can..and I command that of my public servants and you should too.


Sorry, Kami, but I'd rather he be negotiating that million dollar deal with Clive Davis. I'm just as happy to talk to staff as long as they can reliably reach him for questions or decisions. Cheers, TH

Tom Head

sorry Tom..but I disagree...though I dont expect him to be sitting in his office waiting to talk to consituents(I do agree he should be out working as well), I DO expect to have access to him if there is something I need or if there is a problem.. And every citizen should have that right...Ive been in the music business Tom for close to 10 years and have fired managers for not being accesible..My career, as is my city, is important.. One of the criteria I had for choosing my current manager was my ability to reach them 24/7. it is absolutely a must!..They work for ME, as does a mayor. I dont give a damn if he's negotiating a million dollar deal with Clive Davis when I call, he better pick up...and if he CANT talk..give me a time in the VERY near future when he can..and I command that of my public servants and you should too. I think it's ridiculous to expect any one human being to provide that kind of service to 180,000 constituents. Think about it. The mayor would never get to sleep, eat or bathe, much less actually take care of any city business. A mayor is an executive, and a good executive delegates -- not because she doesn't want to deal with constituents/users/whatever directly, but because it's the efficient way to actually GET THINGS DONE.

Tim Kynerd

"I'm just as happy to talk to staff as long as they can reliably reach him for questions or decisions." Tom..if that works for you then excellent..not knocking it..that is your perogative. I respect that. But in my business I learned 5-6 years ago not to deal with "middlemen" you get more done from the top.. That is what "I" prefer..so hopefully you can respect that. and Tim I wish you guys wouldnt try to be sooooo literal with the comments..of course he cant talk to 180,000 citizens at once, or in a week, or in a year. Besides all 180,00 arent going to have issues and certainly not all in one day. C'mon fellas. But I stilll feel he should be accessible..MY OPINION. and as far as the eating, sleeping, and bathing thing goes. Just as I was told by a wise man in the industry..you know what you signed on for when ya got involved.. all of that comes with being a mayor, or councilman, or DA or whatever...


Tim I wish you guys wouldnt try to be sooooo literal with the comments..of course he cant talk to 180,000 citizens at once, or in a week, or in a year. Besides all 180,00 arent going to have issues and certainly not all in one day. C'mon fellas. No, but enough of them are likely to that he won't have a chance to eat, sleep, bathe. And as to that: and as far as the eating, sleeping, and bathing thing goes. Just as I was told by a wise man in the industry..you know what you signed on for when ya got involved.. all of that comes with being a mayor, or councilman, or DA or whatever... Yep, and not having time to eat, sleep and bathe doesn't come with any job that I know of, including mayor, councilmember and DA. That's ridiculous. If you can't do those three basic things, you obviously can't be effective at ANY job because...well...they're just obviously that basic, and I can't believe I'm actually having to explain this.

Tim Kynerd

I bet very few people knew Melton was this crazy when they voted for him.

Ray Carter

cmon buddy...didnt say you WOULDNT be able to do those three things...MAN!!! are ya kidding me?...anybody knows ya gotta eat, sleep and bathe. but those things are done at a premium buddy when ya take on those loads..I sometimes eat once a day, I sleep 3-4 hours a day (and sometimes less when Im in album recording mode...like now!) and I bathe almost on the run, but thats what I signed on for when I got into the music biz Tim..and a mayor should prepare to do the same..


Kamikaze, where in the heck did you come up with this notion, and why did you attribute it to me?: Kate.. Your notion of a mayor that sits uniterrupted in his ofc allowing his "staff" to "intercept" constituents with problems because he is "too busy" drawing up economic plans for new buildings and "cant be bothered" is not an attractive scenario either. My point has been style over substance, competence over soundbites, getting things done over "hanging out." In my experience, people who get things done work *alot* with other people, because no one can solve all problems by themselves. As to this comment: But in my business I learned 5-6 years ago not to deal with "middlemen" you get more done from the top.. I think there's a hyooge difference between "middlemen" and an Executive having a competent staff that can deal with day to day matters. Of course, it takes a competent executive along with a competent staff in order for it to work.


anybody knows ya gotta eat, sleep and bathe. but those things are done at a premium buddy when ya take on those loads..I sometimes eat once a day, I sleep 3-4 hours a day (and sometimes less when Im in album recording mode...like now!) and I bathe almost on the run, but thats what I signed on for when I got into the music biz Tim..and a mayor should prepare to do the same.. Not to put too fine a point on it: That's macho bullsh!t. None of that is good for your long-term health, and none of that is good for your effectiveness at whatever you're trying to do, whether it's a job, raising children, whatever. I don't want a mayor who's so busy "being available" to every single person in the city that she hasn't time to take care of herself properly. That's idiotic. I want a mayor who knows how to take care of herself properly -- and prioritizes that -- so she can do the best possible job for the entire city. That includes eating properly, getting the sleep she needs, bathing regularly, AND delegating appropriate tasks to other people so she can concentrate on the stuff that REALLY requires the mayor's hands.

Tim Kynerd

well Tim buddy, thats not macho bullshit, that LIFE!!! I live it every day, have been successful and VERY effective..and if you go back through history of all the successful businessmen and statesmen from Donald Trump, to P. Diddy, to Barak Obama, to hell..anyone and you'll see that sleep and eating come at a premium. Hell ,I also work out twice a day so my long term health will be fine! ..In order to make the next big business move, or create the next big hit, or orchestrate the next political power move you have to outwork the next guy. Im up at 6am everyday regardless of when i turn in cuz i know the next artist may sleep in til noon after a long night. And thats when I get ahead. And I have made it a point to pattern myself after the Trumps and P. Diddy's and Sam Waltons of the world..NOW they can do plenty of sleeping and eating but THEN...methinks not so much. However, you disagree, and that's cool. We can agree to disagree. But that not "being available" mindset that we have allowed our politicians to take has been detrimental and has prevented us from holding them as accountable as we should.


However, you disagree, and that's cool. We can agree to disagree. But that not "being available" mindset that we have allowed our politicians to take has been detrimental and has prevented us from holding them as accountable as we should. I think we just have different definitions of "success." But a politician doesn't have to be available to constituents at the drop of a hat in order to be held accountable. There are many ways to hold politicians accountable, and the ballot box is only one of them. Removal from office and criminal prosecution -- not that I have anyone in particular in mind *whistling innocently* -- are others. But in any case, instant availability to every constituent has nothing to do with being held accountable. Nor, again, is it an efficient way to run any organization. In a large organization, I fully understand why every employee can't just walk into the CEO's office at the drop of a hat and talk about whatever: if the CEO has that kind of time on her hands, what's she doing to earn her salary? No, effective executives DELEGATE to effective staffers and restrict their efforts to those matters where they themselves are actually needed.

Tim Kynerd

The sleep issue - whatever. Some people don't need much sleep. I used to go to a gym owned by a guy in his late 70s. He was a protege of Jack LaLane, crazy as a banshee, and only needed 4 hours of sleep each night. I heartily disagree, however, with the notion that Availability is in any way linked to Accountability. Melton, for instance, is "available" to many of constituents, and yet has a very secretive administration, and is not being held accountable by anyone. I just don't see the link.


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