Katrina Index | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Katrina Index

<b>Where's the Money Going?</b>

As of July, the amount of money FEMA reports it has spent in relief for hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma: $37 billion
Percentage of that amount actually spent, as revealed in the same report's fine print: 50
Percentage of every Katrina FEMA dollar that goes to overhead: 26

The FEMA Trailer Program—Delays and Waste
Number of displaced temporarily living in mobile/trailer parks: 83,500
FEMA trailers occupied in Mississippi: 94,000
FEMA trailers still needed in Mississippi: 9,000
FEMA trailers purchased by FEMA and sinking into the mud in Hope, Ark.: 10,777
Number of FEMA trailers that had to have their locks replaced because they were incorrectly keyed (many could be unlocked by the same key): 118,000
Given the current rate of trailer deliveries, the month and year in which every evacuee in New Orleans can expect promised "temporary" housing: August 2008

The Devastation in Property
Katrina's property damage rank among hurricanes to hit the U.S.: 1
Total estimated property damage: $75 Billion
Number of homes damaged, destroyed, or inaccessible: 850,791
Number of homes the Federal government intends to rebuild: 204,000
Approximate number of houses of worship damaged or destroyed: 900
Percentage of homes and business structures destroyed in Waveland, Miss.: 95
Percentage of businesses and homes heavily damaged or destroyed in Bay St. Louis, Miss.: 99+

Lost Business
Estimated total economic impact to Miss. and La.: $150 billion
Acres of forest lands destroyed in Mississippi: 1.3 million
Estimated total loss to Mississippi's forestry industry: $5 billion
Percentage of oil and gas production as compared to pre-Katrina productivity: 24% and 18%, respectively
Percentage of FEMA contracts that went to Ala., Miss., and La., companies (as of 11/05): 12

How Others Are Helping
Funds raised and spent by charitable organizations in the U.S.: 4.2 billion
Estimated projected costs for the Red Cross: $2.116 billion
Number of countries that pledged money or other assistance: 70+
Highest pledges: Kuwait $500M, Qatar $100M, India $5M, China $5M, Pakistan $1.5M, and Bangladesh $1M

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