It's the most wonderful time of the year, I think. No, not Christmas! End of the year Best of Lists! I'm totally a geek for lists, and I really burst all over with excitement as each big music venue boasts their lists. NPR and Amazon are already up.
NPR's customer top five:
1. the Decemberists - The Crane Wife
2. Neko Case - Fox Confessor Brings the Flood
3. Bob Dylan - Modern Times
4. M. Ward - Post War
5. TV on the Radio - Return to Cookie Mountain
Amazon Customer Top 5:
1. Dixie Chicks - Taking the Long Way
2. Andrea Boccelli - Amore
3. Mark Knopfler and Emmylou Harris - All the Roadrunning
4. Bruce Springsteen - We Shall Overcome
5. Bob Dylan - Modern Times
Amazon Editors Top Five
1. Neko Case - Fox Confessor Brings the Flood
2. Bob Dylan - Modern Times
3. the Decemberists - The Crane Wife
4. KT Turnstall - Eye to the Telescope
5. Gnarls Barkley - St. Elsewhere
And finally, my own personal Top 10:
1. Dixie Chicks - Taking the Long Way
(cause this was such a brave and really good album for them to do. And Natalie Maines has finally figured out what to do with that voice).
2. Neko Case - Fox Confessor Brings the Flood
(For a million reasons. This is one of the most brilliant records I've ever heard. Her voice. Her stories. Her bending of musical rules. She doesnt waste time or space, gives you just enough to be satisfied but still wanting more.)
3. The Decemberists - The Crane Wife
(It's sprawling and beautiful, a different record than anyone else could ever make).
4. The Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Show Your Bones
(It's a rock record that doesn't let up. Nick Zimmer is a damn chainsaw on guitar, and Karen O is the rock woman of the year. Again, no other songs sound like theirs.)
5. Rainer Marie - Catastrophe Keeps Us Together
(Haunting songs that claw with beauty. It's a really emotional record, and I'm kind of a sucker for that)
6. Jay-Z - Kingdom Come
(Hov's back, making hip-hop feel alive, like a revival. A couple of underwhelming spots, but he's still on top off the game)
7. The Dresden Dolls - Yes, Virginia
(Cabaret punk that is severely alive)
8. The Gossip - Standing in the Way of Control
(fun, girl punk-pop-rock with catchy dance tunes)
9. My Chemical Romance - The Black Parade
(see my last post for more about this)
10. Yo La Tengo - I'm Not Afraid of You, and I Will Beat Your Ass
(honorable mentions: Lupe Fiasco's Food and Liquor, the Clipse - Hell Hath No Fury, Justin Timberlake - FutureSex/LoveSounds, Destroyer - Destroyer's Rubies, Lil Wayne / Birdman - Like Father, Like Son, TI - King)
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