Tom Head's New Year's Resolutions | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Tom Head's New Year's Resolutions

1. Kick the Marlon Brando habit.

Most of us have them--and I spend way too much time on abstract stuff, and not enough time on community-building stuff, so here are mine...

I'm a big proponent of fat acceptance, but I'm also a proponent of developing healthy eating habits. I'm pretty sure I gained about 25 pounds over the past year, and now weigh more than I ever have. I know how to lose weight because I've done it before--I lost 35 pounds in like three or four months a few years back just by cutting out snacking. Gained it back, of course. This is the typical New Year's resolution: Lose weight. This will probably be easier for me than it is for most people. I'm an incredibly lucky guy, so most things generally are.

2. Accept who I am.

Because I was sick as a teenager, my social life from the time I was 12 until the time I was 17 was mostly nonexistent, and my twenties really represent the first time I've had strong friendships with people anywhere near my age since I was a kid. Understandably, I've spent a lot of my time over the past ten years making sure I didn't miss any important life lessons, but I've now been social for much longer than I was non-social and I'm pretty happy with how I turned out, so it's time to stop making up for lost time and just chill.

3. Eat meat and drink alcoholic beverages (both in moderation).

Because I'm tired of always not eating the same stuff the rest of my family eats, and that white chocolate martini I had at the ACLU party a few weeks ago (the first alcohol I had in 2006, not counting Communion) was fantastic. I should do both in moderation--red meat should never be a staple of my diet again, and I don't want to ever either be drunk or reach the point where I need a buzz to have a good time--but my days of being a vegetarian teetotaller are over.

4. Read more fiction.

I love novels. I double-majored in English lit, and I got my M.A. in humanities with a heavy world literature focus. So why the heck is it that I can't remember the last time I sat down and read a novel? I'm about to read James Baldwin's If Beale Street Could Talk, and then I'm following it up with Arundhati Roy's The God of Small Things, and I'm going to keep reading novels for the rest of the year. In some ways, this is my most important resolution.

5. Get up earlier.

I've been actually waking up in the morning for the past few days. It feels great, and there's not much I can get done in an allnighter that I can't get done better (and almost as soon) by getting up early the next day. Nothing too drastic, but unless I'm sick as a dog, there's no reason to sleep past noon.

6. Clean house.

My bedroom and office are a cluttered mess. Enough of that.

7. Stop being an enabler for abusive people.

2006 was a wonderful year, but one of the things I learned during that year is that I have a habit of being fiercely loyal to the wrong people, defending folks when I really should be letting them take a nosedive for their own good. I'm sure y'all have seen this tendency in me before. Well, I'm working on it in 2007.

8. Write poetry again.

Because I'm good at it, and I don't just mean villanelles and chant royals and stuff. Expect to see me at an open mic event or three in 2007. Heck, I might even see if I can get something podcasted here.

9. Do more public speaking.

Because I'm good at that, too, and I enjoy it.

10. Fight the good fight.

2006 was the year I learned that being a moderate, peaceful influence only encourages a world where ideas are not substantively discussed, where people are moderately and peacefully trampled on with nobody to stand up for them. Michelle Colón, Shannan Reaze, Brent Cox, Nsombi Lambright, Shawna Davie, and others have done more than they will ever know to make an activist out of me, and I'll always love them for that. My values will now be a part of every area of my life--including my writing. So no more rooms full of white people; I'm not a segregationist and I shouldn't live like one. No more via media compromises; those are for scumbag politicians. No more silence in the name of maintaining relationships; no relationship based on awkward silence is worth having. I started out in 2006 wanting to be everybody's bedtime warm milk, but now I stand corrected--with emphasis on the word "stand." I love raising hell, and rest assured that I will raise more hell in 2007 than I ever have before.

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