Jackson Mayor Frank Melton took his mayoral duties into Center Folds strip club, in the wee hours of Sunday morning. Melton showed up after 1 a.m. with two other police officers and claims he found violations of the city's nudity laws.
Melton told media that he was making the rounds at strip clubs, looking for violations. The mayor got lucky at Center Folds and was able to renew his war on sex. Melton told The Clarion-Ledger that he saw a female dancer totally nude on all fours engaging in inappropriate acts with customers. He said he also saw a man and woman having sex in the club.
Melton said he cleared out the club and put police tape on the building, vowing to close the club.
Club adviser Charles Hobby said Melton did not hurt business much Saturday night.
"The club was going to close soon anyhow," Hobby said.
Jackson laws demand that adult entertainment dancers cannot reveal too much flesh below the belly button. Dancing topless, however, is not a problem. Despite Melton's claims that some women were missing bottom clothing, no arrests were made. The crowded Hinds County jail makes no room for misdemeanor crimes, such as showing your tush on a table.
Nevertheless, Melton says he will be working hard to close the place down.
"After coming back, I will file charges to see if I can get the place shut down permanently," Melton told The Clarion-Ledger.
Hobby promised the club would be opening again the next night. News media lingered outside the club Monday night, waiting for Jackson police to make a return visit, but caught no activity. Dancers, fearful of getting arrested, or perhaps of getting lectured by Melton about their life choices, did not perform, and the club closed down around 9 p.m.
Hobby said his attorneys advised him against talking to the media on the matter, but club owner Gilbert Paige told reporters that he regretted voting for Melton during the last election.
"We voted for the wrong person," Paige said.
Ward 1 Councilman Ben Allen said he stands behind closing sex-related businesses in Jackson, however.
"There are some depraved individuals who go to those places, and I stand behind the mayor on this," Allen said.
Melton has already effectively closed the Terry Road Bookstore, after claiming he saw two men having sex in the store—a claim that the city backed away from the next week. That store is now a burned-out husk near JSU.
The mayor has also taken his morality crusade to the McDowell Road Adult Bookstore, in south Jackson, claiming he saw illicit activities there and vowing to close that store as well. But Hobby, who owns that store, said no illicit activity was going on when Melton came into his store and says he has security camera footage to prove it.
Hobby has since re-opened his bookstore.
Previous Commentsshow
What's this?I really like the moral authority the mayor has adopted. Closing down these kind of businesses will certainly protect children from the perverts who frequent these places. Now instead of messing with grown women they can go back to chasing and messing with our children. I think adults should be able to spend their money and time doing what makes them happy. Who are we to judge and tell people how to live their lives. Only God has to be answered to.
- jada
- Feb 1 2006
Adam.... I said I stand behind the Mayor closing the "illegally operating" clubs. Not all clubs. We can't unilaterally do that. And for my "depraved individuals" comment....this is taken out of context as to my entire statement on this issue (which is being discussed on my blog as well).
- Ben Allen
- Feb 1 2006
"I said I stand behind the Mayor closing the "illegally operating" clubs. Not all clubs. We can't unilaterally do that." Allen Well, was it "illegally operating" or was it caught breaking rules? Seems like a big difference!
- pikersam
- Feb 1 2006
Operating any BUSINESS or other entity in violation of the law is "illegally operating". PERIOD.
- Ben Allen
- Feb 1 2006
Whatever, you know that you can run a business and incur minor infractions without "illegally operating." To say otherwise is false. Do you close Martins permanently for having a few minors drinking on a busy Friday night? Maybe even a small fight broke out? Maybe this is the 5th time the police have been called to Hal and Mal's parking lot this month for similar incidences? Maybe you guys will raid them and wrap the place in yellow tape and declare it closed? Maybe not? Maybe the four of y’all who have a small handle on Jackson will strengthen and use your 4 vote block and make the others play right or get out of town. As long as you feed the beast, the beast will eat. Enjoy!
- pikersam
- Feb 2 2006
Heck, you can operate a business while incurring major infractions. Heck, you can lie to a judge and...
- pikersam
- Feb 2 2006
Why dosen't the mayor practice what he preaches? He has given the "impression" that he is an officer. As I said once before, people that don't live here or people that are not from this area will see him on t v and think that he is the chief of police. He has numerous broken promises that have not been kept. He was found liable in a lawsuit just recently. He made some of the hurricane victims feel uneasy with his antics at the fairgrounds (a place where he had no jurisdiction). This list could be a lot longer but I hope that you see my point. If the mayor feels so strongly about shutting people down, who will shut him down? Has he lined up any replacements for these businesses thay he shuts down? Since he is sooooo strong on bringing out the truth, will he shut down the JPD? A couple of his recent officers were doing enough to get one fired and the other resigned. Why did he not just shut down JPD and bring in the military. He promised us in his first spech as mayor that he would bring in the army if he thought it necessary to stop crime. If an adult wants to willingly pay their own money for adult entertainment, then it should be that persons business as long as it dosen't cause any harm to anyone else. You can probably look ANYWHERE and find someone violating some kind of rule. This mayor seems to get his jollies by shutting people down, closing apartment complexes, closing night clubs, etc. If your car breaks down you don't get rid of it, you simply fix it.
- lance
- Feb 2 2006
Councilman, I'm a little concerned about your comments about Adam's story. It sounds to me like you might not be thrilled with your OWN comments, and would like to clarify them, which is fine. It sounds like you're saying that you're not against sexual businesses that operate in the law (which sounds suspiciously like what the damn "progressives" are saying
). And you're saying that "some" depraved people go to these clubs. I don't think anyone would disagree with that, or criticize you for saying that, including all the men in your ward who go to shoe clubs, and might not consider themselves "depraved." BTW, I listened to a bit of your radio show this morning. Your hyperbole about "progressives" seemed a bit over the top -- especially considering that on this site the "progressives" arent' exactly fans of strip clubs. But they do tend to be fans of honesty, integrity and following the law. And speaking for myself, I am not a fan of political grandstanding, and I not believe the mayor should be spending his weekends in strip clubs. However, I too want to see the clubs well-regulated. I'm just not seeing where the mayor's goofy lectures to strippers are going to get any of this done. And your comment on the radio about only sound bites getting things done is ... respectfully ... ridiculous. Mr. Melton has uttered many sound bites that have not gotten anything done. It is a bit disingenuous to lambaste "progressives" who question his methods (as you yourself have done many times) and then try to turn that into people wanting strip clubs all over the place. That's intellectually weak -- and, yes, a sound bite -- and a plain old logical fallacy. - DonnaLadd
- Feb 2 2006
Duly noted, Ms. Donna.... I appreciate your well-intentioned criticism. Tune in tomorrow. I have asked Marshand to call in at 8 A.M. Nothing in this Country better than good ole' fashioned differences of opinion.
- Ben Allen
- Feb 2 2006
Duly noted, Ms. Donna.... I appreciate your well-intentioned criticism. Tune in tomorrow. I have asked Marshand to call in at 8 A.M. Nothing in this Country better than good ole' fashioned differences of opinion.
- Ben Allen
- Feb 2 2006
No problem, Councilman. I respect (and agree with a good number of) your opinions and appreciate that you post them here—those I agree with and those I don't. But, truthfully, I don't think we've very far apart on our thoughts on the sexual business point. That's why I was prickly earlier. I really hate to be accused of being the opposite extreme of someone saying virtually the same thing! And I look after my star reporter. But everyone makes mistakes, and we're the first to admit them. Otherwise, I have no idea what a "shoe club" is. I was on the fly earlier when I typed that. ;-)
- DonnaLadd
- Feb 3 2006
I was wondering about that... :D And in fairness to Ben (though I never actually heard what he said this morning), I did see a few posts here (not yours) that seemed to imply that strip clubs should not only be legal (a position I agree with), but that they're actually good for the city. I can't really go for that. Here again, nothing against nudity, but a great deal against strip clubs. Cheers, TH
- Tom Head
- Feb 3 2006
Good point, Tom. Goes to show that not all "progressives" think alike. ;-) Seriously, lumping people into two, and only two, categories does not help further discussion. My point all along has been that most people here seem to be agreeing with the councilman to one extent or another. I certainly am -- except if he is arguing that Mr. Melton's weekend lectures are the best way to get there. I'm not buying that at all. Did anyone see the report where the stripper turned herself in today? How ridiculous can all this get anyway? We dismantle the Crime Prevention Unit ... and replace it with this?
- DonnaLadd
- Feb 3 2006
Tom Head, in the related "end justifies" thread writes: "Yeah, some churches preach hate. But strip clubs practice it." I really don't follow this argument. "Hate" is a strong word, Tom. What is your observation based on? You say your dislike of strip clubs is based on your personal concept of Christian and feminist beliefs. What about workers in the adult entertainment business who also consider themselves Christian and feminist? Are they not simply regular people trying to make a living the best they know how like the rest of us. Do you consider yourself above them too? And what about establishment patrons whom you stereotype as "desperate, often misogynistic men?" Is it too far out of your understanding of humanity that many such patrons are really just regular people (including women and couples) who are simply out to be entertained? Is it not also true that virtually everybody: rich, poor, black, white, male, female, young, old, Republican, Democrat, gay, straight--whatever--is or has been interested in some sort of erotica or sexually explicit literature and/or entertainment at one time or another? To deny that is something akin to denying our common humanity. As for Ben Allen's hard line approach of regulatory legality, is there not a difference between proper municipal regulation and punitive action clearly designed to destroy a class of business? Anyone who is being intellectually honest knows that what Melton is trying to do is clearly the latter. Maybe we should also outlaw R rated movies, along with Playboy magazine and condom sales (much like the brilliant minds over at the Mississippi Legislature have already "outlawed" sex toys). While we're at it let's also "outlaw" any and all non-marital sex between consenting adults in Jackson. I'm sure that would do a lot of good. The fundamentalist religious right and (some) hard core feminists rarely have much to agree on, so I suppose opposition to adult entertainment gives them something common to thumb their noses at. But intolerance is intolerance, regardless. Some people just need to grow up, IMO.
- ed inman
- Feb 3 2006
Look, bubaleh, if growing up means gulping down liquor while I ogle and howl at an emotionally scarred woman, then you can keep that kind of so-called maturity. I have no use for it. I'd much rather be a "hard core feminist," if that's what you call people who don't like strip clubs. As far as the rest of your post goes, sweet cheeks, you need to calm down and reframe your argument in a way that actually applies to me. You got at least eight things wrong by my count: 1. I have never suggested banning strip clubs, and have in fact repeatedly said that they should be legal. 2. I have never said that Christian beliefs played any role in my distaste for strip clubs. I can sympathize with the Christian argument in this case, but my objection to is strictly secular and mostly feminist. 3. I never said that women and couples don't visit strip clubs. 4. I never brought up my opinions regarding the porn industry in any detail, so you're not really in a position to assess them. 5. I have never condemned all forms of "erotica or sexually explicit literature." In fact, I have cheerfully helped along new writers who specialize in (mild) erotica and sexually explicit literature and suggested possible venues for publication. 6. I have no objection to "R rated movies" as a category. 7. Playboy is stuck in permanent adolescence in the way it deals with women, but I have no serious problem with the fact that it exists. It has done some mighty fine celebrity interviews over the years, including one with Carl Sagan that very nearly made my anthology (but the permissions fee was too high). 8. I'm very pro-condom, and I have certainly never condemned "all forms of non-marital sex." Now, after reading points 1-8, does anyone find it ironic that Ed is criticizing me for being intolerant and judgmental? Give me a frickin' break, son, and don't bother posting another missive to this thread until you're ready to have an adult conversation about this issue. Cheers, TH
- Tom Head
- Feb 3 2006
Donna, agreed on lumping people into two categories. I made several attempts, on Selectsmart, to create a "Tom's Astonishingly Accurate Political Quiz." I knew it wouldn't be perfect--people don't fit into little boxes, no matter how specific the little boxes are--but I thought I might at least be able to come up with more refined imperfect labels to replace the less refined imperfect labels. Stopped at 12. Cheers, TH
- Tom Head
- Feb 3 2006
One addendum on Playboy: No serious problem with the fact that it exists, but a few serious problems with the way it presents women, and the way women who are part of the Playboy culture get turned into bimbos (in the classic Italian sense of the word: "little children"). Hef is not my hero. Cheers, TH
- Tom Head
- Feb 3 2006
Whoa. Did I turn on the Type A screaming asshole mojo (in that 5:15am post) or what? Sorry to inflict that on you, Ed; your post was way off base, but I shouldn't have been posting on the combination of low sleep and upper respiratory infection. (About to go to bed again, BTW, if anyone's worried about the potential health implications of my sleep schedule--I am most certainly not running on 4 hours/day! :P) Cheers, TH
- Tom Head
- Feb 3 2006
Guess I'm just ignorant, but since there are supposedly no stupid questions, here goes: Just what is 'having sex'? We had two men 'having sex' in the back of a store on Terry Rd. Now we have two people caught 'having sex' at a club on West St. There are definable, accurate words to describe various sexual relations. What actually was going on? Were any of these people caught 'having sex' arrested or cited? If not, why not?
- ChrisCavanaugh
- Feb 3 2006
The only thing I can figure, Chris, is that it's pretty darned hard to get arrested for having sex in public these days. Great news for exhibitionists! Okay, back to bed. (To sleep, you sex fiends, you.) Cheers, TH
- Tom Head
- Feb 3 2006
TH-- ...it's pretty darned hard to get arrested for having sex in public... No pun intended...
- Rex
- Feb 3 2006
Any recaps on the show from anyone? I heard bits and pieces -- I liked the councilman's explanation about why the Rush to Motorola is so dumb. I didn't hear a lot of the strip-club stuff, though. Just him talking about the need for regulation, which I agree with.
- DonnaLadd
- Feb 3 2006
As for Ben Allen's hard line approach of regulatory legality, is there not a difference between proper municipal regulation and punitive action clearly designed to destroy a class of business? Anyone who is being intellectually honest knows that what Melton is trying to do is clearly the latter. Great comments, Ed. You say it well. If the people running these clubs are really "bad," then Mr. Melton et al should TAKE THE TIME to gather the evidence and arrested them on real charges that stick. But, this is Mr. Melton's week to go after locally owned businesses without giving them notice—Charlotte Reeves, the gentleman who owns the tire place, the strip joints. A show of hands from those who think Mr. Melton is just trying to detract attention from all the bad media coverage of late?
- DonnaLadd
- Feb 3 2006
I ran into an article last week from 1991 in Nexis that talks about the strip-club fight when it was in Fondren ... and the strip club business itself. The piece is from the Commercial Appeal and by Reed Branson, who was a real daily newspaper reporter. Too bad he got out of the biz! Anyway, can't post the whole thing, but here are some excerpts: Some folks here believe on the night of Sept. 4, something wicked this way came. And from Memphis. Topless dancing, once the draw for bachelor party pilgrimages to New Orleans or Memphis, exposed itself to Jackson that day. And since Memphis topless club magnate Steve Cooper opened Tiffany's Cabaret near middle-class neighborhoods here, residents have plotted, protested, ranted and speculated about declining property values and seedy neighborhoods. On Monday, though, what had been a run-of-the-mill topless debate took a chilling turn when the club's landlord, Curtis Leo Hall, was found in his office, dead of gunshots to the head. The clubs and the debates so new to Jackson are old hat in Memphis. There are six topless clubs in the city and one in Shelby County. In recent weeks, both city and county governments have tried to close or limit operations of these clubs. Now Jackson is finding out how tough that can be. ''We don't have to know the personalities of these guys,'' says Wilson Carroll, an assistant attorney general who lives near the club and is leading a fight to stop more clubs from opening. ''All this information does nothing but validate and confirm our worst fears.'' Police aren't saying whether they believe Hall's killing was connected with Tiffany's. But the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms is also probing the firebombings of three vehicles belonging to Tiffany's employees on the day the club opened. [...] With its freshly painted purple exterior, concrete Greek statues and water fountain, Tiffany's adds a dimension to North Jackson. It's nestled between three neighborhoods in a struggling business section amid restaurants, drugstores and a children's ballet school. The neighborhoods, once occupied by aging couples, are seen as comeback communities, revived by first-time homeowners and young families. But many worry that the progress will stall and their homes depreciate if nearby businesses sell out and topless clubs move in.
- DonnaLadd
- Feb 3 2006
MORE: ''I am not a wild-eyed, Bible-thumping crazy,'' says Rhonda Blasingame, a 31-year-old mother of three who moved into the area with her husband four years ago. ''It's strictly standard of living. I don't like the idea people are out wandering in the neighborhood until 3 and 4 in the morning.'' Mrs. Blasingame is one of the few neighbors who will publicly criticize the club, especially after Hall's killing. [...] Hall, 70, was convicted in the 1970s for counterfeiting and jury-tampering, and in 1964 for attempted criminal abortion. Lately, he had been selling used cars. And he recently held the note and foreclosed on the property that he then leased to Tiffany's. Since Tiffany's opening, another topless club in Jackson, also in a building leased from Hall, is developing a ritual of opening and being shut down. But for all its detractors, Tiffany's has fans, too. With dancers wearing G-strings and pasties, the club packs in crowds on weekends. All that was needed to open the lucrative operation was a beer license and a dance hall permit. This has led to a measure of wrath directed toward Jackson Mayor Kane Ditto and city leaders. Residents complain that no zoning ordinances were in place to bar this type of business. ''We're certainly going to do what we can to prevent other operations like that from opening in areas they're not wanted,'' says Ditto, ''and we'll just monitor the situation at the existing facility.'' Meanwhile, a group of attorneys who live near the club is drawing up its own proposed city regulations. But Tiffany's critics look to Memphis's topless battles and despair. ''People are very definitely aware of the fact these guys have been operating in Memphis,'' says Carroll, the attorney leading the fight. ''Quite frankly, that's not reassuring.'' Wilson Carroll does seem to pop up whenever a morality issue is on the table, eh? He fights against topless clubs, gay marriage, hip-hop, even homes for the mentally ill in his neighborhood. He was a big man in favor of bringing casinos to the Coast, though; I didn't know how big until I dove backward in time. In some cases, money must trump "morality" for the morals police.
- DonnaLadd
- Feb 3 2006
Personally, I always enjoyed Tiffany's... For the most part, it was an OK place to go and have drinks. I actually know of quite a few gay men (and women) that enjoyed going just for a different atmosphere/vibe. You'd be surprised at all the suits at the time. And, frankly, I'd rather have a strip club there (and I'm a homeowner within two blocks) than an empty building, pawn shop, or check cashing place (all of which are currently within a block of its old location). At this point, anyone willing to bring something into that area (minus MORE fast food, pawns, and other weak excuses for businesses) that generates traffic and more business would be welcomed by me. We've lost McRaes and a great garden center in the last 12 months or so (I'm sure to loss). Ben, I'm not exactly sure where your ward begins/ends, but I'm interested in what's being done to promote more unique and diverse businesses (read: not fast food and not dollar stores) in the area? Where is the Fondren Renaissance Foundation on helping reinvigorate this area? We are still part of Fondren, right? I mean, it all seems focused on FoCo and neon housing on State Street. While I'm in a questioning mode, where can one find all of these codes and regulations? Does Jackson make them readily and easily available for potential owners of these establishments and employees of them? What is nudity? Is a shirtless man dancing to throbbing dance beats nudity? If not, why is it for a woman? Anyone have $50,000+ I can borrow? I'd like to open a nightclub myself. And, ladies (and gentlemen, ahem), we'll have to see about having a sweaty, shirtless, ripped man (or two) on a go-go box for your viewing pleasure. ;-)
- kaust
- Feb 3 2006
Knol, that sounds great, and it should be a real hit in Mississippi. After all, pro wrestling is so popular down here, and that's basically all it is--a bunch of sweaty, shirtless, ripped men--oiled up in bikini briefs, no less--go-go boxing and rolling around on the floor with each other for two hours every Monday night. Offer everybody feathered robes and big sequined golden belts, and I can see a great ambiguous gay strip club/redneck sports bar vibe going already. Cheers, TH
- Tom Head
- Feb 3 2006
BTW... Good point on the topfree men/topfree women issue. Actually, I think indecent exposure laws vis-a-vis anything above the waist are just plain stupid, and that if we had any sense we'd follow Austin's lead in revoking them. But strip clubs are different, IMHO, because the women are there to be objectified by drunk strangers. There is a huge difference between sunbathing topless and having to show off as one's source of income. I'll try to remember to post citations to some good feminist literature on this issue over the next few days so you folks can have a better idea of where I'm coming from on this. Cheers, TH
- Tom Head
- Feb 3 2006
BTW, part two... I actually have no problem with gay strip clubs. All of this has to do with context. A man who strips in public for money is doing something very different from a woman who strips in public for money, simply because of what it means to be a woman in our culture. Cheers, TH
- Tom Head
- Feb 3 2006
Well, not that it really matters, but. . . I never accused Tom of wanting to "ban" strip clubs or most of the other things he seems to think I did. I'm sorry if he misread my more general arguments as being personally directed toward him. They were not. My pointed objection was to his use of negative and condescending stereotypes in characterizing adult entertainment establishments and those who work within and patronize them. Tom, like all of us is entitled to his opinion, but stating that strip clubs practice "hate," that patrons are "desperate, often misogynistic," and that dancers are "emotionally scarred" are not phrases that I equate with understanding or tolerance. My advice is that if you don't like strip clubs don't go. Nobody's making you. I promise. End of argument. Ed
- ed inman
- Feb 4 2006
Ed, I don't understand strip clubs and I'm not sure I'd go so far as to say that I exactly tolerate them, either. But I do think they should be legal. Thanks for clarifying your point above. I think I may have misread your post, but it's still not clear to me how much of it was meant to apply to me, how much to Ben, and how much to unspecified third parties. Cheers, TH
- Tom Head
- Feb 4 2006
Without strips clubs how else could a poor, desperate and ugly man get to see a live beautiful women he could never have? I've been told you can buy a couple of beers and lust until you eyeballs fall out. Strip clubs make dreams come trues and rent, car notes and motgages go unpaid. I wouldn't personally know about any of that, and wouldn't go even if Vivica Fox, Halle Berry, Tyra Banks, Nona Hendrix, Bernie Mac's T.V. Wife (can't recall her name) or any of the other women I have named too many times were in there. If you can believe that.
- Ray Carter
- Feb 4 2006
It seems that Mayor Melton and Police Chief Anderson's big priority last night was touring strip clubs. This whole thing is plain surreal. Can't they friggin' delegate!?! Ledge today: The owner of an adult entertainment club, who was cited for violating Jackson's nudity ordinance, kept his promise Friday by reopening his club's doors only to have then shut again. "They aren't following the rules, and I don't want them operating in the city. Period," Jackson Mayor Frank Melton said. Melton said he and Police Chief Shirlene Anderson went by two other adult clubs on West Street on Friday night around 10 to ensure they were in compliance. They all were in compliance, Melton said. Club owner Gilbert Paige was not at Centerfolds on Friday night, said Jackson police officers. The officers came to his business around 7:30 p.m., shut it down and arrested his acting manager, according to Paige. Angela M. Tucker, 29, of 470 Mason St. was arrested and charged with operating a business without license, Jackson police records show.
- DonnaLadd
- Feb 4 2006
I can't understand why the Mayor and Chief would personally go to the joints instead of sending officers. I can't blame anyone for having a peculiar interests or love for seeing beautiful artistic forms whether they're in the forest, clubs or any place else. The truth be told most of us (males and females)engage at some level and time in watching or at least noticing beautiful still and moving forms. I thank the Lord for them. Still I reckon, as my granddad would say, it sends a message seeing the top folks fighting to preserve our standards of decency. If they keep showing up at these establishments someone could start to misinterpret their intentions or purpose.
- Ray Carter
- Feb 4 2006
You know, spending two consecutive nights hanging out at strip clubs is spending two consecutive nights hanging out at strip clubs, whether you're doing it accompanied by officers or not. I'm sure this is more entertaining than dealing with the open-air drug deals and prostitution rings Melton used to complain about seeing as he drove in to work every morning, but I don't think anyone installs an extra lock on their door out of fear that somewhere, at some strip club in town, someone might be violating a nudity ordinance. Cheers, TH
- Tom Head
- Feb 4 2006
what will those women who feed themselves off of their bodies at centerfolds do for a living now?? seems to me that if the women arent complaining and no crimes are being reported it doesnt seem as if anyone would give a care to what was going on in there isnt it funny how frankie always goes on these raids of "immoral" places what if he was doing all of this for free admission. does he wanna shut these businesses down because he cant attend without a news conference being held also maybe he can get with old man bluntson and reopen the hottest niteclub the city has ever known, the downtown juvy hall!!!! where theyll have some security that has an idea of whats really going on and use JPD to "protect" those ladies and gentlemen that would attend
- skipp
- Feb 6 2006
what will those women who feed themselves off of their bodies at centerfolds do for a living now?? You raise a good question, skipp. Is the city helping these "evicted" women find jobs? Help themselves? Their children? Or, do they think a stern lecture will suffice?
- DonnaLadd
- Feb 6 2006
NEWSFLASH... CENTERFOLDS STRIP CLUB HAS ASKED FOR AN APPEAL HEARING BEFORE THE JACKSON CITY COUNCIL ON WEDNESDAY , FEBRUARY 15. TIME: TBA I wish it were Tueday the 14th (Valentines Day). Much more appropriate. Our 2nd hearing in 6 years! Don't be late! If it is as "interesting" as the only other one, you won't want to miss! Prepare to get informed with the art of adult entertainment!
- Ben Allen
- Feb 6 2006
Don't know if you guys know this of not... talking about technicalities of what is ok and when to bust, etc.... In Jackson if a girl's nipple pasty comes off when she takes her top off, that's an "illegal lewd act." This can be the sort of thing that this may be over. They make it sound like they were hooking in the back, but that may or may not be what they consider "engaged in a lewd act." They can and have shut them down and made arrests in the past over one pasty girls on stage.
- herman
- Feb 6 2006
Yeah, I've wondered about that, too, Herman. There seems to be a lot of room for interpretation here, and in the law. And it's not like the city is going to give actual useful details. They ran from us for weeks after Melton said that he saw two men having sex in the Terry Road joint. And Charles Hobby says that no one was having sex in his place and has tapes to prove it. It's hard to know what to believe. Perhaps there is a reason that has little to do with what Mr. Melton actually observed on his sex sweeps. Who knows?
- DonnaLadd
- Feb 6 2006
Trust me....if this hearing is as "raw" as the last one, leave the Grandma's and children at home.
- Ben Allen
- Feb 6 2006
If the mayor would devote as much attention to working with the council instead of against them as he is putting in police business, then mayby we could see this city make some much needed improvements. Are we now going to start making arrests at the St Paddys Day Parade as well? Are we going to arrest some of the television stations when they go beyond what Frank thinks is immoral? Where do we draw the line? The mayor reminds me of Count Dracula. He is always a force to be reckoned with in the night. You rarely see him doing something constructive in the daytime. Once the sun goes down, look out Jackson!!! Frank is on the prowl most of the time wearing his crusader outfit (cap turned around backwards, badge, and bulletproof vest that says POLICE) swarming the streets of west Jackson.
- lance
- Feb 6 2006
Lance makes a good point. My Wannabe costume is OBSCENE. I'm the first to admit it.
- DonnaLadd
- Feb 6 2006
i think ben allen is cool even though he is the biggest racist kenneth stokes knows and im sure kenny knows some racists
- skipp
- Feb 7 2006
Now, there's a twisted compliment in there somewhere. I think. ;-) Hey, I may be among the minority of folks in Jackson who find redeeming qualities in both Mr. Allen and Mr. Stokes -- probably to the chagrin of both of them more than anyone else.
- DonnaLadd
- Feb 7 2006
i mean he is pretty funny and so is stokes ben allen is way cooler than bluntson (my ward)
- skipp
- Feb 8 2006
Strip clubs file restraining order against city Why the hell has this headline not popped up on this site???
- kaust
- Feb 8 2006
This is great. That should give us something to do with all that extra money the city has just laying aorund....
- Lori G
- Feb 8 2006
I think the stuff going on right now is newsworthy at a national level. Let's just hope that it doesn't get that far.
- LatashaWillis
- Feb 8 2006
After the Grammy's the tube was still on to catch the CBS news last night. Their wording for the Center Folds close down, was the dancer was totally nude. So she dropped the bits that are silly like, suppose to dangle about.
- herman
- Feb 9 2006
Say.... Can I file a restraining order against the cops too ? The libertarian in me loves that idea.
- herman
- Feb 10 2006
Can I file a restraining order against the cops too ? The libertarian in me loves that idea I am filing one against the cops, and have requested a cease and desist order against, entergy,jackson water works,atmos, time warner,capitalone, and my mortgage company.
- *SuperStar*
- Feb 10 2006
Good luck with Capital One, Super. ;-)
- kaust
- Feb 10 2006
Why the hell has this headline not popped up on this site??? Because, due to popular blogger belief, JFP people do more than blog. ;-) So, it's up to y'all to keep the site up to date in our absence, which you do a mighty, mighty fine job of, I must say. The restraining order doesn't surprise me. It's not like businesses don't have rights, either, and Mr. Melton is clearly going about all this in a wrong -- and probably illegal and unconstitutional -- way. I often wonder if he's ever heard of the U.S. Constitution. Remember that quote from when he was with MBN when he said that Supreme Court (as in U.S.) decisions shouldn't apply to him? I'll have to go dig it up. I think it's in Truthwatch, or somewhere.
- DonnaLadd
- Feb 10 2006
Remember that quote from when he was with MBN when he said that Supreme Court (as in U.S.) decisions shouldn't apply to him? I.Can't.Breathe.
- LatashaWillis
- Feb 10 2006
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