Jackson Mayor Frank Melton launched into a tirade last week over his desire to give the Jackson international airport the full name of former NAACP Field Secretary Medgar Evers, who was assassinated in his driveway in 1963.
Jackson council members voted 6-0 in favor of changing the airport name to the Jackson-Evers International Airport in December 2004, at the request of Jackson resident Ineva May-Pittman, but some city residents, including Ward 3 Councilman Kenneth Stokes, wanted Evers full name to be on the airport.
Melton, speaking at the BankPlus-Mississippi Symphony Orchestra concert at Thalia Mara Hall for a tribute to Medgar Evers, surprised some in the audience when, pumping his fist in the air, he announced that "I'm not going to rest until Evers' full name" was on the airport.
The city's Planning and Development Department decided last year on the hyphenated version of the current name.
Ward 2 Councilman Leslie McLemore, who voted to support the name change in 2004, said he was unaware of any administration language indicating a desire to re-name the airport a second time.
"If (Melton) plans to re-name the airport I haven't received word on it, yet," McLemore said. "Not to say the council wouldn't be friendly to the prospect, but I dont think weve heard any plan so far."
Previous Commentsshow
What's this?What a strange thing for Melton to say, having not brought this before the city council. I'd certainly be in favor of naming the airport after Evers en toto and scrapping the hyphenation, but if we do that we should consider naming the post office after another prominent Mississippi civil rights figure. Medgar Evers was a giant, but there are lots of other people who also deserve to be remembered in this way. Cheers, TH
- Tom Head
- Feb 16 2006
"...having not brought this before the city council." Not surprising. "I'd certainly be in favor of naming the airport after Evers en toto and scrapping the hyphenation..." While that's really nice and all (not just your sentiment, but this thing altogether), who outside of Jackson and most of Mississippi is going to know where in the world "Medgar Evers International Airport" is? We're not NYC or DC... how can we completely remove "JACKSON" from our airport's title?!
- millhouse
- Feb 16 2006
Pure pandering. No preparation. No management. Ready. Fire. Aim.
- Rex
- Feb 16 2006
He was probably trying to keep people from remembering all the horrible things he's said about the NAACP over the years on the Bottom Line.
- DonnaLadd
- Feb 16 2006
I don't remember him ever once saying anything about the NAACP, positive or negative, in the years I was watching (which was until late 1993). That must have been something he started doing later. Cheers, TH
- Tom Head
- Feb 16 2006
Or on a day when I wasn't watching. I gotta say that what he said during the campaign, where he used the KKK and NAACP in the same sentence, was pretty damn disturbing. For the past few months I've had my bright yellow NAACP card in the first laminated photo sleeve of my wallet, so it's the first thing anyone sees when I flip it open. Sometimes my ACLU or NOW card takes that advertising space, but these days it's usually the NAACP. Yeah, I guess I'm officially a net.geek when even my wallet has banner ads. Cheers, TH
- Tom Head
- Feb 16 2006
Hmmm.I think its a nice gesture.but its weird that he didnt alert the city council before the public "fist pumping" statement.Melton is outrageous& bold (in a good way)
- Deneka
- Feb 16 2006
I do wonder what some of his most strident supporters in North Jackson, and over at the Sun, are going to think of his new promise. Is this going to bring out more award-winning slavery-denial columns? ;-0 Tom, when I get a chance, I'll pull some of the NAACP quotes from Bottom Line transcripts and post here.
- DonnaLadd
- Feb 16 2006
Donna, I'd like that a lot. It sounds to me like I might need to revise my opinion of Early Melton. Cheers, TH
- Tom Head
- Feb 16 2006
Personally, I think that Melton didn't think about renaming the airport until the day of the tribute. What a way to go after mass appeal at the last minute. No wonder the council didn't know about it already. Forgive my pessimism, but I've been disappointed too many times to see these things in a positive light.
- LatashaWillis
- Feb 16 2006
Gee, the first day of the new Melton Administration. The mayor tried to change the name along with passing out cowboy hats and electing a new council president. Oh how deficient our fact check research is today! In fact the current city council vote went like this with disreputable McLemore (I guess he forgot the Evers vote along with the city council president vote that he lost), Barrett- Simon, Crisler and Allen voting against the complete name of Medgar Evers on the Jackson International Airport- while, Tillman, Stokes and Bluntson voted in favor. Let’s not head in the wrong direction and change every name on a building.
- suspended2
- Feb 16 2006
That's not contrary to this story, Gee. The point, you will note, is that Mr. Melton is not letting it go regardless of what has already transpired. And, if you read closely, this is also not contradictory with what Mr. McLemore said. He clearly thought the issue was over and done with after the last round.
- DonnaLadd
- Feb 16 2006
BTW, like my friend Mr. Evers, I think it would be great to re-name it with his entire name, but it's probably not a priority right now with our budget problems and being that a compromise was already worked out. Sounds like a good one to revisit at some point, though.
- DonnaLadd
- Feb 16 2006
If it helps, when you look at the airport sign, cover up the "Jackson-" with your hand, and it will just say "Evers International Airport". Do that, and everyone's happy, right? JUST KIDDING. I would like to see the issue revisited also. Weren't there concerns about getting the name changed because they thought it would complicate things with the FAA or something? I'm trying to remember. If the name is changed, I wonder what initials will be used for traffic control. They use JAN now, I think. With the hyphenation, they didn't have to change that. Maybe it would become MEV or MEI or something.
- LatashaWillis
- Feb 16 2006
Jackson-Evers International Airport sounds great to me. taking the city name out of is overkill of the Man's name around here. We got a library a street all holding his name strong. Give it a rest Frank
- Feb 17 2006
...go fight a bigger battle
- Feb 17 2006
When atlanta changed it to hartsfield-jackson it is still ATL, I dont think they get a choice to change the initials. It is whatever FAA tells them
- *SuperStar*
- Feb 17 2006
Riddle me this bloggers... Why is there so much nonsense relating to the issue at hand? If the Medgar Evers- Jackson International Airport is put on the airport instead of the current Jackson-Evers would not the JAN still exist as the initials? Why make a much to do about nothing over this? Example http://www.flymsy.com/ this is new orleans airport name Jouis Armstrong- New Orleans International Airport why can't Jackson do the same? Come on there are more important issue to confront like aiding our local businesses!
- suspended2
- Feb 17 2006
In terms of fighting a bigger issue or cause what would that BATTLE be? Let's set forth an agenda of needs fixing. Lets stop the petty jib jab.
- suspended2
- Feb 17 2006
I think Medgar Evers-Jackson International Airport would be a fine name, and I think Dr. McLemore agrees above, but for Melton to shake his fist and say "I will not rest until..." when he's never even brought up the idea in public seems a little premature. I do think that if we rename the airport, we should consider renaming the post office to honor another veteran of the civil rights movement. Otherwise, I can see a Pulp Fiction style joke here: 1: "Well, I'm gonna head on down to Medgar Evers..." 2: "You mean the airport?" 1: "Nope." 2: "The post office?" 1: "Nope." 2: "The library?" 1: "Nope." 2: "Medgar Evers Boulevard?" 1: "Nope." 2: "The tribute?" 1: "Nope." 2: "Okay, I give up..." But you can't really honor Evers too much, from where I'm standing. The man represented everything good about Jackson and what it needs to become. And he was a Jacksonian in a way that other figures of the Mississippi civil rights movement, such as James Meredith (associated more with Oxford) and Vernon Dahmer (Hattiesburg), were not. Cheers, TH
- Tom Head
- Feb 17 2006
Frank Melton--“I’m not going to rest” until Evers’ full name was on the airport. Hasn't Frank on numerous occasions remarked that he gets by on very little sleep? Which means he doesn't rest. Ergo, Ever's full name will be on the airport....
- Rex
- Feb 17 2006
I don't know what to make of the sleep thing. If memory serves, he claims to only get 3 hours a night, and to toss and turn for those 3. Well, maybe that's his problem. Put the poor guy on some Nyquill and he might turn into Winston Churchill within a matter of days. Cheers, TH
- Tom Head
- Feb 17 2006
Last time I checked the dear old Doc McLemore voted against the entire name of Medgar Evers being placed on the airport. I hope he changes his tune this time. The only Pulp Fiction I know of is this....Popular fiction produced in the 1950s and published in inexpensive periodicals nicknamed "pulps" for the inferior quality of paper they used, compared the "slicks" (e.g., Life or Time magazine.) Most frequently used to describe detective, western, or science fiction writing of the period. 2) Title of a 1994 film by Quentin Tarantino. I am trying real hard to figure out why one street, library plus airport would equal some outrage and jokes but I can't other than to question the humor of the creator of such in pose.
- suspended2
- Feb 17 2006
That's interesting. What do you suppose Dr. McLemore's reasoning was? I wouldn't go so far as to say I'd be "outraged" if the largest post office, a local airport, a boulevard, and a library were all named after Medgar Evers. Lord knows if anyone deserves that honor, he does. But I do question if at some point we reach a point of diminished return, where by naming one more institution after Medgar Evers we're doing less for his legacy and mission than we are for our own PR. It's certainly easier to name another building after Medgar Evers than it is to try and carry on his work, isn't it? In the biblical dialogue, Jesus didn't tell Peter "if you love me, name this harbor after me." He didn't tell Peter "if you love me, name this hill after me." He told Peter "if you love me, feed my lambs." It's all well and good to name buildings after Medgar Evers, but when a mayor who compared the NAACP--the organization Medgar Evers was murdered for running--to the KKK, then shouts that he won't rest until Evers' name is on one more monument, one more plaque, I question the value of that approach. Cheers, TH
- Tom Head
- Feb 17 2006
By the way, I've posted--several times--in favor of putting Evers' full name on the airport, factcheck, so I'd advise you to live up to your moniker before you go around accusing me of being "outraged" by a proposal I support. That's just sloppy. I haven't seen anyone yet express "outrage" at the idea of using the man's full name on the airport. What I have seen is a bunch of people rolling their eyes at this obvious politicization of his name. Cheers, TH
- Tom Head
- Feb 17 2006
You nailed it, Tom. Factcheck, you could read a bit closer before going off on rather meaningless tirades about pulp and such. Perhaps your name is indeed meant as irony. Regardless, please don't waste our time with silly attacks. You'll look rather slight in these parts if that's the reason you're here. Also, isn't it true that Dr. McLemore voted for the compromise -- if you're trying to twist that into his not supporting Mr. Evers' name on the airport, then you are sounding even sillier than I thought. Why don't you try a new topic? You seem to be doing fine on the W.C. Don's thread.
- DonnaLadd
- Feb 17 2006
On record TH, I understand your BIBLE phrasing and I think it is much needed and correct. I do not know why one Doc McLemore voted against the full name the last time the city council voted, nor do I know why Melton liken the NAACP to the KKK? (I missed that one) I could think of a lot of reasons but none would be useful. Politics tends to hide in pandering to public opinion. If we are going to circle the outrage phrase let's not move toward a minor war of words over such. I never said you were outraged by renaming anything I only question your sincere words because of the pulp fiction tie in by commenting what would happen if 3 items had a person's name that lost his life doing what many looked the other way and didn't do. As for the PR, Jackson, Mississippi and Mississippi as a whole could use some progressive PR and 3 items out of hundred more is a start. You are correct in suggesting that more could be done and more people could be included in the naming process and in the collective of doing what is right and just but if so many are for such a renaming (I can hear a nay sayer suggesting ooooh the cost like that has stopped the placing of any other named item) why did it take so long and why hasn't the entire name found its way there? I think we both would like that answer...
- suspended2
- Feb 17 2006
I do not understand the term compromise to an issue where a simple yes for the entire name could do period you are right that might be a flaw in my thinking Ms. Ladd but I find it hard to understand why adjustment had to be made. McLemore would like to correct the J.R. Lynch street to John R. Lynch or John R. Lynch but not put the complete name on the airport? Come on... Ok I know I am airing out too much but I had to make this point ok maybe I do need some sleep like another public figure :P
- suspended2
- Feb 17 2006
I do not know why one Doc McLemore voted against the full name the last time the city council voted, factcheck, it sounds to me like you're trying to sensationalize here. Is it not true that the last time they voted, Dr. McLemore voted in favor of the compromise? Your posts are just not making sense to me. Maybe shorter sentences and some more punctuation would help? I could think of a lot of reasons but none would be useful. Really, can you think of a reason? Hmm. The one I can think of would be pandering to racists. Not that Mr. Melton would ever do that. I think it is the extreme, extreme contrasting sides of himself that Mr. Melton presents to different groups when he, perhaps, thinks other groups aren't looking, or listening, that astounds people here. Maybe it worked in the past, but that kind of segmented politickin' is just going to get outed in the times of blogs. The hyperlink is probably the single most important investion of our time if you really stop and think about it.
- DonnaLadd
- Feb 17 2006
Sorry! The second John R. Lynch should be John Roy Lynch... P.S. I will get more sleep tomorrow (smile).
- suspended2
- Feb 17 2006
I do not understand the term compromise to an issue where a simple yes for the entire name could do period you are right that might be a flaw in my thinking Ms. Ladd but I find it hard to understand why adjustment had to be made. See, factcheck, that sentence makes no sense. Punctuation really is your friend, friend. factcheck, Dr. McLemore says in the story RIGHT ABOVE YOUR POSTS that he supports the full name on the airport. Are you smokin' something, dude? Read, then read some more. Then insert some commas and caps, and we might be able to have a discussion. But please don't ignore what's right in front of you in the quest to try to make someone else look bad. I'll insist that you leave if you continue that tactic. Sorry to be so pedantic here, but you're kinda asking for it.
- DonnaLadd
- Feb 17 2006
Yes one Doc McLemore voted for the compromise but was not in favor of the entire name that is my understanding. I am not attempting to create untruth. Compromise meaning Jackson-Ever not the complete name. I hope that cleared up things...
- suspended2
- Feb 17 2006
Yes, I think your previous idea about pandering is correct. You might very well be right. Who knows on that one...
- suspended2
- Feb 17 2006
Said and voted are two different things... How did we end up with Jackson- Evers if he voted for the entire name? How did the comprmise come about? I hope he is all for the entire name now sounds like pandering too. I guess we have caught two elected officials pandering...
- suspended2
- Feb 17 2006
factcheck, with due respect, do you know what the word "compromise" means? That might answer your question for you. This is starting to feel really silly. Are you just trying to stop conversation in its tracks by trying to create confusion? Let's move on now. You've made your, er, point—which seems to be that you do not understand how someone can be in favor of something and then vote to compromise in order not to lose the whole thing, but still prefer the whole tomato to a wedge.
- DonnaLadd
- Feb 17 2006
I understand the complete 7 habits of highly effective people bit on how compromises are created, but I do not understand the reason there had to be a compromise on the name of Jackson-Ever instead of Medgar Evers- Jackson International Airport. To add a jib jab on not knowing what compromise is that was low, here are my questions: 1. the Jackson City Council voted in favor of Jackson-Evers International Airport instead of the popular Medgar Evers- Jackson International Airport, why? 2. Why was a compromise created? 3. Was there enough support "er" votes for the complete name? (if not why?) http://www.flymsy.com/ Here is New Orleans's Airport name Louis Armstrong- New Orleans International Airport why can't Jackson, Mississippi do the same? Lastly, why did a certain elected officials imply they desired the entire name but voted sort of different. Different meaning not for the full name but a wedge name or half of a name.
- suspended2
- Feb 18 2006
Now, you're getting at a real issue. There's a lot of water on the bridge on this one -- but suffice it say that many folks in North Jackson especially resisted Mr. Evers' entire name being put on there. It's amazing, really, and says something about how far many of us have and have not come. However, that is a different issue than trying to say that Dr. McLemore was against the full name because he voted for the compromise. That's not logical. But if you want to discuss whether his full name should be on there, have at it. And the answer to your last question, factcheck, is COMPROMISE. You're engaging in some circular logic on that one. Why not move into the heart of the issue itself rather than try to cast stones that dont' make sense on this one?
- DonnaLadd
- Feb 18 2006
Hey! It is a new day. I won't repeat much of this debate on the name issue. I will touch on a few points and let you have the last word. Ladd, you are correct with this analysis of the elephant in the room: There's a lot of water on the bridge on this one -- but suffice it say that many folks in North Jackson especially resisted Mr. Evers' entire name being put on there. It's amazing, really, and says something about how far many of us have and have not come. My problem is with this comment by one Doc McLemore as printed by JFP: Ward 2 Councilman Leslie McLemore, who voted to support the name change in 2004, said he was unaware of any administration language indicating a desire to re-name the airport a second time. Please have someone visit city hall and request the July 5, 2005 city council minutes. There you will find a second vote on the renaming of the airport that failed. Please note the votes of all the council members include McLemore’s vote. I am sure this will make Dr. McLemore aware of his vote as well as inform your bloggers. If you find this process difficult check the Clarion Ledger, July 6, 2006, STATE/METRO section there you will find an article by Jack Mazrack discussing the first day of the new city council. Most of the photos/article dealt with the hat git up but the votes on the renaming took place as well. Compromise is ok but do not misrepresent the truth. I detest the entire unaware word that he, McLemore, uses because it skits the truth. I understand (but don’t like it) that since McLemore is in the so-called tough North Jackson area he might have his hands tied but don’t make it appear like there wasn’t a second vote regarding the renaming of the airport. The Melton administration did not put the issue, airport renaming, out there. It was Mrs. Pittman and Charles Evers on that warm July 5th day that pushed the issue for a 2nd time. The fact-- this is Melton’s first time putting the issue out there although the issue has been used for political gain from many politicians. M&M. Maybe, McLemore can get a blog and answer the issues as well as Melton. Just a thought…. See Councilman Allen blog. http://www.jacksonfreepress.com/allen.php BTW, please stop the personal so-called logic attacks… I have never picked up a stone and thrown it nor pebbles maybe picked up a finger and typed but that is it. ;P I look forward to a real fact check on this and your comments, Ladd. (smile)
- suspended2
- Feb 18 2006
OOOOOps! BIG TYPO! July 6, 2005 not July 6, 2006 of the Clarion Ledger. I type too fast sometimes sorry bloggers! Don't nail me to a cross this time (smile)
- suspended2
- Feb 18 2006
Dr. McLemore's integrity throughout this "Airport Renaming Issue" should never be questioned. All this talk about it is so misleading and unfair. The whole "saga" is too long to discuss here....we will do a blog on it next week. The situation as it was/is is complicated (not racially....logistically) and we thought "settled" but if not, we will discuss, re-evaluate, "re-compromise" and if demanded and voted on "re-compromise" and spend another $85,000 to "remake" the "new round of complainers" happy (for a week or two anyway). Good God we have bigger fish to fry that this. Give him (McLemore) a break and talk to the majority black Airport Authority Board about why this original "compromise" was settled on and what it entailed in the first place. God I tire of this!
- Ben Allen
- Feb 18 2006
I agree. It's already becoming clear to me that factcheck has very little idea how the airport name was decided on, or what the controversy was in the first place. Anyone who knows Leslie McLemore from Adam's housecat knows that he is not beholden to northeast Jackson whites in any way, shape, form, or fashion. I am also annoyed with myself that I took factcheck's statement that McLemore "opposed" using Evers' full name at face value. I should have known I was being lied to. Cheers, TH
- Tom Head
- Feb 18 2006
Thanks, Councilman Allen for deciding to blog. Tom Head please refrain from lying on me. I did not lie to you. Where is it posted? Let's play fair guy. Please revisit my postings. I am looking forward to Councilman Allen's new blog on this! (I respect the fact that you did buzz in) I hope Councilman Allen can also explain the 2nd vote on the renaming issue as well. The vote that occurred, July 6, 2005, with the cowboy hats, revamp councilman lineup and mass media attention. I know this is a small fish issue but humor us.
- suspended2
- Feb 18 2006
Also here is the airport board thanks for the half fact. I read earlier... http://www.jmaa.com/Contact/board.cfm ( I won't comment) All desiring to post mean stuff send it to the board not me...
- suspended2
- Feb 18 2006
Maybe this will help clear things up a little: http://www.clarionledger.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20041222/NEWS01/412220325/1002 "We appreciate this and thank everyone who was involved in making the name change a success," Myrlie Evers-Williams, widow of Medgar Evers and chairman emeritus of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, said by telephone. "The city of Jackson and the state of Mississippi will benefit from this. It sends a clear signal internationally that Mississippi continues to make progress." Jackson resident Ineva May-Pittman requested the city rename the airport in honor of the slain civil rights leader. Pittman and Glenda Glover, chairwoman of the Jackson Municipal Airport Authority, agreed earlier this month to the approved moniker Jackson-Evers International Airport. "I will not believe that this is a reality until I see the name on the marker in Rankin County," Pittman said. Airport officials wanted to keep Jackson in the name. They plan to create an exhibit honoring Evers in the terminal. The change also forwards the spirit of the facility, said J.R. Jones, an airport authority commissioner. "People flying into Jackson will see the name change and begin to inquire about who is Medgar Evers," he said. "They'll see the history in the derivative of the name." Ward 3 Councilman Kenneth Stokes tried to place Evers' first name in the title. He said he wanted assurance that signs inside the airport would bear Evers' full name. Other airports across the nation use abbreviated names of those honored, said Ward 4 Councilman Bo Brown "Don't reinvent the wheel," Brown said. "We don't call Jackson, Miss., Andrew Jackson, Miss., do we?" After the vote, council members praised the compromise. "This is a foundation that we can build on," said Council President Leslie B. McLemore of Ward 2. The city's planning board in October denied Pittman's request for the name to be changed to Medgar Evers International Airport. The board instead suggested naming the airport terminal after Evers. Evers' older brother, former Fayette Mayor Charles Evers has said he preferred the airport carry his brother's full name. He criticized the compromise during his radio show Let's Talk last week. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jackson-Evers_International_Airport http://www.jacksonfreepress.com/comments.php?id=P5417_0_9_0_C Last December, Ineva May-Pittman petitioned the Jackson City Council to consider renaming the Jackson International Airport as the Medgar Evers International Airport. After much debate, including chants that renaming the airport somehow "opened old wounds"—a compromise was reached in January. The airport will now be called the Jackson-Evers International Airport.
- LatashaWillis
- Feb 19 2006
Anyone who knows Leslie McLemore from Adam's housecat knows that he is not beholden to northeast Jackson whites in any way, shape, form, or fashion. Dr. McLemore is over Ward 2 (my ward) which mainly includes northwest Jackson. Medgar Evers Blvd and the Megdar Evers Library are both here. Northwest Jackson mostly has black middle-class residents.
- LatashaWillis
- Feb 19 2006
The Airport Authority has 3 blacks....Jones/Glover/Stewart and 2 whites....Thames/Jones.....FULL FACT.....not half fact.
- Ben Allen
- Feb 19 2006
I detest the entire unaware word that he, McLemore, uses because it skits the truth. factcheck, with due respect, your logic here is making about as much sense as that sentence. That is simply incomprehensible -- which is forgiveable under normal circumstance but the fact that you are trying to attack an individual person using sentences that don't make any sense whatsoever mean that you are wearing your welcome out here quickly. And your little na-na-boo-boos about factchecking make you sound like a silly child ... especially considering the quality and readability of your own posts. Please refrain from this childish behavior here if you want to continue to post on this site. Otherwise, I look forward to Ben's blog on this one.
- DonnaLadd
- Feb 19 2006
factcheck14 writes: I detest the entire unaware word that he, McLemore, uses because it skits the truth. Wow. I love it when people drop literary references into political debates--and "Jabberwocky" is one of my favorite poems ever. Thanks, factcheck14. Gyring and gimbling in the wabe, TH
- Tom Head
- Feb 19 2006
With all due respect, Ms. Ladd... the MEAN personal labels that seem to arrive on this posting came from you. The logic blot, the typo blot, the na-na-boo-boo, etc... as if I am the only one on the site blogging with typos. If you want to do a service stop the race baiting that occurred earlier… (ok, allow it and seem like a muck racker) This blog went from politics to some never land "TH –Jabberwocky." If you have a correction posting fine. I like dialog and corrections no problem there... My only request stop the phony label pushing it doesn't work. If that is your way of attempting to discredit me honestly it reads angry and looks worse. Don’t make me send CUPS coffee to you. (smile) I am tired...
- suspended2
- Feb 20 2006
factcheck, you have used this entire thread in an attempt to anonymously smear and discredit Leslie McLemore using innuendo, outright lies, and occasional incoherent ramblings. I have absolutely no sympathy for you whatsoever. We haven't been "crucifying" you; we don't even know your name. But we're not going to sit here and let you "crucify" Dr. McLemore. I'm not sure what the "CUPS" coffee business is about--whether that's just one more incoherent statement, or whether it's supposed to be some kind of threat--but I suspect it will cost you your account, and not a moment too soon. You're a pretty nasty piece of work, sir. We may mudsling, but we do it with the facts; we don't just make shit up out of thin air. Cheers, TH
- Tom Head
- Feb 20 2006
I had to explain who Medgar was to my wife, the lifelong Kentucky resident, when she moved down here and asked why two or three things were named after him. As an aside, when is enough enough? I thought this was settled?
- Ironghost
- Apr 5 2006
"The city’s Planning and Development Department decided last year on the hyphenated version of the current name." This is not correct. The Jackson Airport Authority and Ms. Pitmann compromised on this name. It was something about keeping the name "Jackson" in the name that would not be confusing. There are public records available that will substantiate this.
- realtime
- Apr 8 2006
Ironghost said... "I had to explain who Medgar was to my wife, the lifelong Kentucky resident, when she moved down here and asked why two or three things were named after him." True. I had the mandatory year of American History in high school, and we really didn't cover the Civil War or any of the trials and tribulations that happened in the South. When we got to the Civil War, our teacher said, "It happened. Next!"
- Lady Havoc
- May 21 2006
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