June 20, 2006—A little while ago, calls started coming in from the reservoir area, telling us that our racks and boxes, and those of other members of the Mississippi Independent Publishers Alliance, were lined up next to dumpsters at businesses near the reservoir. Todd just drove out there and, lo and behold, there all of us indies were—lined up next to the dumpsters at several locations, including the Conoco on Old Fannin Road (pictured, right) and the one on Lakeland Drive near Wal-Mart. Goliath is on the move.
An Alliance member called Ronald Gooding at The Clarion-Ledger, the "Non-daily distribution manager," who said that his guys had been moving our boxes all day, but that he was unaware that any had been put by dumpsters. Interestingly, the eviction letter that TDN/Gannett/Clarion-Ledger sent us said that "the store owner/operator will remove them or have them removed" if we didn't agree to pay TDN to be in their boxes. I guess they changed their minds; not a single business has itself asked us to remove our boxes/racks. We're also hearing that Gannett is letting businesses out of contracts who ask to be—so there's the best reason yet to go visit businesses where the JFP and other free pubs are located. Ask them to keep supporting indy media, and not allow the Gannett Corp. to make us pay our competition for distribution in order for you to be able to pick us up in their businesses.
Remember: You can help save independent media; see how here.
Previous Comments
- ID
- 170591
- Comment
Wow, this thing is getting totally weird...
- Author
- Rico
- Date
- 2006-06-20T19:29:36-06:00
- ID
- 170592
- Comment
Yeah, well, there's your "Real Mississippi" in action. Rather than being a good newspaper, you try to stomp out your competition—IF they won't be you to be in your boxes. It's remarkable, really. It's funny to think that the money paid for the guys to drag our boxes and racks to the dumpster could have been invested in the newsroom, eh? I hate to tell The Clarion-Ledger this, but they are stuck with us. Dirty tricks aren't going to drive their competition out.
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-20T19:45:49-06:00
- ID
- 170593
- Comment
Do you mind if I start a thread on their web site about this? You can't really stop me, but I won't if you don't want me to...
- Author
- Rico
- Date
- 2006-06-20T19:48:31-06:00
- ID
- 170594
- Comment
Go for it, and link to this picture if you want (this time). It'll be interesting to see if they leave it up. Inquiring minds want to know.
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-20T19:49:47-06:00
- ID
- 170595
- Comment
And feel free to link back here, especially to our Goliath Blog. That way, people can get all the details. BTW, watch for a PDF of the locations we were told to evict from; we plan to put it up tomorrow. People have a right to know. And there are newspapers in some of those racks and boxes—they just trashed newspapers. Is that somehow akin to burning books? Thanks, Rico.
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-20T19:51:51-06:00
- ID
- 170596
- Comment
I would think your boxes are protected by some type of property laws? Their boxes sure are!
- Author
- pikersam
- Date
- 2006-06-20T19:52:21-06:00
- ID
- 170597
- Comment
BTW, I do NOT want anyone yelling at the businesses themselves. It's the Gannett Corp./TDN/Clarion-Ledger that has put everyone in this predicament—and remember that at least some of those businesses thought the publications were on board because the Ledger folks showed them a list of our publications that were "accepted"—including the JFP. So it could be just now that they will start realizing what is really going on. But, it makes sense to remind them nicely that customers come to their businesses to pick up the JFP and other publications, so we're good for business.
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-20T19:54:46-06:00
- ID
- 170598
- Comment
We're watching the legal side, Pike, but remember that we need the public here every step of the way. Please tell the businesses that you want them to support indy media, and let The Clarion-Ledger know what you think of them trashing our boxes/racks.
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-20T19:55:51-06:00
- ID
- 170599
- Comment
All the above and MORE: Urge the owners to READ THE "FINE PRINT" in the contracts! They say The Devil in in the Details, which is perfectly true.
- Author
- Philip
- Date
- 2006-06-20T20:15:56-06:00
- ID
- 170600
- Comment
You're right, Philip. The details in this contract seem particularly onerous. Basically, they sign away the right to control the inside or outside of their store—which is surprising some of the businesses. And TDN can make all the decisions about which publications, and when to raise rates and so on.
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-20T20:22:54-06:00
- ID
- 170601
- Comment
Donna. I take it you don't want us to boycot these businesses? I usually buy my gas and pick up the JFP at the Old Fannin Rd Conoco. I can certainly find someplace else to fill up.
- Author
- JamesInNashville
- Date
- 2006-06-20T20:40:13-06:00
- ID
- 170602
- Comment
Well, we will see how long it lasts... Click here...
- Author
- Rico
- Date
- 2006-06-20T21:32:11-06:00
- ID
- 170603
- Comment
I know alot of people that frequent a particular establishment on Wed or Thurs each week to get the JFP, two birds with one stone thing. If that's the case, and your regular stop has kicked out the JFP, I would tell them..."Hey, ya know, I come here each week to coinside with getting the new JFP," Please bring it back.
- Author
- Herman Snell
- Date
- 2006-06-20T21:34:58-06:00
- ID
- 170604
- Comment
Jim, I would prefer that you talk to them and tell them that you buy your gas there and pick up the JFP at the same time, and that you prefer to keep being able to do that. It's very important to communicate this to the businesses so they understand that this matters to their customers. Besides, if you just stop going without telling them why, they will never know. If you feel strongly about it, you could write a letter to the Conoco expressing your concern and get it signed by friends and neigbhors. Things like that go a long way. We will be running ads, Herman, telling people what businesses still carry MIPA publications, as well as any new ones that we sign on to replace the old ones. I suspect this will be bad for those places' business, but they may not be clear on that, yet. That's why it's important to express your concern to them.
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-20T23:16:39-06:00
- ID
- 170605
- Comment
We just received photos from other MIPA members that look even worse than these—with their boxes and racks all hugging up next to a dumpster. It looks like a pile of one of their publications was just thrown on the ground next to the dumpster. I'll try to post those, too, tomorrow. Is everyone truly soaking this up? They are trashing publications. Newspapers. The printed word. Does this feel good, Ledge? Are you so against competition that it makes you feel all big and mighty and corporate to grab armfuls of the product we all work so hard on and pile them next to dumpsters? Feel all macho now? Big and strong and powerful? Y'all are going to show us little Mississippi whipper-snappers, eh? I have a better idea. Why don't y'all just host a big bonfire in Smith Park or at the reservoir somewhere. Everyone of your corporate employees can grab a box or rack or just a handful of papers and throw them in there and show us good! Congratulations, ladies and gentlemen of The Clarion-Ledger. We have now seen your true colors. Hope y'all all sleep well at night.
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-20T23:46:46-06:00
- ID
- 170606
- Comment
OK, just to recap some vital talking points on this to get new folks up to speed: 1. The Clarion-Ledger went to businesses before coming to independent locations and told them they would offer them a service to clean up their "clutter" of free publications with this monster box. (The Ledger owns or manages six of the free publications by our count, far more than any other publisher.) 2. They gave those businesses a list of "accepted" publications that included the JFP and all the other now-members of the Mississippi Independent Publishers Alliance, including American Classifieds, Metro Christian Living (then Jackson Christian Family) and many others. Meantime, none of us had been contacted by the Gannett Corp. at that time, much less had "accepted" anything. Bizarrely, they even had publications that had gone out of business long ago on the list. 3. Some of the businesses even checked off the publications they wanted when they signed the contract. 4. The Clarion-Ledger then came to the publishers and said all those businesses were on board, and that either we had to pay them $8 per box per month to be in the box (which the JFP and the Christian publication don't even fit in), or we would have 30 days before they would evict us. 5. They sent us a list of the businesses that were onboard and that had, supposedly, signed the contract to kick us out. Some of those businesses told us that they had not signed a contract and/or did not understand that the "accepted" publications were not on board. 6. The Clarion-Ledger then sent our publications an eviction letter telling us we had until June 19 to vacate some 160 businesses that had signed the agreement, or the businesses would have us removed. (They tell us some 600 spots, inside and outside, is a goal in the near future.) 7. We start finding out that not everyone on that list was on board, and some spots were off the list because the business made it clear that they were not clear that the other papers would be evicted. The Clarion-Ledger still has not sent us an updated list although we have asked to know exactly what businesses they have gone back to explained that the use of our names was misleading. So they seem to expect us just to go around and pick up all of our boxes and racks from those spots without any kind of clarification about who is on board. 8. They started setting up TDN boxes last week next to ours in many locations. 9. Rather than hearing from the businesses on Monday, as we expected from those who didn't want us (since we really have no way of knowing otherwise since The Clarion-Ledger hasn't given us an up-to-date list), TDN started moving our boxes yesterday (June 20). We are discovering boxes and racks set up next to dumpsters in many locations. To my knowledge, nobody from TDN/Gannett/Clarion-Ledger, called the owners of any of the publications before they moved us. And bear in mind that, supposedly, they still want to induce us to go into the boxes. Interesting way to go about that. 10. So far, only Gannett Corp. publications are in the big green boxes.
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-21T09:12:05-06:00
- ID
- 170607
- Comment
It's a low down dirty shame what they're doing - putting the squeeze on people. Reminds me of maffia tactics.
- Author
- Ray Carter
- Date
- 2006-06-21T09:37:24-06:00
- ID
- 170608
- Comment
When you see stories about the benefits of riding JTran on the front cover of one of there "weeklies" makes you wonder why the city would sit by silent while they systematically try to put the indy papers out of business.
- Author
- pikersam
- Date
- 2006-06-21T09:40:33-06:00
- ID
- 170609
- Comment
This is truly scary ! Hitleritis is written all over these dictitorial practices of the Clarion Ledger. We won't sit idly by and watch such deliberate distruction. They are trouncing the rights of too many, i.e., businesses, the free press, and those of us who are consumers. This will surely back-fire! This deserves some TV time. I'm suprised that it has not become a lead story.
- Author
- justjess
- Date
- 2006-06-21T09:47:44-06:00
- ID
- 170610
- Comment
why hasn't the Northside Sun said anyting about it? Or have I missed it?
- Author
- Kingfish
- Date
- 2006-06-21T09:48:44-06:00
- ID
- 170611
- Comment
WLBT did it a few weeks ago when it was announced, to their credit. And WAPT has expressed an interest. Too often these days, media outlets are just as afraid of the corporate Goliaths as anyone else. It's been eye-opening to learn how many people seem to be afraid of The Clarion-Ledger. You shouldn't be afraid of your daily newspaper. That's just wrong. Also, I hear that the Ledge editors are throwing their hands up and saying, "I didn't have anythign to do with it!" That's corporate, or that's the business side. What's wrong with a world when a daily newspaper editor (who used to be heroes, at least the good ones) can't storm into the publisher's office and say, "Do you know how much goodwill this will cost us!?! We don't have any to spare." Or how about, "This is just wrong. Our paper can't do this." But we leave in a different, corporate world, I guess.
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-21T09:51:36-06:00
- ID
- 170612
- Comment
Northside Sun is, technically, paid circulation -- although you can grab them free lots of places. If I were them, I'd be worried. They also have that Sun vapid photo thing they put off, too. Maybe they think the gas stations won't affect them, but they better watch out for the next round.
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-21T09:52:37-06:00
- ID
- 170613
- Comment
Jim, if you get anyone there on the phone, please email me the name and number you used. I want to discuss it with someone besides a cashier there :)
- Author
- emilyb
- Date
- 2006-06-21T09:53:56-06:00
- ID
- 170614
- Comment
A reader just forwarded us this canned response from Lee Warmouth, head of circulation at The Clarion-Ledger. The reader had written to cancel their subscription after hearing about the dumpster tactics yesterday: I am sorry to know that you want to cancel your Clarion-Ledger subscription and will inform subscriber services to do so. There are legitimate reasons behind The Distribution Network that you have may not have heard about. The Distribution Network of Central Mississippi (TDN) is a display and delivery network that has been established for the benefit of merchants and free publications in Hinds, Madison and Rankin counties. The growing number of free publications, not just here, but around the country, presents both opportunity and concern for all of us. There are benefits to merchants and publishers. For area merchants, the multi-pocket display controls the clutter racks on their property and drives traffic to a concentrated area for the all free publications. Participating publishers can expand their distribution without capital investment and, in many, cases can cut delivery costs. Publishers can choose as many or as few of the locations to participate in. Only the merchant can dictate what publications are to be made available to their customers. A distribution network will happen in Metro Jackson, if not by The Clarion-Ledger, then quite possibly by a distribution company with no connection to Jackson or Mississippi. And, many other markets are experiencing much higher costs for the same services. Lee Warmouth I think this is, word for word, the language that was in the statement Newhouse released weeks ago to the media. I'll have to check to see if anything has changed.
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-21T09:57:05-06:00
- ID
- 170615
- Comment
And what's the thing with nation-wide I've seen? Are they about to put national free publications in there? Talk about propaganda.
- Author
- emilyb
- Date
- 2006-06-21T09:59:26-06:00
- ID
- 170616
- Comment
emilyb...I'm actually trying to find the owner or manager's name to write a letter. I think the written word has more influence than just a phone call. I'm trying to find out now if that Conoco station is company owned or if it's locally owned. I'll let you know what I find out.
- Author
- JamesInNashville
- Date
- 2006-06-21T10:10:27-06:00
- ID
- 170617
- Comment
Locally connected? Gannett is enormous. That's like saying that McDonald's is locally connected. And the metaphor is appropriate because Gannett brought us to new lows of media coverage with its McNews rag, USA Today.
- Author
- Brian C Johnson
- Date
- 2006-06-21T10:11:22-06:00
- ID
- 170618
- Comment
Right. And what part of allowing our primary competition to distribute us, control us, decide how many papers we can put in busy spots HELPS us!?! They are an international corporation; we likely would be better off with a distribution service from Georgia or somewhere that does not compete with our publications. Why shouldn't we get the opportuinity to negotiate with different distributors for the best benefit to us? Why shouldn't the merchants. That's called competition, Ledger. Y'all ought to try it. It makes us all better products. This is propaganda and makes no sense. If this truly benefitted tthe publications, they would have told us about it early on rather than sneaking around and giving out lists of our publication names without us knowing it. And the "cut delivery costs" is hilarious. If we're paying Gannett Corp. $40,000 a year for the privilege of having them control our circulation, that sure is going to "cut delivery costs." The "choose" thing is interesting. In the contract with the merchants we saw, Gannett can decide whenever they want to drop a publication. And The Clarion-Ledger can raise our box fees at any time as I understand it. This has happened in other markets, where publications end up paying $50 a box because there is no competition. Do that math.
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-21T10:53:36-06:00
- ID
- 170619
- Comment
As for "local," go through the Weekend section and the Parents thing and the Homes thing and count up the percentage of content that is locally produced. Go ahead. Try it. It's one thing to fill a hole with a wire story now and then, but go look at this corporation's percentages. Local, my butt.
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-21T10:55:01-06:00
- ID
- 170620
- Comment
What I'm trying to ask is...are the planning on chocking those things full of USA Today "free" stuff, if that makes sense, and expand from their version of Planet Weekly and JFP, and their version of Parents and Kids into a national version of something "free."
- Author
- emilyb
- Date
- 2006-06-21T11:52:46-06:00
- ID
- 170621
- Comment
Well, I think the plan is to have all their free pubs out there, and limit our distribution. Even if we paid to go into their boxes, we lose (a) our branding, (b) our ability to distribute hundreds of papers in one spot, like we do at the Conoco on Lakeland/Old Canton, (c) our positioning, not to mention (d) many thousands of dollars a year direcly to the Gannett Corp/Clarion-Ledger. It makes makes no sense for us publications. Also, Emily and Jim, e-mail me directly, and I'll give you the name of the gentlemen who is the regional director of the Conocos. I don't want to post business owner names online if that makes sense. But if you are writing them a courteous letter, I'll give you the name to send it to if you'd like. Thanks!
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-21T11:57:11-06:00
- ID
- 170622
- Comment
Planet Weekly has been done for months now, by the way. And The Planet, which followed it, is gone, too. They haven't bothered to pick up their boxes/racks, though, which means they well get trashed any day now.
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-21T11:57:54-06:00
- ID
- 170623
- Comment
I still say Donna fight fire with fire. team up with the other mags and come up with your own joint box that is more to your liking. I'm sure you can create one that will hold half a dozen or so. So much for the clutter argument if you do that. Funny thing is these stores don't make much off of Newspapers. How many copies they sell a day, a dozen or so? Except for Sunday, probably not much.
- Author
- Kingfish
- Date
- 2006-06-21T12:58:06-06:00
- ID
- 170624
- Comment
Those big yellow things are tacky, tacky, tacky. tacky. ugly. hideous. bleh. They look like the play appliances I had as a child. Big plastic stoves.
- Author
- emilyb
- Date
- 2006-06-21T13:00:11-06:00
- ID
- 170625
- Comment
Jimmy, we have joined forces with the others and are offering our own boxes, etc. But if the Ledger has "exclusive" agreements, then the business can't take ours, too. That's one reason it's important for all of you to get involved, too. Trust me, we have been very busy beavers since we first heard of this. ;-) It's not about the stores making money off the newspapers. These are free publications, including all the ones owned by Gannett Corp. Gannett/TDN promised the businesses 25 percent of what they're charging us to induce them to buy in — but, so far, Gannett pubs are the only ones. That will likely surprise many businesses. We've heard more today say they are surprised at what the small print is turning out to be. What big yellow things, Em? The ones I've seen are dark green. Are there yellow ones, too? Ick.
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-21T13:04:43-06:00
- ID
- 170626
- Comment
We've always said: We are NOT against The Clarion-Ledger putting in neat boxes to clean up all that clutter they've created over the last couple years. And if they want to rent space to other pubs, fine, let them pitch that to us. The problem is the exclusivity, and the way they have done this—especially that list of "accepted" publications that included all of our names before we ever knew it was happening. Fine, offer the boxes, but don't try to strongarm either the businesses or the rest of us. COMPETE fairly and squarely.
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-21T13:07:13-06:00
- ID
- 170627
- Comment
Donna..have any of these business owners responded yet? You know i'm doing all I can to get this story out. You know the reasons though :) Politics.
- Author
- Jes
- Date
- 2006-06-21T15:38:48-06:00
- ID
- 170628
- Comment
Call me.
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-21T17:24:46-06:00
- ID
- 170629
- Comment
I know the JFP can't condone this, but I've got a plan to combat the TDN boxes. From now on, everytime I stop at a store with a TDN box, I am going to open the box and grab a heaping handful of whatever publication is in there. Then, I'm going to promptly throw those publications in the trash. After a few days, the TDN box will be empty. If everyone did this, it would kill the publications' circulation, and send a message to the publications that have signed on to TDN's extortionate scheme.
- Author
- Curt Crowley
- Date
- 2006-06-21T19:42:33-06:00
- ID
- 170630
- Comment
If the publications are free, it'll actually increase circulation numbers (since, except when media audits are being conducted, there is no real way of tracing where the paper ends up). This is why folks who hate the JFP never threaten to hold a newspaper-burning party. Cheers, TH
- Author
- Tom Head
- Date
- 2006-06-21T19:48:44-06:00
- ID
- 170631
- Comment
No, I certainly can't condone it, Curt. And, Tom is right: The Clarion-Ledger would simply brag about their empty boxes as part of their pick-up rate. So that won't help us. What will is talking to the business owners and The Clarion-Ledger. And a lot of you are doing that this week; thank you very much. This matters. Every single call or conversation matters. Thanks for the grass-roots effort!
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-21T20:43:38-06:00
- ID
- 170632
- Comment
Donna, I went by there today and still no contact info from anyone there. And the box IS green. I was so mad I was seeing yellow I suppose. Still ugly :) I stopped at the one near River Oaks too....no one had contact info. But they were very sweet. The girl told me "you are sad" because I bought ONE diet coke. Told her I was suffering withdrawl.
- Author
- emilyb
- Date
- 2006-06-22T00:05:39-06:00
- ID
- 170633
- Comment
Curt has his heart in the right place, and I understand the source of it. It is getting irritating in the fact that we cannot seem to get a response, or a change in behavior. I've talked to managers and the like and they look at me like I'm from Mars and apparently want to get me out of the way and back to their jobs. Its frustrating. Which is where it gets tempting to sabotage these things by leaving surprises like spilled milk and garbage in the TDN boxes. Which is not a good idea. It hurts the businesses that host these things more than the CL/Gannet and would harden them against the independent media. Though I have to admit it is tempting to do to CL machines at this point...
- Author
- Pilgrim
- Date
- 2006-06-22T10:32:05-06:00
- ID
- 170634
- Comment
Pilgrim, don't be frustrated. I do know that the response is making a difference -- just be nice about it. We're also learning that many managers did not understand the full implications of the Ledge's pitch. The Gannett Corp./Clarion-Ledger has put these businesses in a tough spot by the way they tried to make this thing happen. Take the high road, speak up, and our media market will be better because of it. Do NOT sabotage, do NOT "boycott," do NOT yell at businesses. I won't tell you how to express yourself to Goliath Corp., however. They have shown their true colors, and I have no use for that company anymore, and that includes the editors. A newspaper editor used to be a role model in the community, someone with courage who will speak up to the forces trying to hurt the community, free enterprise, the flow of information. They just seem to have a bunch of timid editors over there who don't give a damn as long as they get their paycheck. Just look at all the time David Hampton spent last Sunday trying to justify why he chooses to run a lying, plagiarizing, disgusting embarassment of columnist like Ann Coulter. Hampton, there is no justification. And comparing her to someone like Molly Ivins, a breast-cancer survivor and a real journalist who relies on FACTS to form her opinions, is unconscionable. I'll going to rip that column apart on my blog when I get a chance. But I'm too busy fighting Goliath tactics to run my little paper out of business right now. Thanks, David, for your support.
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-22T11:43:24-06:00
- ID
- 170635
- Comment
Oh, and Pilgrim, remember the high road wins. The people are seeing the images of our boxes and racks piled next to dumpsters. They're getting it. The Clarion-Ledger has made their own corporate bed this time. Stay focused. Stay positive. Support local. Goliath will *not* beat this community spirit.
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-22T11:45:22-06:00
- ID
- 170636
- Comment
I just peeked at Rico's Ledge thread about this, and see that "VIPDawg" is defending The Clarion-Ledger, saying that this is business and "capitalism." OK, let me see if I can explain this in a way that VIPDawgs (VIP of what, I wonder. Hmmm) can comprehend. The Clarion-Ledger walks into businesses with a list of "accepted" publications that include the name of the JFP and all the other members of our new alliance. According to the businesses, they tell them that they are providing big boxes to clean up the "clutter" (of which they own the most, which they likely didn't mention) and that the businesses can choose from the "accepted" publications. Some of said businesses sign the contract thinking that the JFP et al are on board. Then the Ledge tells us about the scheme and that we have no choice but to sign on and pay them $8 a box (estimated $40,000 a year or more total for publication to the Ledge), or be evicted in 30 days. They then give us a list of places to evict from that turns out to have places that hadn't signed the contract on the list. Now, many businesses are surprised to see us all being evicted because they thought we were/had "accepted" and were on board. Adding insult to friggin' injury, the Jackson Free Press and the Metro Christian Living (formerly Jackson Christian Family) does not FIT in the box that we are to pay protection money to Gannett to be in. What part of "free enterprise" am I misunderstanding here, VIPDawg? We continue to urge the Gannett Corp. to actually compete, to participate in free enterprise in Jackson. Offer the box to clean up their clutter (see how much better the Super Stop at Lakeland/Old Canton looks with their box *all* all our racks right now), then make us deals fair and square to be in them. But drop the exclusivity B.S., and stop misleading folks about what's really going on. There is *no* fair competition in such strategies.
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-22T12:11:29-06:00
- ID
- 170637
- Comment
Also, what part of "capitalism" makes it OK to trash our boxes, racks and NEWSPAPERS, VIPDawg? Supposedly, they're trying to sell us into the boxes, and they don't even call to talk to us about it again -- and just go drag our papers and racks to the dumpsters? Huh? At least in other markets, they picked up the boxes and racks and called publications to pick them up. Also, Lee Yarmouth told Todd they would be pick them up and pick them in a warehouse. Guess they changed their minds.
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-22T12:37:32-06:00
- ID
- 170638
- Comment
All, looking out my window at the Conoco at Lakeland/Old Canton, it looks like our boxes and racks are gone. If that's true, The Clarion-Ledger finally got the nerve to send in their garbagemen right our noses. We'll go investigate and report back. The Clarion-Ledger is really, really, really terrified of competition, eh?
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-22T14:32:55-06:00
- ID
- 170639
- Comment
Low down dirty shame.
- Author
- Ray Carter
- Date
- 2006-06-22T14:40:21-06:00
- ID
- 170640
- Comment
OK, here's the poop. The boxes are around the corner on the side by Aladdin at the Conoco at Lakeland/Old Canton. The manager -- a lovely woman named Shelly and a JFP reader -- said the Clarion-Ledger folks told her that all of the publications have agreed to be in the box. They told her we have a week to pick up our boxes/racks, and they have a sign on this batch that says not to throw them away. (Just leave them hidden on the side filled with papers, I guess.) She clearly has been misled. I urge everyone to pass through the Conoco and thank them for carrying the papers, and not only the JFP, but the real-estate pubs, etc. They need to know how much everyone values local media. And if you want to see an example of how the Ledger works, peek around the side and see how the boxes are hidden. That there's some free enterprise. Remember, be really nice to Shelly and the staff. They're caught in the middle on this, thanks to Goliath's sneaky little habits.
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-22T15:03:18-06:00
- ID
- 170641
- Comment
I'm still trying to figure out how it is legal for them to move/trash your boxes just because of TDN? If I went and threw your box away you could have me arrested for tampering with your property. I'm sure the store owner has some say in the boxes; but regardless of the TDN contract, those other boxes are y'all's and should be treated as such by the competition! And how they can regulate what the store gives away *inside or out* even with the TDN's is beyond me. I don't see how this contract would stand up in court if challenged. It is too broad and too narrow at the same time.
- Author
- pikersam
- Date
- 2006-06-22T15:25:03-06:00
- ID
- 170642
- Comment
I am very supportive of protecting the rights of JFP and other free publications; however, I do not have time to drive around looking for locations where you have been driven out of. I have asked on this blog several times if you could provide a list of places where you either (1) Distribute your newspaper, or (2) Have been asked to remove your paper. You are probably hesitant to make this public knowledge for fear the merchants think you are launching a campaign against them but this is the only way most of us can identify key spots and visit these locations. Many time, when I go in a place where you paper has been in the past; the owner/manager is not even there. The employees can't tell us anything. PLEASE HELP US TO HELP YOU!!!!
- Author
- realtime
- Date
- 2006-06-22T16:43:12-06:00
- ID
- 170643
- Comment
Realtime, we're working on it. I'm sorry, but The Clarion-Ledger's list has not proved reliable, and I don't want to post the names of businesses that haven't signed on, etc. I'm not trying to put y'all off; I'm just trying to protect the businesses. I hope that makes sense; The Clarion-Ledger has put everyone in tough positions. So, hold on just a bit, we're gathering intelligence to give you the best information. Also, remember, you good people aren't the only ones out there, and there are those who will try to act like we're launching something negative against the businesses just to hurt us. I really, really resent being put in this position — and so do many of the businesses. Hold on. We're meeting tonight, and I'll get y'all info. Also, anyone who wants to e-mail us to get some names, I can do that as long as I know who you are and that you plan to play nice. ;-) Otherwise, it's very easy to identify them. They all now have the big-ass green boxes in front. I just personally fished an American Classifieds rack, with papers in it, out from behind a gas station on Old Canton near Colonial Mart. I can't believe they're just stacking the racks, with papers in them, in places where the papers can be wet and make an even bigger mess. The Gannett Corp. is a monster, pure and simple.
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-22T16:54:37-06:00
- ID
- 170644
- Comment
And, Pike, apparently not all the business *know* that they're moving the boxes and racks. I've truly never directly encountered such a combination of arrogance and incompetence in business before.
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-22T16:55:37-06:00
- ID
- 170645
- Comment
This just sucks all the way around. I wish we could do more! I've signed the petition, called my regular businesses, and blogged.
- Author
- pikersam
- Date
- 2006-06-22T17:48:00-06:00
- ID
- 170646
- Comment
Also, can you place the boxes at a business next door if it is a strip mall? If the business says OK. Like at Nagoya, the papers are in their foyer. I could see how the Mall owners could allow a TDN box at a location on the property; but, not how they could dictate what Nagoya has in their foyer.
- Author
- pikersam
- Date
- 2006-06-22T17:51:28-06:00
- ID
- 170647
- Comment
At this point, I wouldn't think it would be a good idea to publish a list of locations that carry JFP- it would make a great lead list for the TDN salesman! Locations that you have lost on the other hand would make a good lead list for us...
- Author
- Rico
- Date
- 2006-06-22T20:32:06-06:00
- ID
- 170648
- Comment
Checked in on the Ledge forum again. Somebody over there is saying that the CL will probably let the Christian magazine stay! (Formerly Jackson Christian Family; now Metro Christian Living.) I guess they missed Marilyn (the editor's) column in her current issue about how they're evicting her, too! We've become great friends with Marilyn through the alliance -- one good thing to come out of this is a whole slew of new publishing friends -- and we're working together to beat Goliath. And, no, the JFP would never try to do this kind of bullying. Neither is the Alliance. Also, it's funny how some radicals only think that free enterprise should be open to those who agree exactly with them. That's sad, and rather misses the point of being American.
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-22T23:01:14-06:00
- ID
- 170649
- Comment
OK, I'll start easing out a few places where we need everyone's help; remember the JFP isn't in all of these (yet), but some of our sister publications in the Alliance are. Todd and I were talking to businesses today where our other members had been trashed. We're all helping each other, and that's one of the best parts of this. It feels really good to walk into a place where one of our new friends has been trashed and stand up for them. The whole thing is inspiring in a weird way. Anyway, watch for these: All BP gas stations Fleetway gas stations Any gas station where you see a big-ass green (or blue) TDN box All Conocos Remember be nice, and ask them to please continue carrying independent media. They won't always know the difference between pubs, so explain to them that all the publications in the Ledge box are Gannett-printed publications, and that the others are being evicted if we don't agree to pay The Clarion-Ledger. Ask them to please support local media. More to come ....
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-22T23:06:15-06:00
- ID
- 170650
- Comment
Of course, the people working behind the counters aren't going to know (or care) what in the world we're talking about. We're going to have to be creative and get messages to the upper management and/or owners.
- Author
- JamesInNashville
- Date
- 2006-06-22T23:13:06-06:00
- ID
- 170651
- Comment
True ... to a point. More than you think care about this, it seems. Also, if they hear enough from you, they will tell the owners. And we're finding that it's not hard to find out who's in charge if you ask. One thing is sure: The Clarion-Ledger does seem to exactly evoke loyalty among the masses. And this isn't helping.
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-22T23:15:31-06:00
- ID
- 170652
- Comment
Clicking around, I re-read this report from the ABC affiliate in Sioux Falls, S.D., about their Gannett's scheme to do this there. Note how similar the excuse, er, language is that the paper released, as to what Warmouth and Newhouse are saying here: It all started late last year when "News Center Distribution," a service of the Argus Leader, approached several stores and organizations in town asking them to sign an exclusive contract to only display free publication racks owned by the Argus Leader. They would then charge the other publications to place their product on the Argus racks. The rent would be $10 per position, per rack at every contracted location. But if the independent publishers didn't pay the Argus, the threatened to physically take their competitors magazines out of contracted businesses. ... We asked the Argus Leader about this issue. They refused to do an on-camera interview, but sent us an email with this quote: "This kind of business exists in most cities across the country the size of Sioux Falls and larger. It is a service that many retailers and others find useful and beneficial, and that is why so many have signed up for it in Sioux Falls and elsewhere. In most cities, however, the service fee is substantially greater than the NCD (News Center Distribution) fee. The NCD fee was intentionally kept low enough to allow small publishers to actually save money in distributing their products by using NCD." Siefken says he doesn't buy it. He says the NCD system would more than double his distribution costs. He says the Argus wants to corner the market and make money off of the small publishers. The Argus has its own set of free publications like Pet Mag and City Style. Some of which are in direct competition with the small publishers..... The Argus Leader also said in an e-mail: "NCD has contracts with dozens of local businesses, but overall with only a minority of the total number of businesses that distribute free products. However, the Argus Leader is, in fact, facilitating competition through NCD. The mess that free publications can make in retailers' stores by distributing their own products will, eventually, drive these retailers to ban them or to institute service fees that are far in excess of NCD fees. That would hurt all of the publishers and the small ones more than the Argus Leader." As for removing other publisher's racks and magazines from their contracted businesses, the Argus Leader said in an e-mail; "This is a part of the service NCD performs for the retailer — keeping the location clean and neat and confining free publication distribution to a limited area. Racks or products are removed only with the approval of the retailer. Also, the publisher is notified and is provided an opportunity to pick up its products." Uh, huh. No word, yet, on whether the Argus-Liar dragged their competition's boxes and racks to the dumpsters or not, like was done here. Maybe that just happens below the Mason-Dixon Line. BTW, the men doing this at the Clarion-Ledger are actually telling people they do not understand why we are upset about their methods. Well, then.
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-22T23:30:27-06:00
- ID
- 170653
- Comment
[quote]Of course, the people working behind the counters aren't going to know (or care) what in the world we're talking about. We're going to have to be creative and get messages to the upper management and/or owners.[/quote] Actually, the counter people are pretty good at passing on info if enough people ask. They are usually visited by a district manager regularly, and they like having info to pass along to him/her...
- Author
- Rico
- Date
- 2006-06-22T23:42:04-06:00
- ID
- 170654
- Comment
Okay Donna and Rico...I withdraw my statement. I'm in too good of a mood to argue the point. Drinking rum and listening to jazz always puts me in a good mood. Is there a better way to spend a Thursday night? :-)
- Author
- JamesInNashville
- Date
- 2006-06-22T23:47:53-06:00
- ID
- 170655
- Comment
Heineken... actually Heineken Light- damn my health nut wife...
- Author
- Rico
- Date
- 2006-06-22T23:51:10-06:00
- ID
- 170656
- Comment
Hey, don't be dissin' the missus. She's trying to keep her little meat-muncher happy! ;-) And, again, thanks to much to all of you for your concern and help. I have a good feeling about this. It's heartwarming to see how hard all of the people in the Alliance are working to help each other. But maybe I said that already. ;-) G'night.
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-23T00:32:42-06:00
- ID
- 170657
- Comment
I found that some of the managers and clerks that i talked to didn't even realize the racks were behind in the alleys. one manager told me they weren't supposed to do that....another clerk at another gas station told me that the reason they were being thrown away was because the clarion ledger had bought out the rest of the free magazines and replaced them with the new big green box......does anyone really know what's going on??????????????/
- Author
- Jes
- Date
- 2006-06-23T10:59:57-06:00
- ID
- 170658
- Comment
I personally have not talked to a manager, yet, who understood what the real deal was. One yesterday thought the boxes hidden behind the building were the boxes for the publications in the green box and weren't needed anymore. She said The Clarion-Ledger told her last week that all the free publications were on board. What a mess Gannett has made.
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-23T11:02:38-06:00
- ID
- 170659
- Comment
I visited quite a few places yesterday. You're right. People really don't know what's going on. And they probably don't understand the severity of the issue. Is it not violating your property rights when they throw these things away? A few had signs on them saying "Do not throw away", and then conveniently set them right next to the dumpster. It's just wrong!
- Author
- Jes
- Date
- 2006-06-23T12:50:17-06:00
- ID
- 170660
- Comment
Indeed, Jes. People are pitifully confused, which I'm sure The Clarion-Ledger is counting on. Someone posted this on Rico's thread over on the Ledge forum that he started about this (and is still up): didn't understand this the first time I read about it in the JFP and I still don't. I skimmed the article then, I guess a couple of months ago -- looked like there was this big plot for the CL to rob the JFP of exposure. Turns out the venue in question is owned by the CL who has been making it available to the JFP and others free of charge for a long time. All that squealing -- you would have thought they were really doing something terrible. Can someone explain to me why the papers the CL has been helping to distribute for so long at its expense can't buy their own little boxes for their own publications and put them wherever they want? What in holy hell is this person TALKING ABOUT? What venue have they been making available to us and others for free!?! What papers have they been helping distribute?!? Where do people get their information!?! Is this a Ledge employee trying to spread FUD?!? Hint: American Classifieds, Metro Christian Living, the Mississippi Business Journal, WLBT, the JFP, at least, have tried to explain this already. And if anyone is still confused, please see my very accurate bullet points above for a quick rundown of just-the-facts. Sigh.
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-25T17:09:52-06:00
- ID
- 170661
- Comment
Prospero (the person that you quoted) actually posts on here from time to time. I believe he lives in the Washington, D.C. area. I went ahead and posted your bullet points- wonder if they will leave 'em up? They don't seem to monitor their site very much. It's kind of funny though- I think that I'm suspected of being a shill for you guys- if they only knew how much time I spend being a pain in the JFP posterior! Viva La Suburbs!
- Author
- Rico
- Date
- 2006-06-25T17:38:13-06:00
- ID
- 170662
- Comment
Prospero's a she, I think. ;-) t's kind of funny though- I think that I'm suspected of being a shill for you guys- if they only knew how much time I spend being a pain in the JFP posterior! I know. I think of you as one of the (now) Four Curmudgeons. Love you all to pieces, precisely because y'all know how to disagree and be a pain in the butt ... but in a fun way. Guess who the other three are. (Hint: One's a newbie.)
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-25T18:37:17-06:00
- ID
- 170663
- Comment
One thing you might update over there, Rico. There is one non-Gannett pub -- Century 21? -- that is in the green box, even though they have racks around as well. I'm not sure how that's going to play out. I think that one already had a printing/distribution relationship with Gannett of some sort.
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-25T18:41:10-06:00
- ID
- 170664
- Comment
Also, you might post a link here and/or to the Goliath blog over there every few posts so people know to come here to try to figure out what is really going on. There is so much confusion over it all, including among the managers at the distribution spots. One last week even thought that The Clarion-Ledger had bought all the other publications. (!) I'm not saying they told them that, but it is certainly clear that not all the businesses knew what they were signing up for.
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-25T18:42:41-06:00
- ID
- 170665
- Comment
Speaking of the C-L forums... that place seems to have really changed since before last year's mayoral race. Few, if any, blind Melton loyalists in sight, from what I read on there recently. There were two in particular that were particularly defensive of the man that I can't even find on a search of the entire forums. Dare I say you can almost carry on a civilized conversation over there now?
- Author
- millhouse
- Date
- 2006-06-25T20:20:27-06:00
- ID
- 170666
- Comment
Almost. ;-)
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-25T20:26:45-06:00
- ID
- 170667
- Comment
Prospero made another post, and I replied. See it here: Click
- Author
- Rico
- Date
- 2006-06-26T10:45:16-06:00
- ID
- 170668
- Comment
Thanks, Rico. She is *incredibly* misled about what's going on (of course, so are many people). The Clarion-Ledger has not provided exposure to anyone in all this! In fact, they are trying to squelch our branding and the exposure we already have. And it may come as a surprise to folks, but we're not only complaining here. We have a multi-level plan to keep the Gannett Corp. from achieving their goal of hurting their competition in such a way. One piece of that is talking about what they're doing publicly so people aren't as confused as Prospero is about what is happening. If they had actually done this in a "free enterprise" way, we wouldn't be complaining. But we have not had a chance to "compete" because they did not tell us they were doing it when they were passing around a list of "accepted" publications with all of our names on it to help sell the idea to the businesses. You can't imagine how many are shocked and surprised that we weren't all already on board. We have had one choice: Pay The Clarion-Ledger or they will evict us in 30 days. Last week, they started dragging our boxes and racks to dumpsters. And, to mention a vital point again for anyone interested in fair competition, the Jackson Free Press and Metro Christian Living do not fit in their box. So we have no choices in the matter. We'll say it again: Provide the boxes. Try to sell publications into it by competing honestly and fairly. But don't try to bully everyone in site into doing something that only benefits Gannett.
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-26T11:05:01-06:00
- ID
- 170669
- Comment
I'm still scratching my head over the "philanthropic" reference. WTF?
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-26T11:05:57-06:00
- ID
- 170670
- Comment
Okay, so I'm having a total b1tch of a morning.
- Author
- Lori G
- Date
- 2006-06-26T11:08:25-06:00
- ID
- 170671
- Comment
Whoa, Ali. Get 'em, girls. Two things for clarity, though: Prospero has never been banned from the JFP site. She's an active member in good standing. She didn't like how I dealt with a troll, and that's fine. But she's never been banned. Second, for clarity, we do not know that The Clarion-Ledger told every single business that we were all on board. They gave them a list of "accepted" publications that implied it to a lot of folks (and some say they were told we were all on board). At any rate, many businesses are surprised now to see very popular publications being dragged to the dumpsters, they're telling us. And you are right: They did not tell any of us that this was going on until they had a list of more than 100 spots that they say had all signed the contract (which is, in itself, in question). When they came to "sell" us, they told us this is what was happening at a long list of places, and we either had to sign on to pay them $8 a box or be evicted in 30 days. That there's some interesting free enterprise.
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-26T11:13:54-06:00
- ID
- 170672
- Comment
Sorry, she's been on the "other site" pissing me off too. I actually toned down my response. Mainly because her "acting" ignorant is soley based upon her being angry about the troll thing. You know this...I know this. Its ridiculous. Its petty...and I haven't had my crazy pill yet this morning.
- Author
- Lori G
- Date
- 2006-06-26T11:18:47-06:00
- ID
- 170673
- Comment
Prospero is one of the more liberal people on the CL site- and I still think he is a "he"- didn't you ever read Shakespeare's "The Tempest"??? OK, I didn't either, but according to Wiki, the main character is named "Prospero", and he is certainly a he...
- Author
- Rico
- Date
- 2006-06-26T11:20:09-06:00
- ID
- 170674
- Comment
Also, don't forget a major point that people are missing here. The businesses themselves benefit from the free publications, because people will decide where to stop to fill up and such based on where they can get their new issue of their favoriate local publications. Thus, leading the businesses to believe we were all on board -- directly or by omission -- is really bad form and unfair to the businesses themselves. They may want their "clutter" cleaned up -- especially all those Gannett boxes, unweighted and flopping around, go look at Fondren Corner right now -- but they also want to be able to make solid business decisions for themselves based on the whole truth. Now those businesses are stuck in the middle of all this, with different ideas about what's going on -- and it's all The Clarion-Ledger's fault. I simply can't over how they've tried to do this. "Bully" is the only good word that comes to mind, along with "Goliath," of course.
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-26T11:20:51-06:00
- ID
- 170675
- Comment
Rico, I know Prospero's identity, which I won't share. She is a she. Trust me. She's published in the JFP before. ;-) Women often use male names online, I find. Not sure why, but it's none of my business.
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-26T11:21:43-06:00
- ID
- 170676
- Comment
And yes, Ali, I know. I honestly don't care what she thinks about my troll policy -- which is what keeps this site from being that site; argh -- but I do appreciate Rico taking the time to set her straight factually, being that she's got this so wrong, or at least is pretending to get it all wrong. I want solid information about there about what Gannett is doing -- it is only fair to the citizens, to the alliance publications (and the freebies that haven't signed on, but are getting booted, too), and to the businesses themselves to know what is really going on. So, thanks, Rico. We're at your service.
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-26T11:25:42-06:00
- ID
- 170677
- Comment
Well, her genitalial at this point is of no consequence to me. Its her mouth that is pissing me off. I'm especially upset because there are lots of people in that forum that would NEVER come here. So, for her to be spreading misinformation about the subject over there means there will be people on that forum who do not understand what is going on.
- Author
- Lori G
- Date
- 2006-06-26T11:27:08-06:00
- ID
- 170678
- Comment
Agreed, gender doesn't matter. It was just a chance to one-up Rico. Ha! ;-D I agree with you, Ali. It's one thing to diss us personally as the JFP-haters tend to do, but it is another to spread disinformation that affects the business of literally of hundreds of entrepreneurs in Jackson. That deserves a response. Thank you. I don't post over there, or in any other forums, but I appreciate knowing y'all are out there watching our backs.
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-26T11:31:26-06:00
- ID
- 170679
- Comment
Wow, am I in the middle of a cat fight??? Meow!!! Just kidding(!), but I am wondering something- if someone posted a similar thread on this site, how long would it remain? Giving credit where it is due, I think that it is pretty big of the CL to let that thread stay up- but I would bet that they just aren't paying attention...
- Author
- Rico
- Date
- 2006-06-26T11:37:39-06:00
- ID
- 170680
- Comment
I can't believe they've let it stay up as well. I would think that someone would notice and remove at least parts of it. And, Rico, please refer to it as a "c0ck fight". Because, you know, all us women are just brimming with penis envy. :P
- Author
- Lori G
- Date
- 2006-06-26T11:40:49-06:00
- ID
- 170681
- Comment
[quote] all us women are just brimming with p**** envy. :P[/quote] So am I- turning 50 sux...
- Author
- Rico
- Date
- 2006-06-26T11:44:34-06:00
- ID
- 170682
- Comment
Wow, am I in the middle of a cat fight??? Meow!!! In your dreams, buddy. ;-) As for posting a similar thread -- as long as it was factual and fair, sure it would. It's not trolling to talk about facts without being nasty, and I think you're conducting yourself pretty well over there on our behalf. Same with Ali. It's nothing compared to some of the Kluckers they let take over there sometimes. But that's their problem. I've pdf'd it just in case.
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-26T12:16:48-06:00
- ID
- 170683
- Comment
Yeah, I have seen some pretty wild things on there from time to time- stuff that probably shouldn't be tolerated anywhere. Still, the last one that I noticed, the posters all kind of rallied around and ran the offender off. It was a beautiful thing! Prospero really does seem to have an axe to grind- have you seen her reply to Ali yet? I missed the thread that pissed her off so much over here, but it must have been a doozie!
- Author
- Rico
- Date
- 2006-06-26T14:19:23-06:00
- ID
- 170684
- Comment
Just glanced over there again. Prospero is nothing if not fact-challenged in this chain of posts. Some quickies: Which, if true, makes it all the more baffling that all the "independents" are doing is wringing their hands about it. Looks like a crime against property to me. Sounds actionable. Any action on the horizon? Who freakin' said all we're doing is "wringing our hands"??? This is plain weird. Sounds like she doesn't want us to talk about it and explain it to the public—just sue. How 'about we do all sorts of things, including educating the public? Clearly, some of them are very confused, as you can see from her posts. I don't understand how you, I mean they, can be forced to pay anything. How does that work? We can be forced to pay to keep our own spots because the businesses believed we were in a deal with the Ledge and signed a contract for the box. And they used our names to make it happen. Life is tough -- we all get hit with fees we never had to pay before. It's part of life. It's not usually a conspiracy. Usually not. Sometimes it is. If $8 a month will break them something else is wrong with them. $8 per spot per month. If the Ledge meets its stated 600-spots goal, that could cost one single publication $57,600. Multiply that by 10 publications, and you get more than a half a million dollars in the Gannett coffers. Makes up for a few lost subscribers. Of course, they told the spots they would pay them 25 percent; in that case, the math works the other way. It seems that the TDN box has slots for four, maybe five, non-Gannett pubs. So, that means that the most each spot would likely is make is $10 a month per box. How many tanks of gas does it take to put that to shame? If the CL has that kind of power it's time to march on Washington. Indeed. That's about what Trent Lott was calling for to stop the change of the FCC ownership rules that would give them more m onopoly power. It's serious. Again -- if the CL is throwing out boxes and racks that don't belong to them that's a crime against property for which there is legal recourse. What in the world is up with all this impotent handwringing? What impotent handwringing? Since when is being honest with the public "impotent handwringing"? Funny how the JFP made a point of not mentioning the Pulitzer status of the CL when it mentioned other Mississippi papers that had gotten that recognition. Does she mean this post congratulating the Biloxi and New Orleans papers for doing such great work under pressure? Sigh. Too bad people don't have better things to do than spread misinformation. Fortunately, most people we're hearing from are getting what's going on here.
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-26T14:22:54-06:00
- ID
- 170685
- Comment
Oh, its on now. I wonder how long it will take before I get banned from the CL?
- Author
- Lori G
- Date
- 2006-06-26T14:23:27-06:00
- ID
- 170686
- Comment
Not long. ;-D
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-26T14:36:35-06:00
- ID
- 170687
- Comment
Donna-I'm going to have to log out over there. I'm kind of getting a little, well, "Ali" on them.
- Author
- Lori G
- Date
- 2006-06-26T14:59:37-06:00
- ID
- 170688
- Comment
What is an "orange midget"?
- Author
- Rico
- Date
- 2006-06-26T15:03:01-06:00
- ID
- 170689
- Comment
Rico-HOW CAN YOU NOT KNOW THE MORE COMMON TERM FOR AN OOMPA LOOMPA? I'm very upset with you right now.
- Author
- Lori G
- Date
- 2006-06-26T15:05:56-06:00
- ID
- 170690
- Comment
Oompa Loopa???
- Author
- Rico
- Date
- 2006-06-26T15:07:51-06:00
- ID
- 170691
- Comment
Oh. Dear. Jesus. I turn my face from you. I can't even look at you right now. What is the world coming to when people don't get Willy Wonka references to small statured painted men who sing rhyming songs and swim in chocolate rivers. HAS IT COME TO THIS?
- Author
- Lori G
- Date
- 2006-06-26T15:09:55-06:00
- ID
- 170692
- Comment
Be nice- I don't get out much, and besides, I'm a potential paying customer...
- Author
- Rico
- Date
- 2006-06-26T15:35:06-06:00
- ID
- 170693
- Comment
Aw, Rico, it was purely a playful love tap. I will forgive you. :)
- Author
- Lori G
- Date
- 2006-06-26T15:37:34-06:00
- ID
- 170694
- Comment
OK, in a little while I'll go back over and defend your honor and stuff...
- Author
- Rico
- Date
- 2006-06-26T15:43:17-06:00
- ID
- 170695
- Comment
Please make sure to remind them about my ability to wrap my leg around my head...they LOVE that. (and I don't know how much longer I'll get to stay since I threw a douche bag card into play)
- Author
- Lori G
- Date
- 2006-06-26T16:09:43-06:00
- ID
- 170696
- Comment
I just saw that- this is getting scary...
- Author
- Rico
- Date
- 2006-06-26T16:10:23-06:00
- ID
- 170697
- Comment
Ah, I'm done over there now. I get mad pretty quickly, but then I get over it pretty quickly. Its more fun than anything else. That's probably sick and demented, right?
- Author
- Lori G
- Date
- 2006-06-26T16:12:36-06:00
- ID
- 170698
- Comment
Okay, she has obviously thought I was DONNA the ENTIRE time this was going on? How perfect.
- Author
- Lori G
- Date
- 2006-06-26T16:19:46-06:00
- ID
- 170699
- Comment
Really? That's funny. That's about as up on things as saying that The Clarion-Ledger has even been "philanthropic" with its competition, eh?
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-26T16:42:51-06:00
- ID
- 170700
- Comment
As Brian said "She should have known it was Greggs as soon as it went gynecological." I'm inclined to agree. :P She then apologized to me. Sort I sort of felt bad and ran away. Story of my life. ;)
- Author
- Lori G
- Date
- 2006-06-26T16:53:20-06:00
- ID
- 170701
- Comment
I just read the whole thing. Lord. She's a piece of work. I love the part about the "now-infamous" exchange with pneville. She's the only person I know obsessing and obsessing, and obsessing over how I run my Web site. Even N-JAM figured out a while back that that gets no traction. It's hilarious to watch her wig out thinking she was ripping *me* a new one, not realizing she was railing against the now-infamous Ali Greggs. Giggle. Back on point, though: I just visited the Super Stop at Lakeland/Old Canton. And there is a long row of boxes and racks lined up down the side filled with soggy, wet papers and magazines. Way to flex your muscle, Ledge.
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-26T17:11:22-06:00
- ID
- 170702
- Comment
Can't you move your boxes back and see what happens?
- Author
- pikersam
- Date
- 2006-06-26T17:26:04-06:00
- ID
- 170703
- Comment
You know, I was just having a conversation with someone about the whole $10 a month part that it seems each business could make, should five publications sign on to this thing. I was thinking about all the folks who said, for instance, that they fill up their tank at a place with the JFP every week so they can pick up their paper. If *one* person goes elsewhere for gas each week or so as a result, that $10 looks piddley pretty quickly, eh?
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-26T17:26:19-06:00
- ID
- 170704
- Comment
Well, it seems that some businesses have put some of our racks back themselves. And there is a strong argument that the businesses need to hear from our readers who can't find our papers so they understand what is really going on here.
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-26T17:27:34-06:00
- ID
- 170705
- Comment
Did we ever get a conoco contact??? That's my people and my friends people and I KNOW we want the jfp here. Just for my vanity for God's sakes. I emailed you and Todd. Lemme know :)
- Author
- emilyb
- Date
- 2006-06-26T17:49:15-06:00
- ID
- 170706
- Comment
I'm sorry. Check your e-mail.
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-26T17:55:24-06:00
- ID
- 170707
- Comment
Good to know. No doubt. When I see it, I will certainly let them know I appreciate they keep the JFP and other pub's.
- Author
- pikersam
- Date
- 2006-06-26T17:58:58-06:00
- ID
- 170708
- Comment
Prospero even called me a syncophant, as shown here: Phillip [sic] initiates that icky sycophantic suck-up thing that happens when you're going after someone. It's very disturbing, especially when you're behaving this badly. You giggle in girlish gratitude for his able assistance. Hooooooooo BOYAH!!!!! It can't POSSIBLY be that I thought Marlyn (the poster Donna addressed in the thread) effectively barred any possibility that poverty could not itself be a cause of crime. It can't POSSIBLY be that I had a creative (stretching it here, I admit) moment and decided to make the "justify a flat earth" quip. It can't POSSIBLY be that I think it's ok to make facetious comments on occasion on this board (admittedly, it's not my usual standard op procedure). NO, IT HAS TO BE that I am a suck-up desperately seeking approval from Donna! You're right Prospero, I have so little self respect, I'm so neurotic I'm infantilely (sp?) dependent on the love of non-family members. That means I have so little confidence in myself I cannot form my own opinions and feel naked and terrified if I express an opinion contrary to what the majority thinks. I'm NEEDY BEYOND BELIEF! Thank you for your counseling, Prospero. You definitely will be paid what it is worth
- Author
- Philip
- Date
- 2006-06-26T18:30:17-06:00
- ID
- 170709
- Comment
BTW, I tried to post this to prospero on the CL board, but I have major logon problems despite getting registered over there. So, no, Prospero - this is not cowardice on my part. Just the bump-and-grind of modern technology.
- Author
- Philip
- Date
- 2006-06-26T18:47:51-06:00
- ID
- 170710
- Comment
Well, you know what they say: Her charms may be be over(bl)own, but her indulgence will set us free ... or something or other.
Otherwise, continue Prospero poking here. This one here's about That Damn Newspaper's scheme. ;-) - Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-26T19:02:56-06:00
- ID
- 170711
- Comment
Well, Donna, you know I'll be unemployed next week. Brian got scared when I told him I was just going to come hang out in the office. :P So, maybe I'll start terrorizing gas stations by pulling up and asking "Hey, where is the JFP?" and then absolutely refusing to buy gas until they produce a paper. I can do this in a way that both seems logical, and somehow makes them fall in love with me at the same time. I have these skills. I didn't ask for them, God just saw fit to give them to me out of his good graces. ;) I am now offering them to you. (for a paltry 200$ a week). ;)
- Author
- Lori G
- Date
- 2006-06-26T19:33:11-06:00
- ID
- 170712
- Comment
You do have those skills. We might have to negotiate, though. ;-)
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-26T19:35:14-06:00
- ID
- 170713
- Comment
$2.50 and some envelopes?
- Author
- Lori G
- Date
- 2006-06-26T19:38:47-06:00
- ID
- 170714
- Comment
Now, you're talking. I have a feeling we can work something out.
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-26T19:41:07-06:00
- ID
- 170715
- Comment
Yeah, just wait until I use those envelopes to send out a "Keep Ali Writing" fundraiser flyer. Is there anyway we can add a "donate to poor ali" paypal account on my column pages? :) As for the TDN boxes, I'm actually happy to report...I HAVE NOT SEEN A SINGLE ONE. What am I doing wrong here? (Besides living in Madison)
- Author
- Lori G
- Date
- 2006-06-26T19:47:08-06:00
- ID
- 170716
- Comment
They're supposed to be in Madison, too.
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-26T19:54:20-06:00
- ID
- 170717
- Comment
Tell you what I *did* see in Madison- Two(2) empty JFP racks- one at the liquor store where I trade, and one at the Chinese place down the walk...
- Author
- Rico
- Date
- 2006-06-26T20:00:39-06:00
- ID
- 170718
- Comment
Rico-you must frequent Madison Cellars. Aren't they just angels in there? First place I ever got recognized in public. They are devoted readers and their racks are ALWAYS empty two days after distribution.
- Author
- Lori G
- Date
- 2006-06-26T20:07:23-06:00
- ID
- 170719
- Comment
(Let's not mention the irony in the first place I ever got recognized being a liquor store, mkay?)
- Author
- Lori G
- Date
- 2006-06-26T20:09:43-06:00
- ID
- 170720
- Comment
Rico, WHEN did you see them empty? We're running out quickly in many spots, but always let us know if you see spots our drivers missed. That doesn't sound ironic at all, Ali. ;-P
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-26T20:18:11-06:00
- ID
- 170721
- Comment
It is Madison Cellars- I'm not recognized there, I'm *known*..I saw the empty racks a couple of hours ago- the driver didn't miss them, they had some earlier in the week.
- Author
- Rico
- Date
- 2006-06-26T20:41:25-06:00
- ID
- 170722
- Comment
More love for Madison Cellars -- one of the three places I generally get my JFP. Truly quality people. Like Ali, I have yet to see a TDN box. I was afraid there'd be one at Buffalo Wild Wings but not as of last Friday. Newt
- Author
- Newt
- Date
- 2006-06-26T20:57:22-06:00
- ID
- 170723
- Comment
It seems that TDN's push for inside boxes was mostly supposed to come in the next round. Make no mistake, though. Please make a point of telling all those spots how much you appreciate the local pubs -- to fortify, so to speak. And Rico, that's great news. We want to run out in Madison. ;-)
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-26T21:16:03-06:00
- ID
- 170724
- Comment
I just thought of a funny scenario. Imagine this: The Jackson Free Press gets a great idea for a way to distribute our paper. We will buy big boxes and go to all of The Clarion-Ledger's free distribution sites and say: We have a great way to clean up all that Gannett clutter, all those boxes and racks they've put out over the last year or so. We're giving you a big box, and they can be in it, too. Of course, we're going to charge them for it, and we'll give you a small cut of what they pay us. Oh, and here's a list of all the "accepted" Gannett free publications. Why not check off the ones you want? The business says, "great!" and signs our exclusive contract. We then go to The Clarion-Ledger and say, "Well, we've signed your distribution spots to an exclusive agreement, and you will have to vacate those premises within 30 days or we will remove your boxes for you (taking them to the dumpsters, of course). Here's a list of the places where you need to move your boxes. Unless, of course, you will agree to pay us per box to be on the bottom of our nine-tier box. Of course, you want be able to keep using your logo on the box, and at least one of your papers won't really fit in the box, but go ahead and make a color copy of that cover each week to stick in there. That'll work just fine." Now, we all know that The Clarion-Ledger would think that this is simply free enterprise at work, wouldn't mind that we used their name as an "example" to get the contracts signed, and then wouldn't be bothered at all when we went and dragged all their free publication boxes to the dumpsters. Heck, they would even tell the media that they were glad that their local competition came up with the idea before some people without ties to the community came in and did it first. They would happily pay us in order to stay in their current distribution spots. They would tell anyone who asked that this was a great idea, and they wished they had thought of it first. Wouldn't they?
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-26T22:05:36-06:00
- ID
- 170725
- Comment
Donna, your stand at the Courthouse on Lakeland runs out very quickly. I wish at Cups on lakeland they would put stands back at front. Judgement call since they put more tables in the back outside.
- Author
- Kingfish
- Date
- 2006-06-26T23:10:48-06:00
- ID
- 170726
- Comment
Thanks for the tip, Jimmy. We can increase the drop number. This stuff is always good to know. Where are the stands now at Cups/Lakeland?
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-27T12:00:58-06:00
- ID
- 170727
- Comment
oustide in the back. they put more tables out there so it might make sense. nothing sinister. I like them in front though as I rarely go out back. Get my voice mail? sorry, just iddn't feel comfortable forwarding an email from someone like that when I didn't have permission.
- Author
- Kingfish
- Date
- 2006-06-27T12:05:39-06:00
- ID
- 170728
- Comment
I didn't think it was sinister. ;-) We love Cups. Just curious. I did get it, and thanks. We heard from those folks you mentioned. We'll see what happens.
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-27T12:12:31-06:00
- ID
- 170729
- Comment
All, Editor & Publisher magazine—THE newspaper trade magazine—has a piece in its new issue about Gannett's TDN scheme; they interviewed Todd for it recently. However, I don't subscribe and can't get in. Can anyone access it and e-mail it to me? Then I'll post pertinent parts. It starts out: In the last few years, several Gannett dailies have quietly entered the business of handling distribution and display of free papers in their markets — a business currently dominated by DistribuTech, AutoTrader, and a few others. In exchange for exclusive display rights at outlets such as convenience stores and supermarkets, the Gannett daily installs multi-titled racks and handles the delivery and cleanup of the papers. Typically, the daily charges a fee to other free papers that use the rack. Papers that don't participate can't distribute on the outlet's property. I WANT MORE!!!
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-27T14:18:45-06:00
- ID
- 170730
- Comment
Why don't you subscribe? It's only $8.00 for the web access...
- Author
- Rico
- Date
- 2006-06-27T14:30:51-06:00
- ID
- 170731
- Comment
I think we'd have to do it long-term, and right now all our extra bucks are going into shoring up against the Gannett challenge. I'd do it for one month to get the article, though. Frankly, I hate filling out stuff online with a bunch of info. I'd rather someone just send it to me. ;-)
- Author
- ladd
- Date
- 2006-06-27T14:55:45-06:00
- ID
- 170732
- Comment
Donna, I posted this somewhere else, but I'm not sure you saw it. Racks have been placed next to the dumpster at the Fleetway on Hwy 51 in Ridgeland. I don't think the JFP had a stand there, but I know you all would still be concerned about any of the MIPA racks.
- Author
- L.W.
- Date
- 2006-06-30T20:18:24-06:00
- ID
- 170733
- Comment
While at my fav-o-rite coffee hole this AM (SprintMart Shell on Springridge in Clinton; owned by Morris Petroleum), one of the freebies came by to leave brand spanking new editions of his travel/travel coupon magazines. 4 bundles in hand, he looked around the walkway at the front and seemed confused. Yeah, you know where this is somewhat going. I called out to him, "look around the side there by the dumpster. It's probably there." He said, "My rack?" lmao I said "yeah, you see this big blue box here? it's owned by The Clarion-Ledger and unless your company pays them to put your mags in this big blue monstrocity (sp?), you're kicked out of this spot friend!" He said he didn't even know about it and that was the first box he'd seen. I went on to explain the whole workings of it - Morris Petroleum signed the contract, they get a few pennies in return, we the public lose our alternatives and freebies, blah blah blah. He walked around the side by the dumpster... I don't know if he found his rack or not. He never came back by me, instead opting to go around the back of the building. As I was standing there, I saw a van with 'Traveler Media' on the side of it hitting the road. Poor guy.
- Author
- Jo-D
- Date
- 2006-07-07T18:43:28-06:00
- ID
- 170734
- Comment
As for L.W.'s post about the Fleetway on Hwy 51, that's Fleet Morris Petroleum, the cousin of Morris Petroleum who owns, as I said above, all of the SprintMarts. Confusing I know. Fleet Morris and Morris both deal in Shell stations and I know Fleet Morris also owns most of the BPs in the area as well as Spur including some they are leasing out to other people, mostly Indian. Some of you know that my full-time job, the one that pays my bills, is as a manager in the fuel/convenience/gas station business. I won't divulge exactly where here as my company just made us acknowledge a new "conflict of interest" agreement that basically says I can be fired for alot of stuff including my activism but I will say the best way to fight this at the convenient store level is to contact the national brand customer service and raise hell. Fleetway Shell, SprintMart Shell, SuperStop Conoco.. they all have one thing in common... locally owned but have to pay the corporation brand, aka Shell or BP or Exxon, a fee for the name. When contacting the corporate brand's customer service, they pass this along to the local owner and it also goes into their files for deciding whether or not the corportate brand wants to continue to allow the local to use there brand-name. Corporate brands are big on their local "jobbers" providing that corporate image of excellent customer service and offerings of services. I assure you this will go a long way in the end. ta ta
- Author
- Jo-D
- Date
- 2006-07-07T18:43:44-06:00
- ID
- 170735
- Comment
And now we know why they bought VIP Jackson.. to fill those empty slots that none of you rebel indies would pay to be in! haha I read Ronnie Agnew's piece this week about how their web site is changing, etc. It's only a matter of time before you have to pay to read complete articles on the site.. I feel it coming. Will probably be something along the lines of "and for only $5.00 more, you can have full access to our web site with your monthly subscription!". All of this makes me miss the days when we had 2 newspapers in the Metro. Not a slight at JFP there.. While I do get a good bit of news from JFP, it's not a daily so that's what I mean there.
- Author
- Jo-D
- Date
- 2006-07-09T02:08:56-06:00
- ID
- 170736
- Comment
Wal-mart is now home to the big green box.. saw it today in the Wal-mart in Clinton as you go in the left side (the non-grocery entrance). Also still there was the rolling CL cart where they place the daily editions.
- Author
- Jo-D
- Date
- 2006-09-03T19:57:17-06:00
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