Breaking: JFP and L.A. Weekly Lead AAN Awards, Win 6 Each | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Breaking: JFP and L.A. Weekly Lead AAN Awards, Win 6 Each

June 5, 2006—The Association of Alternative Newsweeklies has just announced that the Jackson Free Press will take home six awards this year, beating our three awards last year and two the year before. Along with the L.A. Weekly, the Jackson Free Press is winning more awards than any other alternative newspaper in the country. This year, AAN saw a record-setting 1,554 entries. AAN's awards are judged by non-alternative newspaper editors and journalists from publications as prestigious as The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic Monthly and others. (See last year's judges here.)

Winning awards for the JFP are Casey Parks (feature writing), Adam Lynch (news writing-short form), Todd Stauffer (media criticism), Donna Ladd (political columns and investigative reporting) and the JFP Web site/blog (best Web site). Ladd is one of three people from 99 alternative newspapers in the U.S. winning awards in more than one category. Also, the JFP runs This Modern World, which is up for Best Cartoon. The order of the awards will be announced at AAN's national convention in Little Rock on June 16.

Click here to read the full list of honorees.

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