June 5, 2006—The Association of Alternative Newsweeklies has just announced that the Jackson Free Press will take home six awards this year, beating our three awards last year and two the year before. Along with the L.A. Weekly, the Jackson Free Press is winning more awards than any other alternative newspaper in the country. This year, AAN saw a record-setting 1,554 entries. AAN's awards are judged by non-alternative newspaper editors and journalists from publications as prestigious as The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic Monthly and others. (See last year's judges here.)
Winning awards for the JFP are Casey Parks (feature writing), Adam Lynch (news writing-short form), Todd Stauffer (media criticism), Donna Ladd (political columns and investigative reporting) and the JFP Web site/blog (best Web site). Ladd is one of three people from 99 alternative newspapers in the U.S. winning awards in more than one category. Also, the JFP runs This Modern World, which is up for Best Cartoon. The order of the awards will be announced at AAN's national convention in Little Rock on June 16.
Click here to read the full list of honorees.
Previous Commentsshow
What's this?Way to go, JFP!!. I always thought that JFP had to be one of the best alternative weeklies anywhere, especially your hard-hitting (but fact-based) news and investigative reporting. Now, I *know* that you are one of the best. You make us proud. Again, congratulations! And thank you sincerely for the important work you are doing.
- Kacy
- Jun 5 2006
Thank you, Kacy! Needless to say, this is the happiest press day we've had in a while. It's so cool that Mississippi wasn't even represented in the alt world for so long, and now we're garnering national attention. Cheers to our hard-working people, and all you supporters who motivate us to work hard every week.
- ladd
- Jun 5 2006
Following are links to the specific JFP stories that are getting the awards: Feature Story Jackson Free Press, Casey Parks: "No Apologies: Inside Mississippi's Pro-Life Movement Media Reporting/Criticism Jackson Free Press, Todd Stauffer: "The 'Perception' of the Ledger," "Blowin' in the Wind," "Sensational Suburban Legends" News Story/Short Form Jackson Free Press, Adam Lynch: "Evacuees Face Confusion," "Bellsouth Looting Competitors?," "Booting Delinquents" Column - Political Jackson Free Press, Donna Ladd: "Take the Time to Do It Right" "The Hope Sleeps Tonight" "We Need a Mayor, Not a Daddy" Investigative Reporting Jackson Free Press, Donna Ladd: "The Road to Meadville" This package of stories includes: "I Want Justice, Too" "Dear Meadville" "Just Rewards" "Daddy, Get Up" "Evolution of a Man" Web Site Jackson Free Press, http://www.jacksonfreepress.com The JFP also runs This Modern World, nominated for Best Cartoon.
- ladd
- Jun 5 2006
With all these awards coming in, when will the AAN be hosting a convention in Jackson? Congrats to the JFP!
- kaust
- Jun 5 2006
It'll happen. ;-) We've already talked about trying to host a convention at some point when we're a bit more settled. I think these folks would love coming here. It'd be a fun weekend in the Jacktown.
- ladd
- Jun 5 2006
how cool! i'm so excited. And Donna winning in two categories! That is so awesome. I am so proud of everyone. Dang. I'm so happy. And Knol is right: The AAN people would have a blast in Jackson. You could pack out Two Sisters and have a night of karaoke. How cool.
- casey
- Jun 5 2006
And they'd go ape over 930 Blues Cafe. Isaac would be in heaven. ;-) OK, we'll start making noises about it at the convention next week. Next year's Portlland, not sure how far out they plan beyond that.
- ladd
- Jun 5 2006
I should also say, Casey, that I've believed all along that your pro-life story was our front-runner, that if we got any nominations, it would be that one. That's such a remarkable story. ;-)
- ladd
- Jun 5 2006
BTW, all, remember to join us this Thursday night in the brewpub/patio at Hal & Mal's for a going-away party/karaoke night for Lynette. Now we'll have something to celebrate, too, as we sing away our sorrows over Lynette leaving. We plan to start early, about 7 p.m., so please plan to join us.
- ladd
- Jun 5 2006
I'm happy for you. I would be bored and borderline depressed without y'all.
- Ray Carter
- Jun 5 2006
Thanks, Ray. You know, it should be obvious to all that everyone who posts here regularly and participates in these dynamic discussions are responsible for us winning the Web site award. I'm on a panel at the convention next week in Little Rock to talk about how we use the blog, and it's very unique even from other alts. And the big difference is how much citizen participation there is from so many different people with varied backgrounds and viewpoints. Thank you, all.
- ladd
- Jun 5 2006
yay for JFP! :-) And I think the website rocks. We are actually having real conversations, something I've wanted since I was in high school. This is the first forum I've found where people speak intelligently rather than in sound bites. I had almost given up on discussing politics but now I'm fascinated. So thank you for that. I'll plan to come Thursday to celebrate & wish Lynette happy trails...
- Izzy
- Jun 5 2006
Oh, Donna, thank you. I still have my piece of paper in pink Donna Ladd ink that says "This.Is.Outstanding." from the night you read it. That story definitely had some good editing to bolster it (thank you). And the Web site is definitely much deserved; good thing to point out, Laurel. Who all is going to the awards? Oy vey, 930. They'd LOVE it.
- casey
- Jun 5 2006
Sadly, I may even be addicted as I even check to see what people are writing and saying even while out of town and on weekends. If I'm still doing this while out of town almost a month this summer, I'm going to check myself in for rehabilitation upon my return. Y'all pray for me.
- Ray Carter
- Jun 5 2006
Congratulations to all! Ray, the JFP web site is addictive, and there's no known cure.
- kate
- Jun 5 2006
I'm going to my first AAN convention this year. ;-) We're just now big enough that we can send me, too. And we can drive since it's in Little Rock.
- ladd
- Jun 5 2006
congratulations to the entire JFP family. the kudos are well-deserved. looking forward to thursday night.
- c a webb
- Jun 5 2006
Conga Rats, ya'll!
- Ironghost
- Jun 5 2006
Congratulations! This rocks! Cheers, TH
- Tom Head
- Jun 5 2006
Congrats! Very impressive.
- millhouse
- Jun 5 2006
I just love that we (yes, I'm still claiming that paper as a thing I'm part of) won the most in the nation. I mean, really. How bada$$.
- casey
- Jun 5 2006
congratulations all! you all really do deserve it the recognition and the awards, you all work so hard and we do appreciate this publication rocks and is so very addicting, I don't know what I'd do without the JFP!
- jan2006
- Jun 5 2006
We do appreciate it. was what i meant to type: )
- jan2006
- Jun 5 2006
Well, casey, let's just say this: Screw being No. 50, and the mentality that puts us there.
- ladd
- Jun 5 2006
Well, finally Aretha Franklin's message has reached the world of Alternative Newsweeklies gatekeepers of Journalism and you and the staff of the JFP will have some "R>E>S>P>E>C>T when you get home." YOU GO GIRL!! YOUR GO GUYS!! YA'LL GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- justjess
- Jun 5 2006
As I sit here shivering, hacking and coughing...I'm as happy as a woman infected with a mutant alien virus can be. Now, someone bring me my Nyquil and let's all have a drink! I hope to be better by Thursday. After I serenade Lynette with my lovely hoarse voice she'll be happy to leave.
- Lori G
- Jun 5 2006
I have always said that the JFP is the best hands down. Now it is coming out nationwide. The entire staff at JFP deserve all the alcolades that are given them. This is just the begining. There is lots more good things to come. p.s. I always tell my friends that live out of state that this is the only true way to keep a pulse on Jackson!
- lance
- Jun 5 2006
Ali hunny, feel better. And, yes, you MUST sing to Lynette Thursday night. Thanks, Lance. What I love is that, steadily, the wide range of talent that makes the JFP special is being honored. Don't get me wrong, I like an award with the next chick, but the fact that so many JFP-ers are bringing them in really warms my heart. Take Adam. He is the reporting voice of Jackson right now. You never know in those news categories; they are VERY competitive, as you can imagine. And, oomph, there he is! I said it last year, but it's even more true this year. This is so incredibly special because the judges are our journalistic peers. Not just in Mississippi. Not in the alt world. But the best in journalism. (Y'all know, right, that the Mississippi Press Association will not allow us to compete with other papers for awards because we don't charge to pick us up, right? Talk about living in the dark ages. That rule will change as soon as The Clarion-Ledger drops its cover price, as newspapers around the country are going to have to do in order to survive. Truth is, they need to keep up with the times and change the by-laws. But the Goliaths like Gannett won't want them to, for obvious reasons. Just sayin'.)
- ladd
- Jun 5 2006
Congradulations to the JFP staff. As Lance stated, stay tuned because there's more to come.
- SidneyRJohnson
- Jun 5 2006
Way to go Jackson Free Press! I have an idea...........let's replace the city administration with the JFP staff. Its a win-win situation.
- rufus
- Jun 5 2006
See the Editor & Publisher piece about these awards. ;-)
- ladd
- Jun 5 2006
Congrats. I probably don't agree with half the stuff on here at least but there is a place for you guys in this burg. Political views damn sure have nothing to do with good writing and producing good stories. I'm sure you do this because you love what you do and it shows in what is written every week. trust me, your magazine is noticed here in Jackson. I go to Courthouse, Cups, lunch at restaurants around town, and people do talk about it or are very familiar with it when it is brought up. My beer filled horn is raised to you guys for a job well done and some well deserved awards.
- Kingfish
- Jun 5 2006
How I got hooked. It started out so innocently as I accidentally picked up a copy of the JFP. I mmediately noticed the diversity of writers, artists, and opinions. I saw Ladd, Mumford, Stigger, Morris, Snell and many more. I kept waiting for the usual backward southern bent on race, sex, religion, politic and social issues but I never saw them. So, I figured why not read a few more issues. Soon afterward, I concluded this is a good paper; apparently some white Mississippians have accidenally fallen though the "Wall of Southern Resistance" as this paper is clearly not the usual Mississippi romancing for the good ole days while simultaneously blaming the country's social ills on black folks. A few weeks later I accidentally ran into the editors who were nice and geniunely appreciative that someone noticed their hard and against-the- grain-efforts to write a progressive and inclusive paper. For the first time in years in Mississippi, I saw the possibility of geniune and unimagined hope and change for all Mississippians who wanted to see a new Mississippi. Black folks have always wanted this and our papers have repeatedly asked for and opined it for years. I always suspected there were many more than known white Mississippians looking for a better way too but didn't know how to express it verbally or globally for fear of reprisals and ostracism. Then I started reading the articles and comments on the internet. Before I knew it I was hooked.
- Ray Carter
- Jun 6 2006
Congratulations to Donna and JFP staff. You guys do an outstanding job and I am so glad for you to get the recognition. Some people inside the city may not appreciate what you do but obviously nationally they have discovered the JFP ROCKS!! Continue to report factual and accurate stories, we appreciate what you do. We all are going to have to go to rehab for JFP addiction! (smile)
- maad
- Jun 6 2006
Check it: Nick Kristof mentioned my award on his blog today: http://kristof.page.nytimes.com/b/a/257850.htm
- casey
- Jun 6 2006
Can't read it Casey, sorry. It's part of timeselect, which charges $8 for their "Free 14 Day Trial". Shame, I loved the original story.
- Ironghost
- Jun 6 2006
hmm lynette got a real free free trial. i wonder why it's trying to make you pay $8. he just basically said that i had won and linked to the story. I just thought it was really cool of him to do.
- casey
- Jun 6 2006
Casey, just post his comment about you. That should be fair use. ;-)
- ladd
- Jun 6 2006
BTW, that is cool. I've said already that we like Nick. ;-)
- ladd
- Jun 6 2006
Congrats to the JFP! Thanks for showing the world that there are a few brains in Mississippi.
- golden eagle '97
- Jun 6 2006
I love it when shit like this happens... congrats!
- Rico
- Jun 7 2006
Thanks, Rico. We like it, too. ;-D Go, 'Sippi, go!
- ladd
- Jun 7 2006
I'm on my way back from Atlanta today- (my SUV just broke 300,000 miles!). Picked up a copy of "Creative Loafing" which has always been one of my favorite alternative papers. They only won two awards! Don't know how any paper with Hollis Gillespie could only win two awards, but it sure looks like you guys are kicking some a** in the paper world- congrats again!
- Rico
- Jun 8 2006
Thanks, Rico. ;-)
- ladd
- Jun 8 2006
You know, I'm very happy for y'all -- but my most overwhelming feeling is: I'm SO not surprised at all. This is so completely fabulous that I can't do it justice in words. Best, Tim
- Tim Kynerd
- Jun 9 2006
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