Donna Needs Bloggers' Help | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Donna Needs Bloggers' Help

All, today I've been preparing for a panel on "how blogging has changed my newspaper" that I'm sitting on at the AAN conference next week (right before the Bill Clinton keynote. Ha!). Anyway, it just dawned on me that I should ask all of you how you think the JFP blogs (which really is the whole site; we're unique in that way) make the JFP different from other newspapers. Help me prepare, peeps. You're all why we're up we're getting a Web site award, after all! And its payback time for this lovely free forum we give everyone who knows how to behave in mixed company. ;-)

Of course, our site started out as one big blog, and then sprouted lots of little blogs, so it hasn't really changed our paper because it was always this way. But how does it make visiting our site a different experence than other media in the area? What about it stands out to you? Any community-building comments? Etc., and so on. Look forward to your comments.

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