Melton Flies to Phillips | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Melton Flies to Phillips

Blog post by Brian Johnson:

Mayor Frank Melton flew to Dallas today with city investment guru Jimmy Heidel and his ever-present body guards. In comments before the flight, Melton told members of the press that he could not disclose the name of the investor he was meeting in Dallas, but that the investor has "billions" of dollars and wants to spend "hundreds of millions" in Jackson. Despite a report from the Jackson Free Press on April 19 identifying that investor as Gene Phillips, the media were all baffled by who the investor could be. And in case there's any doubt that we're talking about the same man, Melton confirmed to the Jackson Free Press last night that he was meeting with Gene Phillips today. Catch up, folks.

Oh and by the way, Melton said he was flying armed (which is perfectly legal on a private plane) but he refused to show members of the press his gun. Even though we asked very nicely.

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