Mayor Frank Melton flew to Dallas today with city investment guru Jimmy Heidel and his ever-present body guards. In comments before the flight, Melton told members of the press that he could not disclose the name of the investor he was meeting in Dallas, but that the investor has "billions" of dollars and wants to spend "hundreds of millions" in Jackson. Despite a report from the Jackson Free Press on April 19 identifying that investor as Gene Phillips, the media were all baffled by who the investor could be. And in case there's any doubt that we're talking about the same man, Melton confirmed to the Jackson Free Press last night that he was meeting with Gene Phillips today. Catch up, folks.
Oh and by the way, Melton said he was flying armed (which is perfectly legal on a private plane) but he refused to show members of the press his gun. Even though we asked very nicely.
Previous Commentsshow
What's this?Why is FM so against the Watkin's group?? Do any one of you know?? I would think that we would welcome local ownership rather than out of town groups. Let them invest in the studio or arena. Leave king Eddy alone.
- jada
- Jun 14 2006
Isn't this the same man who bitched about out of state investors who may open up businesses on Farish St.?!? Also, they can go build a new hotel if they wanted too. I'm no economic expert, like Jimmy Hiedel, but doesn't it make sense to keep the KEH project going, and move forward with other development? Seems to me that one of the needs for Downtown Jackson is another hotel to complement the new Convention Center. We know they are going to "give" the parking opportunities to Parkway Mngt., so why not have this guy invest in a nice new Westin to sit beside the Convention Center!
- pikersam
- Jun 14 2006
"The Jackson Free Press: Where the Clarion-Ledger Gets Its News" Who says drinking doesn't bring on bouts of genuis...
- Lori G
- Jun 14 2006
Ali, opium is even better for bouts of inspiration.............
- Kingfish
- Jun 14 2006
The Red Dragon has not been sighted in Jackson for many years, Jimmy Hendrix. But if you are Jimmy Hendrix, you might not even have noticed.
- Brian C Johnson
- Jun 14 2006
I was too busy riding the snake.
- Kingfish
- Jun 14 2006
Wrong dead rock star, Jimmy. ;-)
- pikersam
- Jun 14 2006
Slight edit, Ali: "The Jackson Free Press: Where The Clarion-Ledger Gets Its REAL News." ;-)
- DonnaLadd
- Jun 14 2006
Why is FM so against the Watkin's group?? Do any one of you know?? FM thinks that Watkins' group is moving too slow and that the new investor plans on using no public money on the project.
- golden eagle '97
- Jun 14 2006
So now David Watkins and Duece's business partners are trying to screw him (Duece) over according Melton. Since Melton doesn't think Duece can handle his money, Melton is here to help him. From WLBT:"Melton has also implied that he has concerns about McAllister's business associates. Jackson's mayor said, "He has the King Edward Hotel project. He has his car dealerships here and now they're trying to bring him in on the Green Project, and I think he's being used and I told Deuce that." I'm sure John Elway was "used" in Denver too. Note to the Mayor; Elway could buy you and your empire, when it was at its best, three times over. I sure would have liked to have seen him run a CBS station during NBC's golden era of night time TV from 1982 to 2000. It wasn't until the last several years that ABC and CBS even sniffed the ratings NBC's shows were getting at that time. Cheers, Sienfield, ER, Friends, Johnny, David Letterman ('93), the Olympics...
- pikersam
- Jun 14 2006
Yeah, that is simply remarkable, Pike. Melton is reaching new lows to publicly treat Mr. Allister like a child. He seems to think he can condescend to any black man younger than he is. He's finding whole new ways to be offensive.
- DonnaLadd
- Jun 15 2006
...and Frankie wonders why people dislike Jackson so much? Nothings changed in the Mayor's office in 9 years.
- Ironghost
- Jun 15 2006
Case in point: The Clarion-Ledger is playing catch up on the Gene Phillips part today: Melton would not name the investor, though Watkins said he suspects it's businessman Gene Phillips. Phillips' name has come up before in the revitalization of the downtown eyesore. Yeah, where did it come up? In the Jackson Free Press interviews with Melton. Sigh. More on Phillips.
- DonnaLadd
- Jun 15 2006
you want to see something interesting....since Frank this duece has some questionable associates... google Gene E. Phillips.'s the link:
- inside story
- Jun 15 2006
I am not a "Billionaire" developer, indeed have only participated in the design a several "flip" houses as far as "Development " goes, but.....I can't imagine a "Billionaire" developer not having used public tax money via incentives) at some point in their careers and knowing how to get it. They aren't stupid that's why they are successful developers. So this Phillips guy would look at the enormous amount of work that Watkins and McAllister have put into this and also know the very great reputation of HRI and I imagine he will say "stay the course" with the one that brung ya.....I'll get involved in Cap Green and Farish. Just my thoughts on this......... By all means DT Jackson and the "most excellent" development plans now underway will be prime for a couple of good hotels. But they need to be upscale like Westin, Hilton, or Crowne Plaza...and a good Boutique option is also essential. Hotels and Market appropriatness are one thing I do know something about......and yes! I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night!
- ATLExile
- Jun 15 2006
This whole episode with the King Edward Hotel is reaching an embarrassing point. IF the City had FILED the papers last year, I believe the City would have $2,000,000 on loan to the HRI/Watkins group which would be REPAID to the City. When the Mayor's office missed the deadline to file for this grant, the State Legislature stepped up with the money (which does not have to be repaid). Now the City (not the City Council) keeps 'dragging their feet' over and over and over regarding their end of the deal. AND, now the Mayor is going to Dallas to woo another investor. Is there a pattern here of purposeful delay? Seems some good attorney is going to really benefit eventually. What a shame. PS: If I am understanding this wrong, please post what the actual facts are.
- ChrisCavanaugh
- Jun 15 2006
Also interesting is this 2001 story from the Dallas Business Journal on Mr. Phillips: I'm assuming that there's only one Dallas billionaire named Gene Phillips
- Mr PR Professional
- Jun 15 2006
I think it would be fair to say that Melton is jealous of Duce McAllister. Just remember that his wholoe career at WLBT centered around knocking African-American males out of the box. The list include Bill Dilday, Walter Sadler and all of the talented black males who tried to make a difference. Melton dogged these men and he dogged them badly. ..and please don't forget the way he dogged former Mayor Johnson. Just look around Jackson with its run-down apt. units. How did the Maple Street Apts. get chosen to pounce on? The answer is simple - It belongs to an African-American. If this doesn't fit, maybe we can look at the road blocks in the city, the house and personal searches. Who are these people, black folks! Duce McAllister has one problem in Jackson with Melton, he is an African-American with money. Melton can't handle this. Now he is trying to be the man's business manager. under the pretense that he is "looking out for him because he is being used." What kind of crap is this? The City of Jackson is paying for this clown and body guards along with Heidel to fly in a chartered plane to Dallas. At what cost to the City? This man is sending Jackson into ruins and he is so out of touch with reality that he doesn't know or care about the consequences. I hope you guys were listening when Melton (Channel 16, 10pm report June 14th) stated that he an Jim Hood are best of friends "B U T, the taxpayers want me to clean up crime and I am going to do what I have always done." This man is simply saying that he does not give a sh$$ about what the AG says. It is his way or the highway. PS. Where are the private planes that the man (FM) claims he owns? Why does he have to rent a flight if he owns his own?? Just asking.
- justjess
- Jun 15 2006
justjess, when 80 percent of the city is of one race, that race will bear the higher number of roadblocks etc. I have a problem with roadblocks in general so I am with you there on that one. However, most of the crime is committed by one group. and as far as Dilday goes, he is nothing but a racist. Several years ago he wrote a guest column in Goliath where he explained what he perceived to be the negative aspects of white people were due to biological differences, and cited that ias being a difference in hormone level. Now imagine if a white person had tried to write the same thing in the paper. It would not have gotten printed for one thing. If it had been, the outrage would've been pouring in for calling that person a racist. as for knocking Duece and them, he is doing his share for economic development in the city and NOT selling his stuff off like the McRaes, Holmans, McCarty's have done. We should be building those guys up, not tearing them down. and Melton has admitted that Economic development does not turn him on.
- Kingfish
- Jun 15 2006
I have to comment on the statement that "nothing has changed in the mayor's office in nine years." There were outstanding economic developments that occurred under the Johnson administration. To even put him in the same category with FM is not only insulting to him but to the citizens of Jackson. FM has done NOTHING but embarrass this city and it's citizens. Not one positive thing has come out of his "tactics" other than he is like a child that continuosly acts out and lies to get attention. The unfortunate part of this is that his playground is the City of Jackson and it is being destroyed with his antics.
- maad
- Jun 15 2006
Maad: Explain to me why Highland Colony became so popular during Johnson's administration then. I've heard from one person who did business downtown for years before leaving for the 'Burbs about the negative aspects of doing business in Harvey's downtown. They had to have a reason to move, you know. Racism isn't explanition enough anymore.
- Ironghost
- Jun 15 2006
Maad, what is the economic development that Harvey Johnson was responsible for taking place? I see during his reign Pearl grabbing the Braves and Bass Pro. Like Ironghost said, Highland Colony Parkway boomed, more businesses fled downtown. Fondren has experienced a renaissance but that is because the residents and businesses formed their own little informal city and decided to take matters into their own hands. ON THE OTHER HAND we do have Harvey pushing for resort status for Farish Street which was a huge slap in the face to Malcom White who has done everything he could to spur downtown development and led racial reconciliation efforts for years. For his efforts and good heart, White got Johnson giving a nice payoff to the people on Farish Street a few blocks away from White who will be his competitors.
- Kingfish
- Jun 15 2006
Wrong horse, Hendrix. Highland Colony developed because it is new and very fashionable and good looking. And, yes, it is predominently white. Probably both the Capital Green area/Commerce Street and Farish Street will have resort status. What is wrong with starting with Farish? Don't really think that was aimed at Malcomb White; do you believe it was personal? I just don't think in one line only- prefer to acknowledge the parallel tracks where they exist. To me a 24-plus percent DECREASE in crime was an economic development player unlike what we have going now. Capital Green started under Johnson, so did the renovation of the Police Station, City Hall, Depot, Libraries, Drainage, High Street, Metro Parkway, Telecom Center, Electric Building, Parking Garage, Fondren, Belhaven, West Capitol, Siwell, Airports, upgrades to O B Curtis and Fewell Water Plants, lots of new water lines and fire protection, sewer system upgrades, appx. 100 miles/yr. of streets resurfaced, Battlefield, Smith-Wills, PEG Station, Bicycle Patrol, Grove Park, golf courses, and on and on. Some 1,700 condemned structures were demolished. MDOT was pushed into providing the new exit/entrance from 220 to Hawkins Field. Try seeing the truth. Acknowledging the good does not deny the very real problems we have. Just injects some balance to the issue.
- ChrisCavanaugh
- Jun 15 2006
This is a very sensitive issue, Jimmy Hendrix. It is also a mind set that keeps MS from progressing. We always have to depend on people outside of the box to let us know what's in the box. You have taken one man with one story to call him a racist: You have used one businessman in one situation to accuse former Mayor Johnson of looking out for one community only i.e., "pushing for resort status for Farish Street." The spirit of wealth and individualism just doesn't fly. You guys killed the Johnson Administration with this kind of thinking and reporting. If you don't do what I say when I say it, your A$$ is grass. This is racism! The mind set is laced with residuals of the "Old South." Prehaps it happens in an unconscious way that African-Americans can not lead or make dicisions unless they are given premission by a member of the dominate group. Frank Melton on WLBT was the mouth of the "Old South" and he was able to say things that we could nolonger say about blacks, i.e, clowns, lazy, dumb, nasty. Melton was reqarded for this and has landed at the head of our City. We can sit idly and believe that blacks are the only people committing crimes in Jackson. Crystalmethamphines are at epidemic porpotion in the 20% in Jackson that is "without crime." Is cooking up those goodies against the law? I selling and buying those goodies against the law? The difference is that for crack users and sellers, the answer is prison and punishment: For meth users the answer is hospitalization and treatment. This is the way that AIDS got such a stronghold in this country - believing that only blacks were the culprits. We cannot continue with a double standard and allow people like Frank Melton tear up our City and make statement like "nothing has changed in the Mayor's office in nine years." This plan is calculated to make A-Americans believe that they do not have the power/ability to govern and a fool like Frank Melton is put in place to make that point. I guess the next step is to show 80% of this City's people that they are still on a plantation and can only be led - never followed. Shame on us! There is not a single town contiguous to Jackson with the capacity to finance businesses that have left Jackson. They depend on persons from Jackson to follow them but, only long enough to spend their money. If Jacksonians stayed out of these stores X one Mo., these businesses will be moving back. How soon we forget!
- justjess
- Jun 15 2006
Thank you ChrisCavanaugh & justjess for putting the information out there!
- maad
- Jun 15 2006
"Wrong horse, Hendrix. Highland Colony developed because it is new and very fashionable and good looking. And, yes, it is predominently white". Madison and Ridgeland both have developed because they are in new houses! Jackson ran out of new a long time back like in the early eighties. And now you are seeing the supporting commercial development up there. But I will say, as much as some on this blog hate to hear, "Jackson Metro" is spankin the other cities in the South of the same size. Jackson "center city" has many of it's own sparkling developments. There was just one this morning in the Northeast Ledger about the Viaduct. Yes, it is behind schedule but it is a very important undertaking and it is well underway. It will not bloom overnight but the building is ready for very nice future development and it represents very good design and detail. You forget how huge that depot was under there and it will be a great build out space in the near future, meaning as support for the Convention Center, the King ED, Farish, Cap Green, The Art Museum, Fondren and all of the other planned private development that will follow these early projects. What they are doing up in Madison is essentially a "randy" copy of what is already standing in DT. DT has the real McCoy.....the burbs will have there own but they will always look "stage set"....serious architecture and "place" take decades to accomplish. You can't just smack it down in a bean field and call it as good. But alot of the people who have moved up there would not understand architecture if it fell out of the sky and smushed them. Burbites can sense something about good design but no more than a dog can scent a breeze and think of it as a nice day.......and Ali if you're living out there and you are using it for a budgetary lift then more power to ya girl.....but, based on your posts, you are in no way typical of what you run into in that part of town......
- ATLExile
- Jun 15 2006
"" Posted by: ChrisCavanaugh "To me a 24-plus percent DECREASE in crime was an economic development player unlike what we have going now. Capital Green started under Johnson, so did the renovation of the Police Station, City Hall, Depot, Libraries, Drainage, High Street, Metro Parkway, Telecom Center, Electric Building, Parking Garage, Fondren, Belhaven, West Capitol, Siwell, Airports, upgrades to O B Curtis and Fewell Water Plants, lots of new water lines and fire protection, sewer system upgrades, appx. 100 miles/yr. of streets resurfaced, Battlefield, Smith-Wills, PEG Station, Bicycle Patrol, Grove Park, golf courses, and on and on. Some 1,700 condemned structures were demolished. MDOT was pushed into providing the new exit/entrance from 220 to Hawkins Field. ""---------------------------- Great article Chris. Let's not forget about the JPD MOUNTED PATROL that we no longer have under the current administration. NYPD did a study where ONE mounted officer can take the place of TEN officers on foot. Not to mention, the height advantage (being able to see would be auto burglars, etc). In my opinion, FM and his entourage have done away with some major crime deterents (Crime prevention and Mounted Patrol). Is it any suprise that crime is way up?
- Missy
- Jun 15 2006
Are we paying yet another trip for FM to charter a private plane? Wonder how much this will cost the city? You know, it is not really that far of a drive, and think about how much money that would have saved.
- Missy
- Jun 15 2006
We don't have the Horse Patrol anymore! Hello Meltonites? Do you not see the distress not progress Melton is bringing upon Jackson? BTW: Don't forget about all the retail expansion under Johnson on the Jackson side of County Line. Now with Melton in office we have lost two anchor stores in less then a year! How many name brand hotels opened in Jackson under Johnson? I can think of 4! I thought we did an airport expansion/upgrade during this time? Don't forget all those new offices by Highland Village. Economic development is also being involved in many national leadership organizations as Johnson was.
- pikersam
- Jun 15 2006
Chris, that was a good post. Good examples and that is some good facts you listed. As for Madison etc I'll say its more a case of newness. If you want to build a brand new house in a brand new subdivision, there are not many places in Jackson to choose from. There will always be new construction, both residential and commercial, but in some ways Jackson is limited at this time for it. As for Dilday, I stand by my comments to him. Anyone else makes those same type of comments and they are ostracized. period. NOW do I take what he said as representative of a whole community? Of course not. I merely pointed it out because he was brought up as an example. I agreed with most of that post he was mentioned in because Melton is trying to be the Godfather to everyone and tears everyone down. Tears down the state, the feds, the DA, Deuce. You try to disagree with him he calls you a crook of some kind. You don't invest as he sees fit he says you are being screwed. Excuse me mayor but Duece hasn't made anyone homeless. NOW as for Johnson and Farish Street I stand by what I said but I will clarify. That resort status for Farish will hurt Mr. White a good bit. He has to close at a certiain hour, they do not and they are almost next door to him. So where do you think bar owners will open up? In the resort area. Where do you think customers will go? In the resort area. Does Mr. WHite deserve this kind of city-sponsored unfair competition? I think not. I think he deserves to be included. Do like Mobile and have the downtown district included. It works pretty well there. As far as I am concerned, that was a backhand to him and as much as he has done to promote Jackson, he deserves to be included in that resort area. And race has nothing to do with it for me. I wouldnl't have cared if they were white purple or anything. Its still city-sponsored unfair competition for Mr. White. and the reason we don't have a mounted patrol is probably because Melton does not know how to ride a horse.
- Kingfish
- Jun 15 2006
Justjess, I couldn't agree with you more. I also have wondered why Melton has raided the inner city neighborhoods as well. These are historically "black" areas. The only time that you will see Melton in northeast Jackson is when he is headed home. I also question the flight to see this BILLIONAIRE. If this person were going to spend huge amounts of money in Jackson, I would think that he would want to come here and see where his money is going to be spent. This trip, along with the others IMO are nothing more than pleasure trips that Melton has taken frequently just to get a break from his own domineering attitude here in Jackson. Melton has thumbed his nose at the citizens, the DA, the AG, and anyone else that dosen't play by his rules. As I stated early in Melton's appointment, his motto seems to be...........either roll with me, or get rolled over!
- lance
- Jun 15 2006
: Jimmy Hendrix wrote "and the reason we don't have a mounted patrol is probably because Melton does not know how to ride a horse. " --------------------------- That may be correct, but I suspect that it had something to do with the fact that Harvey Johnson frequently rode WITH the JPD and Hinds County SO in many of the parades!
- Missy
- Jun 15 2006
Today, The Clarion-Ledger is reporting that Gene Phillips has a questionable past. Adam Lynch of the JFP reporting this two months Monday. Right on sked, Goliath. Ledge: Mayor Frank Melton said he has "looked into the heart" of Texas real estate mogul Gene Phillips and believes he is the right man to redevelop the King Edward Hotel in downtown Jackson. "He is a good and decent human being," Melton said. "I was very satisfied with what I saw in his heart." What Melton might not have known is that Phillips has spent years fighting corruption and fraud charges. The mayor said he was "vaguely aware" but unconcerned about Phillips' past. The mayor took a private plane to Dallas on Wednesday to meet with Phillips about the King Edward, Farish Street and a variety of other real estate projects. "As far as his (Phillips') personal life, I don't know anything about that," Melton said.
- DonnaLadd
- Jun 16 2006
"As far as his (Phillips') personal life, I don't know anything about that," Melton said.-Ladd How in the world can Melton sya that this man (Phillips) is a decent human being without taking into considerarion his past? Melton claimed that is not a politician, but he surely is acting the part by taking the high road. I wonder if the city has to pay for his flights on private planes as well as commercial planes? And I also wonder why he would board a private when he has openly stated that he has a plane of his own?
- lance
- Jun 16 2006
All of this is absurd. Melton is watching time and resources (however it breaks down) trying to keep credit for the King Edward from going to someone else. And apparently he doesn't care WHO he gets (or their potential background problems) if he comes up with the guy. This. Is. A. Waste. of. Time. I don't believe that Melton gives a damn about this city's progress. He wants to be the center of attention, period. There, I've said it. When attention turns elsewhere he makes crap up and throws temper tantrums to get the cameras back on him. We tried warn everyone he wasn't mayor material, but this is even worse than we anticipated. May day.
- DonnaLadd
- Jun 16 2006
Oh, and the condescending malarkey he said about Deuce McAllister is unconscionable. It is not up to him to tell all black men how to live their lives and make their decisions. And I would say at this point that McAllister is a helluva lot more successful than he is. Legacy wise, there is no comparison.
- DonnaLadd
- Jun 16 2006
Note: This is bumped to the Melton blog now.
- DonnaLadd
- Jun 16 2006
Yeah, when they start mentioning the guy in the same sentences with Mikey Milliken and all those S&L bailouts the gov financed for it's buddies.... Makes me wonder how much Melton's got in this deal with Phillips?
- Ironghost
- Jun 16 2006
Johnson didn't start the High Street renovations until someone made it an issue in his reelection for second term. He would have been happy to do nothing. He never did get the County Line Road project started until his last year, I believe. As for the rest, I do know the Jackson side of County Line started developing before he got in office, so don't hand that to him. On the other hand, I did hear that most of Highland Colony's new tennants thank Johnson for being hard to work with. They'll go where they can get the job done, not move someplace new soley because it's trendy. Moving is expensive, and businesses don't do that simply to follow trends.
- Ironghost
- Jun 16 2006
no ironghost they don't do that to follow trends but they do move to get into new class "A" office space. Call it current design and engineering call it image whatever. But there has been no Class "A' office space built in DT for some time, like 1980's. So go where the class "A" is built....although I understand that a new tower is planned for State and Pearl street.
- ATLExile
- Jun 16 2006
You know ironghost, if public works projects were so easy to put together then we would have all kinds of new stuff. But, when you factor in environmental issues, state regulations, city regulations, county regulations, federal regulations and local impact issues you find that it takes a while to get some projects really rolling. High St. may not have begun visable work until the second term; but, didn't someone have to design the new road, make sure that design fits with the preexsisting conditions, and then jump through the regulatory hoops. That probably took longer then the actual building of the road. Ironghost, at least they had road projects and improvement going on during his term. And, please provide examples of being hard to work with - specific ones. My guess is most of these complaints are actually regulations that are in place for a reason or issues we, the public, don't have all the facts on. Last I checked, the mayor's office doesn't set the laws.
- pikersam
- Jun 16 2006
Projects like High Street most often get delayed due to environmental issues and regulations, public opposition and right-of-way purchases, especially if the funding is from a state or federal agency. I know of one project in a nearby city that took 10 years to get built in part because a couple of landowners took issue with the design and used their influence to hold the project up for years before the City decided to eminent domain the area. I'm not sure what happened with High Street, but I have a feeling it was more to do with enviromental approvals and right-of-way than the Mayor's office. If anything, most mayors are impatient with all of the red tape that slows most projects down.
- Jeff Lucas
- Jun 16 2006
i think what needs to be done is the King Edward be torn down and an amusement park for the handicapped be placed there. In fact, I saw some projections for it the other day and it could be a real money maker. trust me.
- Kingfish
- Jun 16 2006
And, please provide examples of being hard to work with - specific one Bernie Ebbers and the city council and the Worldcom headquarters. Specifically The former councilman Armstrong and his insistence on Minority preference in the bidding and awards (as I understood it). So Bernie went to Clinton, after screams of racism racism from Armstrong. Now we may all say "and lucky thing he did" but, if quotas and minorty set aside mandates had not figured in, then at least there would have been a class "A" tower across from city hall that would have been partially vacant and ready for new tenents. Private construcion should not be made to adhere to any kind of "social engineering" tactics. City projects are more tailored for that. The winning bid is what should get the carrot.
- ATLExile
- Jun 16 2006
jimmey after these last couple of days.....and Tales of Frank.....I think the whole DT is going to be an amusement park for the handicapped.....the city council is shaping up to be DT's handicap indeed. And I am one of the most postive pro-DT Jackson bloggers there is. Pro Jackson in fact. What an education this has become for me......what these guys (Watkins, HRI, McAllister) are being put through....God bless them and please hang on....we have the faith....
- ATLExile
- Jun 16 2006
I have full confidence in the Watkins/HRI project. Mr. Melton should cooperate with them instead of preening in front of a camera. If Mr. Phillips would like to come to Jackson, he should be encouraged to build a (much needed) convention hotel. Yes, A Westin at the convention center would be a welcome addition to the downtown scene. As for the King Edward, he should keep well away.
- tombarnes
- Jun 16 2006
by the way, Barrett and others were right in there with Armstrong in running off Worldcom. It was just Armstrong on that deal. Now I read about we need the national guard. Donna, Ali, Emily, Ray, someone, hold me. I'm scared. of criminals or Frank though I don't know yet.
- Kingfish
- Jun 16 2006
I understand Jimmy. Truth be told, we're scared too. If I were in a war zone with Frank as the leader I'm worried I would use my first bullet on the known enemy.
- Ray Carter
- Jun 16 2006
And who heard the 7:00 curfew this mornig? I laughed out loud.
- emilyb
- Jun 16 2006
Jimmy-Dude, I don't touch strangers. I've had a best friend for twenty years and the last time I touched her was when my cat died. She hugged me. It was uncomfortable. We both felt confused. Although, I will catch Ray's back in the fight against melton. Mainly because I like Ray's back. Although, I've never held nor touched it.
- Lori G
- Jun 16 2006
sorry Ali, just scared and freaked out.
- Kingfish
- Jun 16 2006
"by the way, Barrett and others were right in there with Armstrong in running off Worldcom. It was just Armstrong on that deal". Yes I had been told that so what we had there was a commitee/council of amateurs, which refers back to the Handicap (as in golf) comment. National Guard......Oh my God....I am to understand that he is asking for a "Junta"?
- ATLExile
- Jun 16 2006
handicap........... Kountry Tyme. that was the joke.
- Kingfish
- Jun 16 2006
JH: Man, that's an old reference. But wasn't it Madison that got the egg on face treatment for that one? :) As for the voiciferious Johnson supporters; I'll have to see if I can get in touch with the guy who told his side of the story. You have to understand though, that if and that's a big IF there is a reason for High Street to have sat there (wasn't the DOT's fault) and County Line (Ridgeland's Mayor did blame Jackson for that one) for so long with no action, why didn't Johnson say anything? I'd be damned if I took the blame for a five year delay on anything!
- Ironghost
- Jun 16 2006
Thanks Ali. Glad to know it.
- Ray Carter
- Jun 16 2006
Irong, same thing with the road connecting rankin county to Jackson. It dragged and dragged and alo of small business owners suffered. CL had a front page story on it once. And if I remember, alot of the blame was placed on harvey. as for Madison, yeah, it was. I was just making you guys work for that one a little.
- Kingfish
- Jun 16 2006
Sorry folks, I can't focus much today on High Street or the Countyline project or the Mayor of Ridgeland. We are up to our a$$ in alligators and nobody is pulling the plug! He is about to declared a "CITY OF EMERGENCY" with an "EXECUTIVE ORDER." There will be helicoptors, guns, cannons, battleships, bullet proof vest, tanks and supermen with missils flying all over Black communities. The only thing that can stop this attact and criminal activity imposed on black people and only in black communities is for one of the helicoptors to fly off course accross I-55 near Melton's home or for one white teenager to be searched, handcuffed and arrested for driving after the 7pm curfew. FM is selectively crazy. So all of the talk about psychiatric diagnoses and treatment does not fit. This is meaness and arrogance laced with a big dose of ignorance. How does he justify taking a group of teenage boys "black only" to his home for a swim part on Father's Day? Where were the girls? What does he do for teenage females who are in trouble and need a + role-model? What is he doing for those of us who are not African-American but have issues to be delt with? Just when I think that I have heard all, seen all and know all, he (FM) pops up like a Jack-In-The-Box/ Jack-Out-Of-The Box and we are in orbit again. This madness must end!
- justjess
- Jun 19 2006
jess, war's over man. Werner dropped the big one on us.
- Kingfish
- Jun 19 2006
Justjess, maybe he wanted to see little boys swimming or wanted to feel he was helping some of the needy. Not sure. I could buy selective- craziness if I occasionally saw something not relective of total-craziness. Maybe the institution of and failure of this latest effort will serve to awaken the braindeadness of the former loudmouths of the black community and city council. I imagine lots of folks are watching and waiting on Frank to self-destruct. In the meantime, Lord have mercy.
- Ray Carter
- Jun 19 2006
I've been watching this "horror movie" from afar and can't believe what I'm reading about Melton. What part of "contract" and "constitution" does the man not understand. Is he just too stupid to understand that an RFP process has taken place, required by state law i'm told, and that the HRI folks actually have been through a rigorous vetting process to get the contract. It is beyond irony that Melton blames the HRI folks for delays when, in truth, it's Melton's own staff that has caused the delays. Where in the heck are his lawyers during all of this???? Or, is that part of the problem. Is there perhaps some tie to Phillips and Dale Danks, or perhaps Sara Evans? It's hard to tell if there is a conspiracy theory going on here, or if melton is just plan old fashioned nuts.
- FriendsofJackson
- Jun 19 2006
To King Edward fans - work has begun: While there was no publicity (other than a single story on Channel 16 Monday night), work on the King Edward project began this past monday, July 17, 2006. We have a team of contractors, architects, engineers and project managers here to conduct another walk-through of the building, make final assessments of the environmental remediation timetable and related issues and to divide responsibilities. These advance crews will be on-site every week until the hard-hats follow in August. We expect to have some type of press conference in mid-august to let people know the status of the rehabilition project, the timetable and other related issues. In the meantime, those of you who have been patiently waiting (for 39 years!) should sit back and quit worrying about the project. It's happening! And, in less than two years, you'll see a beautiful "new" King Edward as a new center of commerce and culture for our great city. David Watkins King Edward Revitalization Company
- Pops
- Jul 23 2006
Well, that is certainly great news! That whole area should be popping soon- Farish Street looks finished to me- all they need are new businesses, the train station is much nicer than the stations in New Orleans or Atlanta- I can't wait for the rest! The King Edward will certainly be a huge draw..
- Rico
- Jul 23 2006
Can we get tours now? :D I'd love one! Wish my Dad could see this. How much of the original structure is left?
- Ironghost
- Jul 23 2006
Thanks so much for all of your hard work and dedication, Mr. Watkins. The revitalized King Edward will probably end up being the singlemost significant project that downtown will have ever seen upon its completion. Thank you again for not letting our madman of a mayor scare you off.
- millhouse
- Jul 23 2006
Rico Wrote: "the train station is much nicer than the stations in New Orleans or Atlanta"- Actually Rico and Bloggers the train station in Atlanta was torn down many years ago! What you see being referred to visitors in the "ATL" as the "Train Station" is actually the old Brookwood Station used Amtrak for the "Cresent" (the station was designed by Neal Reed). It's all that is left of the Great Days of Rail transportion in Atlanta and it is very small as it was merely a junction stop beyond Atlanta in those days. What you have in Jackson is actually a very fine building that has survived a couple of attempts at demolition. But not any more. The train Station in Montgomery is also really nice and dates to late 1800's.
- ATLExile
- Jul 23 2006
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