Bracelets for Cervical Cancer | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Bracelets for Cervical Cancer

Here's a novel idea: make your own cute little bracelet and fight against cervical cancer at the same time! is a Web site that is getting the word out about the connection between cervical cancer and HPV. They are currently offering free bracelet kits, and one package contains two kits. You can keep one and share the other with a friend. What's the point? Check this out:

By ordering a free Make the Connection bracelet kit, you will be helping to advance cervical cancer education and outreach. For every pair of bracelet kits ordered, Merck will donate one dollar to Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation, up to $100,000, for cervical cancer awareness and screening programs among medically underserved women.
Kits can also be ordered over the phone 888-4-HPV-CONNECT (888-447-8266).
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Hey, we've got a win-win situation here, so don't wait too late to order. The site says it may take up to eight weeks to get the kits, so I assume the demand must be great. However, I don't mind waiting. It's free, and I like arts and crafts!

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