Former Mobile Command Capt. Sidney Johnson filed an EEOC complaint against the city last week, citing suspicious demotions and transfers in the Jackson Fire Department.
"There are several issues I'd like to have addressed," said Johnson. "I don't think the fire department has been following federal guidelines and I want to see what an investigations reveals."
Johnson complains that the city has closed divisions essential to safety, such as his own mobile command division, instead of nonessential divisions like the Fire Museum.
Johnson also argues that several black division chiefs who applied for the position of fire chief were demoted to captains, while two white applicants, Mike Hines and Harold Ades, still hold their positions as district chiefs. Johnson also applied for the position now filled by Interim Fire Chief Todd Chandler, months before the city closed down Johnson's division.
"It may not be intentional, but there is the perception of racism. We've gone through this before, and I have questions about what's going on," Johnson said.
Firefighter Union Local 87 President Brandon Falcon said that the black men demoted to captain held their positions by appointment, and that reassignment is common with a new administration.
"I can see his concern, but I'm in no position to send away new captains as short staffed as we are," Falcon said.
Johnson said he also wants an investigation into Chandler's long, unconfirmed interim appointment as fire chief. Council President Marshand Crisler recently called on the mayor to submit Chandler's appointment as fire chief to a confirmation vote. Chandler was out of town and unavailable to comment.
Previous Commentsshow
What's this?Wow looks like another disgruntled firefighter. I wish Sidney could tell us what divisions have been shutdown. His unit was part of the ESD division in which he is still assigned. The demotions of the command staff members are no diffrent than any other chief has done before. Remember all appointed positions will serve at the will and pleasure of the Fire Chief. The other two names Ades and Hines are District Chiefs which is a tested promotable position which Sidney should be aware of these positions are Civil Service Protected and can not be demoted. Of course to those who do not know any better that statement would make for a good sounding case I guess ( Good Try Sidney ). Just go to work and get on with life Sid. New changes are made with each adminstration.
- firefighter
- Mar 12 2006
Wow looks like another disgruntled firefighter. Firefighter, I think a public complaint filed with the EEOC is, by definition, "disgruntled"! ;-) BTW, Adam, in case I don't remember to tell you in person, we should PDF his complaint and post it.
- DonnaLadd
- Mar 12 2006
Firefighter, if you read the article more closer you would have a better understanding of my concerns. The office that I worked in was not an appointed position, but a tested position. You strike me as a firefighter that has been told the history of the fire department rather than one that has lived the history. I stated that I have concerns, which are the same topics of conversation that go on everyday at the department. You can go into almost anyatation at any time and hear the same things that I have asked in a forum. You are quick to attack, but you will make your comments behind closed doors. I have and will continue to work wherever I am assigned. That goes for any of the JFD. You are standing on the outside looking in and trying to create an atmosphere of more questions than answers. It's obvious that you know me, so feel free to talk to me one-on-one.
- SidneyRJohnson
- Mar 12 2006
Thanks, Mr. Johnson, for coming on to address questions and concerns. I encourage others to ask you questions as well, if that's cool.
- DonnaLadd
- Mar 12 2006
That will be fine. I only want answers to questions that we all ask each other, but will not ask where we can recieve closure.
- SidneyRJohnson
- Mar 12 2006
Firefighter it would seem to me after reading your blog, the real person with a problem is you. I read the article on Mr. Johnson's complaint and do not see anything that was referenced or quoted to suggest he was doing anything that would require the comment, "Good try Sidney" from you or that he is a 'disgruntled firefighter'. From the article, it sounds as if Mr Johnson is wanting answers to questions, predominantly, the major one being the same that I have asked myself, as well as many times has been brought up here in this forum already, 'Why is the interium chief, Mr. Chandler, not being confirmed?' I don't know much about the specific's regarding his complaint that his office was closed, however, myself and many others in this city as well as in this forum, would really like to know that our city's fire department has a permenant chief, who is accepted by the city council. Awhile back Mr. Lynch did an article that questioned why he (Mr. Chandler) was still in the office when the city council would not confirm him. (I don't recall the topic of the story so I admit that I am paraphrasing that part) I, for one, as a tax paying citizen of this city want to have the comfort of knowing that we have a fire chief that is wanted, accepted and able to lead the fire dept. When the city council will not confirm someone in that position, then I also would like to know the reason's why....especially as I don't recall (I might be mistaken) another mayor putting a candidate up for the position of fire chief, and the council refusing to confirm them. My personal take on this situation is that Mr. Johnson apparently wants questions answered and is going through the only forum that he felt he might get the 'real' answers to his questions. Maybe you should be asking questions as well, rather than being insulting to someone who appears to be taking a stand to have answers given. The current administration of this city is not known at this time for being forth-coming with answers, nor being entirely honest when answers are given. I applaud Mr. Johnson for standing up AND FOR USING HIS REAL NAME!
- Katie D
- Mar 12 2006
I must agree with Katie D. I did not read anything into the article other than Mr Johnson wants answers. I don't get it, why would one firefighter attack another firefighter in a blog? Why not just ask him what is going on? I have rarely see firefighters stick together one way or another on any issue. We have all asked in previous blogs what is taking so long for this confirmation. Is the mayor trying to harness enough of the council to get the needed votes? Is there any statue of limitations on this issue? Will Chief Chandler talk to Mr Johnson to try and answer some of his concerns? BTW, I am using my name!
- lance
- Mar 12 2006
I would like to also understand, why a Fire Museum would remain open and a Command Center would close? That does not strike me as being well thought out nor in the best interest of the public! Maybe I am wrong (not likely) but I fail to see how a museum is going to assist the fire department in an emergency situation more so than a command center. Of course, I do admit I have no idea what a command center for the fire department actually does, but I would think by the name that it is a command center for emergency's that is taken to the location. Regarding the Fire Museum - we have one here? I think that speaks for itself that I was not aware there was one, in fact, I called a few friends and they said the same thing. "We do? Where?" So the reality is: if the museum is still open and ANY other division that responds to fires, emergency's, etc. is closed - it reinforces my question as to why the fire chief is not being confirmed. Could it be lack of prioritizing essential divisions? Lack of experience, or simply being unable to lead a dept.? It does appear that the city council is correct in not having confirmed the interim chief thus far!
- Katie D
- Mar 12 2006
Actually I dont recall even speaking on confirmation, But since we are on the topic When McNulty was Interim Fire Chief I dont recall your concerns of confirmation at that time. As far as the History from what I have seen through the years my preception of pepole is " as long as things are going my way I am happy ". I am confused about the racisim statement please Clarify. There is no special test approved by the Justice Department for the Mobile Command Position. Why have you not reported to your new duty station as of yet since you are so dedicated. As I recall the short fall of the budget is probablly the main reason that you are needed in your new position. We were told about three weeks prior at a meeting which all firefighters attended that because of budget concerns some changes had to be made to put a new unit in service which would give the newly annexed area in South Jackson the Fire and EMS protection that they deserve. It seems to me, you being a " candidate " for the Fire Chief position would understand such moves. Mobile Command was put in place during the Donovan adminstration which in some ways was good but not necessary because that position turned into more of a Division Chief's office assistant or better stated SECRETARY position.
- firefighter
- Mar 12 2006
Ladd, I wish that the JFP would try to do some investigating on how the JFD is structured so they will have a better understanding on some of the things that are said on here. I am in no way trying to attack anybody but trying to state some of the things that I have seen on the JFD.
- firefighter
- Mar 12 2006
As I stated in my previous blog, if you have any questions, please contact me personally. I will not get into any of the particulars of this issue via the internet. This may make you feel good by trying to take this to the public, but once I have had my questions answered in the proper forum, I will gladly be more open. Once again, please contact me at 23-B and I will talk to YOU one-on-one.
- SidneyRJohnson
- Mar 12 2006
Make me feel good ? You are the one that took this to the public. I am just trying to get a clear understanding of the issues. Thats what blogging is all about.
- firefighter
- Mar 12 2006
firefighter, your mind actually seems to be made up from what I can see. And it is up to Mr. Johnson what he says and does not, just as it is with anyone. And it is understandable that there are things he cannot say in a public forum while his case is going on. So please be respectful of his comments to you.
- DonnaLadd
- Mar 12 2006
ladd, its not a matter of my mind being made up its just that I know he has been reassigned just as the other two Mobile Command members. I got reassigned three times one year maybe I should have filed suit. We will just see what comes out in the wash.
- firefighter
- Mar 12 2006
Firefighter, in a previous blog which began, "Actually, I don't recall even speaking on confirmation..." I have read it more than once and see that myself & lance were the only ones who truely brought this up. Yet, it is apparent by many of your comments within the context of that same blog that you were 'aiming' toward Mr. Johnson. In fact, it seemed more like rattling as you had no definative idea you were expressing. You further state that you are not trying to 'attack' anyone, however, the basis of primarily all of your blog appear to be just that, toward Mr. Johnson. I have found with my work in the public, that often times when you speak out of both sides of your mouth, you often time drown in your own stupidity, but that is just my thought for the day! It is apparant to me Firefighter, that you have joined the bandwagon for this interim chief, which is your right to do so! However, your willingness to support this person does not necessitate that the remaining firefighters should do or feel the same way you do, nor should they be attacked for having feelings other than yours OR wanting answers. As we continue to speak on confirmations/interim chiefs, etc. I did a little research on something you stated above regarding the previous chief Mr. McNulty and his being interim. YOU should really do more research prior to your trying to make a point of statement which you apparently have NO fact or even a complete understanding of....regarding Mr. McNulty's interim time as chief, he was in that position for LESS than a period of 1 month and then WAS confirmed by the city council. That certainly shows that Mr. McNulty had the support and trust of the city council as they continued right along and confirmed him in a permenant position....LESS THAN ONE MONTH! I fail to see how that can even be brought up or asked by you regarding the former chiefs interim position. Why would Mr. Johnson have a problem with him? HE was confimed within a reasonable amount of time! Mr. Chandler has been in the position of interim chief since approx. August 05' and the city council DID NOT confirm him. Even for you, that should send up warning bells, unless your one of the 'boys' who work closely with him! Overall, not knowing you or Mr. Johnson personally, my take on this situation is that it is obviouse Mr. Johnson is a black man (photo) and you appear to be, in relations to your comments, attacks and reference to wanting to have racial issues 'clarified' that you are non-black. If I am correct in my assumptions, then how could you or I ever fully understand the racial problems? Besides, until I learned some very valuable lessons years ago, I would continue to wear blinders as a white woman, REFUSING to acknowledge or see that racisim is still VERY present in Mississippi and DOES occur - whether you stick your head in the sand and ignore it or not! Of course, the sand does obscure your vision for reality also....doesn't it?
- Katie D
- Mar 13 2006
- Mar 13 2006
Thank you for your support JOJO. I will not allow anyone pull this issue from what the focus of my inquiry is, especially someone that will not even talk to me privately. I understand that anyone may have reason to reveal their identity or not. I am okay with that. I am not okay with anyone that will take pot shots and try and distort the issue away from the truth. I have had a stellar carrer with this department and I think that my record of service speaks for itself. I take it to heart when I see something that has an illusion of impropriety. I am not hurling accusations at anyone, just asking for some clarification. I am prepared for diversions, distractions, and other issues that may come out, but the fact remains that there are questions that I have as well as the firefighters on this job. It's okay not to step forward sometimes. With the atmosphere that has been created, some are in fear of retalitation, disassociation, and isolation. I still stand on my record of service. I have not heard from "firefighter", nor do I expect to. I hope that this individual will give the system a chance to run its course. There have inquiries, complaints, lawsuits and everything else over the years. What I am doing is nothing new or innovative. I think that a problem is that some of us think that its okay to talk negatively about the administration among themselves. The fact of the matter is when you feel that something is not right, just speak up and try to find some resolve.
- SidneyRJohnson
- Mar 13 2006
Johnson I hope your union is behind your efforts. You all fought so hard to get recognized and get a contract. your chief was one of the people who pushed for it. Watch out FM will bust the union and you might be looking for another job. Let your union work for you.
- jada
- Mar 14 2006
thanks for your support Jada. This is not an issue that the union will be in control over. I am not a member of the union, but there is a great number of firefighters that aren't. That's another story. This issue hopefully will start the firefighters to ask the hard questions to the administration. It's a safe thing to talk among yourselves regardless of the context of the conversation. It's a totally different animal to talk to the people or entities that you are talking about. Once again, I really appreciate your support.
- SidneyRJohnson
- Mar 14 2006
Well Katie D. Looks like you have your mind made up. The real issue to me in this story was not Mr. Johnsons concern on the confirmation for the job of wich he did not get, he needs to go speak to the Mayor on that issue, but his statements that he made on the rest of the issues. I once again am trying to put things as I see them, because unlike you I see it first hand. But I guess you know more that me on these issues. And as far as being one of the boys, I have three more years to serve and no matter who the fire chief is I will serve it proudly as I have for all the previous years, My record speaks for itsself. And Sidney I am just stating some factual things that you put out of character such as why have Ades and Hines not been demoted? Come on why even use such a out of character statement. Were You demoted? No. As far as your carrer record you can rate your self as you see fit. I commend all firefighters for there time and dedication of serving the public.
- firefighter
- Mar 14 2006
you don't have to be a member for them to represent you. That is the law. I thought all of you were union members.
- jada
- Mar 14 2006
Right now it's not a lawsuit, but a request for inquiry. I hope that this can be resolved with going any further. I have inquired about union representation, but that's not an issue. Some firefighters have gone with private legal representation even though they may have the union at their disposal. The fire department has a union (Local 87) which is affilliated with the AFL-CIO. Membership is voluntary. The other organization that is a faction with the fire department is Firefighters LTD, which is a fraternal organization. Membership is also voluntary. Some firefighters belong to one or the other, some firefighters belong to both, and some belong to neither. All firefighters, however are protected by Civil Service. CS has been in place for longer than I can remember. The city of Jackson recognized Local 87 in 2005 as the bargaining agent for labor relations for the department. For any additional information, I would recommend speaking with a member of the organization. They could expound on the authority of the union much better than I.
- SidneyRJohnson
- Mar 14 2006
Mr Johnson, I'm curious.....have you heard from "firefighter" yet? I see that he is still trying to get you to talk to him online.
- lance
- Mar 14 2006
Firefighter, I don't believe that you can generalize me as having made up my mind so to speak. I have simply taken a different position than you. You are correct in stating that you are on the inside, however, this situation affects those on the outside also....or did you forget that the JFD & JFP are here to 'serve and protect' the citizen's of Jackson? I am concerned with the continuation of 'problems' that it appears that not only JFD, but JPD have. I can only assume that you feel I have made my mind up, due to the fact that I began doing investiation regarding some of the comments made not only by you, but after reading Mr. Johnson's article which was done by Mr. Lynch. You immediately began firing off what constituted acqusations and personal 'digs' at Mr. Johnson almost from the time the story was posted. I simply made it known that I feel you used this forum to take pot shots at Mr. Johnson, when in fact, the article clearly show's that Mr. Johnson has questions regarding the manner in which the fire dept. is being managed. I respect Mr. Johnson for what he did, and as most people have been told thru-out their life time, "No question is a stupid question." If he has questions or concerns, then he has the right to ask and to receive answer's to those questions. This is not the only story within the last few months which has related to the Jackson Fire Dept. It is, in fact, an on-going series apparently, and until there is closure it will continue. I would like to add though, regarding your last comment, I think YOU are the one who is misreading many items of interest ,as Mr. Johnson's story did not indicate that his problem was about a position he did not get, but regarding the reassignment and/or change to lower ranks BY blacks who has applied for the position that Mr. Chandler currently holds as interim, and while these select people's ranks/positions were changed, according to the story, the white firemen who applied for that same position were NOT reassigned/relocated. It is very understandable why there would be questions. I understand that you stated these position's were held by the whim of the fire chief, but it is very suspicious that these black firemen that applied for Mr. Chandlers position have all had something changed in their duty assignment BY Mr. Chandler. If the situation were reversed do you not think that questions would be raised by the whites also?
- Katie D
- Mar 14 2006
Katie, every fire chief that I know of has changed the commandstaff when he took over just as the JPD does. Also there are two DC's that applied for the position that were not mentioned by name which have been transfered. Once again Sidney was put into a positoion within the same division he was assigned to allow a new unit to be put in service. There were also two other mobile command officers that were transfered also of which one of them was white. As far as Ades I do believe that he applied for the fire chief job, according to Hines he did not apply.
- firefighter
- Mar 14 2006
Lance, to answer your I have not heard from "firefighter" nor do I expect to. I am very accessible. I read his comment to one of the other bloggers concerning the chief's choices of his command staff, and I also read where he stated that he will be able to retire in three years. First of all I see a conflict in those two statements. If he had at least twenty two years of service, he should remember that from retired chief E. Bray to retired chief R. McNulty, there has always been minimal changes in the command staff. This is the first "virtual clean sweep" that I can recall in my 24 years of service. Also, there has never been any question about any of the firefighters dedication to the department. I have worked with most of them, and I can say that it has been a truly rewarding experience. Hopefully when this is over, "firefighter" will come forth and we can talk one-one-one. I believe that his lack of all of the facts and issues is the reasons for his responses.
- SidneyRJohnson
- Mar 14 2006
- Mar 15 2006
Firefighter, again I have done some 'homework' so to speak in regards to previous blog. You continue to try and 'educate' me, however, you seem to miss answering some of the questions that I actually put forth to you. Although I do appreciate the partial education, it essentially is just putting more questions into my head that I have to research due to failure to receive answers! Since you apparently have taken the 'lead' in educating me, I see by your not answering and/or responding to many questions/concerns even more now why Mr. Johnson felt the need to request an investigation. If you are reprentative of the actions of the administration in ignoring questions, then it is most assuredly in Mr. Johnson's best interest to ask for an outsider to find the real answers. I have thus far asked you about the Fire Museum, and any other non-essential emergency divisions that are still open when the Mobile Command office was closed. You responded that Mr. Johnson was kept in the same division for another piece of equipment (I assume another fire truck) but you never responded to other non-essential offices remaining open. I have also asked a question regarding Mr. Chandler still being an interim and not being confirmed by the City Council. Do you know why? Does this not strike you as odd that this person that you are obviously standing behind cannot receive even the majority vote to be confirmed? I further asked regarding the appearance of racial discrimination regarding those blacks who applied being moved or reassigned who had applied for the position of fire chief, if there wouldn't be questions should the situation be reversed and it was whites who were in the same position? Again, you did not respond. Why do I continually have the feeling that you only will, or can, address the issues put forth to you that you feel support the current administration? I believe that the same issues I have with not having questions answered is probably the same as Mr. Johnson did.
- Katie D
- Mar 15 2006
Katie, I can not give you an answer of why the fire museum has not been closed I do know that the fire museum is operated by a Civilian. As far as the other division (Fire Safety and Education) which I assume you are speaking of would not have qualified personel to staff the new equipment that was put in service, I guess it would be wise if you got that answer from the command staff. As far as racial issues If you think of it to be racial then its your right. I dont live my life by playing the race game. The prior command staff consisted mostlty of blacks and two whites of which one of them was transferred, so yes it was unfortunate that it appeard that way. The new command staff now has one less white on it than before excluding the Chief,to me that does not seem racial. And Sidney, McNulty did do a clean sweep of his command staff and filled the positions with his buddies and also created positions for his buddies of which some of those positions should not be re filled and waste the tax dollar. jojo who exatly are you ? I see the Initials A.J. after your post but that dont tell me much. I could put any name on here I wish to but that would not mean it was a true one would it. What does it matter.
- firefighter
- Mar 15 2006
I think all of these issues have come up because a few disgruntaled firefighters didn't get their way. As far as Chandler goes..everything seems to be running good except for some individuals who continue to WHINE. Chandler has been successful at doing things that are asked of him by his superiors...this meaning the Mayor who appointed him. He has not been confirmed because of a few "political pushing" members of the city council. Why don't you asked Crisler why he hasn't been confirmed. Companies and departments have had to be downsized and rearranged for as long as the working forces have been around. Syndey, consider yourself lucky that you still have a job...and from what I have read you refuse to go to. I am sure there are several people on the fire department that would like the job. If you are so unhappy maybe you should retire or quit and let individuals that are willing to show up for work do so. There are things in every department that will happen that not all people will understand. There is a four letter word that describes this..."LIFE". If you knew and understood everything maybe you would be chief, mayor heck even president. Quit dwelling on things that can't be changed and go to work. Do what you were hired to do. Protect the city. Quit stirring trouble. I commend firefighter for addressing the whole issues...not just your edited versions of things. AJ...we all know who you are and who you support.
- shark1
- Mar 16 2006
Mr. Shark, asking Mr. Crisler about delays in confirming Chandler would be fruitless because the ball is not in his court. As I understand it, City Council has not voted on Chandler because the mayor has never brought the appointment before council, despite his legal obligation to do so. Why not? From "Firefighters Griping Over New Chief" "Melton told the Jackson City Council that he was withholding a vote on Chandler’s appointment as chief due to a perceived lack of support." That was back in November, folks, and Chandler still has not appeared before the council. Because the mayor believes that Chandler might not be confirmed, he has withheld Chandler's confirmation. This seems to me to run contrary to the whole point of having someone confirmed. If you only allow votes on people you know will be confirmed, while withholding those who will not but letting them serve anyway, what's the point of confirming anyone? This is strikingly parallel with President Bush's "recess appointment" of John Bolton to be ambassador to the UN. Bolton could not be confirmed by the Senate, so the White House bogged down the process and then just decided to skip that whole checks and balances crapola. Why does Chandler not have support on the council? I can't pretend to know all the reasons, but prominent among them is the fact that Chandler is "controversial" within the department, as the posts here indicate. As for whether or not "everything seems to be running good," as you put it, I honestly wonder. Will the JFD receive a lower ISO rating? (See "Is Fire Department Up to Par?" also by Adam Lynch.) Chandler's statement, in that article, hardly inspires confidence. The question was whether the city was ready and able to retain its 3-ranking with ISO: “I’m new to this position so I can’t answer that question,” Chandler said. “I don’t know specifically what they’ll be looking for and stuff. This hasn’t taken place for two or three years.” One hopes he has since learned more about the "stuff" in question. Beyond that, the JFD looks like a hornet's nest of suspicion, recrimination and mutual contempt that may be teetering on the edge of some serious legal nastiness. How is it running well? Brian
- Brian C Johnson
- Mar 16 2006
brjohn was he successful when he sued the city?? also someone in his new administration who had at least so many suits that I can't remember. how much money did they get?? Do your homework and answer this. Is FM aware of this??
- jada
- Mar 16 2006
Jada, be less cryptic. Was WHO successful when he sued the city? And WHO sued the city so many times you can't remember? What in the blazes are you talking about?
- Brian Johnson
- Mar 16 2006
Brian Johnson...seems you don't agree with Chandler being chief...there are several that don't. That is not in dispute. The Mayor has appointed him, he is qualified and is doing a great job so far. If the department does receive a lower it really Chandler's fault. I don't think so. A department can only be ran by the means which they are given.
- shark1
- Mar 16 2006
Jada...there are several people who have sued. I would the subject of this article would if given opportunity. It is not only the chief and his staff!
- shark1
- Mar 16 2006
Brian, I believe the reason for putting Sidney and the others back in combat was to help us when ISO comes in. I would be my guess to say the number one priority of the Fire Chief at this time is ISO. Brian are you affiliated with the fire department?
- firefighter
- Mar 16 2006
Brian are you affiliated with the fire department? Firefighter, as the editor and owner of this site that you are using at my invitation, I must tell you that you are starting to p!ss me off. No, my assistant editor is not affilated with the fire department, and he doesn't have some grudge against the acting fire chief who has never been put up for confirmation. He is dealing with facts as they have been provided to us, both by the fire department and its critics. If you'd like to continue to try to make your case on my site anonymously, I suggest that you lose the innuendo and the attitude, or I will eject your a$$ in no uncertain terms. Deal?
- DonnaLadd
- Mar 16 2006
Well my apologies, I had no idea that Brian was one of yours. Just a simple question i thought. I hate that you are offended by my input.
- firefighter
- Mar 16 2006
Well my apologies, I had no idea that Brian was one of yours. Perhaps that's because you seem to be a one-issue wo/man here and aren't paying attention to the byline on the articles. Just a simple question i thought. I hate that you are offended by my input. I'm irked at implications about my people, and I don't like the attitudes of some of you who come on here anonymously and try to cast various aspersions against other people who are talking openly without having the balls to attach your name to your posts. Here's the rule going forward here: If you make a claim about someone else, you need to immediately provide the evidence and your identity directly to me with numbers where we can confirm your identity. I will keep it confidential, as I do with unnamed sources in articles. But you will not be allowed to make claims about fellow firefighters or anyone else without me knowing full well your identity and the facts to back up your claims.
- DonnaLadd
- Mar 16 2006
I really appreciate all of the comments that have been made thus far, even though I obviously disagree with some of them. Firefighter, I still extend my invitation to talk with you alone and away from all of the hype. I am doing what has been done throughout history. I am asking questions. I am entitled to answers. The answers, once I get them, will hopefully put this to rest. I have several issues that in my opinion seem to be in direct violation of federal, municipal, and department guidelines. As I stated in an earlier blog, I do not know who you are but that dosen't matter. I will talk to you or anyone else. For the record, I took two weeks vacation after my new assignment. This is the first time in my career that I have taken a real vacation. I have over a year worth of leave time accumulated so I believe that that proves my dedication to my job. Lance stated in an earlier blog that firefighters never can seem to get together on issues. Let's prove him wrong. I don't think that he would mind being wrong on this one. I was a member of JFD when you couldn't speak. Now we can speak when you don't understand something. Ladd, Adam, Tom, Brian, and everyone else with the JFP staff have been objective, professional, and compassionate with this atricle and I extend my heartfelt thanks to them and the entire staff.
- SidneyRJohnson
- Mar 16 2006
shark1, names Todd Chandler(I don't know how many but i am sure of 1) and Tony Davis (a lot of suits are the main ones that concern me). Now answer the question.
- jada
- Mar 16 2006
sorry shark, that was my answer to Brian. However you can add your knowledge to this I am sure the JFP bloggers would like to know who is benefitting from their tax dollars. Is this considered double dipping??
- jada
- Mar 16 2006
Mr. Johnson, I commend you for clearing up the matter regarding your not being at your duty station. More than one person within this forum has made reference too, or blatantly stated, that you were not working. By your willingness to acknowledge these remarks toward your character, you have once again proven, people should do their homework prior to making statements they have no knowledge of. And I can only hope that you enjoyed your vacation time, because anyone with a year of leave time accumulated most assuredly deserves some time away from their job! Ladd - I applaude you for setting forth standards toward some of what appear to be very slanderous remarks on your site made by bloggers. You reinforced me considering the JFP my PRIMARY source of news!
- Katie D
- Mar 16 2006
jada, Chandler was part of a lawsuit that was filed by 100 firefighters in the late 80's. I believe that the suit was filed because the drug testing was no being done fairly. The judge ruled in favor of the 100 firefighters and awarded them their $ 10,000 in lawyer fees back which was the $100.00 that they all put up. As far as Davis he being the Union president has been involved in several Union Sanctioned lawsuits. I do believe that the courts have ruled in favor of all.
- firefighter
- Mar 16 2006
For the record, I have no position on whether or not Chandler should be chief. What I disputed was Shark's mischaracterization of the holdup in his confirmation. It is not Mr. Crisler's fault that Chandler has yet to be confirmed. I do think it is incumbent on both the mayor and on Chandler himself to bring his appointment before the council for a confirmation vote. That is, after all, the law. Shark's mischaracterization was framed by an even larger mischaracterization, which is that the only problem within the fire department is a few disgruntled fire fighters. These fire fighters who WHINE, as you put it in all caps. These fire fighters "stirring (up) trouble," as I'm sure you meant to write. And then there's AJ. "We all know who you are and who you support." Well, I don't know who AJ is, who he supports or why that sums him up so catastrophically. It was one of the uglier posts I've seen on this site; so venomous and bristling with innuendo. This blog is not a locker room where you can slam someone's head into the wall for failing to fall into line. Shark, you have not yet made a single substantive contribution to this conversation, and your snearing, bullying attitude does not help either your case or Chandler's. It certainly does not support your contention that "everything is good" at the JFD. As for you Jada, you are not a prosecutor and I am not a witness, so don't order me to answer your questions. This is especially true considering that your posts are so appallingly ungrammatical that they are nearly incomprehensible. Let me see if I can piece together what you're trying to ask. You're trying to ask, was Chandler successful when he sued the city? And how much money did Tony Davis make suing? Instead of badgering me with questions full of pronouns without antecedents, why don't you just say what it is you're trying to say?
- Brian C Johnson
- Mar 16 2006
Allow me to chime in briefly and say that Brian Johnson (brjohn9) is my assistant editor at the Jackson Free Press. You can also assume that means assistant moderator. In other words, his credentials are second only to mine.
- DonnaLadd
- Mar 16 2006
OK, I'm getting real sick of you anonymous cowards trying to use this site to spread rumors and innuendo. I'm suspending the accounts right now of anybody who is trying to do this using fake names. You've been warned already. Shoo.
- DonnaLadd
- Mar 16 2006
BTW, I don't have a particular opinion on Mr. Chandler, other than thinking that his comment about the ISO rating was really dumb. However, if the nasty people posting her are any indication of how the fire department is being run, and the tone being set, I feel sorry for the citizens of Jackson.
- DonnaLadd
- Mar 16 2006
That is, provided that any of you anonymous trolls actually are in the Fire Department. It is important to remember that we have no way of knowing who you are or what you're up to. My suggestion is that you go do it somewhere else. If you want to post here and stick to issues and away from personal innuendo, or if you have information to provide to Adam Lynch not using your name (362.6121. ext. 8), you can continue posting here. Otherwise, I'm sick of your games.
- DonnaLadd
- Mar 16 2006
Brian, that was a literary piece of art. That was the most professionally written a$$ whipping that I ever remember seeing. Ladd I think that Brian is the perfect compliment for you.
- lance
- Mar 16 2006
Ladd I think that Brian is the perfect compliment for you. I know he is. ;-D And this senstence about captures the B.S. we've encountered with about every troll we've ever had slink and slime through the door: This blog is not a locker room where you can slam someone's head into the wall for failing to fall into line. Well said, Number 1. This here site is a "benevolent dictatorship," as I've seen other blogs called. Believe it.
- DonnaLadd
- Mar 16 2006
Ladd & Brian, I would respectfully ask you to advise the 'bloggers' as to what method would need to be used to access the Freedom of Information act regarding a comment made previously by firefighter regarding Mr. Davis. That is 'off the headline', but as he put it in this forum I would like to follow-up, unless your staff is. I honestly admit that my information comes from rumors, however, they seem to have credibility and I would like to have follow-up. I actually have been told that Mr. Davis is 'well-known' for having filed many law-suits not pertaining to a previous position held within the union, on many of the previous fire chiefs. I believe it is an area that should be looked into, especially since firefighter is such a strong 'speaking force' for the current administration, and Mr. Davis, from my understanding, is now one of the primary administrators within the fire dept. Firefighter continues to promote this administration, but I believe he is giving the forum the 'watered down' version that allows for compliment of the current administration rather than factual information. As we have seen already with firefighter, he has made unvalidated censors against Mr. Johnson's character regarding his 'not going to work' when it would seem to me that it would have been very easy to simply ask someone if he was on vacation prior to making an unconfirmed comment. Again, I would appreciate being advised as to how to access this information.
- Katie D
- Mar 16 2006
This link Jackson Public Records Request will lead you to a .pdf. To make an information request, fill out the form. Anyone can make an information request. Take the form to City Hall. The city clerk’s office is immediately inside, across from the City Council chamber. The clerk will take your form, stamp it and make a photocopy for you. From that date, the city has 14 working days to respond. Weekends and holidays don’t count.
- Brian C Johnson
- Mar 16 2006
Brian, I sincerely appreciate your quick response and I will be following up tomorrow, barring any emergency. Note, that I will share my information within this forum in response to firefighter, upon receipt.
- Katie D
- Mar 16 2006
- Mar 17 2006
- Mar 17 2006
- Mar 17 2006
The Freedom of Information Act provides to all citizens the right AND responsibility to explore and question govermental officials on all levels. It is expected and again, law governed that those citizens be provided information which is available within the scope of public record. Firefighter, you brought to this forum, the image of two current JFD administrators being essentially, dedicated to the task of bringing the fire department into the new administration in a strong light, and responded to the question's posed before you by Jada, regarding what she apparently has heard, or knows, to be their alleged abuse of the judicial system, in the most subtle of ways. I implore ALL bloggers to activate your legal rights and either confirm and/or repute the information that Firefighter brought forth as factual. I personally believe that facts, not statements, provide a more genuine perception of the reality that is before us!
- Katie D
- Mar 17 2006
OK, A.J.: DO NOT type in all-caps again. You can't read it easily, and it is considered screaming on the Internet. Man, y'all firefolk are high maintenance.
- DonnaLadd
- Mar 17 2006
that a big 10-4 ladd , sorry for the all-caps
- Mar 18 2006
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