Fireman Goes Federal | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Fireman Goes Federal


Former Mobile Command Capt. Sidney Johnson filed an EEOC complaint against the city last week, citing suspicious demotions and transfers in the Jackson Fire Department.

"There are several issues I'd like to have addressed," said Johnson. "I don't think the fire department has been following federal guidelines and I want to see what an investigations reveals."

Johnson complains that the city has closed divisions essential to safety, such as his own mobile command division, instead of nonessential divisions like the Fire Museum.

Johnson also argues that several black division chiefs who applied for the position of fire chief were demoted to captains, while two white applicants, Mike Hines and Harold Ades, still hold their positions as district chiefs. Johnson also applied for the position now filled by Interim Fire Chief Todd Chandler, months before the city closed down Johnson's division.

"It may not be intentional, but there is the perception of racism. We've gone through this before, and I have questions about what's going on," Johnson said.

Firefighter Union Local 87 President Brandon Falcon said that the black men demoted to captain held their positions by appointment, and that reassignment is common with a new administration.

"I can see his concern, but I'm in no position to send away new captains as short staffed as we are," Falcon said.

Johnson said he also wants an investigation into Chandler's long, unconfirmed interim appointment as fire chief. Council President Marshand Crisler recently called on the mayor to submit Chandler's appointment as fire chief to a confirmation vote. Chandler was out of town and unavailable to comment.

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