Why the D.L. is D.U.M.B. | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Why the D.L. is D.U.M.B.

Her views are her own. The column for the April issue is a thought-provoking one, to say the least.

Wanted to pass on this link to one of my old friends that writes an opinion column for my new zine, CONVERSATIONS. She is Kendall Walker, a 35 year old woman who lives in Jackson, MS who has an opinion on everything.

VERBATIM: "Just because I'm single, doesn't mean I can't have a good time. When I'm with my girlfriends, we talk about alot of things: the weather.GUYS. Clothes. GUYS. Music and the Movies...and GUYS. So you can see that the subject of guys might come up. One thing we talk about when discussing men is the seemingly innate need of a man to lie and cheat. This is especially true when it comes to men who are not straight up with themselves and others about their sexuality. You know what I mean: the supposed 'dl lifestyle.' Men on the down low. Especially among black men this is the way they explain their trying to enjoy (the best and the worst of) both worlds. Can I understand why black men live on the dl?"

READ THE ENTIRE COLUMN AT http://www.askkendall.com You can email your comments to her at [e-mail missing]

Her column will probably be one of the highlights of each zine. She is also interested in topics you want her to discuss.

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