PHM Bill heads to Governor | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

PHM Bill heads to Governor

House Bill 1115, the bill that would make the Partnership for a Healthy Mississippi's appropriation of $20 million annually come from the Legislature, was concurred with on March 20th. I voted to concur.

As an advisory board member for PHM-Hinds County, I personally know how accountable the partnership has been with their funding, and how successful it is. This measure would clarify the concern the governor has had in making sure the Legislature has a say in the funding of the program. The Senate felt they needed to add language to make sure the PHM was audited and that those audits be made public. The patnership was already doing that, but the House felt the langauge was not detrimental and decided not to put it in conference. It would prove that the governor was right about his concerns, but a number of GOP legislators voted against the measure.

Their argument is that one, the case concerning the PHM is still in litigation, and two, giving to this non-profit violates the constitutional provision of giving to a private entity. The provision in question is Section 66 of the Mississippi Constitution:

"No law granting a donation or gratuity in favor of any person or object shall be enacted except by the concurrence of two-thirds of the members elect of each branch of the legislature, nor by any vote for a sectarian purpose or use."

HB 1115 should allow for that vote to take place on an annual basis, even though all appropriations bills are passed with a simple majority. Another point is that some Republicans feel that the PHM funds should be placed in the Health Care Trust Fund to maximize our Medicaid match. History will tell us that is not a good practice, as Governor Mabus found out when he used that excuse to close our three charity hospitals.

It will be interesting to see if the governor vetoes this bill.

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