All Time Favorite Melton Moment | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

All Time Favorite Melton Moment

Its the one where Melton pulls over four school buses so he can touch the children.

Okay, this piece in the Clarion Ledger is now officially my "all time favorite Melton moment".

Jackson Mayor Frank Melton said he impulsively asked his police escort to pull four Callaway High buses over on I-220 on Friday afternoon because he needed a hug.

The buses were taking students home from school, about 4:30 p.m.

"It's been such a stressful two weeks," Melton said. "I wanted to shake their hands. I wanted to touch them. That's all it was. ... I went through the buses and shook their hand and hugged them and told then how proud I was of them."

Melton said students saw him out their windows and waved before he had the buses stopped. "I told the kids to have a great weekend and a safe weekend," he said. "I didn't do anything stupid or illegal."

And, ONE MORE TIME, for the people in the cheap seats:

"Its been such a stressful two weeks....I wanted to touch them."

I leave you to your own thoughts.

But here is the shirt I have made to commemorate the moment:


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