Melton To Stop More Buses Today | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Melton To Stop More Buses Today

Heads up, parents. The Clarion-Ledger is reporting:

Jackson Mayor Frank Melton said he plans to continue stopping school buses to interact with kids, including today as high school students are being taken home. "This is really important to me. ... If shaking their hands and hugging their necks is inappropriate, then do what you have to do," Melton said. "My love for them is unconditional." Melton said he didn't know which high school he would target after 3:30 p.m., but it would be "wherever I find a school bus."

The first-term mayor had his police escort stop four buses carrying Callaway High School students on I-220 last week - as a national NBC television crew followed him for an unrelated story.

Jackson schools Superintendent Earl Watkins said he talked to Melton on Thursday afternoon and didn't ask him to stop pulling over buses but did discuss safety and liability. "I still contend it is somewhat unorthodox to take this method to encourage kids, but as you know our mayor is an out-of-the-box thinker," Watkins said. "He has assured us his intentions are at the very heart of supporting Jackson Public Schools.

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