Heads up, parents. The Clarion-Ledger is reporting:
Jackson Mayor Frank Melton said he plans to continue stopping school buses to interact with kids, including today as high school students are being taken home. "This is really important to me. ... If shaking their hands and hugging their necks is inappropriate, then do what you have to do," Melton said. "My love for them is unconditional." Melton said he didn't know which high school he would target after 3:30 p.m., but it would be "wherever I find a school bus."
The first-term mayor had his police escort stop four buses carrying Callaway High School students on I-220 last week - as a national NBC television crew followed him for an unrelated story.
Jackson schools Superintendent Earl Watkins said he talked to Melton on Thursday afternoon and didn't ask him to stop pulling over buses but did discuss safety and liability. "I still contend it is somewhat unorthodox to take this method to encourage kids, but as you know our mayor is an out-of-the-box thinker," Watkins said. "He has assured us his intentions are at the very heart of supporting Jackson Public Schools.
Previous Commentsshow
What's this?I think we should urge parents to get their children to help stop the mayor from hugging them. I suggest one of our good boys and girls slap or knock the living sh!t out of the mayor the next time he tries this. I doubt he would file any charges since he loves children so much.
- Ray Carter
- May 5 2006
Ray, I think we are going to piggy-back our feelings from the D.A. says bring it on to this blog! I still contend that the PARENTS of these children need to stop allowing this to continue! And shame on the JPS superintendent and all other child-related agency's for not stepping up to the plate and putting a STOP TO THIS! We teach our children to NOT allow people they don't know to physically touch them, and to run from strangers (even if they are seen on t.v. daily). What message is being sent to younger children? How do we, as parents explain to a young child that it is ok for the mayor to hug and kiss them but be sure and tell a police officer if another adult does? WE DON'T! WE as the adults and parents of children being hugged by Frank's photo op's should be stopping it! Start calling the AG's office,........at least it would bug him! Start calling the JPS Administrative office's.........call Dept. of Human Services! DO SOMETHING if your child rides a school bus!
- Katie D
- May 5 2006
I dunno, Ray. A teen boy slugs Melton because he tries to embrace him; a bodyguard shoots the teen boy (or police beat him while in handcuffs), and then the Melonhead* screech-radio/blog circuit starts screaming about the thugs disrespecting authority and how they deserved the beating/to be shot. Sounds like a recipe for disaster to me. (*Melonhead: Kim Wade's word for blind Melton supporters who defend him no matter what he does and make fools out of themselves in the process.)
- DonnaLadd
- May 5 2006
Okay, now yesterday, it made perfect since that he would pull a stunt like that since a tv crew was in tow. He initially denied that Dateline had a crew following him. Now he has to make it seem as though he would have done it anyway. Look, let's not encourage this guy. If you call him on something, he'll only do it over again twofold. Pulling over 4 schoolbuses on I-220 was completely reckless and dangerous.
- Darron
- May 5 2006
Katie has a good point. People who are bothered by this should let people know. It seems even Earl Watkins is afraid to speak out against Melton. Astounding. BTW, Ramsey has a hilarious cartoon today on this. And the boys of the Ledge edit board let loose: Jackson Mayor Frank Melton says it was because he needed "a hug." With due respect, Mayor, why don't you buy yourself a teddy bear or a Betsy Wetsy doll or a Batman action figure. Hug them. The National Transportation Safety Board's data show that about 16,000 school bus collisions occur annually, resulting in 12,000 injuries and 130 deaths. Against that backdrop, what in the world possessed Melton to have his police escort pull over four Callaway High School buses on the shoulder of I-220 on April 28 about 4:30 p.m. as rush-hour traffic approached? Hizzoner said of the kids on the bus: "It's been such a stressful two weeks. I wanted to shake their hands. I wanted to touch them. That's all it was . . . I went through the buses and shook their hand and hugged them and told them how proud I was of them." I guess their Blind Melon-Head days are over, eh? (At least until the winds shift.)
- DonnaLadd
- May 5 2006
Tebeda makes an interesting point. Mr. Melton does show a propensity to allow stubbornness to cloud his common sense. If called on something, he seems to think that should mean he does it more. This is part of the danger I allude to in my editor's note this week. It's immature and juvenile.
- DonnaLadd
- May 5 2006
I hope that there are some parent(s) out there thay will file assault charges against Frank for hugging their child. All of my shorties are grown so that is the only thing keeping me from doing it myself. If I did have one that rode the bus, I would follow the bus so that I could get it on tape to back up my claim. This is sick and repulsive. This idiot said that he wanted to "touch" the kids. Something is wrong with this picture. I really hope that we don't have a case where someone goes after Frank for inappropiate behavior.
- rufus
- May 5 2006
Not only that, but schoolkids have to ride the schoolbus not knowing if they are going to be the next one hugged. Are we going to have to a run a piece on a kid's right not to be hugged? That they can say "no" to the mayor? Then when he's sued, which he's gonna be, the lawyers have to show that the consent was "coerced"? This sh!t is crazy. I'm going to stand up for the kids here. Mr. Melton needs to keep his friggin' hands to himself. I'm sorry. This has gone too far.
- DonnaLadd
- May 5 2006
I was only joking about slugging the mayor. Frank is opening himself up again for claims of perversion or sexual assault. What's the point to doing this stuff? It only hurts his image more. His wife and children can't possibly know what's going on with him over here. Or they don't give a damn about him either. And, again, I say his cheerleaders don't care anything about him. If they cared, would they let him continue this? I think not.
- Ray Carter
- May 5 2006
Would it help if the media just flat out ignored the son of a bitch? Serious question. I have no doubt that he's hungry for attention.
- millhouse
- May 5 2006
Ray you raise an interesting point about his wife and family, which brings me back to a question I posed in another thread. I'll ask it again:I wonder if he (FM) and his wife were actually living together, would he still feel somewhat love deprived? It just seems that if they lived in the same home she would be able to give him all the 'hugs' he wants and 'needs.'
- jan2006
- May 5 2006
Millhouse, you also raise an interesting question. I'm not sure if it would help at all. For someone so attention hungry it seems he would probably still be doing the things that he is doing, but I must say that his behavior worsens after he is criticized by the media. Instead of taking the criticism for what it is and trying to learn from it, it seems that the criticism drives him act in the same manner if not worse.
- jan2006
- May 5 2006
"This sh!t is crazy." My thoughts exactly ladd. It gets crazier and crazier by the day or rather he gets crazier and crazier by the day.
- jan2006
- May 5 2006
Actually, it's a good question. I was just thinking about Warren Beatty's comment to Madonna in "Truth or Dare": "Why would you do anything if it wasn't on camera?" Certainly, all this has blown up recently because it's been on camera -- starting with our ride-alongs (and the Ledge getting furious about that). But I don't think the answer is to roll back the media coverage. The truth is, Mr. Melton does these things whether the cameras are there or not. One of the tragic truths is that the Ledge and other media were there to see these things last July, when we were denied access. They didn't make a bid deal out of it then, and it continued. ("Aw shucks, that's just Frank.") They/we are now making a big deal, and suddenly the D.A., the A.G., the ACLU, the NAACP and all sorts of other people are paying attention. There is too much at risk to not pay attention. Unfortunately, because Melton sucks a lot of energy that could be going toward positive progress. However, we can't ignore him and allow him to turn back the progress we've seen over the last several years because we're not paying attention. And the pressure on public officials can only help. Don't let them turn their heads anymore. As for Ray's comment, Melton said it in a joking way, but in our first interview, he didn't exactly make it sound like his wife was very worried about his actions here. She has her own life there and expensive tastes, he said, and was happy as long as he made money. It certainly sounded like he was joking, and I didn't take it seriously, but it certainly looks like no one really cares about him in all this. If you stop to think about it, he seems to be emitting constant cries for help, and people just laugh at him and tell him to say what they want to hear. In my interviews with him, which I haven't said yet, I found him a very tragic figure. He desperately needs people around him who aren't trying to use him and who will tell it to him straight. I honestly cannot think of a soul in his administration who will do that. Not one.
- DonnaLadd
- May 5 2006
Sid Salter from his Ledge blog today: Please come forward with some evidence that the mayor's efforts are indeed reducing crime. I don't see any reduction in crime that wasn't already taking place when Harvey Johnson was mayor. And compassion for children is a little more than stopping a school bus on a busy interstate highway to hug children. That was simply a photo op for a national TV crew. 5/05/2006 12:01 PM Hmmm. I still ask where Salter was with his dissenting column when his newspaper endorsed Melton so enthusiastically. At home in Scott County, I guess.
- DonnaLadd
- May 5 2006
That is a hilarious cartoon. I didn't see this thread (and the link to the cartoon posted by Donna) until I had already posted it on the thread Ali had started...
- Ex
- May 5 2006
I never see frank hugging white people on tv. i know the demograph of jackson, and most of his supporters are black, according to wapt's feedback line, scientific i know. but he doesn't embrace white people publicly, any ideas?
- *SuperStar*
- May 5 2006
"...he didn't exactly make it sound like his wife was very worried about his actions here. She has her own life there and expensive tastes, he said, and was happy as long as he made money." that answers my question I had pertaining to his needing affections & his wife, kinda. The other thing I wanted to comment on was this statement you made ladd: "He desperately needs people around him who aren't trying to use him and who will tell it to him straight." I agree with that statement, somewhat, but I wonder about the last portion of that statement. It seems that if anyone tries to tell Melton the 'truth' about his 'actions/behavior' he takes it as a personal attack and seems to immediatley write that person off as being 'against' him. Then it seems he goes out of his way to attack them. I'm not sure if Melton is capable of being receptive to someone close to him 'setting him straight' or simply being honest with him for that matter. But then again I haven't spent countless hours getting to know him or interviwing him. ladd, what do you think about him being able to accept the truth from his peers? ....think it'll happen? I mean I know anything is possible but he seems so stubborn and stuck in his ways.
- jan2006
- May 5 2006
Oh yeah, Ramsey did an excellent job with today's cartoon. *notice the "Brake for Hugs" license plate on the command mobile* I wonder if Frank could see the humor in it?
- jan2006
- May 5 2006
Jan2006 - ladd, what do you think about him being able to accept the truth from his peers? ....think it'll happen? Peers. PEERS? Frank doesn't have any peers. he is the Ultimate Authority.
- Rex
- May 5 2006
I wonder what type of slant the dateline producers will go with when they air this episode. They'll probably show Melton for the fool he is and melton will threaten to sue them for slander. From 'Countdown with Keith Olbermann' for May 4 But first time for COUNTDOWN‘s latest list of nominees for worst person in the world. Our runner up tonight, Mayor Frank Melton of Jackson, Mississippi is being investigated because last week driving along a busy interstate he spotted four buses carrying high school students and he motioned for the drivers to pull over so he could board the buses and shake hands with and hug the kids. It‘s been such a stressful two weeks he said. I wanted to shake their hands, I wanted to touch them, that‘s all it was. Great.
- jd
- May 5 2006
ladd, what do you think about him being able to accept the truth from his peers? ....think it'll happen? Well, that may the most important question, and the one standing between his success and failure (and even disgrace). But I do know that those closest to him need to try. Unfortunately, he's put some real stinker people close to him. People say good things about Robert Walker and Peyton Prospere, but I haven't seen any evidence of either of them showing a backbone with him, especially Walker. I do sense good character in Chief Anderson (I hope). He might listen to her, but she's got to get forceful -- and I don't know if she's got it in her. I haven't seen evidence of leadership skills from her, yet. But part of me thinks she might be the only real hope -- beyond people like Peterson, Hood and maybe the City Council stepping in and saying, "no more games." Maybe his wife will Google him and get on a plane and come over here and kick butt. But I don't get the impression that she cares that much. She seemed very bored and distant at the inauguration, but that's pure speculation. Maybe his blood son? Daughter? I dunno. He told me he doesn't have many friends. Twice. Interesting statement. I'm worried about him, and I'm worried about us.
- DonnaLadd
- May 5 2006
While I personally cannot stand most of the people in Melton's administration, I cannot agree with the statement that there isn't a single person in his administration that isn't trying to use him. Peyton Prospere is one. Mr. Prospere cares deeply about this City, and has nothing to gain (and, it seems to me, a hell of a lot to lose) by working for Melton. I mean, the guy was Governor Musgrove's chief legal advisor, served as the interim State Treasurer after Marshall Bennett quit, and is well respected throughout the State. If anything working for this crazy mayor is going to hurt his credibility. Perhaps it isn't that there is no one in Melton's administration that won't "tell it to him straight", but that when people DO tell him, he doesn't hear, listen, or follow sound advice.
- charlotte
- May 5 2006
Actually, I didn't say that, charlotte (that every person is trying to use him). I said I haven't seen a single person who seems willing to speak up to him about these problems, including Walker and Prospere. I hope I've proved wrong. I also said I believe his inner cirlce are using him and, thus, do not want to see him change in anyway. I doubt that Prospere is in his inner circle. And only he can understand his own motivations in all this. I'm not lambasting or defending him. History will write itself.
- DonnaLadd
- May 5 2006
But while assigning responsibility for this mess we're in now, we also cannot abdicate the responsibility of the voters and financiers and media who simply believed hype and sound bites without asking for more. Or who spread lies that the last adminstration had done nothing good for Jackson. There is a lot of responsibility to go around here, and the people of the best character are admitting their mistakes and pledging to help fix it. I talked to someone who played a major role in the campaign about just that. But, a lot of those people don't actually have access to Mr. Melton's inner circle, so it's not like they can do something about it. What it might take at this point is a citizens' coalition to meet and then present concerns to Council and other authorities as needed. Anyone considered doing that?
- DonnaLadd
- May 5 2006
I personally don't think that Anderson will step up to the plate. She 'seems' to be an intelligent woman, but I can't quite figure her out because she rarely speaks to the public. I haven't heard more than a couple of sentences from her, and it just appears that Melton has her on lockdown. To be a chief she appears to be extremely passive: it seems more like melton is the acting chief and she is his assitant. I just hope she realizes what is really going on here. I mean she should know the inns and outs of the law: why she continues to support melton's actions and behaviors...I don't know....it is questionable. I say support because she has not stepped up and questioned his behavior, that I know of,so i conclude she has no problem with Melton or his actions.
- jan2006
- May 5 2006
ladd wrote: "But while assigning responsibility for this mess we're in now, we also cannot abdicate the responsibility of the voters and financiers and media who simply believed hype and sound bites without asking for more." I bet Jacksonians have learned a valuable lesson with this mayor and his administration! Fool us once........shame on them...Fool us twice.......shame on us!
- jan2006
- May 5 2006
Perhaps it isn't that there is no one in Melton's administration that won't "tell it to him straight", but that when people DO tell him, he doesn't hear, listen, or follow sound advice. That's the crux of the problem, he seems to be tone deaf to advice and thin-skinned about criticism (amazing for someone who regularly criticized people in power for years). Despite how I feel about his actions, I will always applaud his willingness to be more than just a critic of government, but to actually jump into the fray that is public service when it would have been easier to remain an armchair critic like the majority of us. And I actually think he picked some talented people for his administration, certainly no worse than some past picks (especially in city legal). But he also ran off some other very talented people for no other reason than they were Johnsonites. That is often a consequence of politics and the "spoils system" inherent in government.
- Jeff Lucas
- May 5 2006
I agree. She does seem like his assistant. It's remarkable to think about all the questioning that went into past chiefs, and the council and community just laughed her through. Again, collective responsibility here -- for past problems and finding solutions.
- DonnaLadd
- May 5 2006
Agreed, there are talented people there, ejeff. But they seem a bit emasculated by the inner circle. Including the female ones.
- DonnaLadd
- May 5 2006
*Superstar* let me bring MY feelings on this into play along the lines of a statement you made earlier........ I was talking to my husband today in fact regarding something along those lines and that of encouraging persons who have children who ride the JPS school bus to speak out. It is very well noted and observed that what ever Frank does, it tends to be within the lower economic groups. Statistics show that in this area, that tends to be marginally African-American's. Frank 'targets' this particular group IMO because these are the same persons who are less likely to 'challange' him, or to have the resources available to do so. In light of this, this same group is probably less likely to have computer/internet access to follow 'everything' that is going on and/or being said regarding Melton's behavior. Hence, this ultimately means that the suggestions I, as many others, in this forum who advocate calling and reporting these actions are less likely to be heard.
- Katie D
- May 5 2006
With them being that [emasculated] it makes it difficult for the public to get an accurate sense of what they are capable of and what exactly they have contributed to the city thus far.
- jan2006
- May 5 2006
Melton's actions are not only putting the city and JPD under possible individual or class action lawsuits, but the Jackson Public School District could possibly be listed as an accomplice. The JPS Superintendent has yet to distance himself from this debacle. He'd better speak out against this and soon before (God forbid) something happens....an accident, child molestation charges, etc. Whether Melton likes it or not, the Jackson Public School District is under the auspices of the State and not the city of Jackson? The Superintendent has nothing to fear except a huge lawsuit from an angry parent.
- Joerob
- May 5 2006
Katie, you make good points. One of the things that disturbs me most is that I believe he gets away with these things is because it's done against "powerless" people. That's why the rest of us -- and the ACLU and NAACP and DA ... — have to speak up for them. It's also why a lot of people don't care what happens; I'll never forget that Alan Lange dude saying on Kim Wade that the people in those communities aren't worried about gun safety.
I can report that more and more people in the affected neighborhood are, at least, reading the print version of the paper. So we are going to do what we can in the paper to ensure that people know their rights. And it's up to every Jacksonian who gives a damn to talk to people you know, as well as stand up for the rights of all citizens. No one is above the law, and no one is beneath the law. - DonnaLadd
- May 5 2006
You are right on Katie D. And that is why I am totally elated that the ACLU and NAACP are holding neighborhood meetings to inform individuals of their rights. When melton was doing those raids and what not I bet there were some people who were extremely intimidated by the whole sitution and felt like they could't speak up or say NO to the mayor without something happening to them. The mayor is at their doorsteps with a dog and police with shotguns in the middle of the night, and dare say no to letting them in. I'm thinking these individuals had to be thinking along the lines of: if I say No and they force their way in, who am I going to call. Hell he's got the police with him and they are on his side. Nsombi Lambright made a good point at the end of the press release. "The police are watching us, but who's watching them." Amen to that.
- jan2006
- May 5 2006
Why can't he do like Johnson did go to the schools and talk to the students about gun safety and seat belt safety? HJ shook hands with those students who wanted to shake hands no hugs. I think touching strangers is very in approiate behavior. Melton needs to just look at Michael jackson and what happened to him to see how this s--t can back fire. If I had a child in school I would tell him/her to give him a swift kick in the groin if he touched them especially asking for a hug. How sick is this man??
- jada
- May 5 2006
Jada, I saw Johnson give some of those speeches to kids. They loved him! Those were great, and I agree, much more positive than creeping up kids and parents, and putting busloads of kids' lives in danger. I'm a hugger myself. I like hugs. I'm southern. But I don't walk into a school and start hugging every kid in site.
- DonnaLadd
- May 5 2006
Uh, the ACLU and the NAACP and the JFP holding neighborhood forums. I offered to sponsor the forums to help get them more attention.
- DonnaLadd
- May 5 2006
I really have a big problem with school buses being stopped anywhere. Anything could happen - car/bus/18 wheeler accidents as the buses are stopping or rejoining traffic, the automatic submachine guns that the officers are carrying could mysteriously go off (Cliff's statement about the fingers on the trigger) - in front of children!!! He needs to be stopped AND before a child gets hurt. Also, the media did not correlate the fact that a JPS school driver THIS WEEK is being investigated and has a new route because he asked a young child to hug him and saying she wouldn't receive any candy. I guess the rules doesn't apply to our mayor. One question brought to mind - WHY CAN'T HE GO TO THE SCHOOLS AND TALK WITH THE CHILDREN?!? Mayor Johnson did it, Kenneth Stokes does it.... What is wrong with choosing a safer environment to spread the "love and hugs"
- NotthrilledwithMelton
- May 5 2006
BTW, Melishia is in full planning mode on the youth forums; first one in June. More details TK.
- DonnaLadd
- May 5 2006
Not to mention, Notthrilled, that single parents may be waiting for their kids to get home or whatever. It complete disregards parents' needs.
- DonnaLadd
- May 5 2006
Let me rephrase that then ladd....I am elated that the ACLU, NAACP, and JFP are holding neighborhood meetings to inform individuals of their rights. I am just glad people are stepping up to help inform the uninformed.
- jan2006
- May 5 2006
For someone to be so in tune with children and their needs, he sure seems to put his own wants and desires ahead of theirs. We all would have thought the same thing, Jada. I mean Micheal Jackson has been accused how many times? What is the saying? A wise person learns from the mistakes of others, only a fool would make the same mistake. I know that's that saying verbatim....I'm forgetful....but it's somewhere along the lines.....you all get my drift. If anyone does know that saying post it so I'll remember next time I want to quote it:)
- jan2006
- May 5 2006
Thanks, jan. ;-) I just want everyone to know that the JFP is dedicated to individual rights -- no matter what neighborhood you live in. We will help fight the good fight.
- DonnaLadd
- May 5 2006
for someone to be so in tune with children and their needs, he sure seems to put his own wants and desires ahead of theirs. Isn't that the motivation of children? The whole growing up process is learning to no be so egocentric, the younger/less developed one is the more egocentric. Im not a social worker but when i have worked with kids that is my experience.
- *SuperStar*
- May 5 2006
Lord, have mercy...Frank acts as if it is our privilege to know or touch him. He is not doing our children any favors by pulling them over on a busy highway or dismantling order as school is dismissed (Peeples M.S.) We all need to pray hard for this man, prayer changes things...It is obvious that only God can change this man.
- NotthrilledwithMelton
- May 5 2006
Common sense prevailed today. "He indicated Thursday he intended to continue the practice, but he said today that — after talking with Jackson schools Superintendent Earl Watkins — he decided greeting kids at the school instead of pulling over buses is safer." Not exactly rocket science. Nevertheless, thank you Mr. Watkins.
- millhouse
- May 5 2006
Agreed. There was certainly nothing wrong with the Mayor meeting kids AT their school during school hours, and with prior approval. The kids looked genuinely happy to see Melton, and he actually gave a pretty good photo op at Peeples. He should keep it up under these parameters.
- Jeff Lucas
- May 5 2006
Agreed. This is exactly what we've been saying -- use the charm in an inspirational, non-creepy way. This one seemed fine to me. And no parents were waiting at home worried because their kids were late.
- DonnaLadd
- May 5 2006
" Despite how I feel about his actions, I will always applaud his willingness to be more than just a critic of government, but to actually jump into the fray that is public service when it would have been easier to remain an armchair critic like the majority of us. " quote: eJeff You've got to be kidding! Then he could NOT be Police Superintendent nor could he be the one 'Who runs this City?' and be the Final (Ultimate) Authority; let alone stop a school bus and touch children!
- ChrisCavanaugh
- May 6 2006
Chris, I still applaud him for being willing to jump into the political fray and take the slings and arrows of public scrutiny and criticism. Good leaders can make the job look effortless. Many of us, while we may have good ideas and have our own visions for the city, aren't willing to commit the time and energy to public service. Part of the problem in the last election for those of us who weren't in awe of Harvey Johnson was there wasn't a wide enough field of candidates to choose from. Just HJ, Frank and Whitlow. And I personally wasn't thrilled by any of them. I liked Frank initially but I kept getting the same vibe from him that I got from Ross Perot back in 1992, a slick package of folksy charm and charisma lacking the temperment to be an effective leader. I was hopeful that FM could become a good mayor. Different, but good. But the last 3 months have killed most of the hope I had that he will change for the better. What little I have left is based on my faith and Christian beliefs, that an "intervention" might help him curb his passions. This last visit to the school, as mentioned above, was a much more positive event than the bus fiasco, so maybe he did learn a lesson from that one. But school for FM is far from over.
- Jeff Lucas
- May 6 2006
DEAR ABBY, May 5, 2006, Clarion-Ledger: Some poor woman wanting Dear Abby to tell her the lying "Man of Her Dreams" would change: Answer: "Your confusion is understandable, but for your own sake you must open your eyes and see clearly. The man you would trust...is someone who dwells in his own reality; he bends the truth for his own convenience. Your relationship may feel warm and cozy, but you can't believe a word the man says -- and my advice to you is to double-check everything he has told you. (He) appears to be a compulsive liar and if you are wise, you will end the relationship before you get sucked in any further. You fell in love with the person he portrayed himself to be, but it's not who he really is at all." This is, I truly believe, good advice to all who follow or believe Melton will change. He is incapable of honesty with himself and with others. Apologies mean nothing to him; they are just a device to delay you and let him get on with his spoiled and destructive behavior.
- ChrisCavanaugh
- May 6 2006
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