Transcript of ComStat Comments to Media | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Transcript of ComStat Comments to Media

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Mayor Frank Melton personally called the Jackson Free Press, WAPT and other media and invited us to attend this week's ComStat meeting, after the Jackson Free Press on Monday and WAPT on Tuesday published a ComStat overview that showed crime surging in Jackson. Following are excerpts of a transcript of the interchange between media, the chief and the mayor:

(Clarion-Ledger) Chief, is this a weekly meeting to help you keep track of what’s going on citywide?

(Chief Anderson) This is an in-house meeting to keep track of the precincts so specialized units can be informed of what’s going on so they can cooperate with each other.

(CL) This helps you track week to week, sort of get a sort of continuity of crime by having this touch base meeting.

(Chief Anderson) Yes, that would be fair to say. Mr. Scott is the statistician of the ComStat service for us. Once information is entered into the system that we have, he retrieves it, we analyze it and put together, but the components that are missing is we have been reporting here today that the media seldom makes a report on, they report basically the number of auto thefts, the number of crimes but they never report the number of individuals arrested or how many automobiles have been covered, or the crime drop in that area, how many cases were prosecuted, what the outcome was, how many cases were presented for prosecuted. None of that is reported, but we’ve been given that information along with the raw information. It takes all of that to make it work. It’s just not that one component.

(Mayor Melton) Let me add something, because I think there comes a time when you have to put the cards on the table and there are some things that I want to make very clear. First of all, I support the police department and I support this police department 150 percent. And there are three elements that we’re dealing with in the justice system that I think we need you all’s help on. The police make the arrest. They do the investigation. Then there ‘s the prosecution, then there’s the adjudication. And what has me bothered more than anything else in the world is that this police department is having to re-arrest the same people multiple times. I can cite a couple of cases where one individual was arrested 51 times by the JPD. I can cite another case where an alleged gang member was arrested 74 times by the JPD.
We don’t prosecute; we don’t adjudicate. The thing I’m worried about is they do a great job. Obviously everybody in the room knows I’ve been out there with them but it is so frustrating when you go and get this guy for auto burglary or auto theft an then you’ve got to go and get this same person week after week after week.
Since I’ve been mayor I’ve made it clear: anyone that uses a weapon in this community to hurt another human being, we want them held without bail before they go before a judge. Just the fact that you use a weapon to hurt a human being suggests to me that you’re a danger to society, but we don’t control that part of it. So based on my view, what I’ve seen in the last nine months…the police are working and doing a good job, but one thing that’s not going to happen—and I want to say this in front of the chief and command staff and everybody in here—we’re not going to be managed by the media. We’re going to do what we think is right. We’re going to do what we think is in the best interest of the community, but the media will have no influence on the way we do our jobs, and secondly, we’re not going to tell you what the strategy is. For years, people in positions have sat around and said ‘we’re going to do this roadblock’ or this or that or whatever. That puts the policeman in harm’s way, and we’re not going to do that because one of the key factors that these men and women have to work with is the element of surprise, and if we sit and tell the bad guys how we’re going to come at them it won’t make any sense whatsoever. But this police department has my full support. We’ve made a number of changes. We’re going to continue to make some changes, but I’m very proud of them and I’m going to continue to support them, but I think that it’s just like chief Anderson says, we have to look at all the facts. They arrest, the prosecutors prosecute, the judges adjudicate, and it takes all three of us working simultaneously to get this to work, but it’s inexcusable for an officer to have to face the same individual over 50 times before something is done….
In terms of the crime stats, I don’t care what you say. I think you all know me well enough to know that I don’t even read that stuff, but I’ll tell you this: for the first time now you know the truth. You know the truth. We have not re-classified anything. The stats are the stats.

(Anderson) We’re not trying to hide anything as far as stats. I’ll be the first to say, hey, crime is up. But I want to let you know one thing for certain: every report on anything that happens is reported as it’s classified as. If it’s an auto theft, it’s an auto theft. If it gets sent back from prosecution telling us to reduce it to a trespassing and a misdemeanor we have no control over that. So we don’t re-classify something to make the numbers go down. If it means one thing: we are out there making arrests, so those numbers are going to go up. If you’re not making arrests the numbers don’t go up, so that means a whole lot of things can make the numbers go up. So we’re letting the numbers go up because we’re going to make arrests.

(Mayor) Let me interject one more thing. You’re so correct, but I want to tell everybody in this room, you know, I’m from this world (pointing to reporters) right here, and don’t let this stuff bother you. I’m just telling you up front. Don’t let it bother you. and I want to clear up one more thing while the media’s here: I’ve always said since I’ve been in office that any of you have the right to talk to the media anytime you want to talk with them as long as you tell them the truth, but I don’t want you to be swayed by this. I don’t want you to be influenced by this because—here’s the truth: you don’t have to say anything to them. There’s no law, there is no rule, there is nothing that says you ever have to say a durned thing to the media. That’s not what you’re hired for. You’re hired to fight crime. So I don’t want you to think that you have to talk to them. I’d like for it, if you would, as long as you’re straightforward and honest, but there is no rule that says she, me or anybody else ever has to talk to the media. Don’t forget that.
They’re dealing right now with somebody who comes from their world and I can tell you right now I know how the game is played.

(C-L) Mayor, do you believe that reporting on crime is actually increasing the crime rate in Jackson. Are we doing this?

(Mayor) No, that’s, that is not the problem.

(C-L) Do you believe that communication between the department and the media increases crime?

(Mayor) No, not at all. It’s trying to get down to what’s best for the community.

(C-L) How’s it best for the community if you say it’s not increasing crime?

(Mayor) Because of some things that the chief just cited.

(C-L) Something wrong with more information and more open government?

(Mayor) Let me give you a perfect example. Over at Murrah High School, we got one of the best high schools that’s been recognized in the nation. Over at George Elementary School we have an inner city Level 5 school. But you all don’t want to hear that. But you let a shot be fired at Murrah and everybody in this room is going to be over there. That’s not fair. That’s not right. I’ve seen some sensationalism and I don’t care what you all do, but you are not going to dog this police department out, and I’m emphatic about that because I’ve been out there and until you go out there and put a vest on like they do you don’t have a clue in terms of what they have to deal with everyday. Do what you have to do, but as long as I’m mayor of this city, I’m going to support these men and women sitting in this room without fail.

(Nods to Anderson) Thank you chief. I’m gone. (Pridefully strides out of room)

(The reporters turn to Anderson.)

(WAPT) Chief, when do think the ComStat Web site will be up?

(Anderson) Well we’ve got a group working on it. They’re working with an outside consultant firm.

(WAPT) Any idea when we’ll get an answer?

(Anderson, turning to another officer) When do you think?

(Unamed officer) Red Laser has not told us when they expect to have it up and running. We’ve got a meeting scheduled for Monday with a follow-up meeting with individual department with Red Laser, probably a week after that.

(Anderson) It’ll be on soon. Anybody with a computer will be able to go in and look at it for themselves. The news media can take whatever portion they want and put it into press. Then the public can go back and look at it themselves.

(C-L) Will that include prosecution information?

(Anderson) Yes, we’ll try to make sure we have all the prosecution cases presented and returned. …

(WAPT) Increases and decreases in the different precincts. Was that compared to last week or this time last year?

(Anderson) It compared to the whole thing. We made sure that … it compared to last year, last week, and this week, so you’re getting the whole thing.

(C-L) I guess when the precinct commanders were up saying ‘we had an 8 percent increase or decrease or whatever’ were they talking about over last week or last year.

(Anderson) Last week.

(WAPT) I know several of them were down. Do you have a current year-to date this week?

(Anderson) The Clarion-Ledger published it in the paper this morning.

(WAPT) But you told us earlier that that was no longer accurate,

(Anderson) Well, it is old.

(WAPT) Is there a current one then?

(Anderson) We do it every week, but it’s a week behind.

(WAPT) So can you tell us last week’s number?

(Anderson) (looks around the room at officer) Who’s got that report?

(unnamed officer, possibly Doug Scott) Up 16 percent from last year.

(Anderson) It’s 16 percent from last year. That’s what the Clarion-Ledger reported in the paper.

(WAPT) That’s accurate then?

(Anderson) Yeah, but the fact part of it is not accurate. They went back and pulled the old report and put that in there.

(C-L) It’s not accurate because it’s old? Anything more recent?

(WAPT) Can we get the most current?

(unnamed officer) We’re trying to tell you we just gave it to you.

(Anderson) The precinct commanders just stood up there and reported the most recent to you. Weren’t you taking notes?

(WAPT) But they don’t go over every (major crime reported in the ComStat overview) They were just giving us a few. Can we get a copy of the full report?

(WAPT) I mean, you guys are all looking at a report while you’re up there reading.

(Anderson) No, we’re looking at something else that’s not dealing with ComStat.

(C-L) (gesturing to bundle of papers before Anderson) What’s that there?

(Anderson) That’s his (precinct commander) report from his precinct.

(WAPT, C-L and Lynch) Can we get that?

(Unnamed officer) No, it’s got too much information on it for the media to have.

(Anderson) It has individual’s names and addresses on it. You’re not entitled to that because that’s privileged and that’s a victim.

(WAPT) Are there parts of it we can see (to keep our numbers more up to date)?

(Anderson) I’ll get you what I think you should have. (Looks around) Anything else? If not this part of the meeting is terminated. I’ve got to—

(Lynch) I gotta question.

(Anderson, with smoldering look) Go ahead, Adam.

(Lynch) I know you point out that the statistics are a lot more honest this time around. Is there an implication that the last administration’s statistics probably weren’t as honest?

(Anderson) I wasn’t here so I’m not making any kind of implications. All I want is for the statistics to be reported as what they are, not to be changed or re-classified. If they go up, they go up. A lot of things drive crime up. The more arrests you make, the higher the crime numbers. We could sit here and not make any arrests and watch the numbers drop down, but that’s not the issue here.
Yes, we’ve been informed that the stats were played with back a year or so ago, but I’m not going to say anything because now we’re here and I just want things to be truthfully and honest, but I’m not accusing anyone of anything.

(Lynch) Could we speak to those individuals who say that the old stats were skewed or mis-reported?

(Anderson) I don’t know who the individual’s are. I ain’t got their names.

(C-L) Who informed you that the stats were played with?

(Anderson) Hey, I’m not saying anybody informed me.

(C-L) But you just said ‘I’ve been informed that the stats were played with.’

(Anderson) I’m not going to give anybody names. It’s not any use to you.

(C-L) But is that crime altering a public document?

(Lynch) The FBI would want to know.

(Anderson) I’m not going to get into that, OK?

(WAPT) Why—

(Anderson) If there are no other questions I have another meeting scheduled because I have another meeting at 1 p.m. and I need to get on with this meeting.

(Reporter) When can we get those figures?

(Anderson) By 5 o’clock. Either today or tomorrow, but you’ll have them before 5.

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