Fred Phelps should die.
If anyone doesn't know who Fred Phelps is, he's the guy who shows up at all the soldier's funerals/protests about the war/basically any event with placards that say "God Hates Fags" and screams at everyone he sees.
The second link I put up is actually an online book that details Fred Phelps early life and the formation of his "church". His "church" is actually made up of his family members. Family members he has indoctrinated and kept under his control for years.
He is a scary, scary man.
He is a horrible, horrible man.
Now Congress has passed a bill aimed straight at him...they are actually putting limits on demonstrations at national cemetaries so Phelps cannot show up and scream "Your Son Was A Fag That Died Because God Hates America" while mother's and father's are mourning for their children.
I'm just going to pull a Pat Robertson here and entreat God to do something about him...and pronto. I feel he no longer needs to be breathing.
Previous Comments
- ID
- 106095
- Comment
He's one of those whom I know is in for a rude awakening at that great Judgement day, if you believe that way. I just wish he'd wake up now, rather than later. So closeminded, so bound by fear and hate he's pathetic. I don't hesitate to question his actual commitment to christianity, as his only interest in it is spreading unfounded bigotry against homosexuals and finaincing his lifesytle via legal intimidation against those who assult or insult him.
- Author
- Ironghost
- Date
- 2006-05-25T08:29:23-06:00
- ID
- 106096
- Comment
I agree with you Ali. Someone should inflict death, or at least grave bodily injury, upon this guy. He's evil, and needs to be dispatched.
- Author
- Curt Crowley
- Date
- 2006-05-25T15:26:16-06:00
- ID
- 106097
- Comment
Actually, I'm pretty sure the only reason he pulls these idiotic stunts (other than to get attention), baiting grieving families and all that, is because he hopes somebody will inflict bodily injury on him, and that then he'll be able to sue. I think that's his whole gimmick; it's the only thing that would explain his decision to picket the funerals of soldiers now rather than, say, a wider array of liberal activists. Remember that he used to be an attorney. You can take the man out of the ambulance-chasing, but you can't take the ambulance-chasing out of the man. Fred Phelps--and his equally nutty daughter--are the real-life equivalent to persistent Internet trolls. And the only way you can deal with a troll is to lock him out or ignore him. Legislation like this will lock him out a little bit, but in the final analysis the media is going to need to learn to just ignore the pitiful old wretch and leave him alone to stew in his own juices. Cheers, TH
- Author
- Tom Head
- Date
- 2006-05-25T15:36:55-06:00
- ID
- 106098
- Comment
I like what the Patriot Guard Riders have done in response. More on the Patriot Guard Riders can be found here.
- Author
- Ex
- Date
- 2006-05-26T18:36:18-06:00
- ID
- 106099
- Comment
I have covered Westboro and the Phelps group (and their protests) for several media organizations and you're right Tom - they WANT people to touch them or infringe on their "rights" in some manner. You better believe it -- they sue cities, police departments, individuals, organizations, etc. etc. down to the little tiny letter of the law for monetary damages/free speech rights/you name it as a way of propelling their movement. It's important, when countering them, not to touch them, throw things at them, etc. etc. This only fuels their fire.
- Author
- emsy
- Date
- 2006-05-31T00:02:31-06:00
- ID
- 106100
- Comment
When he first got to Kansas in the 1950s, he even said that men ought to beat their wives to make them obey. He used the same "Godless American government persecuting us" rhetoric he uses at present. (see wikipedia's entry on Fred Phelps for more). Furthermore, he abused his family in ways you wouldn't believe! I would say that he tempts me to believe in reincarnation (as in the soul of a hard core SS prison camp guard became Phelps), but he was born before the Nazis came to power, plus the SS guard is supposed to be reincarnated as something like the most primative of bacteria or virus that lives half a mile underground. On second thought, maybe his soul is that of the nastiest of the medieval Mongol Horde that sacked Baghdad or Kiev - who seemed to have learned his lesson for a while, but then reverted to its old self
- Author
- Philip
- Date
- 2006-05-31T16:08:50-06:00
- ID
- 106101
- Comment
I think all the hardcore televangelists/Fred Phelps-types should be put in an arena with various weapons. The last man standing gets his own channel, which nobody will watch. Nobody but Jesus.
- Author
- Nick
- Date
- 2006-06-06T12:04:04-06:00
- ID
- 106102
- Comment
Speaking of crazies invoking God's name... Ahem.... A man shouting that God would keep him safe was mauled to death by a lioness in the Kiev zoo after he crept into the animal's enclosure, a zoo official said Monday. “The man shouted, ‘God will save me, if he exists,’ lowered himself by a rope into the enclosure, took his shoes off and went up to the lions,” the official said. “A lioness went straight for him, knocked him down and severed his carotid artery.” - MSNBC If a god exists, certainly it would be embarassed by such foolishness done in its name. At least the only person this extremist harmed was himself unlike Phleps.
- Author
- kaust
- Date
- 2006-06-06T13:40:39-06:00
- ID
- 106103
- Comment
yes, but God loves the Lioness to......and from what we read here.....provided for her, quite well....."Praise....Glory Be"......
- Author
- ATLExile
- Date
- 2006-06-06T13:53:39-06:00
- ID
- 106104
- Comment
That story reminds me of that joke about the guy trapped on the roof of his house during a flood and the water is rising at an alarming pace. A boat comes by and the guy paddling says "Hey, do you need some help?" The guy shouts, "No, God will save me." This scenerio is repeated three times until the guy drowns, goes to heaven, and he asks God, "Why didn't you save me?" God looks at him and says, "I sent a two boats and a helicopter, what else to you want?" Its fairly Darwinian...isn't it? But, even using that word in reference to the situation is ironic.
- Author
- Lori G
- Date
- 2006-06-06T15:02:56-06:00
- ID
- 106105
- Comment
Phillip, I don't think he would have the ballz to be an SS guard. As evil as the SS was, it wouldn't have taken a punk like him. and he would've been too scared to join anythingi that would require him to get his hands dirty or actually fight for something. He is scum and beneath contempt and most if not all Christians I know feel the same way.
- Author
- Kingfish
- Date
- 2006-06-07T21:55:08-06:00
- ID
- 106106
- Comment
The key is, he's not a christian he's just a bully wearing clothes he thinks will fit.
- Author
- Ironghost
- Date
- 2006-06-08T08:34:18-06:00
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