Nurse Tootie: "This is your favorite nurse sitting in for Boneqweesha Jones on the Boneqweesha Report. As you all know, that Kramer dude from the sitcom 'Seinfeld' had some N-words for two African Americans while performing his comedy act at the Laugh Factory. Providing some insight on this recent incident is my third cousin Buddy McBride, author of the book 'Some White Men Can Say the N-word When They Get Really Mad at Black Folk.' Cousin, I'm anxious to hear your perspective."
Buddy McBride: "When I hear about or witness an individual who vehemently lashes out and inappropriately hurls insults, I conclude that this person—in the heat of the moment—has lost his or her balance."
Nurse Tootie: "So you're saying that the Kramer dude is like that big ol' egg named Humpty Dumpty who sat on a wall, lost his balance, and eventually cracked, right?"
Buddy McBride: "Absolutely, Nurse Tootie. Kramer's outburst is another example of an imbalance within our society. And the greatest challenge is how an individual reacts to societal imbalances and heated moments."
Nurse Tootie: "Cousin, you're droppin' a lot of science on this show! So Kramer's N-word tirade should not be such a shock?"
Buddy McBride: "That's right, Nurse Tootie, because African Americans before, during and after the Civil Rights Movement experienced many heated moments like Kramer's N-word tirade."
Nurse Tootie: "Buddy, I must close the show with this ancient-modern ghetto proverb: Man who cracks and verbally abuses a 'brotha' will eventually get egg on his face."
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