So, I guess the headline might give you a small glimpse into my personal feelings regarding Nancy Grace.
Two weeks after telling police that her son had been snatched from his crib, Melinda Duckett found herself reeling in an interview with TV's famously prosecutorial Nancy Grace. Before it was over, Grace was pounding her desk and loudly demanding to know: "Where were you? Why aren't you telling us where you were that day?"
A day after the taping, Duckett, 21, shot herself to death, deepening the mystery of what happened to the boy.
Beyond the fact that Ole Nance speaks as if she's had a stroke and fourteen shots of tequila, I just think she's an a$$.
I get that she believes herself to be a victim's advocate. But, I've seen her scream at parents who have lost their children, only later to be cleared, and wanted to beat her about the face and neck.
Nancy, of course, has taken no responsibility for the mother of this child killing herself. I have a tendency to agree-as much as I hate it. Suicide is usually preceded by a lot more than an aggresive interview. But, I still wish someone would sew her mouth shut as I find her brand of sensational news to be disgusting.
I also think she should do something about that helmet hairdo. But, that's just the Southern Woman in me.
This story bothers me and I just needed everyone to know that.
And now my favorite line:
Thoughts? Loud gutteral noises?
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