WAPT: Melton Wants to Mentor, Use Police Equipment | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

WAPT: Melton Wants to Mentor, Use Police Equipment

WAPT is reporting that Frank Melton is trying to get conditions of his bond overturned because he still wants to be able to mentor young people and use police equipment. He is under several counts of felony indictments because he allegedly used police equipment, officers and young people under his mentorship to destroy a house on Ridgeway Street on Aug. 26. WAPT today reported the response of District Attorney Faye Peterson:

"We did briefly discuss those matters, and I explained that that would have to require a motion filed with the court and a hearing. Although there is a bond set, the conditions of that bond are actually agreed upon by the parties sometimes and set by the judge. It's really a matter between the defendant and the court as to any changes in the bond," said Peterson.

Danks wouldn't comment on the bond because of an imposed gag order in the case.
Peterson said if Danks does file a motion to amend the conditions of Melton's bond, she would fight it.

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