The prosecution decided not to bring a rebuttal witness, instead electing to submit another police report instead. (Details of police report to come.) The prosecution rested. The judge announced that final arguments will be at 10 a.m. Thursday. At 8:30 a.m., the judge and attorneys for both sides will meet to discuss final details of the judge's jury instructions.
Previous Commentsshow
What's this?You know, I considered the possibility that Melton may only be found guilty of malicious mischief and just get 3-5 years. Either way it goes, he would still have to resign. I think the bodyguards could get more time since they physically did more damage than Melton did.
- LatashaWillis
- Apr 25 2007
I hope they don't try to do what Wayne Michael Trent did: He was being arraigned in this case on charges of criminal impersonation, possession of false police identification and identity theft when he ran from the courtroom just before being taken into custody (watch KPTV video). A sheriff’s office deputy chased him into a hallway and shocked him with a Taser. Trent then fell to the ground and asked for his mother, sheriff’s office officials said.
- LatashaWillis
- Apr 25 2007
LW, I seem to remember Melton using false (fraudulently aquired) police id in obtaining a permit to cary a concealed weapon in DC. Sounds like what you quoted above. Any idea if there are plans by the FED to pursue charges on that level? They should, even if FM is found guilty here!
- kdbstlrfan1
- Apr 25 2007
And also, if he's a known abuser of alcohol (or drugs), he can't legally have a concealed carry permit in the state of MS. If he is an abuser of drugs/alcohol, and he has a carry permit.... there is one count of perjury right there. lc
- LawClerk
- Apr 25 2007
I thought about the false ID thing too. Forgot to bring that up.
- LatashaWillis
- Apr 25 2007
Does his mother claim him??
- Danno
- Apr 25 2007
Here's what I want to know: What's with Melton's skin head haircut? Has his hair always looked like that?
- jasp
- Apr 26 2007
About the family thing. None of his family was here. You would think that at least one family member, maybe even a cousin, would be here to support frank. That is truely showing how his own family feels about him. Why do you think he is here and not in Texas. They didn't want him so we got him!
- kdbstlrfan1
- Apr 26 2007
jasp... Oh yeah, Melton has got the "good hair" Just as you could say, Jim Hood has some "good hair" ;-)
- pikersam
- Apr 26 2007
I believe both of Melton's parents are deceased. He has a brother. His sister-in-law was in the balcony according to the C-L. I was shocked to read in today's C-L that the reporters thought the Sheriff's cordiality was renewed friendship. Our Sheriff is always quite cordial. He is accustomed to dealing with all types of characters and certainly has always behaved as a good Christian man in my presence. I can only mark their "Analysis" up to created controversy. They also spoke of the long standing lack of cooperation between the County and the City and offered as proof the questioning of two JPD personnel by the DA's office. My goodness, when can a DA's office not question other County personnel? Just because they draw their paycheck from the same treasury does not exempt them from doing their job. Based on that premise, every department could become corrupt and no one could question anyone..... Our main print media, assisted by some of the TV reporting, has created the problems we now are suffering and they still cannot see their part in it. When the books are written on this era the JFP will come through like a beacon of truth. The Defense Team for Melton, et al, certainly recognized the truth telling of the JFP (and its 'bloggers') and showed their fear of this truth.
- ChrisCavanaugh
- Apr 26 2007
Danks, when you do your closing today, remember that the jurors are smart, and while you can talk till your more tan in the face about intent, it doesn't matter. I really expected more from you from the last time Melton was on trial, and you had a nice little blurb in the CL about one of the witnesses... "You can imagine what I was gonna do to him on the stand" Hahahahaha... well, I watched this entire trial. Pathetic.
- LawClerk
- Apr 26 2007
Closing arguments are beginning on Prosecutors have said they will take about 20 minutes, defense wants 30 minutes.
- LawClerk
- Apr 26 2007
Look at em giving the jury his "puppy dog" eyes... So, sad! Waaaa!
- pikersam
- Apr 26 2007
I'm still saying that if it doesn't end in a hung jury, it will be a conviction on at least one count.
- LawClerk
- Apr 26 2007
Well, the "definition" of malicious is stated so that they should be able to convict. There was no "evil intent" included.
- kdbstlrfan1
- Apr 26 2007
Yeah, but... can't you also presume that from his actions he had intent? I know, that if I take a loaded gun, point it at someone, and pull the trigger, regardless of my 'intent' to hurt someone, the action that I took presumes intent to do bodily harm. Because that's what happens!
- LawClerk
- Apr 26 2007
Yes, and its not like they accidently discharged their sledge hammers and sticks!
- kdbstlrfan1
- Apr 26 2007
If they are convicted, who decides and how do they decide the punnishment. Can you tell I am not real familiar with the court system?
- kdbstlrfan1
- Apr 26 2007
Look at em giving the jury his "puppy dog" eyes... So, sad! Waaaa! Posted by: pikersam on Apr 26, 07 | 10:04 am [img][/img]
- LatashaWillis
- Apr 26 2007
the CL has a pic of Melton and his Wife coming in for the trial this morning.. Link to C-L I wonder why she's not wearing her ring?
- LawClerk
- Apr 26 2007
Does his mother claim him?? Danno, when the man was yelling, "Mom! Mom!" I can't remember if she answered back. When a reporter interviewed her afterwards, she said something to the effect that she can understand why he tried to run because he was scared. It was weird, though. He acted like he was about to let the officer cuff him, he got this weird look in his eyes, and he just slid past everyone and took off like a rocket. He did it so fast that it took a couple of seconds for the officers to start chasing him. He still had two tasers hanging out of him when they got him off the stairs and brought him back in. If you haven't already, go to the link and watch the tape.
- LatashaWillis
- Apr 26 2007
What a good observation LawClk. I hope someone in the media asks afterwards during the presser. Also, I wonder if the Defense will point her out during arguments in an attempt to remind them he has a family, a wife (rings?), and a home. Pull out all the stops.
- pikersam
- Apr 26 2007
WOW, she does not look happy to in Jackson, MS.
- kdbstlrfan1
- Apr 26 2007
The CL is listing that just about every Melton hired City felon... I mean... employee is there including Bob H., Armstrong and Robert Williams. Funny how convicted felons stay together. They should all be fired for wasting our money by not taking personal days. This trial has absolutely nothing to do with their jobs except maybe Ward and P-Weaver who may need to be near-by for City stuff. I hope the new mayor docks their pay based on time spend carrying Melton's coat-tails everywhere he went outside City business.
- pikersam
- Apr 26 2007
WLBT has live footage on TV right now. Now I can watch some of this.
- LatashaWillis
- Apr 26 2007
This is sad that Dr. Melton has become the "Wife for Criminal Relief." This is such a game and I know she must feel the embarrassment knowing that people, even in Russia are watching her "husband's" lawyer prove that the folks in MS are still in the Stone Age and elected a mayor who is governs like the Wild, Wild West. Another sad thing is that all of the people being oppressed are African-Americans. So, I guess it would be proper and fitting to say that frank-ie is a mr. charl-ie. This is plantation mentality at its best!
- justjess
- Apr 26 2007
FM having his wife (?) there is even more sad. She looks more like one of his bodyguards than a wife. First of all, in crisis most of us will hold our partners hand as a sign of support. I agree, she doesn't look very excited about being "brought" in here. I know he's on trial but what about a support smile. I also noticed there are no wedding rings on her hand---just an observation. Can someone say "staged".!
- maad
- Apr 26 2007
I want a standard issue sledge hammer. Do I need to be a meltonite to get one?
- kdbstlrfan1
- Apr 26 2007
It feels weird hearing the F-word on channel 3.
- LatashaWillis
- Apr 26 2007
Interesting how they are using the fact that Welch was there to prove there to prove the "malice" part of it... I like this prosecutor.
- LawClerk
- Apr 26 2007
this guy is struggling with his demonstrative exhibits
- Ole Miss Alum
- Apr 26 2007
I guess the defense has decided that it is now legal to commit burglary of a crack house. HMMMMMMMM, burglary of anything is illegal if I remember right.
- kdbstlrfan1
- Apr 26 2007
This guy is a MORON! He should have let someone else do his closing!
- kdbstlrfan1
- Apr 26 2007
Smith looks like an amateur with that big poster board. He has been struggling with it for awhile. Whereare the easels?
- Fitz
- Apr 26 2007
I have to say he is pretty disorganized.
- Ole Miss Alum
- Apr 26 2007
I don't think he could operate the easel.
- Ole Miss Alum
- Apr 26 2007
Fitz, he can't get the easel set up right, so he put it on the ground.... Terrible.
- LawClerk
- Apr 26 2007
OleMiss - "I work really hard cuz I'm no fun!" bwong!
- LawClerk
- Apr 26 2007
Oh Lord. This is tough to watch.
- Ole Miss Alum
- Apr 26 2007
Jury is distracted by his bumbling.
- Fitz
- Apr 26 2007
- Ole Miss Alum
- Apr 26 2007
He has absolutely no inflection in his voice... contrast that with the ADA....
- LawClerk
- Apr 26 2007
Object to the high crime statement!
- pikersam
- Apr 26 2007
"Brave men with good hearts." Is that why they let kids tear the house up? What a punk!
- pikersam
- Apr 26 2007
His whole closing seems to be out of line and slapped together in about 2 minutes.
- Ole Miss Alum
- Apr 26 2007
2 minutes??? Why are you being so generous today? Sleep well last night?!??! :D
- LawClerk
- Apr 26 2007
I hope Recio and Wright didn't pay too much for this guy.
- Ole Miss Alum
- Apr 26 2007
What does single mothers have to do with this? Trying to appeal to a female majority, huh?
- LatashaWillis
- Apr 26 2007
You Mr. Smith and Melton are the only ones insulting anyone intelligence!
- pikersam
- Apr 26 2007
Yeah, but it only takes one ignorant sympathizer to set Melton free.
- pikersam
- Apr 26 2007
This guy is doing better.
- Ole Miss Alum
- Apr 26 2007
Yep.. he's doing MUCH better...
- LawClerk
- Apr 26 2007
I thought guessing was not allowed in the deliberations!
- kdbstlrfan1
- Apr 26 2007
I'll give Recio a fair shot at walking.
- Ole Miss Alum
- Apr 26 2007
Recio walks.
- LawClerk
- Apr 26 2007
Hahaha.. nice OleMiss.... same time!
- LawClerk
- Apr 26 2007
LawClerk, stop reading my mind!!! Baaaaayaaaaaa!!!
- Ole Miss Alum
- Apr 26 2007
Ooooh... threw Melton under the bus just then: "He's his bodyguard... anywhere Melton goes, Recio goes"
- LawClerk
- Apr 26 2007
Come on Danks... thrill me with your closing. Convince me he's not guilty.
- LawClerk
- Apr 26 2007
Dammit!! Danks isn't doing the closing.
- Ole Miss Alum
- Apr 26 2007
It's funny how Thompson says he can't say something while he's saying what he can't say.
- LatashaWillis
- Apr 26 2007
Did someone just clap, or was I hearing things?
- LatashaWillis
- Apr 26 2007
L.W. That was pretty smooth.
- Fitz
- Apr 26 2007
Who is evan thompson?
- kdbstlrfan1
- Apr 26 2007
I have to say Coxwell isn't doing a bad job, but I would have rather heard Danks give a sermon.
- Ole Miss Alum
- Apr 26 2007
Did someone just clap, or was I hearing things? LW I bet that was Stephanie Parker Weaver
- pikersam
- Apr 26 2007
He looks like Scarecrow from Batman.
- pikersam
- Apr 26 2007
Oh hell yea.
- Ole Miss Alum
- Apr 26 2007
Love the cufflinks.
- Ole Miss Alum
- Apr 26 2007
LawClerk you need some of Danks' self tanner.
- Ole Miss Alum
- Apr 26 2007
I know... with my pasty self.... It's unreal how Danks is arguing ZERO facts, but straight emotion. "Who are the real victims? The users of crack!" Um... yeah? We have laws to deal with that "bro."
- LawClerk
- Apr 26 2007
Oh thats why i love it. Its the sermon.
- Ole Miss Alum
- Apr 26 2007
OleMiss.... 24/7... TWENTYFOURSEVEN. It's time to STOP this illegal activity....
- LawClerk
- Apr 26 2007
Hmm....How many people still believe in the integrity of the JPD?
- Fitz
- Apr 26 2007
LOL. Clear the courtroom. The judge needs get control of those people clapping.
- Ole Miss Alum
- Apr 26 2007
Come on Stanley. Keep it up.
- Ole Miss Alum
- Apr 26 2007
Nice Roosevelt quote.
- Ole Miss Alum
- Apr 26 2007
Go Stanley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- kdbstlrfan1
- Apr 26 2007
I like Stanley!!!!!! Get'em Stan!!!
- Fitz
- Apr 26 2007
Stanley is getting it back on track about the law.
- Ole Miss Alum
- Apr 26 2007
He's good... see, He is arguing the facts and the law. Both are on his side. Danks has NOTHING. However, the clapping gives me chills. And not in a good way. I think Recio is going to walk, and Melton now.... well... I'm having second thoughts about my one conviction thought....
- LawClerk
- Apr 26 2007
I think Recio might walk, but as long as Stanley stays on track and keeps it simple, I think Melton and Wright are going down.
- Ole Miss Alum
- Apr 26 2007
Stanley is doing a great job. At least one conviction on each defendant based on his rebuttal.
- kdbstlrfan1
- Apr 26 2007
OleMiss- We'll see... I surely hope Melton doesn't walk. I was very sure that he would be convicted on one count, but, I'm thinking now the jury might be swayed by the antics of the courtroom and not necessarily the arguments.
- LawClerk
- Apr 26 2007
Who is COUGHING?! Get away from the mike.
- Fitz
- Apr 26 2007
One count for Melton and Recio. Two counts for Marcus.
- Fitz
- Apr 26 2007
I think Alexander pulled one of Thompson's tricks by mentioning the teenage boys. Coxwell was furious. Oh well. :-)
- LatashaWillis
- Apr 26 2007
Stanley did an excellent job. He was alittle to calm for my taste, however, he was sincere, on point, and thorough. Rebutted or refuted most of the bullshit presented by the defense for the purpose of seeking sympathy, emotion, forgiveness and understanding. Thompson had a big presence, too. If the State loses, it won't be Staney's fault. I expect a guilty verdict on something if not all charges, and I would be literally shocked if I hear not guilty verdicts on all counts. They would have to be based on something besides the evidence.
- Ray Carter
- Apr 26 2007
Ray, I think Alexander got the jury's attention better by being calm.
- LatashaWillis
- Apr 26 2007
You're probably right, LW. He was there looking at them and able to guage their demeanor, expectation and idiosyncrasies, not me. I just wanted him to be overwhelming and so powerful that no doubt is left about the guilt of those three.
- Ray Carter
- Apr 26 2007
I know, Ray, but I think that stuff has played out. Danks had already tried to turn the case into a Lifetime movie since there's a female majority.
- LatashaWillis
- Apr 26 2007
I agree L.W., I think the jury needed the gears to be shifted in order to keep their attention. He began by saying he wasn't a politician but he knew the difference between right and wrong. Than kinda put the defense's arguments into perspective.
- thetruth
- Apr 26 2007
Danks had already tried to turn the case into a Lifetime movie since there's a female majority. Hilarious, L.W. ;-)
- DonnaLadd
- Apr 26 2007
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