Photo: Dr. Ellen Melton leaves the courtroom after closing arguments today with city employee Stephanie Parker-Weaver (left). Melton, the wife of the mayor, lives in Texas. Photo by Jaro Vacek. Click to enlarge.
As opening arguments begin, Dr. Ellen Melton, wife of Jackson Mayor Frank Melton, sits in the front row of the courtroom. His son, Matthew Melton from Texas is sitting next to his mother. Police Chief Shirlene Anderson, City Attorney Sarah O'Reilly-Evans, Stephanie Parker-Weaver, Carolyn Redd, Tyrone Lewis and other city staffers are sitting near her.
Frequent updates and more details to come shortly.
Previous Commentsshow
What's this?- Yep, they are going to use her in closing arguments. How sad!
- pikersam
- Apr 26 2007
- Even Sadder if any of the jurors know the history there! Danno
- Danno
- Apr 26 2007
- WLBT 3 is airing closing arguments LIVE, right now!!!
- blu_n_a_redstate
- Apr 26 2007
- It's a shame... It's really a shame.
- LawClerk
- Apr 26 2007
- Is paint on a stove necessary? Well, if you want to add a little color to your chitlins.
- LatashaWillis
- Apr 26 2007
- Was "Opie" the best seletion for closing arguments? What, no 7 second delay? "Sh*t, f**k....?
- Fitz
- Apr 26 2007
- oops "selection"
- Fitz
- Apr 26 2007
- The law doesn't apply to them! LOL!
- pikersam
- Apr 26 2007
- Hahaha... Defense just busted out an easel, and he can't get the stand to work.... wow. I can't see what is written on the paper.... can anyone read it?
- LawClerk
- Apr 26 2007
- If he gets away with this, can we now say that drug dealers are fair game as well?
- LawClerk
- Apr 26 2007
- Paint would make the chitlins taste better, at least. :) I can't watch: too much work to do, and my ears are busy listening.
- Lady Havoc
- Apr 26 2007
- How can they let Smith lie about the facts like this?
- pikersam
- Apr 26 2007
- Alexander is making objections timely, and the Judge is doing well to sustain them. However, it's hard to unring a bell... Even though the Judge says to the Jury to "strike that".... the damage is already done. The defense knows that.
- LawClerk
- Apr 26 2007
- There is a really bad echo. I wish they wore lapel mikes.
- LatashaWillis
- Apr 26 2007
- At least "Opie" didn't spend half of the time talking to the jury with his back to them. One thing those two are guilty of is having an idiot attorney.
- MS39047
- Apr 26 2007
- I could have done a better closing than him and I think Melton and the crew are guilty!
- kdbstlrfan1
- Apr 26 2007
- He is flat out lying! I like the way the ADA hid the photos to make it hard to get to...
- pikersam
- Apr 26 2007
- What did Smith say about September 2006? I couldn't understand him.
- LatashaWillis
- Apr 26 2007
- Hey, that's our future DA....LOL!
- pikersam
- Apr 26 2007
- This guy has ZERO stage presence...
- LawClerk
- Apr 26 2007
- Did someone say they could appeal for incompetent defense?
- kdbstlrfan1
- Apr 26 2007
- "Opie" beats Smith to sleep!
- Fitz
- Apr 26 2007
- This is soooo not ineffective assistance of counsel.
- LawClerk
- Apr 26 2007
- Judge Webster for President!
- LawClerk
- Apr 26 2007
- OOooooooooo.... asking the jury a question? I wonder if any raised their hands...
- LawClerk
- Apr 26 2007
- Why do they keep calling that part of the roof the "doghouse thang"?
- LatashaWillis
- Apr 26 2007
- Because they don't know the "technical" term for it...
- LawClerk
- Apr 26 2007
- They should have found that out months ago. It sounds horrible.
- LatashaWillis
- Apr 26 2007
- Winston is MUCH better than Robert Smith.
- Fitz
- Apr 26 2007
- Why are they laughing? What did he say?
- LatashaWillis
- Apr 26 2007
- Thompson does seem to be much better prepared.
- LatashaWillis
- Apr 26 2007
- Of course no one saw them huddle up. They wouldn't do that in front of anyone. Duh.
- LatashaWillis
- Apr 26 2007
- Melton was just doing his social duty! Lies!!! Glad to know this is how the Meltonites want to rid our city of crime. I sure hope one of your children gets in trouble with the law.
- pikersam
- Apr 26 2007
- Hey, cops fight crime and CRACK! I guess they don't worry about the other drugs!
- pikersam
- Apr 26 2007
- Too bad they can't tell the jury about Michael Taylors outstanding warrant and how Melton wouldn't give him up to the sheriff.
- pikersam
- Apr 26 2007
- How can busting out someone's windows without permission not be ill will? What planet are we on?
- LatashaWillis
- Apr 26 2007
- Can we see the jury instructions?
- jasp
- Apr 26 2007
- Wouldn't the "walking tall" stick qualify as a weapon?
- kdbstlrfan1
- Apr 26 2007
- What does being a murderer have to do with this?
- LatashaWillis
- Apr 26 2007
- BTW: I wonder if the City Council is going to censure the Mayor if he is not guilty? Also, will they challenge him on offering to fox the house with TAX PAYERS DOLLARS?
- pikersam
- Apr 26 2007
- OK, that has got to be about 15 or 20 minutes already, he was only allotted 10.
- kdbstlrfan1
- Apr 26 2007
- The judge should have allowed more time for the ADA because these guys are getting to argue much more, and in more areas by splitting up some of the duties.
- pikersam
- Apr 26 2007
- object on EVIL INTENT!
- kdbstlrfan1
- Apr 26 2007
- What about the young victims of melton's influence?
- kdbstlrfan1
- Apr 26 2007
- They need to be objecting the talk of how bad crack is for the city.... Please, if you guys cared about crack you would actually bust a crack dealer!
- pikersam
- Apr 26 2007
- The judge should have allowed more time for the ADA because these guys are getting to argue much more, and in more areas by splitting up some of the duties. I agree. Can the prosecution redirect?
- LatashaWillis
- Apr 26 2007
- Pike, they are setting up precedent to kill crack dealers and users on site with "sludgehammers" and "big sticks."
- LawClerk
- Apr 26 2007
- SO, Danks is arguing that Melton should be able to tear up all "drug houses" Also, he needs to object for hammering it down their throats.
- pikersam
- Apr 26 2007
- hahahaha... not guilty... not guilty.... WTF... .they are clapping????????? Um... Judge, please reign in your courtroom.
- LawClerk
- Apr 26 2007
- Can they clap?
- Fitz
- Apr 26 2007
- And you, the jury, can stomp all over the constitution! Was that our City employees clapping?
- pikersam
- Apr 26 2007
- Robert Smith made a mess of thigs with that flip-chart. He had too much crap written and was unable to keep it on the stand. Dale Danks is trying to be cute and it is so evident that for the size of that legal team and the resources available to the Defense, there should have been a better case brought forward. I just hope that one, just one person on that jury is able to see that needle in the hay stack and that they are able to paint a picture that everyone can understand because it is time to show melton and his clan a GHOST!
- justjess
- Apr 26 2007
- Mayor Melton, DA Smith and Sheriff Lewis. That is a scary thought!
- kdbstlrfan1
- Apr 26 2007
- That's a NIGHTMARE!
- Fitz
- Apr 26 2007
- Stanley is doing very well...
- pikersam
- Apr 26 2007
- Whoever is coughing needs to step out for a minute.
- LatashaWillis
- Apr 26 2007
- I think Stanley is very good, props to Hinds County for hiring him.
- GLewis
- Apr 26 2007
- Well, WLBT just cut it off after the bailiff went up there. How long do you think it will take for the jury to reach a verdict? I say 2-4 hours because they want to go home.
- LatashaWillis
- Apr 26 2007
- I am no expert, not even close, but I would think it will take at least until tomorrow to get all the verdict in. Keep in mind, the Mayor is a defendant and even as controversial as he is, it is not with a light heart that the jurors will convict.
- kdbstlrfan1
- Apr 26 2007
- Verdict won't be today. They will have to come back tomorrow. It wouldn't take me 5 minutes!
- Fitz
- Apr 26 2007
- Keep in mind, the Mayor is a defendant and even as controversial as he is, it is not with a light heart that the jurors will convict. No, this sort of thing is never fun to do. That's why I figured that the jury wouldn't want to spend days deliberating. I think the most challenging part would be deciding how many counts to include in the guilty verdict.
- LatashaWillis
- Apr 26 2007
- Stanley did his job well. Good summation and refutation. I expect guilty verdicts on some if not all counts or charges.
- Ray Carter
- Apr 26 2007
- I think the verdict will come down today.
- LawClerk
- Apr 26 2007
- Yes, this shouldn't take to long... Photos and testimony should be enough.
- pikersam
- Apr 26 2007
- just logged on. So what have I missed.
- Kingfish
- Apr 26 2007
- Could someone summarize the morning, per chance, for those who missed it. Its hard to figure out what happened from talk about Opie, chitterlings, Dinky Dale smirking, etc... Please :)
- Puck
- Apr 26 2007
- just logged on. So what have I missed. kingfish So, you don't know about them tasering Melton! OMG!!!! Just kidding.... ;-)
- pikersam
- Apr 26 2007
- Coxwell & Danks' closing arguments were so good that it actually gave me chills sitting in the courtroom listening to them. And after Danks was done the crowd burst into cheers, it really was an amazing moment to be present in the audience for that. It also looked to me like the jury almost wanted to cheers as well, the way most of the nodded their heads during the Coxwell/Danks closing. Than poor Stanley had to get up their and give a rebuttal after a moment like that, it must have been hard. Also, when Stan got up the jurors seemed to lean back in their chairs as if to say "we don't like you." I will admit that Dewey Arthur gave a pretty good closing himself though. Yet, Ladies & Gentleman this ones over and I just don't see how Frank doesn't walk after seeing what I saw this morning.
- snowjob
- Apr 26 2007
- Gaius.... it's nice to hear other viewpoints on here, really it is.. but honestly, to hear your version of things... well, you must have on one expensive pair of rose colored, diamond encrusted glasses. Hope the chills last my friend, it's coming back guilty.
- LawClerk
- Apr 26 2007
- Lord, I hope they convict and don't fall for all that misdirection. jury instructions: Stay on target!
- Michele
- Apr 26 2007
- Ray, you think Stan did a great job in rebuttal? "I know this came from a Time to Kill but try and close your eyes and imagine that these defendants weren't city officials" come on please, that was horrid.
- snowjob
- Apr 26 2007
- LawClerk, I guess you just must have had different experinces with juries than I have, when they starting nodding when you are closing, well thats a good thing. When they "lean back" thats not so good.
- snowjob
- Apr 26 2007
- Has he been watching the same trial everyone else has? This is Jackson, not Disneyland...
- Lady Havoc
- Apr 26 2007
- The "crowd" that applauded were in the first couple rows on Melton's side. Sitting there were a number of city employees, the chief, Sarah O'Reilly Evans, Stephanie Parker-Weaver, Rep. Jim Evans (SORE's husband), Carolyn Redd, Ellen Redd, Matthew Redd (I don't know if the family applauded, though). You should put the audience response in perspective. ;-) For the record, Dr. Melton seemed very stiff and uncomfortable, and she did not walk about out of the courtroom with Melton.
- DonnaLadd
- Apr 26 2007
- "Tearing That MF'er Down" by Pikersam Melton broke the law And the defense tried to hide it They reminded the jury He was "tired of this shit!" They didn't break the law By tearing the house up at all. Then Stanley said Whoa, Back da f___ up! They did commit a crime And, they need to do time! Children were involved, Released by Melton like dogs. The fact are right here. It is plain and clear. That Melton et al Were having a ball, Tearing that MF'er down!
- pikersam
- Apr 26 2007
- Did anyone else see how the jurors responded to each lawyer. This is really important! Those planned cheers from the audience after Danks didn't impress me at all. I wondered if Dank's had a chain he pulled because they certainly wasn't anything about the performance that warranted any applause. I can't believe Melton let Craig Washington go for the performance I saw this week. Maybe Craig refused to work with the team. Either way, good for him. I'm a little worried though because Stanley commented if you want to turn them loose go ahead and do that. I'm wondering if that comment was a response to reading their faces and demaeanor toward him and his co-counsel. If it was, we maybe in trouble.
- Ray Carter
- Apr 26 2007
- Unfortunately I wasn't in the courtroom, and was watching via the web... so, I didn't get to see the jury, and I will concede that part to you. However... you paint a rosy picture, which I'm not too sure about. I heard Danks and Coxwell... They were not THAT good. But, I expect a LOT out of Danks because he talks a big game. We shall see what happens.
- LawClerk
- Apr 26 2007
- Sounds like Mrs. Dr. Melton may be a little nervous. And she didn't walk out with him? So much for the "support." And, pikersam, you are a genius. :)
- Lady Havoc
- Apr 26 2007
- It is true that jurors nodded—both during prosecution and defense closers. A lot of folks nod when someone makes a good point, regardless of whether they agree with their argument. They nodded during the crime rhetoric. One woman (juror 1?) nodded quite strongly during defense close, but when Alexander got up, started nodded to him as he went on. A different woman who didn't nod to defense was nodding with him. So I'm not sure what that indicates, if anything. I have no idea how this is going to turn out, and wouldn't hazard to guess. I expect there will be some disagreement in the jury room, though, among the jurors. I'd guess juror 1 will at least start out to acquit. I couldn't get a sense at all of what the sole man was thinking.
- DonnaLadd
- Apr 26 2007
- Frank will be at the house tonight eating a big steak and laughing at Fay Peterson... who will not have a job in 6 months. There is no way they will convict. The absolute best the prosecution can hope for at this point is a hung jury. Even that is unlikely though boys. Stan was doing a pretty decent job, Dewey kinda did too really. Problem is, they didn't PROVE anything. If you hate melton, don't watch the news tonight.
- Melton Augustus
- Apr 26 2007
- Ray I think Alexander said, if you see anything in the jury instructions about a crackhouse, let them go.
- thetruth
- Apr 26 2007
- Also, I thought Arthur made good points, but I never like his delivery. Robert Smith bumbled and crawled around on the floor much of the time and got objections sustained. Coxwell put on quite the performance. Danks was just arrogant and annoying to me—the picture of privilege. It's hard to imagine all of the black women agreeing with anything he said. But that may be balanced out by other things. Alexander does deserve praise, whether they win or not. He has a lot stacked against him in this case—being that Melton only picks on people in neighborhoods where Danks can come back and belittle the witnesses on his behalf. (Which is horrifying to watch.) Clearly, the evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of the prosecution. But Danks has been trying it in the media for months and may well win based on rhetoric alone. We've seen it before. Brace y'allselves. And, as I've said before, it ain't over until it's over. And: Do the right thing and wait.
- DonnaLadd
- Apr 26 2007
- I can't understand how anyone who say Robert Smith's performance would vote for him to be D.A., much less their attorney. He didn't have much in facts or the law on his side but still he was terrible
- jd
- Apr 26 2007
- The evidence is Overwhelmingly in favor of the prosecution? We talking about 2 different trials here? What did they prove? Frank was there. The house was messed up. That's it. That enough to convict in Ladd world? Stan and Dewey didn't even remember to offer any evidence about the amount of property damage. Stan said "i want you to use your common sense to determine the amount of damage". No Stan, this ain't "The Price is Right" we aren't here to guess about crap, we are here for YOU to PROVE it to us.
- Melton Augustus
- Apr 26 2007
- I hope the smarter ones are pro-prosecution and convince the other ones to follow them. This why I wanted Stanley to do a command performance that touched upon the hearts, souls, guts and intellect of the jurors simultaneously. He had the facts and has the ability to do it. I surely hope he did. At some point most jurors will get tired of reading and discussing the jury instructions, even if they're capable of understanding them (which they often are not), and go with their gut feelings and emotions about what is wrong and right. The defense know this, and is hoping the jury sees Frank as a good samaritan or hero, then votes to acquit him, despite his conduct. This is why the folks with the facts on their side don't alway win.
- Ray Carter
- Apr 26 2007
- Augustus, it's no nice to hear from you again. Do me a favor: Don't troll here. State your opinion, but leave out the little "Ladd world" snipes. No. one. cares. about. your. obsession. with. the. jfp. It's old news. I didn't say the jury would convict. I don't know that they will. But it's really hard to diss the actual evidence. Unfortunately, the defense is trying to turn it into a trial based on crime rhetoric. And that flies well in Jackson. That's why Melton was elected in the first place—because people pay more attention to crime rhetoric than what is written the U.S. Constitution.
- DonnaLadd
- Apr 26 2007
- ... or state law.
- DonnaLadd
- Apr 26 2007
- Sorry, didn’t quite come out right, I meant: I can't understand how anyone who saw Robert Smith's performance would vote for him to be D.A., much less have him serve as their attorney. He didn't have much in the way of facts or the law on his side but his performance was terrible.
- jd
- Apr 26 2007
- Thats right Augustus, I mean Stan did say "y'all use your common sense" to determine the amount of property damage. Why didn't they specify that earlier and why didn't they get Welch to id his own property & WHY did Welch not testify? Where is the proof of anything? I might have to agree with Donna about Danks' closing not being quite as thrilling as Coxwells but the "jury lean back" thing was quite obvious when Stan got up for rebuttal.
- snowjob
- Apr 26 2007
- How did the jurors respond to Coxwell?
- Ray Carter
- Apr 26 2007
- So Ray you want them to convict Frank because they "FEEL" like it? They "FELT" like the people in Salem, Mass were witches. That good enough for you? They "FELT" like jesus of nazareth was a bad guy. Good enough? Around here in the 21st century, we try to use a thing called "proof" crazy notion, it would be easier to point and say "hang that guy", problem is Faye just ain't that infallible, suprising I know.
- Melton Augustus
- Apr 26 2007
- It's rather obvious why they didn't put Welch on the stand. He's mentally disturbed. It's obvious why they didn't call Taylor—he's a Frank's Boy. As I said, it's not like Melton picks on, or calls on as muscle, people in Eastover or on the Tougaloo campus. The more fascinating question is why didn't the defense call any of the other cops on the scene that night?
- DonnaLadd
- Apr 26 2007
- Stanley forgot to say that the defense had just as much opportunity and reason to call Welsh as they did. I just knew he would point that out, but he didn't. The State likely didn't call Welsh because the defense would have asked him where is he now residing - jail, and other hurtful things. The defense was scared to call him too.
- Ray Carter
- Apr 26 2007
- I saw them nodding Ray, I don't know what you saw but thats what I got from it. I did see a few nod for Dewey as well but it seemed more prevelant in Coxwell's closing. I am sure you understand the "nod theory" to which I am refering too. Smith's closing was terrible, I will agree with that. I did enjoy Winston's closing though, I thought he came across as a very "Man of the People" type of guy. I enjoyed his summation alot.
- snowjob
- Apr 26 2007
- The "crowd" that applauded were in the first couple rows on Melton's side. Sitting there were a number of city employees, the chief, Sarah O'Reilly Evans, Stephanie Parker-Weaver, Rep. Jim Evans (SORE's husband), Carolyn Redd, Ellen Redd, Matthew Redd (I don't know if the family applauded, though). You should put the audience response in perspective. ;-) Do you mean Ellen Melton and Matthew Melton?
- golden eagle '97
- Apr 26 2007
- I might have to agree with Donna about Danks' closing not being quite as thrilling as Coxwells but the "jury lean back" thing was quite obvious when Stan got up for rebuttal. Right, Gaius. But it was intriguing to watch several of them lean back forward as he continued to talk. He's climbing uphill against rhetoric and may not have made it over the hump, but he gave it his all, considering the challenges. I was impressed. Remember: Right Thing. Wait.
- DonnaLadd
- Apr 26 2007
- Yes Ellen Melton and Matthew Melton. Sorry. She does go by Redd, too. I also think her mother might have been there with a walker. I feel really sorry for Matthew.
- DonnaLadd
- Apr 26 2007
- That is true, I did feel bad for him having to follow up the Coxwell/Danks closing and cheers with a rebuttal. That must have been difficult for to do but he handled it pretty well (except for the whole close your eyes thing) but Stan is a very good lawyer so I wouldn't expect less from him. I was actually suprised that he didn't perform well yesterday, he usually does, it oculd be the pressure of this case though.
- snowjob
- Apr 26 2007
- Yes, Winston did a good job, too. I forget to mention him. I'd say he and Alexander were the attorney stars. Coxwell seemed to be over-acting, but the jury might not have gotten that. Also, it strikes me that the jury instructions can help the prosecution—if the jury follows them. It's not like you have to prove "evil intent," although the defense attorneys kept trying to say that.
- DonnaLadd
- Apr 26 2007
- Julius, I want Melton to be found guilty because as mayor he got with a bunch of stupid boys and 2 officers who will do anything he asks and broke the law by tearing up somebody's house. He had no business doing that.
- Ray Carter
- Apr 26 2007
- The close-your-eyes thing was hokey, but it could work. It's a good, down-home way to get across that the fact that they are city officials should not matter. It seems that no one performed well yesterday with all the problems of the defense's discovery. But Alexander did scare major points then—if the jury pays attention to them. It was rather classic to use Stokes to show that they did not follow procedure. I wish they'd have gotten to go at the DEA agent on procedural issues as well. Oh, well.
- DonnaLadd
- Apr 26 2007
- SpongeBob Square pants....
- pikersam
- Apr 26 2007
- They could have been leaning back when Stanley did closing because they had already agreed Melton was guilty. While the jurors reaction are important, lawyers and spectators alike, mis-read their expressions and gestures, all the time. I have won when I thought I losted and losted when I though I won. We will just have to wait and see.
- Ray Carter
- Apr 26 2007
- I was sitting there with Gaius during the closings. Remember: Jury Nullification. Wait. When you indict a case for the wrong reasons. i.e. A personal grudge against a mayor for accurately depicting your office as incompetent, and then don't even bother to try the case yourself, you are digging your own grave. Peterson's fate is tied to this verdict, and she did this to herself. That said, there was alot of good lawyering going on on both sides, even Dewey Aurthur shockingly seemed competent.
- Melton Augustus
- Apr 26 2007
- Gaius Julius and Melton Augustus seem to be having much fun. I bet they're laughing and high-fiving as they write. They do make some good points though, but aren't un-nerving any of us. The verdict later today will shut up one side of us.
- Ray Carter
- Apr 26 2007
- The verdict later today will shut up one side of us. Agreed.
- Melton Augustus
- Apr 26 2007
- I think thats something we can all agree on Ray. I also agree with you on the reading the jurors thing though, I thnk any trial lawyer has had time when they think that they have won & lost & think that they have lost and the win.
- snowjob
- Apr 26 2007
- Ray, I don't think a guilty verdict will shut up their side. When do you think the first free frank rally will start. Stephanie Parker-Weaver will already be at the courthouse, it's not like she has job duties to perform
- jd
- Apr 26 2007
- We actually aren't high fiving are selves cause Augustus office is downstairs from mine & I don't feel like walking down there till we get they call that its time to hear the verdict lol.
- snowjob
- Apr 26 2007
- Then there will be high fives. We promise.
- Melton Augustus
- Apr 26 2007
- If Frank walks then Augustus has everyone's tab at George Street later.
- snowjob
- Apr 26 2007
- Frank is going to the hee-zay, so i can't pay out all that money lol.
- Melton Augustus
- Apr 26 2007
- Well then were just gonna have to rely on Curt to buy the beer.
- snowjob
- Apr 26 2007
- If Frank walks then Augustus has everyone's tab at George Street later. I'll drink to that, and I'm not even a beer drinker.
- golden eagle '97
- Apr 26 2007
- Truthfully, if either 'loses' or 'wins', we've all lost something, figuratively speaking, as a result of this has really split our community down the middle...much like Bush's war has done to the I don't know if anyone will have necessarily won or lost. If Melton et al. are found guilty, then the city must go thru the heart-wrenching task of healing and finding a viable replacement...if Melton et al. are found not guilty, then there are so many unspeakable implications as a result of that, too...and there is no justice for any of us who believe in following the spirit and letter of the law... So, I can't even loosely, minimize this by speaking in terms of 'us' and 'them' and winners and losers...
- motherofthekings
- Apr 26 2007
- Notice they said "IF" and not "WHEN". If you were sooo confident Meltonheads, you will be saying WHEN. No doubt, you never know a jury line of thinking. So just wait and stop hoping!
- Roc
- Apr 26 2007
- Well if its not guilty I suspect Frank's actions will be similar to those of Wyatt Earp's in the movie "Tombstone," like after they killed Morgan and he told the cowboys "I am coming & hells coming with me." Frank might start burning down crackhouses for all we know. And you can bet that a Melton acquittal will seal Faye's fate & we will have a new DA in January.
- snowjob
- Apr 26 2007
- Gaius, I sure hope Frank is careful..... Maybe he'll roll over to Madison and start busting up meth houses?
- LawClerk
- Apr 26 2007
- That would be fine with me, I live in Jackson so I could care less what he does to Madison.
- snowjob
- Apr 26 2007
- Mary Hawkins-Butler would make frank put stucko on the Mobile Command Unit.
- Melton Augustus
- Apr 26 2007
- Well, I don't live in Jackson, but I do care what he does to Jacksonians. I guess I'll stand up for the weaker among us.
- LawClerk
- Apr 26 2007
- motheroftheking, our Constitution was on trial this week. A not guilty verdict for melton and his body guards would be a loss for what so many of us have fought for. If anything, it will be a clear message for African Americans that just as we have come too far to take these kinds of punishments and abuses from others, being black does not give mELTON that right either. melton's crap is selective. If this had been a home inEast Over, we would not be hafving this discussion. melton is a carry-over from the 60s and has been used as a mouthpiece to keep African Americans under control - "BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY!"
- justjess
- Apr 26 2007
- Can someone articulate to me the direct correlation between Peterson's re-election bid and this jury's verdict? Not trying to be funny....I've seen several references to it, but not sure if I understand the relationship between the two.
- motherofthekings
- Apr 26 2007
- I agree, jess...those are exactly the implications I'm talking about...I STILL hadn't received my OJ prize in the mail
- motherofthekings
- Apr 26 2007
- From my perspective, Faye has flubbed a few cases lately and if she flubbs this one, it will provide alot of fuel for her competitors in the next election for DA. She does have alot riding on the outcome of this case.
- Ole Miss Alum
- Apr 26 2007
- The verdict later today will shut up one side of us. Disagreed. If guilty, Melton apologists will complain about being framed and keep trashing the DA, the AG, the sheriff, me, Ray, Pike and anyone else who dares question his actions. If not guilty, Melton critics will continue to exercise our right as Americans to hold public officials accountable. I can tell you for certain that there is no verdict that will shut up the JFP. We will do our job whether justice is served or not. And, folks, I keep telling you that it ain't 'til it's over, verdict notwithstanding.
- DonnaLadd
- Apr 26 2007
- Frank might look cool driving through Madison busting up surbanites in the "Stucko Mobile Command Unit." I really dont see him getting into DUI enforcement though, leave that to the Madison cops, they seem to enjoy it so much.
- snowjob
- Apr 26 2007
- Thats right Ole Miss Alum, this is Faye's swan song, is Melton is acquitted she's political toast for sure. But if he is convicted she may still have a chance for re-election but it will still be tight even in that scenario.
- snowjob
- Apr 26 2007
- 'Flubbed'....if we're referring to the same cases, a few of those she 'flubbed' as a result of Melton's 'help'
- motherofthekings
- Apr 26 2007
- Wait a minute Donna, you are not saying that if Melton is found Not Guilty that the Melton critics will not start complaining about a "travesty of justice" and "the end of Jackson as we know it." Of course they will.
- snowjob
- Apr 26 2007
- Still don't see the correlation, but thanks for takin' a stab at it...
- motherofthekings
- Apr 26 2007
- My prediction: no matter what happens with Melton's verdict, the rabbit hole will get deeper and more will happen. Melton's entire time in office has stunk of something I just can't put my finger on, but I have my suspicions.
- Ole Miss Alum
- Apr 26 2007
- How can the DA's office could be accused "flubbing" this case if Melton gets off? If anything Faye should be applauded for bringing the case forward in the first place.
- jd
- Apr 26 2007
- Yeah but there won't being any applause, it will come across as Melton was right all along and Faye will be seen as the bad guy (I am not saying she is). There won't be an easy way to spin this for her and then she has to run against Robert Smith! Who will possibly have a huge victory against her office, I mean how much more ammo does he need.
- snowjob
- Apr 26 2007
- What's the hee-zay?
- ChrisCavanaugh
- Apr 26 2007
- Amen, jay...she's followed the law and it's quite sad that the two African American females that have consistenly followed the law in Hinds County are constantly being trampled on by this city, county and a foolish band of followers...I just don't get it
- motherofthekings
- Apr 26 2007
- the hee-zay is Meltonics for "house"
- LawClerk
- Apr 26 2007
- For the record, Dr. Melton seemed very stiff and uncomfortable, and she did not walk about out of the courtroom with Melton. --ladd Can anyone confirm what I saw on a C-L photo from their website this morning? It's no longer on there but it showed Melton and "Mrs. Dr." walking together to the courthouse. They were not holding hands and she did not appear to be wearing a wedding ring. Can anyone confirm that last part for me?
- Rex
- Apr 26 2007
- How can the DA's office could be accused "flubbing" this case if Melton gets off? If anything Faye should be applauded for bringing the case forward in the first place. True, but Melton has done a masterful job of demonizing her in recent years, and his lapdogs respond right on cue. Of course, she didn't "flub" it. She did what she needed to do in a difficult case where witnesses were going to be belittled. If the jury goes with rhetoric over facts and acquits, the same people who sensationalized crime to get Melton there will turn both barrels on her. But I highly suspect that she is full aware of that—and answered the calling on this anyway. History will be kind to her. It's quite the game out there.
- DonnaLadd
- Apr 26 2007
- Rex, you are right. She was not wearing one. I saw that earlier and posted that earlier in the thread.
- LawClerk
- Apr 26 2007
- How was Melton right? how was any of this the right thing to do? even if he is found innocent, what "right" came out of this entire thing Gaius? Was this entire episode just for your comic relief? And how does Robert Smith look "right" in this situation when he didn't even seem prepared during his closing.
- jd
- Apr 26 2007
- I personally am no fan of Faye and I do believe that if Melton and his boys walk, she will catch the brunt of the criticism, whether deserved or not. Her critics will chalk this up to another screwed up waste of tax-payer dollars while murders walk free, unprosecuted. Now, I don't think it was a waste of time, I just hope for her sake she gets a conviction here. I hope Melton goes down, his boys too, and I hope Faye loses the election. This case has been painted as Meltonites v. Faye People, well this community is a bit more dynamic than that. I think they are both terrible and I hope they both go down.
- Ole Miss Alum
- Apr 26 2007
- Dang you guys have uncovered the Anti-African-American-Female conspiracy. We were hoping to keep that thing quiet for another 10 years. Oh well, cat's out of the bag. If Faye was white she would still be cooked. SHE CHOSE TO INDICT THIS CASE. Noone else did. It's within her sole discretion who that office indicts. Hmm... wonder if that makes her part of the conspiracy too?
- Melton Augustus
- Apr 26 2007
- Thanks, LC. I hadn't seen any comments about that. Was just wondering. Sometimes pics get reveresed and a right hand looks like a left hand (sans ring) in the pic.
- Rex
- Apr 26 2007
- Rex, no she was not wearing a wedding ring...
- motherofthekings
- Apr 26 2007
- I still don't see what "facts" you are talking about donna, all kidding aside. What do you mean by "facts"? And why is it that whatever the D says is rhetoricm, and whatever the State says is "Fact"?
- Melton Augustus
- Apr 26 2007
- Well Jay, I didn't say that he WAS right I said it will LOOK that way. And it certainly will be spun that way. This is America you can bank on it.
- snowjob
- Apr 26 2007
- Actually, it is the anti-DA-who-will-challenge-certain-people conspiracy. Unfortunately, though, it is easy to pull certain people in based on their sexism and racism. Not to mention dumbassedness. Of course, she chose to indict the case. That was her job, and she did it regardless of the political fallout and potential dangers to her. I've met very few people in my life who I could say would do such a thing. The fact that she's a black woman is simply icing on the cake. I assume you have the same disdain for Ed Peters' handling of certain cases as DA? His record is much more interesting than Peterson's, you know.
- DonnaLadd
- Apr 26 2007
- And i've looked for the pic too and can't find it.... Hmm..... I will find it somewhere.
- LawClerk
- Apr 26 2007
- Augustus, Peterson did not have a choice...that is inherent in her job as as the county's district attorney...she would be breaking the law to do otherwise....(I see that breaking the law is quite the common thinking among Meltonics) and regarding taxpayers money, we have only Melton et al. to thank...they had an option to they are responsible for spending the money...Peterson is only doing what the law requires her to do and that is to prosecute cases
- motherofthekings
- Apr 26 2007
- "critics will chalk this up to another screwed up waste of tax-payer dollars while murders walk free, unprosecuted." If melton gets off I can see the CL mess of an editorial now, characterizing it as a complete waist of time and blaming the DA for much of it and the marshall ramsey cartoon with frank tearing down fayes house with the "sludgehammer". but i'm gonna pray and wait for a better outcome
- jd
- Apr 26 2007
- Augustus, the "facts" I refer to are "facts" we know to be true from our own investigation (which brought this to the DA and AG's attention in the first place). And, as you can see, the defense did not bother to challenge the "fact" that Melton directed the crew that tore down the house. The "fact" is that that is illegal and criminal. The "rhetoric," however, is trying to convince the jurors that it is OK to tear down a house without a warrant if you suspect it to be a crackhouse so that they will acquit him regardless of the facts and the law. See the problem here?
- DonnaLadd
- Apr 26 2007
- "Of course, she chose to indict the case. That was her job, and she did it regardless of the political fallout and potential dangers to her." -ladd There have been some past cases by Faye that she didn't do her job and indict some pretty vicious criminals who did alot far worse than what Melton did. I have just about zero faith in Faye just as I have about zero faith in Melton. They are both major problems in Jackson.
- Ole Miss Alum
- Apr 26 2007
- f melton gets off I can see the CL mess of an editorial now, characterizing it as a complete waist of time and blaming the DA for much of it and the marshall ramsey cartoon with frank tearing down fayes house with the "sludgehammer". but i'm gonna pray and wait for a better outcome Actually, Jay, they already have that editorial written. They ran it about the DA after Melton settled in the gun cases, even though she wasn't part of that case. They even ran a correction after we challenged them on it. Yucks.
- DonnaLadd
- Apr 26 2007
- Alum, I think we've been down this road before. You should be specific about those cases if you're going to accuse based on them. If not, we don't know if you're talking about the cases they could not indict, or could not win, based on mucked-up evidence by you-know-who.
- DonnaLadd
- Apr 26 2007
- Ole, be specific
- motherofthekings
- Apr 26 2007
- I do remember when I worked at the PD's office & Faye indicted Cresentia O'Quinn for murder I think it was & got a hung jury the first time & the second time (in 2004) Tom Fortner put the smack down on her ass & got an acquittal. O'Quinn was just a 14 yr old girl defending herself from some crazy guy in Brandon trying to buy crack & pulled a gun on her. Yeah Faye's great when it comes to selecting cases to prosecute.
- snowjob
- Apr 26 2007
- or indict I meant
- snowjob
- Apr 26 2007
- If you think that the DA indicts every piece of crap case that comes across their desk, you display your ignorance. The DA decides what cases to prosecute and which to not prosecute. You ever SEEN a grand jury proceeding? They do what the DA tells them to do. Faye went after Frank cause frank shed light on her incompetency after Dewey "mini-faye" Arthur dropped the ball on Wood Street (which incidentally she SHOULDN"T have indicted). Faye wanted to strike back at him, and here we are. Her arrogance has cost her her election. /cry more nub
- Melton Augustus
- Apr 26 2007
- That is really, truly a dumbass statement Augustus. You really don't think that the AG, the DA and the sheriff went after Melton due to his apparent criminal actions? And it shows that you really have no clue what went on in the Wood Street cases. LOL.
- DonnaLadd
- Apr 26 2007
- Wait a minute Donna, you are not saying that if Melton is found Not Guilty that the Melton critics will not start complaining about a "travesty of justice" and "the end of Jackson as we know it." Of course they will. Find him not guilty and they are going to use this to smear Faye Peterson every which way to Sunday. This will also embolden them and enable Frank even more. A guilt verdict, however, and they and they outsiders that whine to the C-L will say that Jackson is doomed forever. It'll be fun to see the reactions on both sides.
- golden eagle '97
- Apr 26 2007
- Well, Augustus, he have to admit that he's given her ample material from which to work
- motherofthekings
- Apr 26 2007
- ladd, you really like calling people dumbasses.
- Ole Miss Alum
- Apr 26 2007
- Ladd, you're right...again, people tend to just single out Peterson, but you're exactly right...I guess the AG and the sheriff are in cahoots as well
- motherofthekings
- Apr 26 2007
- Oh the AG was in on this? Funny i didn't see jim hood there today, where was he? Under Stan? Lol your beloved African-American-Woman, is just that, A woman. They are subject to the same faults and fallacys as the rest of us, can't stand that can ya? Wood street was a debacle, the AG washed his hands of that P.O.S. just like Ponitius Pilate. That is what Cleopeterson gets for allowing other people to decide what she takes to trial. The hinds county District Attorney's office is a Vasal state. Send us our grain shipments or we will occupy you.
- Melton Augustus
- Apr 26 2007
- the Melton critics will not start complaining about a "travesty of justice Well, let's see: He is found not guilty for illegal actions that the defense did not deny he did. It is based on emotional rhetoric about "crime-fighting." Yes, that would be a travesty of justice. However, it doesn't mean that we all throw our hands up and hang the city over to the Melton folks. (I mean, look where that's gotten us so far. Even if you don't care about the Constitution, how about actual crime-fighting and the city budget?) The point is that neither "side" is going to be quiet. I mean, we're certainly not going to, no matter what. We have a job to do. And eagle is right: Peterson will get it from those same loud folks who want to cherrypick who can commit crimes until the cows come home. I'm sure she knows that. And I'm also sure that the reason they really hate her is because she doesn't care. If she did, she would have just ignored this case and passed it over, letting the mayor run rampant through the city. That would have been the easy, and cowardly, thing to do. I think back to the mid-'90s when Ed Peters wouldn't take the Youth Detention Center charges to a grand jury—because, you know, the teen prisoners "consented." It is a new day.
- DonnaLadd
- Apr 26 2007
- Can't battle wits with someone who is so clearly unarmed...somebody text me when the verdicts in
- motherofthekings
- Apr 26 2007
- The AG's office investigated this case, too, originally. They are subject to the same faults and fallacys as the rest of us, can't stand that can ya? Dude, are you a complete moron? If not, please stop acting like one on my site. Where did I ever say that a black woman is above fault. (Er, Shirlene Anderson?) No one is above fault. Why don't you try to take things a little less personally? And your attempts to belittle others make you look very tiny. I will say it again: Don't troll here.
- DonnaLadd
- Apr 26 2007
- Funny, mother, I have a button on my bulletin board: "I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person." ;-)
- DonnaLadd
- Apr 26 2007
- ladd, you really like calling people dumbasses. Only when they're parading as one. ;-D
- DonnaLadd
- Apr 26 2007
- Donna you started with the ad hominem attacks. You have called me a dumbass like 3 times. You aren't important enough for me to be bothered by that, but that is why i am going at ya. Faye is done. Jim hood ain't. Melton ain't. Who is the dumbass?
- Melton Augustus
- Apr 26 2007
- Off and running!
- Puck
- Apr 26 2007
- I haven't exactly called you a dumbass. I've said you're acting like one. And I say that when you are belittling other people and trying to pick a fight with people you don't agree with. If you don't like that, then stop the trolling. Ball is in your court.
- DonnaLadd
- Apr 26 2007
- Any resemblance between me and Melton Augustus is purely a coincidence.
- Kingfish
- Apr 26 2007
- Well Donna, I think Augustus was just trying to point out that Faye chooses who to indict. He did work at the DAs office at one time so I think that he undersatnds the process better than the rest of us.
- snowjob
- Apr 26 2007
- Oh, there's a big difference, 'Fish. You don't keep sneaking back in after being suspended for trolling. You apologize, and I let you back in.
I'm not sure I said she didn't choose who to indict. But this one was a rather obvious choice for any DA with ethics. Work under Peterson or Peters? - DonnaLadd
- Apr 26 2007
- We need Jack Bauer in the courtroom.... :D
- LawClerk
- Apr 26 2007
- Oh, and good advice is to just say what you're going to say without all the juvenile insults stuck in between the real words. That's what will get you booted because, you know, none of us like to spend much time with junior-high-level bullies. In other words, Augustus does not come across like he has one ounce of intelligence. Of course, these goofy names y'all chose to change your user names to kinda make you look stupid out of the gate. Even if you're not, of course.
- DonnaLadd
- Apr 26 2007
- Well Donna, I think Augustus was just trying to point out that Faye chooses who to indict. He did work at the DAs office at one time so I think that he undersatnds the process better than the rest of us. Let's work from the assumption that she does "choose" to indict and that she doesn't have an officer-of-the-court responsiblity to bring these charges. Are you trying to make the case that the DA *shouldn't* have brought these charges?
- Todd Stauffer
- Apr 26 2007
- Lol, the goofy names are just for the trial Donna, I promise. Plus Augustus is actually new to the whole blogging thing. Hey I had to recruit someone after you booted Curt LOL.
- snowjob
- Apr 26 2007
- Are you trying to make the case that the DA *shouldn't* have brought these charges? Good question. I second it. Gaius, if you're recruiting people to this site, you might explain to them that I don't allow trolling. The idea that we'd end up with five or six folks who "reason" like y'all do is enough to make me shut the site down—and that's what would happen if I let you angry boyz run roughshod over the site. So rein it in, children. Oh, and was your friend fired or did he quit the DA's office?
- DonnaLadd
- Apr 26 2007
- I am not saying that Todd but it did look politcally motivated (even if it wasn't). I just think that the AGs office should have handled the entire thing, just to show that there was not a hint of evil intent (again not saying that there was Donna, but it can be perceived that way give Faye & Frank's history).
- snowjob
- Apr 26 2007
- I wish I had a dime for everytime the word "troll" has been used out of context. But without furter delay my predictions.... I predict that tomorrow morning Melton and his goons will escape the wraith of Faye "Win One for the Gipper" Peterson. Melton will don his regal attire of a cowboy hat looking much like the man in the yellow hat from the Curious George books. Countless lawyers across Mississippi will employ their logical skills in analyzing the aspects of jury nullification. Robert Smith will say "Kenneth Stokes" your fat ass needs some Jenny Craig boyyyyyyy." Dale Danks will find his long last brother while watching "Love at First Bite." Mrs. Melton will conduct a press conference to explain her marriage..."it's for the health insurance!!!!" Recio and Wright will star "Jackson Vice" coming soon to a public access channel near you. Ben Allen will whup Ken Stokes ass.
- twofaced
- Apr 26 2007
- Absolutely iTodd. This case was garbage from the get go. It was a personal vendetta againt the mayor. What Frank did was wrong surely. But it wasn't criminal. There are a myriad of attorney's that would gladly have filed a civil suit on behalf of the home owner, on a contingency basis. Sarah O'reilly Evans is even dumber than Faye. You can drive by the city attorney's office and toss a complaint at them and they will throw you back a check. Donna is upset because someone disagrees with her about something. So she seeks to discredit me by calling me a dumbass. Her ideas are un-profound, and she is having trouble articulating herself, so she resorts to name calling. All i am doing is raising counterpoints to various points raised other people. Since my opinion isn't her opinion, she goes ad hominem. Sad really. They gave her a job doing this.
- Melton Augustus
- Apr 26 2007
- Lol, Now Donna do you really want a site where everyone agrees with you all the time, what fun would that be. Plus I haven't been "trolling" today. (Not yet anyway)
- snowjob
- Apr 26 2007
- I am not saying that Todd but it did look politcally motivated (even if it wasn't). How did it look politically motivated? but it can be perceived that way give Faye & Frank's history). What "history"? They don't have a history other than him messing up DA cases and then holding press conferences to say he's investigating her for "corruption"! He created this "history," and then everyone blames her for it. Just how frackin' gullible are y'all boyz? You sound like you report for The Clarion-Ledger.
- DonnaLadd
- Apr 26 2007
- Nope, Gaius, there y'all go again. It ain't about agreeing. It's about being respectful of other people's views, and not trying to belittle and pick fights. I really feel sorry for folks who can't tell the difference, but that's your problem and not mine. And I don't think I accused you of "trolling"—although you and Augustus sound a whole lot alike, so I could mix you up. And that is also your problem. ;-)
- DonnaLadd
- Apr 26 2007
- If you don't like that, then stop the trolling. Ball is in your court. Donna, I can't tell you how to do your job, but if I were you, I'd just go ahead and put the sledgehammer on him (pun intended).
- golden eagle '97
- Apr 26 2007
- I also wish I had a dime for the smackdowns on the CL. I sense professional jealousy. Girl you should write for Glamour. Especially after the article making you out as the messiah of Mississippi.
- twofaced
- Apr 26 2007
- It was a personal vendetta againt the mayor. Ah. Well, now we all know. Thank you for imparting your infinite wisdom upon we-the-masses. LOL. Darlin', people disagree with me all the time. I love intelligent debate. It sharpens my mind and my wits. It is very easy to look back up above, and your comments stick out as juvenile jerk statements. When you come here and do that, I will call you out, hoping that you clean up your act. (Many do.) And whining about me is not going to make your posts above look any more intelligent or less na-na-na-boo-boo.
- DonnaLadd
- Apr 26 2007
- "Professional jealousy." ;-) Right, I want to write passives for a living.
- DonnaLadd
- Apr 26 2007
- I would rather you called me dumbass than Darlin. K thx bai.
- Melton Augustus
- Apr 26 2007
- Absolutely iTodd. This case was garbage from the get go. It was a personal vendetta againt the mayor. What Frank did was wrong surely. But it wasn't criminal. How is it not criminal? There are a myriad of attorney's that would gladly have filed a civil suit on behalf of the home owner, on a contingency basis. Sarah O'reilly Evans is even dumber than Faye. You can drive by the city attorney's office and toss a complaint at them and they will throw you back a check. So you're saying that you would prefer the home owner sue the city?
- Todd Stauffer
- Apr 26 2007
- eagle, I know, I let some of these guys go too long. It's that weakness in me: I look for the best in people. Truth is, they've succeeded here in changing the subject, which is what trolls always try to do. So I will say it for the record: There will not be another post on this thread that is off-topic. It ends here. So, what did everyone think of Dr. Melton's gray suit? She is an attractive woman, even if she looked extremely unhappy to be here. That there is an enigma.
- DonnaLadd
- Apr 26 2007
- I am not saying that Todd but it did look politcally motivated (even if it wasn't). I just think that the AGs office should have handled the entire thing, just to show that there was not a hint of evil intent (again not saying that there was Donna, but it can be perceived that way give Faye & Frank's history). Maybe one of the legal minds on your board could disabuse me of this notion, but I don't think the case would have been within the A.G.'s perview. Politically motivated, IMHO, would have been *making up a charge* and sticking it to Melton. But it's politically motivated to bring charges? He did this...his defense isn't denying it. Their entire approach to a defense is that it's a justifiable burglarly. (Might be the first ever use of that defense, so give them some credit for creativity. ;-) I don't know...the argument could just as easily have been that it's politically motivated not to bring the charges. But I guess that's moot...the grand jury bought it and now it's up to a trial jury.
- Todd Stauffer
- Apr 26 2007
- The whole "so sue" thing was amazing to me. The defense attorneys were up there encouraging Sutton to sue the city. Of course, that makes sense coming from Danks, who likes to sue the city, and Coxwell, who is known to bring civil suits, I guess. It is remarkable that Melton apologists prefer that the taxpayers pay big rather than the men who took it upon themselves to do the damages to be punished according to law. And I agree with the iTodd: How was it not "criminal" for Melton and his bodyguards to enter and tear down that duplex without a warrant, inflicting $38,000 in damages?
- DonnaLadd
- Apr 26 2007
- A "justifiable burglary."
Darren nailed it last week in his cartoon with the duplex on the witness stand. - DonnaLadd
- Apr 26 2007
- Dr. Melton wore a grey "power suit" which I presume is what she was told to wear by the attorneys. And I'm totally unimpressed by these arguments about Faye Peterson, the trial is about what Frank Melton did, not the DA, who tasked the competant Alexander to do the work. Faye Peterson didn't bash in any houses, didn't cart around juveniles in a van late at night, and hurl profanities in the middle of the street. Peterson just did her job, which Melton apparently is incapable of doing.
- GLewis
- Apr 26 2007
- And I'm totally unimpressed by these arguments about Faye Peterson, the trial is about what Frank Melton did, not the DA, who tasked the competant Alexander to do the work. Faye Peterson didn't bash in any houses, didn't cart around juveniles in a van late at night, and hurl profanities in the middle of the street. Peterson just did her job, which Melton apparently is incapable of doing. G. Lewis Second that.
- Izzy
- Apr 26 2007
- Speaking of The Clarion-Ledger, could someone please explain this headline and lead paragraph to me: Analysis: Ongoing city-county animosity bubbles over By Chris Joyner [email][/email] Longstanding distrust between Jackson law enforcement and the Hinds County district attorney's office came out especially Wednesday in Mayor Frank Melton's trial, with county prosecutors using defense attorney tactics to grill city police officials. What happened yesterday that indicated "longstanding distrust" between police and the DA's office? What is Chris Joyner talking about? Why not report what happened instead of this kind of skewed "analysis"? I feel sorry for these kids who are reporting there. They need guidance. Badly.
- DonnaLadd
- Apr 26 2007
- Todd the AG has general juridiction over these types of crimes. They pretty much can prosecute whomever they want since they represent the entire State.
- snowjob
- Apr 26 2007
- Todd the AG has general juridiction over these types of crimes. They pretty much can prosecute whomever they want since they represent the entire State. Making the DA redundant?
- Todd Stauffer
- Apr 26 2007
- Absolutely iTodd. This case was garbage from the get go. It was a personal vendetta againt the mayor. What Frank did was wrong surely. But it wasn't criminal. How was it not criminal? If I came and destroyed your home, wouldn't that be criminal? I'm sure you press charges against me and I'd go to jail. Just because he's a mayor doesn't make it legal. If he would've followed legal procedures to have it declared a drug house, then he wouldn't be where he is now. We do have rights in this country. Frank didn't give Evans Welch or Ms. Sutton due process. Everybody who's on his side will say that he's trying to fight crime and that he's doing what he needs to do. I'm sorry, but I'm not willing to have my rights trampled in the name of feeling safe.
- golden eagle '97
- Apr 26 2007
- No it just means that they can come in & help out with certain prosecutions that maybe the DAs of certain counties don't have time for or as in this case, a time when it would just have looked better for them to have stepped in. About 3 years ago I second chaired a trial in Tallahactie County where the AGs office was prosecuting someone for election fraud in a county supervisors race, the DA of that county just decided to turn the case over to them. They can kinda pick choose over at the AGs office.
- snowjob
- Apr 26 2007
- I wonder which is worse, a state/county felony conviction, or a federal civil rights conviction?
- JenniferGriffin
- Apr 26 2007
- I think this one made total sense to do in the county. Locals need to know that their local officials care about their rights. Peterson fulfilled her duty by indicting and indicting fast.
- DonnaLadd
- Apr 26 2007
- Good question, Jen. My guess is a civil rights conviction is something you don't want. The feds will normally rip you a new one on those charges.
- golden eagle '97
- Apr 26 2007
- Yeah but if the AGs office had done it noone could even infer that Faye Peterson was being motivated by a grudge against Melton (again I am not saying that she was). It would have ended that argument right there & if the case was lost her office wouldn't have taken the blame.
- snowjob
- Apr 26 2007
- are any of the networks planning to interrupt programming to show live coverage of the verdict if the jury comes back this evening?
- jd
- Apr 26 2007
- Erin Pickens of WJTV did say during the noon broadcast say that they would carry the verdict live whenever it happens.
- golden eagle '97
- Apr 26 2007
- About 3 years ago I second chaired a trial in Tallahactie County where the AGs office was prosecuting someone for election fraud in a county supervisors race, the DA of that county just decided to turn the case over to them. They can kinda pick choose over at the AGs office. Election fraud is something of a state-level concern, wouldn't you say? In a sense with Melton we're in uncharted waters as I imagine there aren't generally many mayoral home invasions from which to draw precendents. ;-) In this case, from the POV of the DA, why turn it over because the mayor has political problems with her? (Despite the best efforts of the C-L, et. al. to turn it into a "feud," the timeline really does pretty much show that it's Melton going after her.) It seems like the only argument would be the stature of the defendant. It's an odd circumstance when the actions of another elected official create for you a perceived conflict of interest to which you're then supposed to accede.
- Todd Stauffer
- Apr 26 2007
- "Home invasion." Sitting in the courtroom today, I was thinking of that phrase and how I haven't seen any media use it in this case. And you want to talk about a "home invasion."
- DonnaLadd
- Apr 26 2007
- More national media is headed into town, too. Just got the call.
- DonnaLadd
- Apr 26 2007
- I thought so, too, Golden Eagle. Donna - is this maybe what you are hearing - some FBI interest - if acquited?
- JenniferGriffin
- Apr 26 2007
- I will only repeat myself: It ain't over 'til it's over. And hypothetically, I would think that if the FBI is interested in Melton, they would be interested whether or not he is acquitted in this state case.
- DonnaLadd
- Apr 26 2007
- Just national media? I can't tell you how it freaked me out to google "Melton, Jackson" in the google news section yesterday and have Pravda pop up on the list.
- C.W.
- Apr 26 2007
- We sho' need to win in order to get Mayor Frank James and Tookie Smith combined ass up out of here. Who knows what his crazy-ass will do if he survives this. I disappointed those women and one man can be played like this. There is great disagreement concerning the desired verdicts even among lawyers.
- Ray Carter
- Apr 26 2007
- C.W., put "Frank Melton" in the regular Google search. ;-)
- DonnaLadd
- Apr 26 2007
- Ray, sadly, there are people who like to see the city in the state it is under Melton. Amusement over him seems to be more important than forward progress.
- DonnaLadd
- Apr 26 2007
- Melton Wikipedia entry is much improved from version i read this morning. I commend whoever is responsible.
- jasp
- Apr 26 2007
- Posted by: Melton Augustus If you think that the DA indicts every piece of crap case that comes across their desk, you display your ignorance. The DA decides what cases to prosecute and which to not prosecute. You ever SEEN a grand jury proceeding? They do what the DA tells them to do. Posted by: Gaius Julius Melton Well Donna, I think Augustus was just trying to point out that Faye chooses who to indict. He did work at the DAs office at one time so I think that he undersatnds the process better than the rest of us. Well, my question is.....Were you in this grand jury room?
- mws
- Apr 26 2007
- Holy Cow, look at this crap! Melton In Trouble With TSA - Again! According to an April 24 letter from U.S. Transportation Security Administration director Kip Hawley, Melton "was generally uncooperative and did use abusive language" when a TSA screener asked the mayor to produce a valid ID before boarding. The incident took place March 22 when the mayor was flying from Jackson-Evers International Airport with his two police bodyguards Marcus Wright and Michael Recio. In the letter to House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson, Hawley said Melton produced an expired driver’s license as his only government-issued ID. The screener explained a valid ID was needed and escorted the mayor to an area for "additional screening." Hawley said, "The mayor used profanity to describe the (screener) as he and his bodyguards left the screening area." In January 2006, TSA learned Melton had allegedly posed as a police officer to bring his guns aboard commercial flights. TSA officials warned the mayor he could no longer fly armed. City spokesman Tyrone Lewis said he was not aware of the latest incident. "This is something totally new to me," he said. What. An. Ass!
- pikersam
- Apr 26 2007
- Pimping ain't looking too secure or confident.
- Ray Carter
- Apr 26 2007
- I wonder if we will now be seeing his family more often in Jackson? With Fathers Day coming up it would be nice to see his family instead of the criminals, like last year, that apparently many in NE Jax want to hold up and support through the mayor. I doubt Melton will be inviting the media to his house for his 'par-taays' with the boyz.
- pikersam
- Apr 27 2007
- Okay someone has got to tell Parker-Weaver that the jheri curl is dead gone With the money she's getting paid to do nothing with.I would hope she would try to bring that hairdo out of the 70's.I just wonder how she and ole kenny boy would have felt if the mayor had been white and tore up the house on Ridgeway.I've always known kenny boy was weak but to sell out your community.I guess he had to wait for fm to get in before deciding to clean up the community.What a hot mess this has turned into.
- Apr 29 2007
- I just wonder how she and ole kenny boy would have felt if the mayor had been white and tore up the house on Ridgeway. Thank you for bringing that up! Methinks they would be calling for the feds to investigate him. I even wonder how they would react had Harvey Johnson did this. BTW, Stephanie does need to get rid of those curls. I remember she used to wear breads and she looked much better with them.
- golden eagle '97
- Apr 29 2007
- Kim Wade just pointed out that if you watch the video after Melton got off, he jumps into the back of his car with his boyz - leaving his wife on the curb. No hesitation, no nothing. Just got in, and left her! I'm not sure which 'boyz' he talking about as Recio and Wright seemed to go off in a different direction - unless they went and got the car? Must be why they were in such a hurry in front of Frank? I figured they were hitting the road and getting two country miles from Frank. BTW: They are probably divorced through absence of bed and board. Legal peoples?
- pikersam
- May 1 2007
- A "Divorce from Bed and Board" or "Divorce a Mensa et Thoro" if you are into the Latin, is basically a legal separation that maintains the actual marital status. The grounds needed are usually the same as an absolute divorce. The courts can order alimony, child support and custody, but not property settlement. However, the parties are permitted to live apart and they retain property rights in their individual estates. A judgment for separate maintenance preserves the marital status and looks to reconciliation in the future. Ha....Mrs. FM would be a fool to EVER take him back, legally or otherwise.
- Birdseye
- May 1 2007
- [quote]Thank you for bringing that up! Methinks they would be calling for the feds to investigate him. I even wonder how they would react had Harvey Johnson did this.[/quote] If Harvey had done that, I think I would have been shocked beyond belief...and wondered who'd taken him off the tranqulizers. :D
- Ironghost
- May 1 2007
- Such a fine family-man example to be a role model for the teens of Jackson.
- Birdseye
- May 1 2007
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