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After the Melton verdict, a lot of us bloggers were amazed that someone could be found not guilty of breaking a law when it was clear that the law was broken. The defense argued that there was no evil intent involved, but evil intent is not mentioned anywhere in the description of the crimes committed. For example, look at the malicious mischief statute:
SEC. 97-17-67. Malicious mischief.
Every person who shall maliciously or mischievously destroy, disfigure, or injure, or cause to be destroyed, disfigured, or injured, any property of another, either real or personal, shall be guilty of malicious mischief.
Also, the damaged home was referred to as a crackhouse, but there is a Mississippi statute that should have been used to take care of this. As a matter of fact, the presiding judge read the statute to the mayor after the not guilty verdict was given:
SEC. 21-19-20. Proceedings to demolish abandoned houses or buildings used for sale or use of drugs.
(1) A municipality shall institute proceedings to have abandoned houses or buildings that are used for the sale or use of drugs demolished. The local law enforcement authority of the municipality shall have documented proof of drug sales or use in the abandoned property before a municipality may initiate proceedings to have the property demolished.
(2) The municipality shall file a petition to declare the abandoned property a public hazard and nuisance, and to have the property demolished with the circuit clerk of the county in which the property or some part of the property is located. All of the owners of the property involved, and any mortgagee, trustee, or other person having any interest in or lien on the property shall be made defendants to the proceedings. The circuit clerk shall present the petition to the circuit judge who, by written order directed to the circuit clerk, shall fix the time and place for the hearing of the matter in termtime or vacation. The time of the hearing shall be fixed on a date to allow sufficient time for each defendant named to be served with process, as otherwise provided by law, not less than thirty (30) days before the hearing. If a defendant or other party in interest is not served for the specified time before the date fixed, the hearing shall be continued to a day certain to allow the thirty-day period specified.
(3) Any cost incurred by a municipality for demolishing abandoned property shall be paid by the owners of the property.
[emphasis added]
What kind of precedent does this set? If a city official can destroy a home without due process, what does this mean for the rest of us? Can our homes be demolished at will? What if someone placed a rock of crack on your door step, declared it a crackhouse and used a wrecking ball to take out a wall? Would anything happen to him or her? Would you be arrested if you attempted to protect your home? Would the vandal be considered a hero? The Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects us from improper search and seizure:
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
It is time for the citizens of Jackson to wake up and realize that we need to protect our property and our rights. If you would like to help, join us here. You will be required to create a Google account. You will have to be a signed-in member to read the discussions and post messages. The list of members is not available to the public.
"Wake Up Jackson" is not a Melton-bashing campaign. It is simply a civic watchdog group that wants to keep him and the rest of our city officials in check.
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