From NAMI:
Bill clears House; Senate set to vote
By a vote of 225 to 204, the House yesterday cleared legislation (HR 3162) reauthorizing the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) and making important improvements to the Medicare and Medicaid programs. NAMI strongly supports the House bill passed yesterday and urges advocates to support the separate Senate bill that is currently under debate.
Act Now!
The Senate is considering a similar SCHIP bill – it is important that we urge the Senate to pass this bill without any weakening amendments. A special toll-free number has been set up this week to the Capitol Switchboard for advocates wishing to call their members of Congress – 800-828-0498. Or click here to email your Senators.
When you contact your Senators, to remind them to oppose all weakening amendments. Without weakening amendments, this SCHIP legislation can:
* Provide new resources to help states reach more eligible low-income uninsured children, and
* Ensure that private SCHIP plans equitably cover treatment for mental illness.
Urge your Senators to support uninsured children with mental illness and improve mental health benefits under both Medicare and Medicaid! Vote Yes on S 1893!
Call or e-mail now.
Learn More About SCHIP Reauthorization
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