BREAKING: Sheriff McMillin Endorses D.A. Faye Peterson | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

BREAKING: Sheriff McMillin Endorses D.A. Faye Peterson

Hinds County Sheriff Malcolm McMillin endorsed Hinds County District Attorney Faye Peterson over Democratic challenger Robert Smith this morning. McMillin announced his endorsement to the Jackson Free Press, saying he opposes Smith because of an alignment with Jackson Mayor Frank Melton, and opposed "Melton's attempt to expand his sphere of influence to county offices."

"If Frank Melton is in support of a candidate, I'm against them. That's my litmus test for the sheriff's support of the DA candidate. If you are aligned in any way with Mayor Melton, it would seem to me that that would be an attempt by him to control that office, so any support by Mayor Melton for the DA candidate would certainly put me in the other camp," McMillin said.

Smith, a private defense attorney, represented many of Melton's friends in court cases, including Melton's bodyguard Det. Marcus Wright, indicted for helping Melton illegally destroy a home on Ridgeway Street and some of Melton's young male friends who ran into trouble with the law, like Darnell Turner, for a kidnapping and shooting. Smith has denied that Melton is behind his candidacy, although he attributes former District Attorney Ed Peters, a good friend of Melton's, with asking him to run for the office two years ago.

Melton has campaigned against Peterson, who put his Ridgeway Street destruction before a grand jury last year for indictment. Last year, Melton held a press conference at which Christopher Walker, a young felon then living in his home, accused Peterson of corruption and of having sex with a now-deceased bail bondsman. After the press conference, Melton told the Jackson Free Press: "We put it out there, didn't we?"

The mayor told the Jackson Free Press that Michele Purvis, then with the city attorney's office, could confirm the allegations against Peterson. She later told the JFP that she had no idea what the mayor was talking about.

McMillin said he believes the mayor is attempting to dominate county offices, particularly the DA's and sheriff's office. The sheriff recently fought off what he called the "mayor's attempt to grab the sheriff's office" in the Aug. 7 primary. McMillin accused his opponent Tyrone Lewis, a public relations officer for the city of Jackson, of being a puppet of the mayor.

Melton supported Lewis in the last election, going so far as to host a fund raiser for the challenger last month, a story that broke on the Jackson Free Press Web site. The fund raiser organizers initially denied that the invitation was real, and Melton later told WLBT that he hadn't known that the fund raiser was happening at his house.

Peterson's challenger Michele Purvis, who lost in the primaries, also endorsed Peterson on Sunday.

Watch the site and print edition for further response to the endorsement.

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