Hinds County Sheriff Malcolm McMillin endorsed Hinds County District Attorney Faye Peterson over Democratic challenger Robert Smith this morning. McMillin announced his endorsement to the Jackson Free Press, saying he opposes Smith because of an alignment with Jackson Mayor Frank Melton, and opposed "Melton's attempt to expand his sphere of influence to county offices."
"If Frank Melton is in support of a candidate, I'm against them. That's my litmus test for the sheriff's support of the DA candidate. If you are aligned in any way with Mayor Melton, it would seem to me that that would be an attempt by him to control that office, so any support by Mayor Melton for the DA candidate would certainly put me in the other camp," McMillin said.
Smith, a private defense attorney, represented many of Melton's friends in court cases, including Melton's bodyguard Det. Marcus Wright, indicted for helping Melton illegally destroy a home on Ridgeway Street and some of Melton's young male friends who ran into trouble with the law, like Darnell Turner, for a kidnapping and shooting. Smith has denied that Melton is behind his candidacy, although he attributes former District Attorney Ed Peters, a good friend of Melton's, with asking him to run for the office two years ago.
Melton has campaigned against Peterson, who put his Ridgeway Street destruction before a grand jury last year for indictment. Last year, Melton held a press conference at which Christopher Walker, a young felon then living in his home, accused Peterson of corruption and of having sex with a now-deceased bail bondsman. After the press conference, Melton told the Jackson Free Press: "We put it out there, didn't we?"
The mayor told the Jackson Free Press that Michele Purvis, then with the city attorney's office, could confirm the allegations against Peterson. She later told the JFP that she had no idea what the mayor was talking about.
McMillin said he believes the mayor is attempting to dominate county offices, particularly the DA's and sheriff's office. The sheriff recently fought off what he called the "mayor's attempt to grab the sheriff's office" in the Aug. 7 primary. McMillin accused his opponent Tyrone Lewis, a public relations officer for the city of Jackson, of being a puppet of the mayor.
Melton supported Lewis in the last election, going so far as to host a fund raiser for the challenger last month, a story that broke on the Jackson Free Press Web site. The fund raiser organizers initially denied that the invitation was real, and Melton later told WLBT that he hadn't known that the fund raiser was happening at his house.
Peterson's challenger Michele Purvis, who lost in the primaries, also endorsed Peterson on Sunday.
Watch the site and print edition for further response to the endorsement.
Previous Commentsshow
What's this?Well, well, well! I wonder if McMillin's endorsement will be newsworthy at the Clarion Liar, uh Ledger?
- thetruth
- Aug 21 2007
It seems that McMillin is harder to ignore—although no more newsworthy than her opponent endorsing her. What they usually do with news they don't want to report is go get a bunch of additional stuff to tuck it into, leading with something that takes the attention off the news. Or, Stringfellow writes about it in his column, meaning they don't put it on page 1. All of this is page 1 news, of course.
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 21 2007
Even then Stringfellow gets it only half right... And that's only about half the time! ;-)
- pikersam
- Aug 21 2007
Whoa, things are really heating up this last week before the big day!
- LatashaWillis
- Aug 21 2007
“If Frank Melton is in support of a candidate, I’m against them." That has to be the dumbest statement made by a public official this month. Yeah forget that he might be actually a better candidate huh? I no longer feel Faye is capable of being an effective DA, so let's give her the boot. I haven't had faith in her since WAPT reported he bumped a child rapist's court date in order to try (unsuccessfully by the way) Frank Melton. Keep in mine the child rapist has been walking around for the last 2 years. Then on top of that her didn't even have the guts to square off in person. She sent of her flunkies to catch the heat.
- nobody likes me
- Aug 21 2007
We'll get back to y'all on with a factcheck of this statement. Do you have the link to the WAPT story, nobody? Help us out.
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 21 2007
Lots of cases get moved or delayed for various reasons. If that is your one sticking point with Faye, then I'm glad most people look at the whole picture and not just one incident. Vote as you may. Is he a better candidate? Any facts to back up that statement?
- pikersam
- Aug 21 2007
Nobody, actually thats proably the smatest thing for a person to say. If you have Frank Melton's endorsement or backing, chances are if you were a good person you are on a fast track of b eing corrupted. With Robert Smith having the support of Ed Peters and Frank Melton..he is no GOOD. Thanks McMillin for getting it right!
- blkokc
- Aug 21 2007
Their website doesn't date back far enough for me to find it, but I'm still looking. The story ran at the end of last year. I think around November.
- nobody likes me
- Aug 21 2007
I'm sure we can get to the bottom of it. Let us know if you find it.
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 21 2007
“If Frank Melton is in support of a candidate, I’m against them." That has to be the dumbest statement made by a public official this month. Yeah forget that he might be actually a better candidate huh? It's the best thing I've read all day.
- golden eagle
- Aug 21 2007
the lines are being drawn in the sand.
- Willezurmacht
- Aug 21 2007
To "the Truth"... Surely you don't expect the CL to have time to report on the upcoming District Attorney's election, do you? After all... they have other "breaking news" on which to focus.... http://clarionledger.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070821/NEWS/70821016
- xxgreg
- Aug 21 2007
You mean McMillin's statement, golden? There is something very straight-ahead, make-it-real McMillin about it, I will say that.
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 21 2007
I think McMillin's statement has a lot to do with his bitterness towards Melton's endorsement of Lewis for sheriff. Enough with this, let's determine which individual is really best for DA.
- Davey
- Aug 21 2007
Nobody likes me, let me say this I remember that news report, as I recall the ADA called the mother of the rape victim and left a voicemail apologizing because the rape case had been bumped so that the Melton case could be tried. Now that being said, JUDGES DECIDE WHICH CASES ARE HEARD. Judge Green placed the Melton case first on her trial docket, not Peterson. Again class all together now, JUDGES DECIDE WHICH CASES ARE HEARD. Only judges can grant continuances. And finally, the person that you call a rapist is only charged with rape. There is something in the constitution about the presumption of innocence. And your feelings about the DA should have some evidentiary basis.
- thetruth
- Aug 21 2007
Greg, that is mucho funny. That Elvis story is of utter importance.
- thetruth
- Aug 21 2007
[iYou mean McMillin's statement, golden? Yes. Thanks for the clarification.
- golden eagle
- Aug 21 2007
Davey, it might have something to do with the concern that Melton is trying to control the DA's office, like he was trying to control the sheriff's office, right? I mean, that's what he said. Obviously, Melton's case had to go on the top of the docket. He's the one responsible for the fact that a public official was going hog-a$$ wild in the city. Had it not been done quickly, which his attorneys wanted as well, people would have complained that it was being dragged out so he couldn't "do his job." He is the only one responsible for the results of his action. Everyone else involved did their job on it.
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 21 2007
Here's what I've found so far on the child rapist case: Before the Supreme Court handed the Melton case to Joe Webster, Judge Green had the case. She "bumped" the case of the child rapist to later in the term to expedite the Melton trial. Even though the Melton case was taken off her docket, she did not reset the rape trial, and it has not been tried, yet, as a result.
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 21 2007
nobody likes me and I know why. LOL. Nobody, let's go through this again. frank melton is suppose to be the head of this City. He was running around with underaged youth (all males) in the City's Mobile Command Unit reaking havoc on someone's private property and beating up a man in handcuffs. I'm not insensitive to a child that was raped and I know the urgency of bringing these people to justice. What I think you are failing or ignoring is the fact that melton was raping these youngersters of their childhood with the encouragement of criminal activity- Acts that could have landed them to prison- a place where rape is as common as brushing your teeth. You are angry about one child. I'm upset about a house full at 2 Carter Grove and the load of youngsters riding the Mobile Command Unit at that time. The only regret I have is that some people continue to pull that ostrich stunt and act as if what he (melton) is doing and has done in the past is acceptable. I guess the fact that these are/were black children cancels the need for immediacy and resolve for these issues. The one (1) White kid melton had at his home some years back shot himself in the head in melton's living room. melton reports his death as a suicide. Faye Peterson did her part. She brough that 6(PPPPPP) Piss Poor Poorly Put together Piece of Protoplasm to Court - quick, fast and in a hurry. Too bad that the system failed us. Congratulations and a lot of respect for McMillian for speaking up and speaking out. frank melton has been bad new for this City and you just can't keep calling this WOLF in WOLF's clothing a sheep. melton's case has been post-poned for many, many, many years here in this community. I'm so glad that Faye Peterson had the strength to pull him in.
- justjess
- Aug 21 2007
thetruth thanks I didn't know that. Thanks for filling in the blanks. So that wasn't 100% Faye. What Frank and his body guards did was wrong, but she tried to convict him and 2 JPD police officers of numerous felonies purely for political reasons. She tried her best to have them prosecuted to the extent of the law. Just think about she tried to put these 3 men in prison for a very long time for destorying a crackhouse. And then a month later let's some jerk plea to manslaughter after stabbing his mother to death and trying to kill his sister. Then the next week after that she pleads another sicko to man slaughter for killing his mother. Am I the only one person that see the wrong in that? I understand a lot of people hate Frank but d***. We need somebody charge, try, and convict these career criminals.
- nobody likes me
- Aug 21 2007
I guess the fact that these are/were black children cancels the need for immediacy and resolve for these issues. This is probably the most important point of all. Colonel Don?
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 21 2007
What Frank and his body guards did was wrong, but she tried to convict him and 2 JPD police officers of numerous felonies purely for political reasons With due respect, that is a really dumbass thing to say. They tore up the duplex; her job was to indict them. Just like the attorney general went after him for gun charges. That was his job. And if they all hadn't done that, God knows what would have happened by now. Wake the hell up. Now, what is the next case you're talking about? Names? From now on, please include detailed attribution on each of your posts. I don't have time to clean up a bunch of vague accusations. I've had enough of that in e-mail of late.
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 21 2007
@ justjess Wow just I've run into another bleeding heart. I crying and moaning for all the wrong people (crackheads, crack dealers, and slumlords). Yeah that was some property owner oh besides the fact that she hadn't even seen the property since she bought. Remember she picked up the rent from his parents. Oh and that was some outstanding citizen, but isn't he in jail for robbing and stabbing a man now? Before we turn this into a black/white thing, I'm a 26 year old black male from West Jackson. I attended French Elementary, Hardy, then Murrah. Where exactly do you think these "outstanding youth" would be if they weren't with Melton?
- nobody likes me
- Aug 21 2007
Nobody... "Where exactly do you think these 'outstanding youth' would be if they weren't with Melton?" Why don't you ask Fredrica Brunson and Michael Taylor that question?
- xxgreg
- Aug 21 2007
Looks like WJTV is going to report the news today. I hope they credit Adam with the sheriff endorsement. He broke it to the JFP.
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 21 2007
do you think I'm just making stuff up or something. Look just b/c JFP didn't cover it doesn't mean it didn't happen. I don't know the guy's name, but it happen at the KFC in Westland Plaza. Ring any bells? He just snapped and start stabbing his mother and sister from the backseat of the car. So since you're a big Faye supporter I guess you agree with her letting this scum off with a slap on the wrist? She's so hell bent on keeping her "high conviction" rate she pleas any and everybody to lesser charges. Somebody please justify that....
- nobody likes me
- Aug 21 2007
Nobody likes me....uh, let me guess why. I agree that this statement.. “If Frank Melton is in support of a candidate, I’m against them." is the BEST THING I'VE HEARD!!! I totally agree and I think it proved to be a very honorable thing for McMillian to come out publicly and make that statement. I think people are not as stupid as Frank would like to think. WE know what's happening here and I appreciate Mcmillian for being so candid and direct. Frank should too. And so should you, whether you agree or not. Who says Frank gets to be the only one to speak in a TO THE POINT fashion in politics in this city.
- Queen601
- Aug 21 2007
Oh, I guess I should have read the other posts before I commented...seems as if I have just echoed the obvious. Well, sorry! That one post just got me. My bad!
- Queen601
- Aug 21 2007
We need somebody charge, try, and convict these career criminals. That statement in of itself is something I can agree with, but you're missing the point. That was the same excuse by Frank's supporters who thought this trial was a political witch hunt. I'll also wish a lot of these other cases could go to trial a lot sooner than they do, but it doesn't mean we should turn a blind eye to public officials' wrongdoings. A city (or any political jurisdiction, for that matter) is a good as its leadership and the leadership is a good as the constituents allow it to be. So what does it say about a city when it allows its leadership to run amok without repercussions? We get chaos and we as constituents can only blame ourselves for it.
- golden eagle
- Aug 21 2007
nobody likes me "and I know why," believe it or not, I knew your race, your age group and the fact that you are male. I also had a fairly good idea about where you live and what school(s) you attended. There is an African-American Sociologist who lives here in Jackson who has done research on this population who represents 65% of the population in Jackson. The category was scored as the most vulnerable to financial and political abuse by personalities such as melton's. This population is used for easy prey. My GM had a fourth grade education; however, she could read, write and do math. She had a lot of wit and wisdom and allowing irresponsible people to be in our company or letting us roam with people who talked a fast game was not in her stars. This 65% are the melton supporters. You are also his victims. Just put away all of the emotional stuff and forget what melton said. You can think for yourself. Don't go off half- cocked. If you had read the CL article, you would have know that it wasn't Faye Peterson who bumped that case. If you would allow yourself to think rationally, and I know you can, you will realize the importance of the urgency of the mayor's case being tried with immediacy. By the way, at age twenty-six, there are some more things that can go on your resume.' You write well. Any plans for college? Don't get side-tracked with this melton crap. He has messed up the minds of far too many and I'm depending on you to think your way out of his box. Best of luck to you and no harm intended. I, too, am black and I have kids your age and older. The last thing I want is to harm a youngster, black, white or other.
- justjess
- Aug 21 2007
I have to leave for the day, but, before I go, I want to address the 2:57 post from "nobody likes me," which I just now saw for the first time. I handled both of those pleas for the State, and there were extreme extenuating circumstances involved in both cases. The pleas were as they were because of issues which I shall not discuss in detail here but which dealt with the defendants' mental health and the surviving family members' wishes, which were honored in great detail. If you always comment derogatorily about people and events without having all of the facts, then I can easily understand why nobody likes you. Sorry I can't stay for more of this exchange....
- Aug 21 2007
Ps, the person you called a "crack head" has a mental illness. Drugs are often used by paranoid schizophrenics to get rid of the voices. We need to be careful of how we judge the vulnerable. If you have has just one course in Civics, you know that in a Democracy, you do not shoot first and ask questions later. This is exactly what melton did in destroying that property.
- justjess
- Aug 21 2007
We'll be here, tomorrow, PSW. Come on back. It's great to have people on the inside respond to the allegations of anonymous posters, so people can decide for themselves.
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 21 2007
That's ADA Philip Weinberg for those who don't know. He's revealed himself before. So to speak. ;-)
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 21 2007
Where exactly do you think these "outstanding youth" would be if they weren't with Melton? You've got to watch that logic. There's a long history of young people being exploited because they had nowhere to go. I mean, start with Hitler's Youth. Or al Quaeda, to go extreme. End up with gangs. I'm not saying that Melton is teaching to be criminals—the night of Ridgeway/Upper Level notwithstanding—but just because they seem to have nowhere else to go does not mean that Melton's way is good for them. I know he loves to mix up needy kids and more hardened criminals, but I for one am not buying it. I think that's just as likely to breed criminals, which his own history with them seems to support. That doesn't mean I don't want to see them helped. But they get double-screwed by their situation and then an electorate and leaders (Col. Taylor?) who doesn't care what happens to them in the home of their mentors. Two wrongs don't make a right, no matter how you crack it.
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 21 2007
justjess blah blah blah didn't mention my Masters in Computer Engineering from MSU and I'm about 4k per year away from the 28% tax bracket by the way. I'll say it again since you didn't read my post. Thanks I didn't know Faye wasn't 100% responsible. Oh almost forgot to hell with all crackheads even the retarded ones.
- nobody likes me
- Aug 21 2007
Also, to addres nobody's issue about plea bargains, we may not like plea bargains if the sentences are too soft, but if someone pleads guilty to a crime, thus forgoing a trial, it does help in speeding up some cases that could otherwise go to trial at a much later. It's one of those "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situations.
- golden eagle
- Aug 21 2007
Davey posted the following: "I think McMillin's statement has a lot to do with his bitterness towards Melton's endorsement of Lewis for sheriff. Enough with this, let's determine which individual is really best for DA." SPLENDID idea, Davey. Let us compare the two remaining candidates for District Attorney in Hinds County.... On the one hand you have Robert Smith, a defense attorney who has NEVER been the administrator of prosecutors, much less 12 or so that are employed up at the court house in Jackson. On the other hand, you have Faye Peterson, who has been in charge of prosecuting felony crimes in Hinds County for over six years, appointed once and elected to the position twice before the upcoming run-off next Tuesday. From what I understand, she has retained several prosecutors to this day from the Ed Peters tenure at the helm of the DA's office. She has also been responsible for hiring other assistants, getting grant positions, assisting with the lobbying the legislature for state paid positions, meeting and counseling victims of violent crimes and property crimes, etc. Before we get to the trial experience, Davey, who is the best candidate so far? Trial experience. Robert Smith has NEVER prosecuted a violent felony. Faye Peterson has prosecuted numerous murder cases, robberies, and property crimes. And by prosecuted, I mean getting guilty pleas for murders, (which means a life sentence without the possibility of an appeal overturning the jury verdict) AND going to trial and getting 12 citizens of Hinds County to agree that the bad guy was guilty. Homicides, Robberies, Property Crimes, Sex Crimes, you name it, she has prosecuted it. Now. Go ahead and compare the two candidates' abilities, the various endorsements notwithstanding.
- xxgreg
- Aug 21 2007
Oh almost forgot to hell with all crackheads even the retarded ones. Are we mighty compassionate today? Oh, I forgot, to hell with them.
- golden eagle
- Aug 21 2007
Don't ya'll think y'all are being a little too hard of Nobody. Y'all done drove the man into talking about his cash and lack of empathy for crackheads.
- Ray Carter
- Aug 21 2007
Nobody likes me, I would like to clear a few things up that you have all wrong. Every defendant has a right to either go to trial or plea. If a defendant decides that he/she wants to plea there is nothing the DA can do about that. You can not force them to go to trial. Secondly, every judge has the right by law to accept a plea or deny it. As for Frank's case, if it was a crack house, where is the crack? Thirdly, Judge Webster is the same judge that has allowed one or two circuit clerks in other counties to run for re-election after embezzling several thousand dollar so please stop making up stuff and look at the facts.
- td
- Aug 21 2007
NObody likes me. Iam a black male, 23 grew up in west jackson off capital by the zoo, I went to lake elementary, Hardy and jim hill, all that being said you dont speak for the inner city you speak for your blind self. If you believe the news than your crazy, that same news try to make all black young males look bad including you, your not excluded cause you got a degree from mississippi state. Faye Is a real black woman and so is judge green, so stop trying to tear down black women from jackson who has earned our respect, i know your momma who is black taught you better.
- NewJackson
- Aug 21 2007
If it's any help Nobody, the Willimas Brothers, gospel recording artists from Mississippi, made a song saying, "I'm just a nobody trying to tell everybody about somebody who can save everybody." I doubt the song has any application to the DA's race, but your name made me think of the song. Justjess and LW are probably familiar with the song, and perhaps, you are too. I saw Ms. Peterson at breakfast this morning. She was just as nice and pleasant as usual. She even sought me out to speak to me. Anybody who will seek me out to speak to me is an outstanding person by all accounts.
- Ray Carter
- Aug 21 2007
Folks, here is a preview of some stuff we have in the print edition this week. We did some factchecking in response to Robert Smith's comment that Peterson isn't involved in trying cases. Here are some of the cases she herself has tried and the outcome. The following violent crimes are among the cases that she has tried and the defendant has received a jury verdict of guilty: Omar Jackson (01-1-128) armed robbery jury verdict guilty and jury set sentence at life w/o parole... 9-18-03 Sinardo Moffett (04-0-276) murder jury verdict guilty life sentence 10-5-06 Adrian Willard (03-0-459) jury verdict guilty cap. Murder sentence of life w/o parole 4-11-06 Richard Mitchell (03-0-798) jury verdict guilty cap. Murder sentence of life w/o parole 11-30-06 Demarius Banyard (03-0-460) jury verdict guilty cap. Murder sentence of life w/o parole 7-26-06 Darrius Eubanks (04-0-285) jury verdict guilty cap. Murder sentence of life w/o parole 7-26-05 Ronnie Edward Smith (03-0-967) murder jury verdict guilty life sentence 3-11-05 James R. Williams III (03-0-309 murder jury verdict guilty life sentence 3-18-05 (please notice the back-to-back trial weeks and murder guilty verdicts) Clarence E. Ferguson (03-0-645) murder jury verdict guilty life sentence 7-11-05 William Scott (02-1-149) jury verdict guilty cap. Murder sentence of life w/o parole 3-31-05 Cassandra Younger (01-1-103) jury verdict guilty cap. Murder sentence of life w/o parole 4-7-04 The following violent cases were disposed of by plea by Faye within the last few years. Most of the cases were pled on the date of trial, which means, although the case did not have to be tried, the prosecutor had to prepare for trial: Andrew Eubanks (04-0-057) pled guilty to murder (Judge Green sentenced to 30 years, 20 suspended, 10 to serve) 10-5-06 Marvin Harris (04-0-289) pled guilty to murder life sentence 10-24-05 Eric Robinson (04-0-275) pled guilty to manslaughter 20 yr. sentence 10-16-06 Eddie Smith (03-0-306) pled guilty to murder life sentence 7-12-05 Damion Prince (04-0-830) pled guilty to murder life sentence 11-6-06 Robert Bufford (03-0-800) pled guilty to accessory after the fact to murder sentenced to 2 years, 11 months 7-19-05
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 21 2007
Here's my theory on the Ledger by the way: They have figured out that they have been snookered these last few years by the folks who want to spread falsehoods about the D.A. (and, boy, have I gotten them; funny how the confirmations and sources never come as fast as the accusations). They are in the corner, licking their wounds and hoping people don't notice that they ignore the race.
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 21 2007
"I mean, start with Hitler's Youth. Or al Quaeda, to go extreme." Lawd have mercy, now the man is Hitler? By the way I've never said I'm a Frank Melton supporter. I did say it’s stupid not to vote for a candidate simply b/c Frank likes him. @Ray that was in response to justjess after personally attacking me. He questioned my intelligence. I'm not here to personally attack anybody, b/c I don't know or care to know any of you on that level. @xxgreg good point. Finally somebody is arguing the point instead of personally attacking others that don't agree with you. @ everybody I was warned that this forum was one big circle jerk (somebody else's words not mine) but I don't care. I'm here to stay.
- nobody likes me
- Aug 21 2007
I did say it’s stupid not to vote for a candidate simply b/c Frank likes him. I must be stupid, too, because I wasn't going to vote for anyone associated with Frank Melton. There's just too much at stake to have all city and county government under the tentacles of one man.
- golden eagle
- Aug 21 2007
Welcome home, Nobody. We don't all agree all the time, but we serve notice to all that we have a little sense over here, and we bring the pain on an intellectual tip whenever those strange-nuts or wing-nuts and the likes come to our house lying, perpertrating and signifying.
- Ray Carter
- Aug 21 2007
@Newjack I hear you, but I don't owe Faye, Green, or anybody else my loyalty just b/c they're black. Secondly if somebody reads the paper or watches the news then draws a conclusion about an entire race afterwards, then to hell with them to. If an individual draws conclusions about an entire race of people b/c of the TV then that's their hangups and you shouldn't worry about it.
- nobody likes me
- Aug 21 2007
nobody youve been on the clarionledger website huh and i guess lakeside res and salparadise warned you about jfp. The truth is the truth and you know what we actually have the truth over here at jfp, i dont work for jfp and have nothing to gain from them, but you know why i stand up for jfp because their passion for jackson almost matches mine so i dont care what you or anybody say jfp is closer to the truth than the ledge and dont blame jfp for that just tell the ledge to start telling the truth. If jfp was false than ill blast them but they are consistent. dont play with me when it comes down to jackson you can ask my fam people i go to school with and work with yall aint finna fool me, bring it on son.
- NewJackson
- Aug 21 2007
Great work Donna. I'm glad that the truth is being reported. To: Nobodylikesme, there is always much more to a criminal case than you read in the paper or hear in a 30 second blurb on the news. I hope you understood that from PSW's entry. As far as the speedy trial date that was set by Judge Webster for Melton's trial, I remember Webster saying from the bench that the trial date was set by him and that if he had had his way the trial would have been sooner. The grand jury indicted Melton and his crew. There was nothing political about that. The Sheriff investigated the case and forwarded his findings to the DA's office for presentation to the grand jury. The grand jury indicted Melton. Therefore, Peterson had a duty to prosecute. If she had not, she would have exposed herself to federal prosecution for malfeasance of duty. I see nothing political about the case. Maybe you should stop listening to buzzwords like "Political" and read and learn about the process before forming opinions.
- thetruth
- Aug 21 2007
Nobody likes a liar(nobody like me) thats one thing i know but give credit to where its do.
- NewJackson
- Aug 21 2007
Lawd have mercy, now the man is Hitler? Sigh. Somehow, I knew you would say that. *I* didn't, however. It is an analogy to prove the point that it's not OK to put kids in dangerous situations just because they are in trouble or in need of something. You can put it on many levels. Those are the most extreme. Lord, employ some logic here. @ everybody I was warned that this forum was one big circle jerk (somebody else's words not mine) but I don't care. I'm here to stay. Actually, it depends on how you act while you're here. That post itself is against the User Agreement. (All complaints about the site MUST go to [email]admin@jacksonfreepress.com[/email]; read the blog rules.) However, because you're new, I'll give you another shot at calming down and talking about issues and backing up what you post. Every comment on this thread, for instance, must be directly about the DA's race, or it's off-thread. Don't put words in other people's mouths. Don't complain about the way the site is run and disrupt a conversation. Back up what you say. Don't post unsubstantiated accusations. Talk about the thread you're in. And for God's sake, do not whine. Whining is not allowed because no. one. wants. to. hear. it. (Oh, and newjack, take a look at the Ledge forum listing right now. Just what does it say that their busiest "news" threads are ex-JFP trolls over there complaining about this site? THAT is wondrously delicious "new" for us here.)
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 21 2007
Thetruth is right; Webster did say that he wished the trial had been sooner. That complaint is a red herring, and that fish don't swim.
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 21 2007
nobody likes me, your keenyo i saw you on the clarionledger earlier today man blasting jfp, man your a rookie and easily convinced, dont nobody care if you got a degree your still foolish, thats funny i bet you think cause you went to miss state your a conservative now, you feel educated and your smarter than the average jacksonian, I go to J S U i must be slow and a liberal, Lol.
- NewJackson
- Aug 21 2007
Ladd they hate you over there at the ledge(the posters) your like a freedom rider from the 60's your tampering with their plan. And keenyo whats up man you came on here like that dude that played in the xfl( he hate me) why was you hiding dont you suppose to be a grown man with yo chest out go sit down. as ladd would say YOUR A TROLL.
- NewJackson
- Aug 21 2007
Ooo, thank you, NewJack, that was a great compliment. I do love that their big meme is that I suspend people who disagree with me. That's crazy funny, and the evidence is all over the site. I suspend jerks who are trying to derail the conversation and lodge personal attacks. And just by reading the threads, you can kinda see why some of those guys were booted.
Often, though, people will say they were booted who actually exiled themselves because the folks here challenged them to provide links to back up their comments. Then they pretend Bad Old Donner-Kay booted them so they can play the whiny martyr game. It also tickles me that they all complain about the Ledger, except when we criticize them on the merits for questionable journalistic practices (which the Society of Professional Journalists demands that all journalists do). A big part of our role here is corporate media criticism, and that ain't gonna change. Hell, Todd won a national award for it last year. OK, now I'm off-thread. Sorry. Back to the DA's race. Go, Dawgs. - DonnaLadd
- Aug 21 2007
- NewJackson
- Aug 21 2007
That's it. You. are. history. Badd Ladd just suspended your butt for dissin' my dawgs. (kiddin')
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 21 2007
- NewJackson
- Aug 21 2007
I don't know the guy's name, but it happen at the KFC in Westland Plaza. Ring any bells? He just snapped and start stabbing his mother and sister from the backseat of the car. Nobody Likes Me Sounds like a family problem. justjess blah blah blah didn't mention my Masters in Computer Engineering from MSU and I'm about 4k per year away from the 28% tax bracket by the way. I'll say it again since you didn't read my post. Thanks I didn't know Faye wasn't 100% responsible. Oh almost forgot to hell with all crackheads even the retarded ones. Nobody Likes Me Ah... arrogance. That does appeal to the Meltonites. Are you above the law too or just trying to make enough money to be so?
- pikersam
- Aug 21 2007
nobody likes me says: Oh almost forgot to hell with all crackheads even the retarded ones. OFF TOPIC: As a mental health advocate, I must clarify the fact that paranoid schizophrenia is NOT a form of retardation. It is an illness caused by a disorder in the brain, the same organ where strokes, epileptic seizures and Alzheimer's occur. I'm sure that the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the National Institute of Mental Health and Schizophrenia.com would agree with me. Okay, back on topic.
- LatashaWillis
- Aug 21 2007
I agree with McMillion and Purvis and I’m going to say ‘Enough is Enough of Frank and those who feel the need to have to support what is wrong. I give high regards and respect to both McMillion and Purvis for standing up, when only a few will do this, for lack of unknown reason. Faye Peterson is the most qualified candidate for this position, she is a strong black woman who through her action has demonstrated that she will do her job and not turn a blind eye to the rich and corrupt ones. Robert Smith as McMillion stated is directly related to Melton and is in his back pocket and now owes him. You can bet he will come to collect from him and it does not matter at who’s expense. The citizens of Jackson needs to wake up, this is not a science project and not hard to figure out, that this is a setup. Our current DA has done nothing but her job, even when in our eyes it might not be favorable. This woman of courage in spite of the attacks continues to stand in the most difficult situations. She has the experience and is qualified to do the job, unlike those that should be protecting us and preventing crime from occurring and getting to this office for prosecution. I can’t wait until re-election comes for Melton and his City Council supporters, elected but sold out. Whom ever runs against them I will be working with them to defeat this madness. Jackson needs progress, jobs and new development, which this administrations knows nothing about or how to accomplish this. Crime and prevention is the responsibility of the police, yet they want to report it as the DA’s issue, when we call for protection, we call the police ’911’. The last time I checked this number gets you there, not to the DA’s office. I hold the chief responsible for the crime, surely if we reviewed their job descriptions we would find the responsibility there. Great job McMillion and Purvis, your action displays that the citizen of Jackson is who you represents. Robert Smith needs to go back and defend those whom he has been protecting and fighting to put them back on the streets of Jackson; the money he has made from the criminals is dirty. Finally JFP has it right and thanks for reporting the truth. The CL needs to be boycotted, I will never subscribe to their paper.
- Aug 21 2007
"nobody likes me, your keenyo i saw you on the clarionledger earlier today man blasting jfp, man" @ NewJack Duuuh never said I wasn't kennyo. As matter of fact that's my screen name on here. Obviously you DIDN'T READ my comments over on CL. Here's exactly what I typed in that thread (I've never really read JFP. What's the deal? Are they really conservative or liberal? Which opinions do they edit out and which do they keep?) As you can I see I knew absolutely nothing about this publication or ladd. And if you ever go visit the site you'll see I argue with Sal and the conservatives all the time. Again if you think that I'm better than you b/c I went to MSU and you attend JSU then that's your hangups. I don't know nor care to know you personally. I was attacked personally so I responded. I love JSU that's where my shoe shine man went to school. (kidding) well kinda
- nobody likes me
- Aug 21 2007
Who cares? People can go look for themselves. Talk about the DA's race here.
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 21 2007
I get the feeling that by this time next Tuesday, Faye is gonna win and win big. Too much momentum is going her way, especially with Michele Purvis' and Malcolm McMillin's endorsements.
- golden eagle
- Aug 21 2007
I expect to see a veritable fleet of garbage trucks between now and then. You ought to see my e-mail.
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 21 2007
I wonder if anyone has truly looked at this city crime problem. When the week end comes it gets crazy, and a lot of time the craziness don’t wait for the week end. When I ride through Jackson, the police presence is no where to be found, unlike riding through Rankin, Madison, Clinton or Pearl. Could it be the criminals knows this scenario? Criminals - “We can commit this crime and by the time the police arrive at any incident, we will be home watching the news unfold and laughing because they want find us to make an arrest.” Then we are told as if we are deep in the forest and can’t see the trees, we are making the arrest but the DA’s office want prosecute. I’m not fooled because if you watch enough of the news, they then tell you we need your help locating this person on the crime story. We need to place accountability where accountability should be placed and hold Frank and Anderson responsible. What would be the ideal situation is to remove Frank, Stokes, Bluntson, and Anderson from these positions, they are not qualified. Vote for representation like Crisler, McLemore, Peterson, Barrett and McMillion; for these are elected officials who’s agenda is in sync with a developing city and not for personal gain, and Childs play. It is evident from the responses posted that 99% of the opinions on this site, can see beyond the trees and recognizes the truth. It does not take a brick upside the head, to understand that the business of this city is not being taken care of and these elected positions are not for the good old corrupt men club. McMillion is dead right, Robert Smith is aligned with Melton, and this city deserves better. A VOTE TO RE-ELECT FAYE PETERSON, HINDS COUNTY DA, supports the visions for this city.
- Aug 21 2007
I expect to see a veritable fleet of garbage trucks between now and then. You ought to see my e-mail. Must be one smelly inbox.
- golden eagle
- Aug 21 2007
Good morning, everyone. Footnote for the day: This area produces a lot of crime. Some of it is solved. Some of it is not. That which results in indictments by the grand jury (not the D.A.) is actually handled rather efficiently in the courtrooms available; however, there are not enough of them to try all of the cases. Those who are really interested in the process should come watch it work sometime. Then they might understand why there are pleas and plea bargains (they are not necessarily the same thing). Meanwhile, voters would do well to simply examine the candidates' qualifications and experience and make an informed decision next Tuesday. Such a study would clearly reveal that Faye Peterson is the only logical choice for district attorney.
- Aug 22 2007
Thanks Ladd for the information on Faye Peterson. Seeing this in black and white gives credence to the many cases that she has represented. The argument suggesting that Faye has not done anything but, "open the door and looked in on cases" is without merit when stacked against the evidence. Smith has really gotten caught up in this one. Again Ladd, you continue to be our #1 DRAGNET: Nothing but the facts.
- justjess
- Aug 22 2007
yeah ladd the truth will set you free
- NewJackson
- Aug 22 2007
I'm glad Smith got caught on this one. I'm sick of our political process being hijacked by bad media reporting - reporting gossip and lies rather than facts.
- Izzy
- Aug 22 2007
Vote Faye Peterson.
- dpsmith
- Aug 22 2007
OK, this is weird. WAPT just said McMillin is not endorsing Peterson, but has said he is not endorsing Smith. He told us he is endorsing Peterson. What kind of word games are these?
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 22 2007
And who works for WAPT now? I really thought Stewart Kellogg was smarter than this.
- pikersam
- Aug 22 2007
Wow! I heard Robert Smith speak tonight @ The Eudora Library. Can you believe Robert said, "Endorsement don't mean anything." If my memory serves me correct, Didn't I see Robert Smith commercial with Ed Peters endorsing him. What's wrong with Robert? Why did he do that commercial if endorsements mean nothing?
- Roc
- Aug 22 2007
It's called spin, Roc. LOL
- LatashaWillis
- Aug 22 2007
All, should we start a pool on when The Clarion-Ledger is going to report the sheriff's and Purvis' (and now former police chief Robert Johnson's) endorsement of Peterson? Are they sleeping through August? I vote for the day after the primaries. Anyone else?
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 22 2007
What Robert meant is the race isn't about who gets the most endorsements or does the most commercials. Michele proved the later. Robert is being a defense attorney. When the state has all this evidence going for them, you try to mitigate or minimize the effects of all those endorements or evidence. What y'all want him to do, say Faye got too much for him to compete against and just give up? Real opponents fight on no matter what's ahead of them. He's likely in a no win situation, unless he wins the election.
- Ray Carter
- Aug 23 2007
Ray his camp put out lies yesterday about Faye saying she invoked the name of Roberts three year old when it was a WLBT (not a media friend of Faye's) reporter who asked the question. The quickness of the letter and press release shows that it was probably just a Higginbottom stunt to try and discredit Faye. Considering the proof they are putting out, you can't discount my theory either. So, for Robert to say endorsements don't matter when he touts his own endorsements, like Ed Peters, then that is not minimizing - that is deceiving.
- pikersam
- Aug 23 2007
Yeah, Pike, I agree things are looking desperate and ugly. I'm losing some respect quickly for some people.
- Ray Carter
- Aug 23 2007
If he cared he would not have let Higginbottom go on Kim"s show and make a fool of himself. who cares about Smith's child?? what has that got to do with him being a capable DA?? I thought the whole thing stank. GO FAYE we will vote for U.
- jada
- Aug 23 2007
All, should we start a pool on when The Clarion-Ledger is going to report the sheriff's and Purvis' (and now former police chief Robert Johnson's) endorsement of Peterson? Are they sleeping through August? I vote for the day after the primaries. Anyone else? I vote never.
- golden eagle
- Aug 23 2007
go faye
- NewJackson
- Aug 23 2007
jada, I could see where the child's custody battle could be used against Smith by a political opponent. If it went down exactly like "the letter" is saying, then there may be something to the attack. But, I think that this is getting pinned on Faye unfairly. Much like they tried to say Kim Wade and Donna Ladd were working for Johnson because they had the guts to actually report on a story about Melton sexually abusing children (who later mysteriously died, and the FBI investigator went to work for Melton) that took up numerous front page headlines in the Clarion Ledger back in 1993/94/95 when it all happened. It's like Memento around here with some media outlets.
- pikersam
- Aug 23 2007
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