Someone just sent us the links to three new Peterson ads that are on youtube. They feature very interesting people in the community. we've also heard that there a number of hard-hitting radio ads out there by Margaret Barrett-Simon, Bennie Thompson, and maybe Leslie McLemore and John Horhn. Anyone heard those? Here are the videos:
Sandifer Murder
8000 Cases
Previous Commentsshow
What's this?WJTV aired commercial today during their noon newscast. It had the parents of Tawana Sandifer on there. The radio ads...I have not heard.
- golden eagle
- Aug 22 2007
These are GREAT!
- justjess
- Aug 22 2007
well, they arnt "enough is enough", but you saw how well that ad did.
- chimneyville
- Aug 22 2007
justjess, tell me which of the three you think is best. also, if you have time consider forwarding these ads on to people who might care to view them.emails may be the most effective mass media,right behind the JFP.
- chimneyville
- Aug 22 2007
Hey, these are awesome - a professional, quality job - she put those campaign funds to good use. I think "justice" holds the most appeal and really hits home for the everyday working person in the community. It says that she's on the job, helping everyone regardless of background, and that she is getting convictions. In other words, the lady knows her job.
- lanier77
- Aug 22 2007
those are good tv ads, a high profile case and people black and white all around hinds county that supports her, she just need to get her message out, beat the pavement airwaves and tv, you still gone have fools who vote for robert
- NewJackson
- Aug 22 2007
Thos are good. the Justice one is the best, I think.
- LatashaWillis
- Aug 22 2007
- LatashaWillis
- Aug 22 2007
The indian gas station owners all around jackson supported tyrone lewis and now they are throwing thier support behind smith. Jacksonians ought to see thier support for smith and support faye, the indian community dont care about jackson they would open a liquor store on every block if they could, they dont keep up their stores look at the one on ellis and raymond. they think they are better than the blacks and treat us like crap, they just want someone in the d.a office who will throw the book at anybody who is black, tell me this why you dont see them in madison or rankin county, them suburbanites aint gone have them out there but our city officials let them spread thier liquor stores anywhere theres pavement and a biulding with a door. I remember two years ago the city was complaining that at the liquor store by jackson state on the corner of ellis and lynch that they gave them a permit to open a washer but they opened a liquor store(money hungry devils)
- NewJackson
- Aug 22 2007
Chimneyville, I got chill bumps from the one on "JUSTICE." I think that this is the answer to the old complaint that Faye lets all of the criminals get off. She was so forceful in this one and very assuring as she laid it out about her 8,000 cases. The one with Banks was good and I think that it will appeal to a certain sigment of the community: He, in other words is singing to the choir. I have mailed this link to several people and I will continue to do so.
- justjess
- Aug 22 2007
i just called david hampton and he said they didnt have the time to met with everybody before auhust the 7th i guess to gather up enough information on the candidates in the D.A race to endorse anyone of them but said they would endorse for the 28th, i said yall endorsed for madison and rankin that guest dude, he replied we knew about those candidates so we had enough information to endorse for that race, and then he asked me who was i for, i said iam for anyone who has jackson best interest at heart and he asked me again and i said iam for peterson. and then i said yall be scared at the clarionledger, yall be cutting jsu attendance numbers at the game and yall didnt report the truth in the last mayoral election he was quiet after that and then i said bye.
- NewJackson
- Aug 22 2007
Chimneyville, I just e-mailed over a hunder people and have asked that they forward to all of their links. Spelling correcting "segment."
- justjess
- Aug 22 2007
That was a nice commercial that judge Banks participated in?
- Ray Carter
- Aug 22 2007
These commercials are awesome. I like the one with Fred the best, good job to whomever put them together. There is a good cross section of the community with Fred, Judy, Jimmie. Justice is my second choice.
- maad
- Aug 22 2007
I did Faye's TV spots. When first approached about doing these ads, I had reservations. The media has presented Faye in a way that disturbed me. On the advice of Malcolm McMillin (I did his ads), I agreed to meet with her. I found her totally different from my perception. The one thing that the media doesn't report -- the DA's office only prosecutes Felony crimes. So the overall issue of crime in Jackson isn't directly related to her office. Ditto for the amount of convictions her office has achieved. She impressed me as genuinely concerned, experienced and committed to her job. So I agreed to take her on as a client. Fred Banks' support impressed me, as did he, as a the man. The Sandifer's story knocked me down. Lida Gibson's story is very real. Unfortunately, Faye may not have the campaign funds to air these ads to the level needed. So your support is important. Spread the word. Jim Dollarhide. PS: I am one of the few people who can cross political lines. I’m working for Haley, Phil Bryant. I did Frank Melton (sorry about that). And of course, I’ve done all of Mac’s spots, since he first ran for Sheriff.
- Jim Dollarhide
- Aug 22 2007
PS: There is a new spot called: SYSTEM WAS BROKEN. Just uploaded. Will be in the uTube search database by in the morning. Just search for: Faye Peterson.
- Jim Dollarhide
- Aug 22 2007
Thanks for the input, Jim. We won't get mad at you about Melton. Everyone has to earn a living, right? :-)
- LatashaWillis
- Aug 22 2007
Welcome to the site, Jim. Very forthright comments. Thanks for chiming in. Basically, you're saying the same thing I said in my editor's note this week. Faye Peterson is not the media-created monster pushed by Melton. She is very genuine, and that word needs to get out there. We are at a pivotal point in our county's history. A lot of people seem to be realizing that and coming together. I hope it's enough. No thanks to the mainstream media or, especially, The Clarion-Ledger.
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 22 2007
I became friends with Frank way back in the early years of his tenure at WLBT. He invited me to spend a day with him driving around the inner-city -- way back then. I was impressed with his commitment to the city, and particularly to the inner city. So when he decided to run for mayor, I was sort of ALL IN. Sort of odd for a guy who shoots for national Republican clients, Presidential races, Chip Pickering, Gov Barbour, etc. Even Haley said I was doing the right thing. But we all were mis-led. Frank was not who we thought he was. It was a stuggle to get him to do his ads and not be an "angry man". But he did what I asked and the result: Well it is history now. Somthing like 82 percent of the vote in the general election. (I might be wrong about the number) The Bottom-Line (so to speak) is that his election was a turnout to get rid of Harvey. He was his own worst enemy. In the end, he wouldn't pay me. Won't return my calls. Owes me ALOT of money. He betrayed me. I'll never have anything to do with him again. He's a low-life human being. Faye is genuine, sincere and most of all, she has the experience to move forward. Why start all over. So Good Luck Faye. If you have deep pockets and care about the Criminal Justice System in Hinds County. Call her up and give her money. She needs to get these ads on the air. THANKS. Jim D.
- Jim Dollarhide
- Aug 22 2007
Donna, Can't find your email address. Call me. Jim
- Jim Dollarhide
- Aug 22 2007
ladd (at) jacksonfreepress (dot) com
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 22 2007
WAPT just showed the ad with Ed "Backlog" Peters endorsing Robert Smith. The more I hear about Peters supporting Smith, the madder I get about the ignorance the local media have spread. And, WAPT, it is not a "de facto" endorsement from McMillin.
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 22 2007
Dollarhide>>In the end, he wouldn't pay me. Won't return my calls. Owes me ALOT of money. He betrayed me. I'll never have anything to do with him again. He's a low-life human being.<< This piece of news really breaks my heart.....but I am so glad you are on board with Faye. She deserves, no... earned, the right to be re-elected.
- Robert Johnson
- Aug 22 2007
^^^Robert Johnson is the former police chief, for the record.^^^
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 22 2007
Cottonmouth Blog just endorsed Peterson.
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 22 2007
Not only does she deserve to be re-elected. We Need Her. In this time of rising crime rates in Jackson, and the impact on economic development in our Capital City -- why start all over with someone who does not know the system. For God's Sake. We need to move forward. Not backwards. Bottom line, Mac told me this: Out of the choices, Faye is the BEST CHOICE. I trust Mac. The Criminal Justice System in Hinds County is a complex system. The first thing that happens in a violent crime is that there is a Victim. Then the Law Enforcement needs to do their job. They have to build the case, and present it to the Municipal Court. Then they have to present it to a Grand Jury. Only then, does Faye's office get the case. Many cases don't get this far. It is not the fault of the DA's office. This problem is IN THE CITY COURTS. Anyway, once she gets the cases, she is doing her job.
- Jim Dollarhide
- Aug 22 2007
BTW, there is a fundraiser tomorrow(thursday) after work at schimmels to raise money to fund the television buy for faye.. wlbt at 10pm for instance costs more than $400 just to run one thirty second ad.please come by if you can write a check.faye is a civil servant and is not in the habit of soliciting far as i can tell there is nobody out there pulling her dollarhide's message again.we can do this.
- chimneyville
- Aug 22 2007
Just added Jim's fourth ad for Peterson. In some ways, this one is the most powerful. It's really time that she play it really straight about the condition of the DA's office when she got there, and what she's had to clean up. Powerful stuff. Bravo, Jim.
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 22 2007
People do need to see these ads. I mean, The Clarion-Ledger (a) refused to report substantively on this race, (b) endorse in it or (c) report Purvis and McMillin's endorsements so far. Who are they so afraid of offending? Ed Peters? Dale Danks? Frank Melton? Frank Bluntson? Billy Mounger? The truth needs to be told people. The citizens need to demand it.
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 22 2007
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 22 2007
That new ad is the best one yet. She shoots straight from the hip. I think that if that commercial was played before the primaries, there wouldn't even have to be a runoff. I'm not surprised about Othor's endorsement. He's someone who's never afraid to speak his mind, that's for sure.
- LatashaWillis
- Aug 23 2007
the clarion ledger article in tis morning's edition is scary.the reporter covering the democratic party rally at the library quotes robert smith saying the race is "not about endorsements" but remarkably fails to explain what endorsements he is clearly referring you think the reportr actually reported the mcmillan/peterson endorsements but the editor later removed the passage?
- chimneyville
- Aug 23 2007
do you think the reportr actually reported the mcmillan/peterson endorsements but the editor later removed the passage? Sadly, I think that's possible. All eyes should turn on The Clarion-Ledger's metro/state editor, and why she chooses to report what she does and doesn't. She's been in that position a long time, and people over there says she has a warm relationship with Frank Melton. Her deposition in the Meridian case indicated that as well. That's fine, except that she is apparently the one who chose not to report the Ridgeway demolition (until after we did, forcing them to), that Melton was lying under oath in Meridian and now, it would seem, these huge endorsements. Unless Ronnie Agnew is coming in saying: Do not report the sheriff's endorsement, but report Smith saying why they're not important. And word is that he does not tell Simmons what to do. Oddly. I know that reporters there have been very frustrated with what she has allowed them to report about Melton; those stories are legendary by now. The question is: why? And why does Agnew allow her to gatekeep these kinds of stories? It is clear that the gatekeeping is keeping vital information from the public that they need to make civic decisions. (Oh, and remember that I heard Simmons say at a forum after the mayor election, in response to why they didn't report more facts about Melton, that the public didn't want to hear them.)
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 23 2007
Oh, and they're likely p!ssed that we reported the endorsements first. I've seen them sit on info after we broke the story. But that is unconscionable. It's not like we don't report what the public needs to know because the Ledger got to something first. I don't understand that "newspaper."
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 23 2007
That Clarion-Ledger piece is something. This is all they have about the D.A.'s race: Based on audience reaction, the district attorney's race between incumbent Faye Peterson and Robert Shuler Smith may have been the biggest draw. "There are people who have tried to keep Hinds County from being all that it is, but we need to start acting as one voice," roared Peterson, evoking cheers and rounds of applause. Smith snapped back. "This is not a popularity contest, and this is not about endorsements," he said. "We are not safe in this county, and that's what this is about." It may not have been enough to steal the show from Peterson, though. "Am I going back to that office? Tell me? Am I going back to that office?" she asked the crowd, some of whom responded with a standing ovation. Was not a single issue discussed!?! They've done nothing but horse-race reporting on this race, and they haven't even done that well. I think they're afraid to offend Melton and his big supporters. It really seems to be the only answer at this point. And the problem that if they suddenly start reporting the truth about the D.A.'s tenure/office, it will be a de facto admission that their reporting on that office has been screwed up for years. The scariest part is to think that they have editors at the Ledger who aren't even questioning the fact that they're keeping all this information from the public. Is there not a single editor there who can stand up for journalism and news value?
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 23 2007
Oh, and they're likely p!ssed that we reported the endorsements first. Let them be. They have no one to blame but themselves for their laziness.
- golden eagle
- Aug 23 2007
ladd i called david hampton yesterday, he said they didnt have time to met with hinds d.a candidates so they didnt have enough information to endorse anybody in that race, i then said well yall endorsed guest in the madison and rankin d.a race and he replied well we knew about those two candidates enough to endorse one but said they are going to endorse for the 28th, he then asked me who i was for i said iam for anybody who has jackson best interest at heart and he asked me again i said iam for peterson. I said yall be lying over there at the ledge about jsu football attendance numbers i go to the games i know, and didnt tell the whole truth in the last mayoral election. he was quiet after that and didnt say anything i then said bye.
- NewJackson
- Aug 23 2007
Hampton's feeding you some BS. How the hell can they not have time to meet with the candidates and gather info beforehand, especially if the candidates are in their own county? It's funny how the JFP can do a lengthy interview with the DA, but the Ledge could not find the time to call her and the other candidates and invite to meet with the editorial staff. Laziness.
- golden eagle
- Aug 23 2007
Faye met with the CL editorial board on Monday at 2PM. Why they won't report on their meeting with her, I don't know.
- Jim Dollarhide
- Aug 23 2007
Jim's fourth Ad for Petersom is awesome! Jim, when you send frank melton another bill for the money he owes you for services rendered, please remind him that he still owes the taxpayers of Jackson for his bodyguards trip to the Bahamas. LOL!
- justjess
- Aug 23 2007
Jim you said earlier folks wanted to get rid of Harvey thats why the voter turnout was high, frank fooled them just like he fooled you about paying you your money, Somes whites wanted harvey out because he wouldn't bow down thats the truth. I have no sympathy for yall who believed frank and supported him because of the news reports and clarionledger. yall helped mess jackson up because yall was easily convinced by a man who appeared to yall that he can put his foot on these young black "thugs" and save yall from the danger that would eventually spread to the suburbs, Harvey is compentent and an outstanding man with integrity and i bet he looks like a god compared to frank now, yall are the ones to blame.
- NewJackson
- Aug 23 2007
I totally agree NewJackson with your comment of 10:35am.
- Ray Carter
- Aug 23 2007
thanks ray these people that aided frank into office are just as much to blame, we was yelling to the top of our lungs that frank was bad for jackson and yall still closed your eyes, yall got me mad for sure, f**ls
- NewJackson
- Aug 23 2007
Oh God. Please. Frank was elected by 83 percent of the voting public. No political television campaign turns out that kind of support. (as much as I'd like to think it) JACKSON made a mistake. Get a Life.
- Jim Dollarhide
- Aug 23 2007
You are still largely correct, Newjackson, no matter what is said. Taking responsibility is not everyone's strongsuit.
- Ray Carter
- Aug 23 2007
you get a life some jacksonians made a mistake i voted for harvey, dont try to make it an overall thing, only 40,000 people voted thats not all of jackson, and that 83 percent was from that 40,000 and i dont care if everyone didnt vote that means it wasnt 83 percent of jacksonians. i dont need to get a life you need to go get your money from frank thats the only getting that needs to be happening right now.
- NewJackson
- Aug 23 2007
I would like to hear Frank's side of the story. Not that I'm likely to believe it with Frank's reputation. Seems funny that Frank wouldn't pay for all that good help. The commercials for Faye are outstanding to say the least.
- Ray Carter
- Aug 23 2007
rhetoric turns out that type of support, false rhetoric "frank i'll save yall from these violent ni**gas in jackson i'll crush them. yall got happy "finally we have a black man in jackson that will bow down to us and can help us take jackson back. Crime is up 42% i dont see any panic or blasting frank from the news or clarionledger like they did harvey. Jim iam 23 and a black young man from jackson getting my degree in history and political science fron jsu and when i get older iam going to be on the front line fitting the racists and agenda having people who want to destroy jackson with these black face candidates. its all about capitalism, if the news and the suburbs can make it seem that nowhere in jackson is safe and the sky is falling and beat that drum from dust to dawn who gain from that, the suburbs, we lose citizens and businesses to the suburbs that brings up their tax intake. I say draw the line its war against the suburbs. they dont care about jackson.
- NewJackson
- Aug 23 2007
NewJackson, I will have to give you an A+ on your comments and understanding of the issues of why and how Johnson was defeated. I noticed that Jim reported that Johnson was his own worse enemy. Just as Fay Peterson can not stand along in a fight against media, neither could Johnson. His Campaign did not have the funds or the resources to counter the constant lies being told and especially to that percentage of the population who put all of their eggs in Chicken Little's basket and the rest who knew better but could not follow the lead of an intelligent African-American male. No, the sky was not falling in the City of Jackson during Johnson's Administration: As a matter of fact, the sun was beginning to shine. Now, under melton, we are faced with an inevitable, fast approaching TSUNAMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! H E L P!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- justjess
- Aug 23 2007
NewJackson, I will have to give you an A+ on your comments and understanding of the issues of why and how Johnson was defeated. I noticed that Jim reported that Johnson was his own worse enemy. Just as Fay Peterson can not stand along in a fight against media, lies and garbage promoted by the CL, neither could Johnson. Those folks at the CL had all of the stories and there were enough black folks there, to include Eric Stringfellow, who knew melton up one side and down the other. His Campaign did not have the funds or the resources to counter the constant lies being told and especially to that percentage of the population who put all of their eggs in Chicken Little's basket and the rest who knew better but could not follow the lead of an intelligent African-American male. No, the sky was not falling in the City of Jackson during Johnson's Administration: As a matter of fact, the sun was beginning to shine. Now, under melton, we are faced with an inevitable, fast approaching TSUNAMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! H E L P!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- justjess
- Aug 23 2007
First off Jim you need to sue him. Get Danks, he loves to sue. Second, I am tired of hearing about the 83% victory margin he won by. That was against a paper tiger candidate Whitlow, who doesn't even live in Jackson. He moved to Flora with his lady friend. He doesn't have the heart or intestinal fortitude for the job! In the Dem Primary, where the real race was, it was much closer. And, yes the NJax whites who seem to think Melton was a better 'black man' to run the City are very responsible for this tragedy. Go look at the campaign finance reports, and you will see that some very deep white pockets gave money to Melton. I'd say the combined contributions of the McGowan-Baroni ($10,000), Mounger ($5000+), Speeds ($7000+), Irby, Barksdale , many other names I recognize were far greater than the lot of African Americans that donated money to his campaign. Melton himself gave over $100,000 to his campaign - something not all candidates, like Harvey, are able to do. They bought us this misery. And, now the Ledge and the folks that still support him want studies done for Jackson's future. Harvey did those studies and got railed by the Ledge and the uninformed white folks for "studying too much, and being slow." What a crock! BTW: Many of those I listed are supporting Smith for DA. They are like the Who's "Tommy" - deaf, dumb, and blind.
- pikersam
- Aug 23 2007
Amen, Pike.
- Ray Carter
- Aug 23 2007
Dam, Sam, you laid this one straight on the table.
- justjess
- Aug 23 2007
lets be real on here, the only way is to start with the truth. Was harvey anywhere bad as Frank. When i played football at jim hill frank used to invite us over before the game and feed us i saw so much traffic in there it was radiculous, and then he would brag to everyone that he feed us, i saw through him back then and still to this day, all these people suppose to be smart in their own rite and let frank fool them, no he didn't fool them they got what they wanted someone who would set jackson back and destroy us, for gentrification. iam young but i aint no fool.
- NewJackson
- Aug 23 2007
Thanks guys. I got fired up hearing him on the radio this morning. What a bunch of baloney.
- pikersam
- Aug 23 2007
Frank was clearly not the best man for the job. But with that being said, the best man for the job has yet to surface, because - at the risk of being attacked in a very well known fashion - Harvey J wasn't the man for the job either. He's contributions are appreciate for what he tried to accomplish while serving as Mayor...but he still doesn't offer what this city needs. He had his shot! He's a nice look for mayor and quite the gentleman, but the mayor for this city needs to be a little bit more able than Johnson is capable of being. Needs to be more hands on. Not afraid to get dirty with the dirty. Johnson is not of that breed of black man. He's a showman not a soldier! Jackson needs soldiers!
- Queen601
- Aug 23 2007
ladd... Please excuse my ignorance on this, but what is the "Cottonmouth blog"?
- xxgreg
- Aug 23 2007
I think Jackson needs a solution to the crack epidemic & it's horrible impact on communities...what are the solutions? It's clear this problem hurt communities so deeply...I think that's why many turned to Melton, they thought he'd be tough on crime, turns out he's made the situation worse.
- Izzy
- Aug 23 2007
I agree Izzy. "Give me some money. I hope I don't have to resort to knocking an old person in the head," so said Gator aka Samuel Jackson in Jungle Fever to his younger brother Wesley Snipes.
- Ray Carter
- Aug 23 2007
These are the highest quality ads I have seen this political season, even taking into consideration the statewide campaigns. They are also among the best I have ever seen.
- xxgreg
- Aug 23 2007
please forward these ads via email to voters. dont forget the fundraiser tonight at 630pm at schimmels to pay to keep these ads up and running through tuesday.
- chimneyville
- Aug 23 2007
Queen601, what the hell are you talking about? You obviously don't know Harvey. Get down and dirty??? Why and when are we going to accept an intelligent, sophisticated honorable black man? When he does not act a fool, embrass us, on the take, control by the forces that be then something is not strong enough about him. Give me a break. Harvey had just what Jackson needed, the problem was Jackson was not ready for him.
- maad
- Aug 23 2007
JFP I think that after the campaign is over, some effort should be made to hit CL in the pocket where it will truly hurt. Through whatever media, they need to be exposed and the citizens needs to given an opportunity to not purchase their paper, until they apology for this type of behavior. I think a call for the editor job should also be a stipulation. With the endorsements Faye has received this should be enough support, to start speaking out against how they report news for this city. Let's bring in the TV camera and the marchers against them and let them know we will no longer tolerate bad journalism, we want fair, news worthy and true reporting. Nothing short of that, or they can leave this city. Please reply.
- Aug 23 2007
I'm on vacation, BJM. ;-) So, I'm not diving into that stress now. I only will say: People already have all the power when it comes to The Clarion-Ledger. A newspaper is only as good as the loyalty of its readership. Ciao, all. I'm out. The sound of the waves await.
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 23 2007
Ciao, all. I'm out. The sound of the waves await. ladd So, got a houseboat on the Rez for the weekend... Cool! ;-) Have fun!
- pikersam
- Aug 23 2007
queen601 your wrong about harvey, dead wrong, foolish i say.
- NewJackson
- Aug 23 2007
Yeah, I expected to be called a couple of names here on that harvey comment. However, I think that it's a very complacent attitude that you must have in order to be okay with just getting by. I don't care one way or the other about what yall say about me. But the fact is, ya boy Harvey DID NOT GET THE JOB DONE. Yall are only on his jock because you have nothing else to compare him to but FRANK. In that case, I suppose if my mind was a closed to newness and progression, I'd probably be convienced that Harvey was worth a dam too. At any rate, still and all he looked good and that's about it. I'm waiting on yall to pull all the articles on how much he did and give me some forms of reference to show me that he did more than held office and tried to get a darn convention center built. I mean it's not a problem to come up with documents and proof showing that Frank is NOT THE where is all that proof that Harvey was the man. Until then, consider yourself to be the foolish one here. ANd it has nothing to do with being sophisticated dude, commo. You act like you're either a lunactic or you're a destinguished gentleman....that's ridiculous. There is a middle ground. Although most of you Harvey Jock Ryders are probably not familiar with that. Extremists I'd say. At any rate, he represented whom when he was in office? Alphas? Business men and women? White folks? WHo? Sure as hell didn't do much for the folks in the inner city. Didn't do a dam thang for those who didn't have much. They still ain't go nothing. But that's the kind of thing we look to have in Mississippi. I bet yall think Harvey is the best we can a black man. RIDICULOUS and FOOLISH. Set your standards higher Mississippi. Stop taking what we get just cuz that's what you think the best is. It gets better than Harvey and Frank. Harvey is and was a yes man. That's not what this city needs....sorry.
- Queen601
- Aug 24 2007
Frank Melton being a dishonest man?! Noooooo. Get outta here! Vote Faye Peterson. District Attorney.
- dpsmith
- Aug 24 2007
Queen601, what exactly did you want Johnson to do that he could have done but didn't. Your comments are without merit and they are comments that you can do your own research on. You are treating Johnson the way that some Blacks treated Dr. Martin Luther King. He too, was accused of doing nothing but 'Stirring up trouble for Black folks." We spent a lot of time in different jails in MS trying to convience Black folks that we could stand up and be counted if we stood together. Johnson was/is that kind of person. Because he is not a bragger and the fact that some folks are comfortable believing what the CL and some others who have planted these seeds of IGNORANCE, good folks are in a no-win situation. Intelligent Whites knew/know who Johnson was and the things that he did that benefited the City at large. There job was to keep you from knowing and apparently with you and some others, it worked. Johnson's understanding of the issues of poverty, racism and how to develop a City economically is phenomenal! So, don't keep running around healping to spread wrong information about a person who worked from sun up to sun down daily trying to make this City one that all citizens could be proud of. The information of Johnson's accomplishment are out there. You are bright enough to have something else in your assessment other than "he didn't do a damn thing for those who didn't have much." This is a cop-out. Have you ever talked personally to Johnson. Maybe someday soon we can meet and ask him to be present.
- justjess
- Aug 24 2007
To get back to subject, the Peterson Ads are great! I also saw several this am. Charlotte Reeves did a radio commercial for her. It is priceless! It is good to know that we can spend more dollars in MS for these type of services that we have historically gone out of State to purchase.
- justjess
- Aug 24 2007
Queen601, last time I'm going to address you and your foolishness. The convention center may seem a small thing to you, but jobs for the citizens of Jackson are not small. These are labor, electrical, and other type jobs that help all citizens. Westland Plaza was revitalized with matching funds from the City under the Johnson Administration. The interchange on I220 & Boling St. under Johnson Administration. Johnson visited every Public School (not JA or Prep) to talk with the kids about drugs and buckling up for safety. More contracts were awarded to minorities during his administration than any other mayor. He was constantly visiting churches, not just during election time, but throughout his tenure talking and worshipping with citizens. I could go on and on because unlike you, I know the kind of person Johnson is and to say he was only interested in a certain group is a lie. He was/is still for all the citizens of Jackson.
- maad
- Aug 24 2007
I think the fact that we would have well over 500 officers right now, and a balanced budget that is transparent are reasons that we would have been better off with Harvey.
- pikersam
- Aug 24 2007
I just saw one of Robert Smith's Ads. It featured (I think) nameless victims (or relatives of vitims). Pretty hard hitting negative ad against Faye. And it ends with Ed Peters. It all looks pretty stilted to me, but I was just wondering if anyone knows who these people are, what the case(s) was, or anything else about it ? For a candidate who is rumored to have some heavy-hitter NE Jackson republicans supporting him, it seemed pretty crude, but if if this ad or others like it, runs heavey, it could be effective.
- Jim Dollarhide
- Aug 24 2007
For a candidate who is rumored to have some heavy-hitter NE Jackson republicans supporting him, it seemed pretty crude, but if if this ad or others like it, runs heavey, it could be effective. Yep,. definitely sounds like a defense attorney maneuver - trying to poke holes in Peterson's performance.
- LatashaWillis
- Aug 24 2007
Jim, I saw that negative ad as well. It is my understanding that it involves a case in which a child died as a result of an auto accident. There was no alcohol involved in the accident and therefore no criminal liability. The case was never referred to Peterson's office for prosecution by the Sheriff's department. In fact, when Peterson became aware of the death, she asked the Sheriff's office to look into the matter. So the statement that Peterson refused to prosecute is a lie. Furthermore, the man speaking on the add has a lengthy criminal record which includes both felony and misdemeanor convictions. Once again Smith is surrounded by criminals and ex-cons. Ed Peters is also in their company as well.
- thetruth
- Aug 26 2007
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