A hat tip to The Clarion-Ledger for endorsing Faye Peterson, and for substantive, real reasons. They were late on the D.A. race—not endorsing and barely covering it before the primaries—but they seemed to have spent the additional time doing research on the D.A.'s office, its challenges and Peterson's real track record, not the one pushed by her opponents. This is the kind of journalism and studied decisions the public deserves to see more of from the Ledger. A lot rides on this race, and it appears that their editorial board got it. Good job, edit-boyz.
Peterson has held the office for six years during a difficult period of shrinking resources and increasing crime and workload.
There are plenty of valid criticisms of the Hinds County justice system and, being an elected district attorney, Peterson has felt the brunt. However, Peterson has performed admirably under the circumstances.
She has taken on difficult cases for the sake of the community and families involved, even when the chance of winning might not have been good.
She prosecuted Mayor Frank Melton when it was not politically popular, but the law demanded it.
But the DA's office is not about political popularity or the percentage of wins; it is about pursuing justice and she does that with a passion.
Previous Commentsshow
What's this?We kept Frank's flunky out of the sheriff's seat, let do it in the DA race.
- willwork4food
- Aug 26 2007
i also heard to good radio spots for faye by coucilwoman barret simone and supervisor peggy calhoun but i liked ms simone's better it was direct and referred to frank as the town bully who dosent respect independent thinking women. i hope people hear those they show her rounded support. Robert has frank meltons so called pastor supporting him charles polk that says it all to me.
- NewJackson
- Aug 26 2007
now if the ledger will just do a critical piece examining smith's prominent clientele,who are largely professional gangsters, the circle could be completely drawn also, a critical piece on the DA's office is likewise fair game. it just kills me that this race has not been the subject of extensive reporting by our capital city daily.
- chimneyville
- Aug 26 2007
it just kills me that this race has not been the subject of extensive reporting by our capital city daily. Laziness. Just plain laziness.
- golden eagle
- Aug 26 2007
Here's horse-race reporting at its worst. He-said-she-said, no factchecking, just back and worth surface statements about the race. This kind of reporting does not help educate the citizenry. And it's how we got Melton as mayor.
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 27 2007
BTW, if that story about Peterson trying to expose Smith's custody battle is true, then why didn't she push it with the JFP? And if her campaign was shopping that story, wouldn't they have dropped it on The Clarion-Ledger, too? Food for thought. I'm beginning to agree with the JFP reader who said that Melton/Hickingbottom et al might have planted that story in order to blame Peterson for it. We all know what they're capable of, and they are acting desperate. It's important to remember in all this that Smith's future is on the line, too. It's very hard to be the designated puppet (even, or especially, if you don't want the job). If he wins, I can't imagine what is going to rain down upon him once he gets in there. For sure, he's gonna owe Peters big time. And Smith has shown no indication that he is tough enough to handle this pressure, as I write about in my editor's note this week. His mama is something, but I don't think she is any match for Melton-Bluntson-Peters-Danks-Hickingbottom. It seems like everyone who has lined up behind Smith publicly is part of Melton's caucus, and that is telling, whether or not it is of his doing. I fear we're dealing with an extreme form of naivete here.
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 27 2007
Donna, did you notice that in today's CL article about the DA's race there was one major endorsement that the CL "forgot" to include? That's right, Jimmie Gates forgot to include McMilllin's endorsement. I for one think that McMillin's endorsement is probably the most influential of all the endorsements. Certainly even if Jimmie forgot to mention it one of the top notch editors would have corrected his oversight. That is assuming it WAS an oversight.
- thetruth
- Aug 27 2007
What about the large contingent of black pastors who came out in favor of Faye? The CL listed Robert Smith's endorsement by a couple of pastors and a doctor, but left out the bigger group of black clergy endorsing Faye and the contribution of one of the most recognizable businessmen in the state in Con Maloney. The CL's pants are down. Even with the recent endorsement of Peterson, the state's largest newspaper is being exposed for what it is. This is embarrassing, really.
- xxgreg
- Aug 27 2007
Got a free issue of the Jackson Advocate in the driveway this weekend. They don't do that often, so I had to retrieve the paper and see why, Sure enough, on the front page, they are endorsing Robert Smith for DA.
- LatashaWillis
- Aug 27 2007
Wonder who paid for that extra distribution run? I had really hoped that the new Advocate wouldn't be such a predictable mouthpiece for Melton, but that doesn't bode well. I noticed, Greg, that the Ledger didn't mention the black pastors who supported Peterson. You get the feeling that the edit-boyz came to their senses, but that the metro-state editor is still toeing the Melton line, eh? I doubt that will ever change. BTW, has anyone gotten Smith's campaign finance report yet? I'm still, technically, on vacation so any help y'all can give Adam today would be great. I'll be home tonight.
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 27 2007
Oh, and McMillin. How in hell do you leave him out!?! I smell a rat at the Metro desk.
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 27 2007
In an interesting twist, there is also a front page article written by Stephanie Parker-Weaver. In it she talks about Bob Higgingbottom (how she spelled it) trying to strongarm her into endorsing Robert Smith on Straight Talk. She called him a "legend in his own mind" a "flunky" and a "gofer".
- LatashaWillis
- Aug 27 2007
Interesting, L.W. Frankly, we heard about that happening at WMPR, but didn't have enough sources to confirm it so we could run it. If the story we heard is correct, that was some day. And it might indicate that Parker-Weaver is seeing the light ... or something. I wonder if all the FBI subpoenas floating around are causing the machine to hiccup a bit. I don't mean that toward any particular person, but more about the idea that, suddenly, many people might be realizing that there may yet be consequences to being a lapdog for everything that Melton wants. We're hearing all sorts of stories about defections of late.
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 27 2007
Can you pay "poll workers" as he calls them on his campaign finance report? I thought the folks that volunteered for campaigns and were called "poll watchers?" They are not paid by most campaigns. I've never gotten a check watching the poll, just a donut and lunch if you were lucky. The County and parties pay for the poll workers. It may just be the County that pays? I'm not completely sure on this point. Either way he spent $10,500 paying these "worker/watchers!" So, who did he pay and for what purpose? Also, noticed that once again he has few individual donors, and most of his money comes from loans to his campaign. In fact the biggest check listed on his "6 day late report" (it was stamped today - Aug 27) was $4000 from Schwartz and Assoc. Guess he's fallen off the deep end too! He also got some money from one of the unions, and from IMS, the engineering firm who may be under investigation by the FBI for its involvement in trying to manipulate the awarding of the JPS Bond issue. Note that Smith may be "loaning" the campaign money from his pocket so that the people don't know where the money is really coming from? It would be very easy for him to work up some invoices for non-existent legal work then present them to Melton (or someone else) for payment. Then he takes those payments, and turns the money over to the campaign. He paid $22,000+ out of his pocket for TV ads. Maybe he should have asked Peters for money instead of appearing on his TV ad? Even Purvis had a list a mile long of individual donors who gave $100 or so. So, where are all the individuals supporting Smith? Doesn't look or feel right. Go look at other peoples campaign reports and see if they are as barren of individuals and full of personal loans.
- pikersam
- Aug 27 2007
What's most remarkable about the Advocate is that a newspaper that purports itself to be a voice for "the people"—black people—is actually supporting the candidate most preferred by powerful, conservative whites. They did the same thing with Melton, all the while blasting Leland Speed—whose family helped put Melton there. (Remember, Bessie hosted the Bravo breakfast, and you can look at the campaign finance reports for Speeds to see what I mean.) Meantime, they turn their back on Faye Peterson, who has shown no indication that she would turn on the rights of the people just because powerful whites would like her to. She hasn't even reached out to the white community for votes until recently—a mistake, I believe, on her part in the past. She has needed to do more to educate people, all the people, about what's really going on in that office. I understand why she hasn't; PR probably becomes a real low priority with the caseload and the mess of that office when Peters left it so suddenly. But people make bad choices when they don't get good information, and we sure can't rely on daily media in these parts to give it to us. If she wins, she needs to give serious thought to public education so people can make smarter choices and work closer with her office. In fact: do the exactly opposite of what Melton and Anderson have done.
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 27 2007
and from IMS, the engineering firm who may be under investigation by the FBI for its involvement in trying to manipulate the awarding of the JPS Bond issue. Really? That's interesting. Can you link to the report, Pike?
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 27 2007
Also, I don't know the deal with Schwartz, except that one of his attorneys has been on o a long, long campaign against Peterson, as I understand it.
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 27 2007
I wonder if all the FBI subpoenas floating around are causing the machine to hiccup a bit. I don't mean that toward any particular person, but more about the idea that, suddenly, many people might be realizing that there may yet be consequences to being a lapdog for everything that Melton wants. We're hearing all sorts of stories about defections of late. Uh huh. Having an as-long-as-he's-paying-me mindset will only carry you so far, if anywhere at all.
- LatashaWillis
- Aug 27 2007
OK. What's going on here? Am I reading correctly that Stephanie Parker-Weaver outted Hiccumbottom(sp). calling him a "flunkie and a gofer?" It is hard to believe that she would go against the grain of one of melton dearest and best supporters. Again, Ain't nothing Wrong; but, SOMETHING Ain't Right.
- justjess
- Aug 27 2007
I don't think I can link the actual report; but, here is the page were you type in the name of the candidate.
- pikersam
- Aug 27 2007
What I know, and can say, is that apparently there was a big fight at WMPR when Purvis said she was endorsing Peterson. What's disappointing to me is my friend Mr. Evers. He suddenly went to Melton's side, after criticizing him in very intelligent ways, and apparently has stayed there. Oddly, Mr. Evers has apparently accused McMillin of sowing racial division with his endorsement—because the sheriff endorsed a black woman over a black man??? Could there be a gender thing in all of this for these men? They sure act like it some time.
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 27 2007
She used my spelling! I still not sure how to spell his name. I've seen it both ways in print - Higginbottom, and Hickinbottom.... LOL!
- pikersam
- Aug 27 2007
On the gender thing, I would love to hear Barrett-Simon's ad about independent women. Any links? I couldn't find it. It is fabulous she did a commercial like that! McMillin, Barrett, and Peterson are not holding back in directly criticizing Melton through Smith. That's what we need over the enablers who just nod quietly as Melton speaks without even questioning the crud he's saying.
- pikersam
- Aug 27 2007
OK. What's going on here? Am I reading correctly that Stephanie Parker-Weaver outted Hiccumbottom(sp). calling him a "flunkie and a gofer?" It is hard to believe that she would go against the grain of one of melton dearest and best supporters. I know. I wish I could link to the article, but I can't find it on the Web site. It look like they don't provide online versions of their articles regulalrly.
- LatashaWillis
- Aug 27 2007
Somebody e-mail it, Pike. I'll see if I can convince Todd to put them up. He's on vacation, too, you know. ;-)
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 27 2007
Ladd, you know that Charles Evers always says, "I love GOD first, MONEY and WOMEN." Charles is always out for the dollar and it is well know about his Republican connections and what he has received over the years for his endorcements. Robert Schuler Smith had several fund-raisers at Evers' spots. One was weekend befor last on Hgw. 17 in Holmes County. Charles Tisdale operated the same way. The person who brought the bucks got the bang. Sadly, the community spoke at Mr. Tisdale's death by not allowing the title of "Civil Rights Activist" be given to him by any large segment of this community. I have heard Evers accuse melton of improper/criminal activity with "Young boys." Now he is angry with McMillian and asking how can a White man tell Black folks what to do. (Apparently he has not seen Ed Peters to determine color) He is trying to appeal to that % of the population who continue to support frank. Evers and Tisdale know and knew better. This is all a Black game that I sincerly hope backfires.
- justjess
- Aug 27 2007
Spelling: Hickingbottom. Yeah, it's funny how Ed Peters, Dale Danks and even Billy Mounger have become darlings of the Advocate crowd. Funny not in a ha-ha way.
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 27 2007
Wait, this may work.... PDF file. Note the received date is Aug 27, 2007 on that note: No one download and install Logitech's Setpoint 4.0 for their mouse and keyboards! Absolutely that worst driver's EVAR!
- pikersam
- Aug 27 2007
I am new to this forum. But I have an interesting tidbit of information which I witnessed today. I saw Frank Melton leaving the office of Judge Swan Yerger today. I hope they weren't discussing his protege's case (Michael Taylor).
- clarkkent
- Aug 27 2007
I'll be glad when this election is over. I'm more nervous than a can't-fight pit bull being drug into the Micheal Vick Dog Fighting School. I hope evryone does the right thing tomorrow.
- Ray Carter
- Aug 27 2007
Ray, in your expert opinion, what possible reason would Frank have to meet with Judge Yerger. Donna, could you fact check this?
- thetruth
- Aug 27 2007
It is always good to do the right thing. Maybe the Swan Yerger thing is linked to Shirlene Anderson getting sued! But, I think that is in US Court, so I'm probably wrong? ORDER authorizing adoption of the consent decree in the matter of Tanya Britton, et al. versus Shirlene Anderson, et al., United States District Court Cause Number, Cause No. 3:06CV374WHB-JCS (O’Reilly-Evans, Teeuwissen, Melton) (08/28/07)
- pikersam
- Aug 27 2007
She's the pro-lifer, I got it now... Oh well... :-(
- pikersam
- Aug 27 2007
I don't know why anyone would meet with Yerger unless forced. Maybe, birds of a feather stick together. Taylor? Asking Yerger to endorse someone? Who knows. I have no idea.
- Ray Carter
- Aug 27 2007
"Donna, did you notice that in today's CL article about the DA's race there was one major endorsement that the CL "forgot" to include? That's right, Jimmie Gates forgot to include McMilllin's endorsement. I for one think that McMillin's endorsement is probably the most influential of all the endorsements. Certainly even if Jimmie forgot to mention it one of the top notch editors would have corrected his oversight. That is assuming it WAS an oversight." I called Jimie Gates and he explained to me that McMillin wouldn't directly endorse Peterson. Just that anyone frankie was backing he was against, so it may not be the Ledger's fault afterall.
- Cliff Cargill
- Aug 27 2007
I guess any excuse is as good as the next.... From the WLBT website: McMillin says he's backing Peterson over Jackson lawyer Robert Smith because of Smith's association with Jackson mayor Frank Melton. "If Frank Melton is supporting a candidate, I'm against them," McMillin told WLBT. --------- What is unclear about McMillan's endorsement above? Is it the first 5 words? MCMILLAN SAYS HE'S BACKING PETERSON. Now the Clarion-Ledger has to approve of the reason for the endorsement before they will report the endorsement? Oh.
- xxgreg
- Aug 27 2007
I called Jimie Gates and he explained to me that McMillin wouldn't directly endorse Peterson. That's an asinine excuse coming from a reporter. Even if that's a fair characterization of Mac's position, a vote against Smith is a vote for Faye in this race. Have they reported McMillan's endorsement at all?
- Todd Stauffer
- Aug 27 2007
Now the Clarion-Ledger has to approve of the reason for the endorsement before they will report the endorsement? Oh. Well said.
- Todd Stauffer
- Aug 27 2007
"Even if that's a fair characterization of Mac's position, a vote against Smith is a vote for Faye in this race. Have they reported McMillan's endorsement at all?" Not that I've seen. It sure seems like a big story to me.
- Cliff Cargill
- Aug 27 2007
Oh, and he endorsed her to us. For the record. Again, there is a BIG problem at the metro/state desk. I think they're not reporting it before they're sniveling over the fact that McMillin broke it through the JFP. They're like that. BTW, ask for Grace Simmons when you call. She's the metro editor and responsible for what does, and does not, appear about the city.
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 27 2007
All the way with Faye Peterson.
- Aug 27 2007
Wow, Stephanie criticizing a Frank operative? Let me make sure I have my two quarters ready to get the Advocate tomorrow. What's disappointing to me is my friend Mr. Evers. He suddenly went to Melton's side, after criticizing him in very intelligent ways, and apparently has stayed there. When Frank was in charge of WLBT, your friend Mr. Evers used to criticize him every which way to Saturday and Sunday. I wonder what changed that.
- golden eagle
- Aug 27 2007
Eagle, you mean "HOW MUCH" changed that.
- thetruth
- Aug 27 2007
Perhaps there is some type of business dealings between these Republicans and Melton which could possibly explain their support of Schuler-Smith. It would be worth looking into. Faye has just gotta win! Vote Folks, Vote! And Vote Right!
- ChrisCavanaugh
- Aug 27 2007
I just thought about something. Could Peterson have lost votes because of the C-L endorsement?
- LatashaWillis
- Aug 29 2007
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