Donna Ladd and Ronni Mott are blogging live from D.A. Faye Peterson's post-election gathering at Hal & Mal's.
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What's this?Where was her party last time? McMillan's party was at Hal & Mal's, right?
- LatashaWillis
- Aug 28 2007
Yes, L.W., McMillin's was here. Peterson historically has hers at, well, less-bar type of places. I actually think it's a good step, not because of the alcohol, but because of the outreach. ;-) I'm down at her party, BTW, blogging live, so to speak. (My wireless works from the Red Room, I'm happy to report.) Just said hello to Peterson; she looks really nervous, for good reason. The early boxes, we're told, are from areas around JSU where Smith/Melton likely have a stronghold—Washington Addition, etc. I have no idea if that's true. It's quiet here now, with people staring at WAPT, which is putting results up often on a split screen.
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 28 2007
Okay, I'll flip to WAPT in a sec. Watching Big Brother 8. Tell Faye I said hello and that I wish her the best no matter what happens tonight.
- LatashaWillis
- Aug 28 2007
keep us posted, ladd! And wish Peterson good luck from us bloggers!
- Izzy
- Aug 28 2007
Izzy, you should come down. The piped-in blues music is rockin', and they have out their three-bean dip, tamales and meatballs. The party's in the Red Room. I still don't know where Smith's event is. Like Melton, after our critical coverage, he seems to have stopped talking to us. Deja vu all over again. Of course, everyone knows that only encourages us. ;-)
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 28 2007
WAPT is reporting a 173-vote difference right now, with Smith on top: Candidate Votes Percent Winner Robert Shuler Smith Dem (Dem) 4,298 51% Faye Peterson Dem (Dem) 4,125 49% Precincts Reporting - 44 out of 122 - 36%
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 28 2007
Yeah, I think you're on his mess list now. Well, you all enjoy your little party. I have another party to go to, so to speak. I'll probably blog about it later. LOL
- LatashaWillis
- Aug 28 2007
This is too suspenseful! Keep up the blogging for those of who are, you know, way, way, way out of the loop.
- Brian C Johnson
- Aug 28 2007
172! aaacckkk!! I would come down but I'm already in p.j.s & heading for bed - was traveling yesterday for something like 14 hours so am turning in pretty early tonight.
- Izzy
- Aug 28 2007
Channel 3 is reporting Smith ahead, 51/49, with 66% of the precincts reporting. C'mon Faye!
- Kacy
- Aug 28 2007
Oh, you introverts. ;-) Yeah, I just got back from the beach, and here I am. Aaaa. Hey, Brian. What the hell time is it in New Zealand anyway???
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 28 2007
Yeah, it's not looking to good for Faye. Oh well... Another long road of lessons to learn for County.
- pikersam
- Aug 28 2007
I think the spread right now is 362 votes, which can be a lot in a runoff. Funny, the DJ is playing "We're gonna make it."
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 28 2007
It's 1:30 p.m. Wednesday afternoon here, believe it or not. In other words, I am blogging from the future!
- Brian C Johnson
- Aug 28 2007
According to, it's 1:30 pm on Wednesday in New Zealand.
- golden eagle
- Aug 28 2007
There's hope yet, Pike. Faye could well overwhelmingly carry some of the larger precincts that haven't reported yet
- Kacy
- Aug 28 2007
Brian, can you predict who won the Hinds County DA race?
- golden eagle
- Aug 28 2007
"...Faye could VERY well overwhelmingly..." My bad.
- Kacy
- Aug 28 2007
Faye could well overwhelmingly carry some of the larger precincts that haven't reported yet
Yeah, she could pull a George Smith, like he always does against Kenneth Stokes in the Hinds County Supervisor's race. - golden eagle
- Aug 28 2007
;-) I think Terry's come in, but your point is well taken.
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 28 2007
I have to say: Regardless of what happens, she's got the best music I've ever heard at an election party. "Ain't no stoppinnnnn' us now ..."
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 28 2007
Now there's a 600+-vote gap between Smith and Peterson with 78% reporting. Come on, Faye! YOU CAN DO EEEEEEEET!
- golden eagle
- Aug 28 2007
From WJTV: Votes are now being vounted in Tuesday's runoff election. LOL! Anyway, from Auditor Dem - Runoff 28% PRECINCTS REPORTING Candidate Votes Vote % Mike Sumrall 27,705 51% Todd Brand 26,125 49% Public Service Comm Central District Dem - Runoff 30% PRECINCTS REPORTING Candidate Votes Vote % Lynn Posey 9,639 57% Addie Green 7,283 43% District Attorney District 7 - Hinds County Dem - Runoff 79% PRECINCTS REPORTING Candidate Votes Vote % Robert Smith 10,853 51% Faye Peterson 10,241 49% Tax Assessor Hinds County - Dem 77% PRECINCTS REPORTING Candidate Votes Vote % Charles Stokes (D) 16,238 78% Dorothy Benford (D) 4,564 22% Justice Court Judge District 1 Hinds County - Dem 63% PRECINCTS REPORTING Candidate Votes Vote % Don Palmer (D) 2,587 67% Kesha Evans (D) 1,275 33%
- LatashaWillis
- Aug 28 2007
Crossing my fingers, but shockingly surprised that the District Attorney's race is coming down to the wire.
- dpsmith
- Aug 28 2007
Get this, from WJTV's site RIGHT NOW: District Attorney Demo -- 7 of 120 precincts reporting (6%) District Attorney Democrat Robert Smith [D] 688 55% Faye Peterson (I) [D] 558 45%
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 28 2007
"Sugar Pie, Honey Bunch, I can't help myself ..."
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 28 2007
Crossing my fingers, but shockingly surprised that the District Attorney's race is coming down to the wire. Make no mistake: There. is. a. machine.
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 28 2007
By NOON tomorrow, WJTV should be able to determine a winner in the DA's race. (insert roaring laughter).
- dpsmith
- Aug 28 2007
Wow, the vote gap is starting to widen. Smith now leads 52-48% with 82% of the precincts reporting. But it's not over, so keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars!
- golden eagle
- Aug 28 2007
Where in the world has Smith gotten all these votes from? After the JFP, CL and Sheriff McMillin endorsed Faye, plus the well done commericals, I am shocked that it has come down to this ...
- dpsmith
- Aug 28 2007
Wow, they're really behind on updating the Web site, huh? They just showed Smith ahead at 51% with 79% reporting. Also, Donna, I hope you'll be on troll alert tonight just in case...
- LatashaWillis
- Aug 28 2007
WAPT: Robert Shuler Smith Dem (Dem) 10,853 51% Faye Peterson Dem (Dem) 10,241 49% Precincts Reporting - 95 out of 122 - 78%
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 28 2007
Doubtful.... If lying gets you winning then I don't want any part of it. Just like Melton, we told you he was crap and he's proven so. But, the rich in this City don't have to worry about crime as they can afford justice and private schools, and the poor are stuck here as long as Stokes and Co. stay in power. Middle class gets screwed again.
- pikersam
- Aug 28 2007
Todd is on high troll alert. Notice fewer a-wipes have gotten through of late. We may ban yahoo and hotmail accounts without ID confirmation.
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 28 2007
Interesting observation, Pike. The middle class of Jackson needs to find its common ground with each other and get busy. Oooo, this DJ is amazing. "Baby, whenever you call me, I'll be there ..."
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 28 2007
Hey Donna and Faye, Unbelieveable. Is it really a 10 point spread for Smith? Sometimes, there ain't no justice and the race is not to the swift and the strong. Hinds County and Jackson are in even bigger trouble now, if Faye isn't reelected. Sun is still out here in the San Francisco area- I'll send you some of that radiance and wishes for a late night victory party! Faye's a winner no matter what. Your pal, Ann Williams, on the Left Coast.
- LeftCoast
- Aug 28 2007
I cannot believe this ...
- dpsmith
- Aug 28 2007
Where in the world has Smith gotten all these votes from? Probably from those who dislike Faye just for the sake of disliking her.
- LatashaWillis
- Aug 28 2007
Does anyone know what Faye may do if she doesn't win? Will she become a partner at a law firm or start her own, perhaps? People like her enough around here to give her plenty of business.
- LatashaWillis
- Aug 28 2007
Donna, will you ask the DJ if he has this song called "F**k It" that came out a few years ago? That seems appropriate right about now.
- golden eagle
- Aug 28 2007
Apparently, Smith has won over the Purvis supporters. Is there 10,000 voters in the Washington Addition/ Lynch Street/ Robinson Road/Jackson State University area?
- dpsmith
- Aug 28 2007
I just thought of a weird scenario: Smith as prosecutor and Peterson for the defense. What would that be like? Hmmm.
- LatashaWillis
- Aug 28 2007
L.W., there have years of smears and years of bad media coverage. Remember, The Clarion-Ledger couldn't be bothered to report that McMillin had endorsed Peterson, much less do substantive investigating reporting and factchecking. I always say: People don't know what they don't know. And I just said to someone: You can't tell people things they refuse to listen to. Meantime, the party isn getting a little crazy, and very un-Hal & Mal's-esque, here. It's probably important for people to consider that this could be much worse for the county than it will be for Peterson. But people don't want to hear that, just like they didn't want to hear about it in the primaries two years ago. I'm really tired of saying, we told you so. But, hey. The journalism will be good. As if it's not good enough already.
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 28 2007
What more could Faye Peterson have done?
- dpsmith
- Aug 28 2007
Rage more against the machine? ;-)
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 28 2007
90% PRECINCTS REPORTING Candidate Votes Vote % Robert Smith 12,676 52% Faye Peterson 11,513 48%
- LatashaWillis
- Aug 28 2007
The question that hangs in the air is: Will the people who will celebrate a Smith victory be the ones who don't want to talk about it in two years? Let's pray not. Once the race is called, watch the site for a JFP Challenge.
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 28 2007
I could go for some Rage Against the Machine right now. "We are the renegades of funk..." (for those of you who don't know, Rage Against the Machine is a rock band)
- golden eagle
- Aug 28 2007
From WAPT with 95% reporting: Smith 52% Peterson 48%
- golden eagle
- Aug 28 2007
Thanks, Golden. Sometimes I need an interpreter for my references. ;-) This is probably a good time for me to repeat my mantra: It ain't over 'til it's over. And I don't mean this race.
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 28 2007
But, hey. The journalism will be good. As if it's not good enough already. Yeah, I'm sure you'll have plenty to talk about. I always say: People don't know what they don't know. And I just said to someone: You can't tell people things they refuse to listen to. Not only that, but too many people didn't bother to vote today. As they say, if you didn't vote, you can't complain.
- LatashaWillis
- Aug 28 2007
R Kelly: "Hey, mister DJ ... why don't you slow this (Robert Smith) party down ... slow it dowwwwnnnn." Faye, don't concede. It aint over yet.
- dpsmith
- Aug 28 2007
From the future, I can tell you that Robert Smith wins, but in a stunning twist, federal agents storm his victory party and tear off his rubber mask revealing ... Marcus Ward! You darn kids!
- Brian C Johnson
- Aug 28 2007
Even with 48%, Faye made an honest showing tonight. Anyone who says that Smith won by a landslide is delusional.
- LatashaWillis
- Aug 28 2007
Oh, you sheila, you.
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 28 2007
From the future, I can tell you that Robert Smith wins, but in a stunning twist, federal agents storm his victory party and tear off his rubber mask revealing ... Marcus Ward! You darn kids! Rat ras ro runny! Scooby Dooby Doo!
- LatashaWillis
- Aug 28 2007
It's "You darn, meddlin' kids!"
- golden eagle
- Aug 28 2007
Faye, don't concede. It aint over yet. I agree. Hold out until the very end, until the last hanging chad, I mean vote, is counted.
- LatashaWillis
- Aug 28 2007
Good thing is the County will have to deal with this if he becomes a problem as predicted. Most of us still get to work on local issues, and help try to bring Jackson forward despite the low class antics of Melton and his clique.
- pikersam
- Aug 28 2007
It's not the Clarion-Liar's fault that McMillin's so-called endorsement of Faye wasn't publicized, it's McMillin's. If he had wanted voters to know he was backing her, believe me, they would have known about it. BTW, in my humble opinion, his endorsement was pathetic. He didn't even say ONE positive thing about Faye Peterson. What a stand-up guy. What a prince. What a good ole boy- as usual. I'm sure the machine is proud of their boy, Mac. (Notice, there's not one curse word in this message, Donna.) And furthermore (ha)- I'd be checking for voter fraud. Not the most honorable fellow, that Melton.
- LeftCoast
- Aug 28 2007
gonna go listen to leonard cohen's "everybody knows". this is very depressing.
- yoyomama
- Aug 28 2007
District Attorney District 7 - Hinds County Dem - Runoff 98% PRECINCTS REPORTING Candidate Votes Vote % Robert Smith 14,138 52% Faye Peterson (inc) 12,955 48%
- LatashaWillis
- Aug 28 2007
I hate to say it, but it looks like Peterson is joining Harvey Johnson in the I-Tried-To-Tell-You Club.
- LatashaWillis
- Aug 28 2007
Song titles for a night like this: "Cryin'", Aerosmith "I Wanna Be Sedated", the Ramones "F**k It", Eamon "What Have I Done To Deserve This", The Pet Shop Boys "I Wish It Would Rain Down", Phil Collins "I Can't Dance", Genesis "Livin' On A Prayer", Bon Jovi "Never Surrender", Corey Hart "Bad Day", Daniel Powter "Hard Day's Night", The Beatles That's just volume one.
- golden eagle
- Aug 28 2007
I wonder how Faye feels at this moment. I am sure she is just as shocked as anyone that she is no longer the District Attorney. And Robert Smith, what can I say, he really believed in himself.
- dpsmith
- Aug 28 2007
I-Tried-To-Tell-You Club. Yeah, that's the fastest-growing club in Jackson. Just heard somebody say into their cell phone: "It ain't like she's not a winner, though." With that, they are about to start cleaning up the joint around me. I'll see y'all on the other side. And, remember my favorite phrase: It ain't over 'til it's over.
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 28 2007
"Control," Janet Jackson should stay in the CD all night over at Robert Smith's throwdown.
- dpsmith
- Aug 28 2007
It's not the Clarion-Liar's fault that McMillin's so-called endorsement of Faye wasn't publicized, it's McMillin's. I'd say it's both. Yes, Mac's endorsement was lukewarm, poorly worded and if he gets a partner in the D.A.'s office that he'd rather not have then it's his own damn fault. But the Clarion-Ledger's decision not to report it *at all* smacks of their belief that they get to control information and shape the news. There's no end-of-the-day justification for it. It's punting on journalistic responsibility. Of course, the C-L stopped being journalism quite a while it's mostly pandering, with a dab or human interest reporting. It's TV on newsprint. As long as the 25% profit margin is maintained, what happens at the local level doesn't mean squat to the C-L.
- Todd Stauffer
- Aug 28 2007
Chin up, folks. We've been here before, remember. Always remember the words of Frederick Douglass: Freedom is a struggle. Let us pray that Robert Smith follows his grandfather's lead more than he follows Melton's and Peters'. Ball's in his court. Oh, and he really oughta take Grace Simmons to Tico's. G'night, friends.
- DonnaLadd
- Aug 28 2007
Yeah, let's give him a chance, but lest he be reminded that we'll be on him like white on rice.
- golden eagle
- Aug 28 2007
And Robert Smith, what can I say, he really believed in himself. I just pray that he wakes up and realizes the importance of his duties. I hope he can put ethics before cronyism and learn to tell the truth.
- LatashaWillis
- Aug 28 2007
Okay, I'm going back to the caveman party. I could use a laugh. Anyone wanna join me? I'll tell you this: If I could ever afford a downtown loft, I want to use their decorator.
- LatashaWillis
- Aug 28 2007
Hope in a dangerous word, LW. Sleep tight.
- dpsmith
- Aug 28 2007
edit: (excuse me) Hope can be a dangerous word.
- dpsmith
- Aug 28 2007
You too, dp. Well, this turn of events explains the lunar eclipse we had early this morning.
- LatashaWillis
- Aug 28 2007
Did Faye ask any of you guys to pull that fork loose?
- Skinnyp
- Aug 28 2007
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