Don't Let Stokes Stop Progress | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Don't Let Stokes Stop Progress

Livingston Village rode in on the violent tendrils of Hurricane Katrina. It's one of those once-in-a-century opportunities made possible through astounding tax credits from the federal government, but the federal GO-Zone legislation that makes it possible comes with a deadline. Nevertheless, the council is smothering the $75 million endeavor, a project that developers say will net $150,000 in sales taxes and another $650,000 a year in ad valorem taxes.

The project is in the ward of Councilman Kenneth Stokes, and he has positioned himself as its greatest enemy. Stokes says the developers have refused to meet with local residents, who fear the development could cause flooding and backed-up sewers, despite Public Works personnel saying the city could handle flooding issues.

Former Jackson Planning and Development Acting Deputy Director Carl Allen said the developer has already met with residents at five different meetings, and is due for yet another within the next week, at the whim of Councilman Frank Bluntson—who could not offer a meeting date as recently as Monday.

Stokes also said the project would put a strain on the local school district, though JPS Superintendent Earl Watkins offers no opinion on such a burden.

Prior to these issues, Stokes said he opposed the project because former city officials should not to take advantage of their positions with the city to incubate personal projects. Allen and former Planning and Development Acting Director Corinne Fox now work for Livingston Project Developer MPI Center, LLC.

Stokes seems to have a flurry of reasons to kill the project, though he may not be stating the most obvious. The single-family, condo and loft homes inside Livingston Village will run between $115,000 and $175,000. Stokes easily gets re-elected as Ward 3 councilman each election year in his relatively poor district—and from the safety of his council seat, he lobs campaigns for the District 5 Hinds County supervisor's seat each election cycle.

But Stokes' ward has seen very little business development, beyond the re-emergence of the Jackson Medical Mall and the arrival of Garrett Enterprises and some other small businesses. Ward 3 has a shrinking, aging population. Perhaps Stokes is afraid that professionals living in $175,000 homes would have little patience for a councilman who would shoot down $75 million in development when each of his concerns has been addressed.

The people of Jackson, and of Ward 3, must speak up for revitalizing one of our neediest areas. Councilman Stokes, it's time to move this project forward.

Previous Comments


Stokes also said the project would put a strain on the local school district, though JPS Superintendent Earl Watkins offers no opinion on such a burden. How so?


This project needs to be allowed to move forward. Stokes is scared of young urban professionals voting him out once they move in. What Stokes and gang don't realize is that this development sounds perfect for someone like my neighbor. She is a young professional with a child - makes good money and is an active parent. But, she doesn't like the burden of keeping a whole house and yard. She wants to move into a condo or town home; but, the only ones available are in ritzy white areas or out of Jackson. So, she is stuck in a home that is becoming more difficult to keep up as she tries to raise her child.


I think you hit the nail on the head, Pike. Developments like this often spur similar types of developments. Stokes knows that "outsiders" who don't like him could move into these homes and vote against him. It reminds of an alderman in Canton a couple of years who was opposed to the city annexing an outlying area because it was a mostly white area and he thought annexing white people would dilute the black voting power. I don't know where the annexation stands at this time, but it's amazing how our black "leaders" who are supposedly looking out for our interests are instead looking out for their own interests and can't see the forest for the trees.

golden eagle

Sadly, I think y'all are onto something. I'm probably one of the few white people in Jackson who found, and openly talked about, redeeming qualities in Kenneth Stokes before Melton came into office. I do think he provided a yang to the yin of the then-just-as-as-ridiculous of Ben Allen on Council. And he did bring attention to problems in his ward that might not have gotten it otherwise. However. These days, he has become a lapdog for Melton (unless it's the other way around), and everything seems to be about power. He completely lost me by supporting Melton's methods of targeting the neediest people in his ward in unconstitutional, and even violent, ways. I do fear that he wants to keep people in a certain place so that they "need" him (and Melton and their posse). This pains me no end. Now, I will say that if the rest of Council lets him kill a project like this because of such reasons, they are just as culpable as he is. That means Leslie McLemore, Marshand Crisler and Charles Tillman, as well as Margaret Barrett-Simon and Jeff Weill. I haven't had hope that Frank Bluntson is going to do a useful thing for the city since he stepped on Council. His goal in life seems to be to be Melton's yes-man. But there are enough to votes to pass this thing. They should do it unless they can provide a really good reason. If not, every single of one of them should be held accountable. Personally, I believe this one falls in McLemore's lap to make happen just as Ben Allen saved the King Edward. Let's see what he's made of.


Sadly, I think y'all are onto something. And it's not something I'm proud of. While Stokes won't come out to say it, I think it truly is the idea of other people moving in and voting against him that really scares him. I think he's using the unfounded fears of school district strains, sewage back-ups and crime as a cover to his actual reasoning why he doesn't want the project in his ward. What other reason could there be, especially when he talks about problems in his ward? Next to the re-emergence of the Medical Mall (and maybe it would go even further beyond that), this could be the best thing to happen to that ward since he took office. While it would be a few years before it's realized, look at how much revenue it would bring into the city each year. This is crucial, especially if we have to revisit budget problems again in a few years.

golden eagle

Well, here we go, from Frank to Faye now on to Stokes. Now it's agiven that Stokes is loved THOROUGHLY by the residents in his Ward. They know that he has their backs. He's done it for a very long time. He's a permanent fixture in their minds. So am to understand that you guys are just saying okay Stokes you've done a great job and now you just need to quit and let someone else do it. Is he not to fight for his seat. On the other hand, I'm completely for progression. I can't see how anyone in that Ward can afford those condo's. So I am to automatically assume that you guys are all for moving the "aging community" out so that young professionals with money can move in. Is that correct? Where is it that you propose they go when if it were not for Stokes they would have ALREADY been placed into homes for the aged and infirm. Commo people Stokes is an around the way guy. I'm not sure about his alignment with Melton. As Donna stated, I too, have had some concerns about his position with the destoying the houses thing, but I am yet not convienced that he's on the Frank's Bandwagon. Could be...but I think Kenny does what he thinks is best for his Ward and the residents. And I dont' think he gives to sh!ts about anything but that. Is that not commendable? Is that not what a councilman should be doing?


So I am to automatically assume that you guys are all for moving the "aging community" out so that young professionals with money can move in. Where did you get that? Would aging people be displaced by this development? Explain with details and facts, please. As for Stokes, I'd love to hear how supporting Melton's attacks on schizophrenics and a single mother's property is "best for his Ward and the residents." That would be commendable if one believed it was true. I used to. I don't anymore.


So I am to automatically assume that you guys are all for moving the "aging community" out so that young professionals with money can move in. Where did you get that? Would aging people be displaced by this development? Explain with details and facts, please.<<


I would think a nice development would make people want to stay in the area over moving out to Flora or Madison giving the chance. Queen, I don't think anyone will be displaced? Livingston Village is going over an old industrial site, so it will only be adding people. In fact, it would be a better quality of life for older folks living in that area. Maybe a doctor will open an office in the retail space? Maybe a coffee shop or branch library? Who knows unless you build it. Ward 3 needs help, and needs to contribute its fair share of tax revenue to Jackson. This development will help do that.


I agree with that pikersam. But I guess my confusion is coming in because I don't see why Stokes would fear loosing his council seat if this development did happen. What would be his reason for concern? If the core of his Ward is still there and they are the ones who can't even fathom him not being there, then why is there a fear all of sudden. I am not as politically inclined as most of you here. So I think I must be missing something. Is it that when other/new people come into the Ward, that they will feel as if Kenny is not representative of them and not vote for him? Do you see where I'm coming from? I'm confused on how one thing is actually tied into the other. Why is this development a threat to Kenneth's place as, after all his years of service. How could his service not mean anything because the neighborhood changes?????


As for Stokes, I'd love to hear how supporting Melton's attacks on schizophrenics and a single mother's property is "best for his Ward and the residents."<<


So I am to automatically assume that you guys are all for moving the "aging community" out so that young professionals with money can move in. Who said that? No, I'm not for pushing the "aging community" out of the area. In fact, I'd like to see laws put in place that would protect such residents from being pushed out of their homes because they can't pay taxes due to gentrification, especially those who live in homes already paid off. What this develop can do is enhance the area. Stokes has been running around talking about all these abandoned buildings in his ward and when someone finally presents a plan to not only tear down the abandoned Hood plant, but to rebuild it with new homes and businesses, he wants to shoot it down. Seems to me that he wants to let this property sit abandoned rather than doing something new to it because it may go against his own interests. Abandoned buildings can and often become havens for crime, health hazards and don't generate tax revenue--something this city sorely needs right now. Also, who are you to say that no one in the area can afford the condos that would be built? Even if it were the case, what's wrong with other people moving into the area? And if you're not seeing the Stokes-Melton connection, you must've been living on Mars. Not only can I recall a single piece of legislation that Melton proposed that Stokes hasn't voted against, but he also had a hissy fit for the city not paying for Frank's legal bills (about $500K) in connection to his misdeeds on the Ridgeway Street house and violations of his probation. That's $500K we can ill-afford to pay right now for a man who wants to be John Wayne.

golden eagle

But I guess my confusion is coming in because I don't see why Stokes would fear loosing his council seat if this development did happen. What would be his reason for concern? I was writing my last post when you asked these questions. Whenever you have new developments like this, you do bring in new residents, but at the same time, you also bring in the residents who could prove to be a political liability to Stokes. What I mean here is that new residents could be the ones who could help decide if Stokes stays in or is voted out of office. Earlier in this thread, I cited the Canton alderman who was opposed to that city annexing an area outside their city limits because it was a mostly white area and he was concerned that it would dilute black voting strength, though I think in his case, he probably feared being voted out of office. On the flip side, it could be that this development doesn't harm Stokes. If I were a resident, I'd be banging on Stokes' door and calling his office encouraging him to support this project. I don't know if it calls for a grocery store, but the people in that area definitely need one since New Deal shut down last year. There's a lot of things Livingston Village can do for the area, but he's only looking out for his own interests by not supporting it.

golden eagle

Stokes likes Melton because his people like Melton. The minute that changes, Stokes will follow whatever new flag gets up the flagpole. Since this development threatens his hold on his ward, he opposes it.


Queen you have the right idea going. I don't think this one development will vote out Stokes. I think Stokes thinks it will. That is kind of what I was trying to say earlier. He is the one being shortsighted. I think this place only has a couple of hundred homes - if that? It's not like 6000 voters are moving into Ward 1 with education and income to see through Stokes. Maybe a 1000 votes? Maybe? And, some of the people will vote for Stokes. People can change. But, one has to ask has Stokes evolved in his numerous years in office or has he stayed stagnant as his pool of water ripples around him? I'd like to see him evolve. This project is a step in the right direction. The man bitches about liquor stores, beer stores, and check cashing businesses. So, along comes a man with deep pockets who is willing to give Stokes' Ward modern affordable housing and retail that is not one of the three listed; yet, Stokes still bitches. And, Jobs! Lots of jobs will be created from this development that will help the area. Ward 3 has the highest percentage of unemployment in Jackson. Hello! More people in the area means that some of the surrounding churches may pick up membership (and cash!!!) from the home owners in Livingston Village. I'll bet some of the leadership in the area don't think about these residual blessings when they complain.


Point taken. I don't think Kenneth has the options that Faye what on earth is his back ground? He's definetely apart of our story. However, I can see that the ward could probably use a fresher approach. But the last time I thought a new and fresh attitude was the way to go, it didn't turn out to be the best choice....


Queen, Stokes testified in favor of Melton's attack on Jennifer Sutton's duplex, and on tenant Evans Welch, who is mentally ill, and had no record of serious criminal activity (until after the duplex attack). That's what I'm talking about. Isn't there already information out there on the fact that Livingston Villege isn't displacing people? You're great at gathering this stuff yourself without the need for media to help, right? I figured you'd know without the assistance of the Fourth Estate. ;-P


I don't think Kenneth has the options that Faye what on earth is his back ground? He's an attorney by trade.

golden eagle

HA! I was wondering was that a well known fact! It's not talked about very much. Maybe he'd be willing to use his resources to start a local community outreach program or something for the kids after they leave Frank's Mansion for Disturbed Young Men. It could be called Melton Stokes For Da Kids! Ha!!....I'm killing myself. LOL


Kenneth has a law degree from Texas Southern U, but I don't think he's been admitted to the bar (taken/passed the bar exam).


Isn't there already information out there on the fact that Livingston Villege isn't displacing people? You're great at gathering this stuff yourself without the need for media to help, right? I figured you'd know without the assistance of the Fourth Estate. TO BE HONEST WITH YOU DONNA, I DON'T HAVE TO GO TO FAR TO FIND NAYSAYING...THAT"S ALWAYS AVAILABLE HERE! So, I am also not in the business of working for something when I have others to do it for me....that's you. THANKS! However, when I question what you report, I do trust myself to find out if it's legit or not! Wouldn't dare expect you to give me all I need. But I can tell you that if someone who didn't know as much as i do about this site, came on here and read your comments to me in that last post of yours, and knew your affilliation with this paper, I'm sure you would loose points for lack of professionalism on that one. But since it's me and I know that's typical, I'll let you make it.


I'm ragging you based on your other posts about how citizens shouldn't need the media. (smile) I know you don't need us, but Adam just called Livington developer Carl Allen and got this response to YOU, Queen: Carl Allen, now of MPI, the developer of Livingston Village, says the development will not extend beyond the borders of the industrial-zoned property currently occupied by the defunct factory. "There's no way that project is going to displace anybody. Where are they getting that?" Courtesy of the Fourth Estate. ;-)


And lose the insults, Queen. And don't be so egocentric; I doubt seriously of my thousands of posts, the only one someone is going to read is my joking retort to your sniping at me. Obviously, I want citizens to test our information, and they do it all the time. Sometimes that means corrections. Usually it means more credibility because we work very hard here to get it right on behalf of the citizens. It's our job.


Stokes is a good man. He knows what his ward wants and needs better than most or all outsiders because he visits and listens to the people in his ward. Maybe something better is coming in place of that proposed development. Or maybe he's trying to ensure it's best for his ward and the people or that changes are imposed to better suit the residents of the ward. Stokes is no dummy, and I'll bet my last dollar that he can defend his position with accounts from residents of his ward and critical thinking or foresight. If he so hurtful and wrong for that ward why hasn't someone with better ideas and credentials replaced him? Are all or most of the residents of the ward so stupid, unsophisticated or unknowing that no one other than Kenny can reach them? I think not. I'm hopeful some development is still pending or on the way, and you can bet that if Kenny thinks it's wrong for the people he will object. I don't agree with his defense of the mayor, but don't we all stick by our friends in most instances? Otherwise, we wouldn't be much of a friend.

Ray Carter

Maybe something better is coming in place of that proposed development. Or maybe he's trying to ensure it's best for his ward and the people or that changes are imposed to better suit the residents of the ward. Stokes is no dummy, and I'll bet my last dollar that he can defend his position with accounts from residents of his ward and critical thinking or foresight. Ray This is parody right? Something better? The guy owns the land outright. Who else is going to develop it? Look at how much the land is worth right now. This Mississippian is going to drop $75 MILLION into his development. In one of Jackson's worst areas! Give the guy a medal not a funeral. HERO Tag for this guy! Do you think he wants it to be full of people who cannot afford to buy a home? That just deals drugs? Come on! What is best for his people!?! Ben Allen has thrown out the figure of $16,000 for every $1 million dollars of development (Ben correct if wrong) in property taxes are generated for Hinds Co/Jackson. And, I don't see this guy getting all the breaks that the other developers in the downtown area are getting for sewer and water service. That is welfare for the rich. Where was Kenny then? Who do you think pays for the million or so lost from those fees? The people! Also Ray, I guess Stokes isn't playing the race card nor spreading misinformation by implying that $100,000+ "town-homes" are somehow going to be havens for crack dealers when he says: "If you do it to them today Woodlea and Woodhaven might as well look out for tomorrow because you're destabilizing all the good black neighborhoods," said Ward Three Councilman Kenneth Stokes. Want to talk destabilization Kenny? What have you done for Broadmore since it was put in your Ward? He's a freaking joke! If WAPT would fix their video on this story, or we could watch past Council meetings on line (like other hick towns!!), you would see Stokes was much more racially verbal in the meeting. It is really sad. This guy is putting up all the money to build this, and he is going to improve the area around the place; yet due to misconceptions he may not be allowed to realize his dream. Please, I hope that Stokes will vote for it in the end, and show that he is for progress not regress. If not him then the others at least. This City, and Melton, need a good headline - ASAP!


In comparison, Pike, Kenny could never equate to Trent Lott or several other white officeholders in Mississippi with known and pronounced racist legacies, and to whom racism is never or rarely mentioned as they are discussed. I don't know or even believe Kenny is engaging in any racism here. Where is the racism, if you see some? Kenny, like all black folks, has seen lots of racism in the implementation of policies, neighborhood structuring, et al. I applaud him for questioning whether it's an intended or impactful issue or consideration, if he did that. The whole process has to be looked at. I won't assume Kenny is being racist, and I'm so fair that I won't even assume southern white folks will always be racist despite the horrible history of it. Nor will I assume any measure or development is what the developher says it is without looking further and making sure that little or no injury will be done to the people. Although I'm not up to par on this particilar project I think Kenny is doing what he was elected to do - to look out for the best interest of the people of his ward and the city. I know his heart is right. Pike, you do a wonderful job of raising issues on this site, and you have evolved quite extensively, in my humble view. I often agree completely with you. However, I must tell you and others that I don't see the same kinds of criticism of white officeholders that I see of black ones. We all know it's true, for the most part, with only a few exceptions. I've seen Donna put things on here about Lott, Cochran, Pickering and many others white officeholders who deserve criticism too, but for some strange reason the same bloggers are silent. Perhaps hese white officeholders are innocent, guiltless, god-like, never responsible for any failures and don't deserve any criticisms.

Ray Carter

Have at it, Ray. Nothing has stopped you or anyone else on this site from voicing displeasure or accolades for people in public service. You have done both on this site. This is not about race and I think you know that. Really, who really cares what skin color my teamate has as long as he/she helps my team win? Who cares what skin color my public servant has as long as he/she produces? And when they don't produce, they get "released". The problem with some districts in this county (and this country) is that they don't have any better people willing to step out and take a reduction in their income to serve the public.


Now's a good time to let people in on a little secret about the Livingston Village project. What the developers need from the council is a zone change that will move the target area, currently occupied by a defunct plant, from industrial to mixed-use. Without it, a neighborhood can't sit on that spot. Right now, Stokes is probably telling everybody that their neighborhood is about to get some new squatters who will lock themselves behind a gate and stare down their pink noses at them through the wrought iron bars--that essentially they'll be colonized. He's also telling people that the squatters and the new development will flood the area with rain run-off and choke the schools, none of it based on facts. There's something else, however, that Stokes may not be telling his constituents: the developers are going to do something with the property, regardless of whether or not they get they get their re-zoning decision. They already own the property. They can do whatever they want with it, even drop down a foul-smelling fertilizer plant if they care to, because the area is currently zoned to take the nastiest project a developer can dream up. It is zoned for industry purposes, after all. The developers would like to take advantage of federal GO-zone legislation to build an incredibly out-of-place neighborhood that will, nevertheless, be a boon to the tax base, but Livingston Village isn't entirely necessary. The developers have already said they're going to develop the project into something. If it isn't going to be residential, then it will be industry based--because that won't require a council decision on the matter. At the moment, the fertilizer plant is the second choice, according to developers, if Stokes kills Livingston Village. The developers aren't bragging about this because they don't want the news to come off as a threat, but that's the alternative if Livingston dies. To mimic Donna: You. need. to. know. this. Ward 3 residents can try to lobby the council to stop the plant, but it won't be an easy fight because the city already has the area zoned for such a development. City administrators of long past already gave their blessing to that kind of smelly project ages ago, and it won't be easy to put the pin back into that grenade. So, these are your options, if you're a resident of Ward 3: You can hold your nose and accept a new neighborhood to your area, or you can hold your nose even tighter and thank Stokes for the brand-spanking-new poop processing plant down the street from your house. Frankly, it's up to you.

Adam Lynch

So, turn-about is fair game when it comes to race? This is 2007 right? Ray, you have to watch the council meeting to see him say the lies he did. Channel 18 - maybe you can order a tape? Also, what Trent Lott said at a dinner in SC has nothing to do with Kenny keeping this guy from building a development in Ward 3. This is local, this is as far removed from Trent Lott, and the actions of past white leaders as can be. That said, I don't like it when Mary Hawkins says apartments will breed crime. I guess she's never been to Atlanta and seen the Post Apartments empire. That is coded racism. Just like what Kenny is doing. Neither are right, and both are being wrong! Now on to you other assertions to my postings. Ben Allen please stand up as exhibit number one as white people pikersam has piled on to. Charles Barbour number two. Ronnie Chapple number three. Even Barrett has gotten a whiff of pikersam rants. Haley too - especially when it comes to Melton. I'd love to bang on more; but, we need to vote some more whites in office to do that. Oh yeah, Rep Denny - what has he done for me lately. What about the likes of the Speeds, Nesbits, Wallers, and Moungers? I guess you missed those posts? Ray, you don't see me discuss national politics much. I don't follow Pikering, Lott, and whoever is the national flavor of the month. Truthfully, I find national news distracting to what directly effects us - Jackson, Metro Jackson and Mississippi, in that order. Posts about Iraq and Lott will not change what they are doing like posting about local issues does. I have my hands full following our local leaders - most who are black. I chose to move to a metro area that ranks highest in African-American population. I didn't come here to be a mouse in the corner because I am in the minority. No one is free of my eye; but, I am not going to get sidetracked blogging about national issues when we have much work to do here. Especially, when leaders like Stokes are going to play the race card (which he did) with peoples private money! BTW: In case anyone was wondering, that was not me that called into Kim Wade and blessed out Anderson.


Yes, xxGreg, and I try to criticize and give accolades with balance, honesty and truth, so far as I know it, without any leaning toward racism or even prejudice, so far as I can control it. And we have great control of that. It's so sad that bad people are so hard to run off. Lots of people need running off in this state, but the unfair world is slow to accomodate.

Ray Carter

Ray I agree with your last post; but, who gets to decide who is run off? We are a flawed being - humans. I have a list; but, you may not agree with who's on it, and vise versa. I do think a start is Melton and his minions. ;-)


Kenneth Stokes is a "Slum-Lord" and people know this. If you develop this type of structure in Ward III then people will have better choices for where they live. Kenneth Stokes does not do anything for his Ward but talk crap from one house to the other while using old Southern language and eating pies and cakes prepared by little old ladies in the Ward. He is dependent on the IGNORANT (The Unknowing) to keep him in his position. Stokes is a law school graduate and he knows exactly what he is doing. These are old White strategies now being used by some Black folks. Either way, it stinks and I don't mind calling the Wolf Ugly. I wish someone would do an interview with Stokes and ask him why he continues to live in Ward III with his mother when in actuality, HIS home is in Ward II, right across from the Woodhaven-Woodlea community. If you are truly above boards Mr. Stokes, why hide you residence? I was fooled by Stokes but, NO MORE!


Thanks Adam and Pike. Adam if what you say are the facts and Kenny creates a worse situation for the ward and Jackson, then Kenny should be blamed and pay the consequences. I'm often surprised these days by lots of people, but I expect Kenny to do the right thing in the end. Pike, what was said in that email wasn't meant for you as much as for some others. There isn't any concoction or creation here about the unbalanced criticism. I can read, see and interpret. As I have said before, I don't argue black folks are beyond criticism, I argue we are all subject to criticism for our malevolence, misdeeds and errors, with no one getting a free pass, whether local or national. Nor do I argue turn around is far play, but I'm not Mission Mississippi willing to overlook all past wrongs whether purposeful or inadvertent. Some people have to receive a dose of their own medicine to receive introspection and change.

Ray Carter

We should never overlook the wrongs. But, we need to look out for the right. In this case, it sounds right, and I think this guy is on the up and up. A fertilizer plant! Yuck! That said, the house justjess points out must be in another name. The only 'Kenny I Stokes' listing is on Johnny White Ln of which Kenny provides the county a whopping $61 in taxes! Yeah Kenny! If anyone knows the names of other "Stokes" directly related to Kenny here is the link to the search the property rolls. Let's see how much Kenny and his momma provide to our bottom line.


I do have one final question though. Why is it assumed that if the project come to the ward the new people would automatically vote against Kenneth Stokes. Is this the real purpose for bringing in the project to get rid of Kenny. What are you inadvertently orintentionally saying about the people already living in the ward and about the ones to come? Who will be the new ones? Do you already know that the new ones won't be open to Kenny in any fashion whatsoever? Are you saying Kenny can't represent nothing but poor and dumb people? Are you saying he can't represent white or better earning people? Are you saying Kenny can't adjust to change and meet new needs? How do you know this, Justjess or anybody? Provide proof!

Ray Carter

Is this the real purpose for bringing in the project to get rid of Kenny. I rather doubt it, considering that area's needs, and that the developers want to make money. I think the point is that Stokes tries to block progress in his ward, even as he does try to help people within their place. Just don't get too educated and learn what the Constitution says about breaking and entering. That's my impression. And you know, Ray—I call out the southern strategy and race-baiting by whites all the time, as do many here. But I'm not going to give a pass to someone because he's black, either. Talk about the ultimate insult.


Referring to my earlier post to Queen: Queen you have the right idea going. I don't think this one development will vote out Stokes. I think Stokes thinks it will. That is kind of what I was trying to say earlier. He is the one being shortsighted. I think this place only has a couple of hundred homes - if that? It's not like 6000 voters are moving into Ward 1 with education and income to see through Stokes. Maybe a 1000 votes? Maybe? And, some of the people will vote for Stokes. Actually, I think a thousand votes is too high on my part. Maybe 500 votes will come from that development. If Stokes votes for it, then the future home owners may have a vested interest in seeing Stokes stay. If he votes against it, and it still passes, he won't get many votes from there at all. Hopefully, Kenny is smart enough to see this?


Moving into Ward 3 - Ward 1.


Donna, as far as I can tell, you have treated everybody the same. I'm not giving Kenny a pass either. Nor am I making assumptions about him. The criticisms of Kenny these days are fairer and more factual than when I first came on this site. There used to be many white morons not in his ward who had the gall to think he owed them approved behavior. If Kenny's ward is made of of stupid people who keep him in office to their peril, and the peril of Jackson and Mississippi, which some people obviously believe; then, what about the people in those other wards and districts beyond the wards, who keep electing the same people or kinds of people, thusly killing any progress Mississippi is capable of making on the big stage. I'm not using this to distort attention from Kenny's actions, I'm simply saying many of the arguments made against Kenny can equally be made against many politicans who have hurt Mississippi as much or more. Even if we agree Kenny is playing a game, he didn't invent it, and he's not the only one playing it right now. Games are all around and abound. Let's call all of them out, and run all of the shady people off. As Ross Perot's presidential running mate once said, "I'm just about out of ammunition."

Ray Carter

No, this development probably wouldn’t produce enough votes to harm Kenny’s throne one way or the other. But Kenny may see himself as the gatekeeper against further gentrification of his ward for the reasons ladd has alluded to, and he’s making his stand and position known now by cutting this development off at the knees without giving it a chance to succeed. Stokes doesn't have to worry about a young black professional like myself EVER wanting to move into Ward 3 while he's in office, but that doesn't mean that others won't jump at the chance if the price is right, and if enough of an influx of progressive minded professionals move in it would be a threat.

Jeff Lucas

Ray Carter, I'll take a stab at this one. You are asking for proof that Kenny Stokes "can't adjust to change and meet the new need?" Well, George Wallace did, publicly; however, when it was time to prove that the leopard had truly change his spots, he was only wearing the tiger's suit.


Kenny is no George Wallace and I'm surprised you equated the two so cavalierly and un-factually. Justjess, you really convinced me????!!!!......

Ray Carter

Any chance of this Livingston Village having a website?


Perhaps Stokes would support "lease-to-own" developments like this once controversial subdivision in Crisler's Ward being built right now at Maddox Road?

Jeff Lucas

Just saw on WAPT that the project has been approved. No link on the Web site yet.


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