The Clarion-Ledger has an editorial today crediting Acting Chief-Sheriff Malcolm McMillin with dealing with the Latasha Norman case quickly and effectively, which seems a bit forced (they must have also heard that he may well not have enough Council votes for confirmation), but we don't have a problem throwing kudos their way. We'd probably hold out until we know more about how the investigation was initially handled. But the part about the Ledger editorial that perplexes is the following. First they write:
Norman told Pearl police on Oct. 9 that Cole hit her in a restaurant parking lot. He was arrested on that assault on Nov. 15. On Nov. 29, Cole had a hearing in a Pearl court on the October assault and was taken into custody by the Jackson Police Department for questioning in Norman's disappearance. [...]
Then later in the editorial:
It is difficult to envision a scenario in which any law enforcement agency could have prevented the tragic circumstances that befell Norman.
Is it really so difficult to imagine a scenario in which police take domestic violence seriously enough to arrest the guy immediately, as in the next day!?! How are offenders going to learn that society takes domestic abuse seriously if law enforcement response time is so slow?
"Difficult to envision," my a$$.
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