'Tis the season to travel to visit far-flung family and friends. With a little planning, it isn't hard to keep your holiday visits smooth and stress-free. Here's how.
What to do before you leave:
1. Arrange specific dates and times for your visit with your hosts before booking tickets or making other concrete plans.
2. Allow extra time for airport lines and holiday traffic.
3. Print itineraries and assemble maps a few days before you depart.
4. Check the destination weather online and pack accordingly.
5. Ask your hosts if you will need special clothing for any activities they have planned.
6. Buy a thank-you gift for your hosts that is separate from any holiday gifts. Or ask to treat your hosts to a meal out or a meal that you cook.
7. Pack healthy snacks (fruit, vegetable sticks, nuts, granola) and drinks (water, juice) to stay well-fed and hydrated on the road. If you're flying, you'll have to buy drinks after you've gone through security. Save your indulgence allowance for after you have arrived.
What to do once you've arrived:
1. Give your hosts a break every day by relaxing and entertaining yourself. Read a magazine, go for a walk, share a favorite card game with anyone who is interested.
2. Pick up after yourself.
3. Offer to help with meal preparation, dish-washing and other chores.
4. Don't spend all of your time checking email or talking on your cell phone. Take a holiday from technology.
How do you lower your holiday visiting stress?
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