Senate Votes to Fully Fund Adequate Education | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Senate Votes to Fully Fund Adequate Education

Verbatim from Nancy Loome of The Parents Campaign:

It is a great day for Mississippi children! This morning the full Senate passed, on a unanimous voice vote, a version of HB 238 that fully funds the MAEP! This is a major victory for Mississippi school children, and you made it happen! The calls, letters and e-mails from concerned citizens all across this state sent an undeniable message to legislators and other elected officials. You made it clear that Mississippians will stand for nothing less than a quality education for all our children!

There are critical differences between the House and Senate versions of this bill which will likely be addressed by a conference committee - 3 representatives from the House and 3 from the Senate.

The most significant aspects to be dealt with in conference are:
additional at-risk funding, and
resources to "hold harmless" those school districts on the coast and elsewhere that have seen their enrollments fall (i.e., at least keep funding levels where they were last year).

Funding for these areas was greater in the House bill than in the Senate version.

As soon as we have a better idea of what will happen next, we will be in touch. But for now, CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU! Our network members spoke up on behalf of our children and set Mississippi on a course toward improved public education, improved economic development and improved quality of life. What an incredible victory for our children and our state!

With a grateful heart-


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