Dennis Grant, Probation Services Company Offender Services Coordinator said in a Jan. 29 letter (PDF, 100KB) to Judge Tomie Green that he has not received proof of Melton's recent surgery in Texas. Melton's bond for his felony indictments requires him to report any departures from the state. A delay in the mayor's heart surgery required he file details with Grant.
By Jan. 29, however, Melton was still holding out on the information, according to Grant.
"This (delay), I have been informed, was due to further complications of medical procedures in Texas. However, I still have not received documentation verifying his surgery, performing physicians, and scheduled release and return to Jackson," wrote Grant in a letter filed Feb. 7 in the Circuit Clerk's office. "I will be making out a violation report if I have not received this information by the end of the week."
Neither Melton nor Grant returned calls to the JFP for comment.
The Clarion-Ledger reported today that Green responded by issuing a Jan. 31 letter to Melton requiring him to submit certification from his cardiologist confirming his entry and release dates from the hospital. Green wrote that Melton "appears to be in violation of probation" but that "unforeseen medical occurrences reported by the media" provided an excuse, according to The Clarion-Ledger.
There is no news of a formal response by Probation Services Company or Judge Green to Melton's late-night police raid on the Upper Level last weekend. Melton told The Clarion-Ledger that he had permission from his probation officer for the raid, which otherwise violated requirements that he abide by a curfew and refrain from using police equipment. Probation Services Company is managed by Robert Johnson, who worked on Melton's 2005 mayoral campaign.
Previous Commentsshow
What's this?Sweet! For the Capital City Goofball's sake, I hope he wasn't lying. But, for Jackson's sake I hope he was.
- millhouse
- Feb 14 2007
Nobody recovers from open heart surgery that fast, unless they're Superman. I don't believe it for a second. Shouldn't he be also looking for documentation for the night he and his cronies invaded the Upper Level?
- Lady Havoc
- Feb 14 2007
There's more:
- C.W.
- Feb 14 2007
Let the maya do his job.
- Ray Carter
- Feb 14 2007
"I don't understand what's wrong with you people."
- Ray Carter
- Feb 14 2007
This section from the Ledger makes the plot even thicker: Hinds County Circuit Clerk Barbara Dunn confirmed Tuesday that her office has received a sealed order. But court documents cannot be sealed without a judge first holding a public hearing, according to the 1990 Mississippi Supreme Court ruling Gannett River States Publishing Co. v. Hand. Dunn could not confirm whether such a hearing was held before the document reached her office last week. Green's docket from January and February shows no scheduled hearing on sealing records. Green, who retains control over the mayor's probation, did not return calls seeking comment. Leonard Van Slyke, the attorney who represented The Clarion-Ledger in the Hand case, said the court's order clearly requires a hearing before a document can be sealed. "Every time it has come to the attention of the Mississippi Supreme Court, the Supreme Court has reaffirmed its decision in Hand," he said. "It is my impression that some trial judges are not aware of the case and, therefore, may violate it from time to time." What's up with all these "sealed" documents without going throught he legal procedures? Also, will The Clarion-Ledger *ever* mention the little detail that Robert Johnson, head of Probation Services, was Melton's campaign manager???
- DonnaLadd
- Feb 14 2007
Oh, I just noticed that some citizen journalists are trying to help the Ledge folks out by adding it below the story. Gracious. Why don't they tell folks people little details they need to know!?!
- DonnaLadd
- Feb 14 2007
Lord. Look at this mess Melton is making on WAPT: The mayor said his probation officer gave him approval to stay out past his midnight curfew for the raid, but that's not what the officer told 16 WAPT. Melton faxed a copy of a letter to 16 WAPT, which he said he sent to his probation officer. He said the letter proved that he did not violate his probation. A call to his parole officer left another impression. Grant said he had not given the mayor permission to break curfew on the phone Monday, when a 16 WAPT producer called asking about the mayor. Even the letter Melton claimed he sent to his Grant has discrepancies. The date on the letter read Feb. 10 -- Saturday -- but the mayor said he sent the letter Sunday. Later in the letter the mayor wrote in the past tense, saying “we closed down the upper level for fire code violations and narcotics. The operator of the club has been a problem for years.” When asked about the discrepancies, the mayor said that the letter was actually a transcript of a follow-up phone conversation that he had with Grant on Saturday. “I placed a phone call to Rev. Grant earlier Saturday, he told me OK, he said to be careful,” said Melton. It seems rather obvious that Melton violated his probation. The question is: Will the system give him yet another special pass because he's rich and powerful, or will it treat him like any other convicted criminal who violates the probation? Only time will tell.
- DonnaLadd
- Feb 14 2007
If the mayor really did violate his probation--and the WAPT report seems to make that case--then will this warrant more than another sternly worded letter to the mayor? How many times can you tell someone you're warning him and you really mean it before that begins to sound desperate? If the mayor violated probation, will there be a real sanction this time? I wonder if he might be put under house arrest.
- Brian C Johnson
- Feb 14 2007
Also at WAPT: Melton said that despite the problems, he would be back out on another nightclub raid with his probation officer's approval this weekend. Now, why would his probation officer allow him to do that being that Melton is not supposed to even be somewhere where alcohol is served, or in any way use police equipment. The AG has warned him not to act like a police officer. Clearly, he violated the terms of his bond and his probation in more ways than one. And he's thumbing his nose at the authorities in this state, daring them to do their jobs. The question is: Will they? Any probation officer who allows Melton to do such a thing should be fired immediately. Of course, maybe this boss—formerly Melton's campaign manager—will order him to? I will tell you this: If they do not enforce Melton's terms of probation, they have *no right* enforcing the terms of any other criminal's probation. You can't discriminate against poor folks, but let someone let Melton have a pass. What kind of message does he send—especially to his mentees? Grow up and act like Melton, and no law enforcement agent will have the balls to stop you?
- DonnaLadd
- Feb 14 2007
Melton said that despite the problems, he would be back out on another nightclub raid with his probation officer's approval this weekend. My question is: Could Melton have called the probation officer to say he was working evenings and not indicate that it would be after midnight and into the a.m. hours? I believe this Mayor could have called and said just that...lied and not told the whole truth. A probation officer is not a private investigator or correctional officer making 15 minute sight checks. The nature of their job is for the individual on probation to report to them and also to be available any time the probation officer calls on them. While I know lots of us would love for the probation officer to spend every waking minute with da Mayor to ensure he's "caught"...the laws need to change on authority of probation officers for that to happen. As for Robert Johnson - how sweet is that that the former co-campaign manager of da Mayor owns this company that may end up being the one's to write the report that provides the means for da Judge to put him in jail for the remainder of his year sentence.
- JenniferGriffin
- Feb 14 2007
"I will tell you this: If they do not enforce Melton's terms of probation, they have *no right* enforcing the terms of any other criminal's probation. You can't discriminate against poor folks, but let someone let Melton have a pass. What kind of message does he send—especially to his mentees? Grow up and act like Melton, and no law enforcement agent will have the balls to stop you?" I totally agree ladd. I don't believe these idiots will do anything right until the federal level steps in. He'll tear up the capital city, and I can only wonder what everyone will say then. Will they blame him? Will they blame Green? Will they blame Faye? Will they blame the supervisors or the council? or will they blame Hood? All I know is that after the capital city is torn up and this state's image goes down with it there will be no one around to give a warning to. It'll be too late by then.
- optimisticaboutNewJackCity
- Feb 14 2007
"Also, will The Clarion-Ledger *ever* mention the little detail that Robert Johnson, head of Probation Services, was Melton's campaign manager???" -Ladd Is there something here that I may be missing Ms. Ladd?
- Robert Johnson
- Feb 14 2007
also, did anyone notice how at the end of the story the clarion ledger has "parole officer" not probation officer . . . there is a difference
- djames
- Feb 15 2007
They are saying "let the mayor do his job" What job?? Did they arrest anyone during all those raids that night??/ Was he really dancing at one of the clubs? What is this man doing??? Judge Green should get off her butt and stop all this mess. how are we in good conscience going to demand "criminals" abide by their probation if the leader of the city gets away with this> Maybe all criminals are treated the same as far as violating their probation and we wonder why they continue to commit crimes when they are out. Long arrest records are proof as far as I am concerned. One other thing does he have police powers?
- jada
- Feb 15 2007
did someone say let him do his "job". well too bad the mayor doesn't know his job. he has not done it thus far. he continues to attempt to do the police chief and police officers jobs. somebody, please, make him "chief" so we can get a real mayor back in control of our city.
- notme
- Feb 15 2007
The maya is just trying to do his job. Why lock up a maya trying to do that? Do y'all want him to stop crime or not. Where are you, Cliff?
- Ray Carter
- Feb 15 2007
Wow....Donna, you have Robert Johnson on line reading. Since he's here, maybe you should answer his question.
- JenniferGriffin
- Feb 15 2007
he is one of the final five.
- Kingfish
- Feb 15 2007
Do y'all want a good maya or not?
- Ray Carter
- Feb 15 2007
Ray, if i had a choice b/t Melton and no one, i would pick to not have a "maya". Plain and simple.
- LawClerk
- Feb 15 2007
I know Lawclerk. I'm just trying to help Cliff out in his absence. I'll playing!
- Ray Carter
- Feb 15 2007
Hey JPF, actually I'm just noticing his post on this one thanks to your bump. I had responded to his post on Brian's editorial last night. Honestly, I don't understand the question being asked here. Obviously, I was referring to the fact that The Clarion-Ledger had not mentioned that the gentleman over Probation Services, whom they (and we) are calling about Mr. Melton's actions, once served as his campaign manager. Can this fact be something that citizens do not need to know? I will add that we do not know for sure that this is the same Robert Johnson, and Adam has been leaving messages for him throughout, and he hasn't called back. So we are more than happy to get his comments out there. I hope he returns Adam's call soon. And if Mr. Johnson wants to ask me questions directly, I'm at the same number Adam has been leaving.
- DonnaLadd
- Feb 15 2007
Here's The Clarion-Ledger's follow-up today: In Green's order, she wrote that Melton's failure to inform Probation Services Co. of Mississippi, the firm that oversees his year-long sentence, "appears to be in violation of probation." Green said Melton's medical condition may have excused the violation but required him to submit "sealed medical certification" from his doctors. In a Feb. 5 letter to his probation officer, Melton complained the order forced him to return to Jackson early. Green's order did not require Melton to return to Jackson but did require his doctors to give his "anticipated date of medical release to return to normal duties." Melton attorney Dale Danks said the mayor is making every effort to comply with the terms of his probation. "I know personally that he has bent over backward to apprise his probation officer of where he is going, when he is going. That is above and beyond the required weekly report-in," he said. Melton also is out on bond for a variety of felony charges relating to his alleged role in damaging a duplex on Ridgeway Street in west Jackson. He is scheduled to stand trial on those charges April 23. This is not the first time Melton has been warned about possible parole violations. On Jan. 9, Melton's probation officer, Dennis Grant, warned the mayor that the conditions of his bond are also the conditions of his probation. The bond conditions forbid Melton's personal use of police equipment and association with minor children and require him to honor a midnight to 6 a.m. curfew. Danks said those conditions do not apply to his probation. The mayor is required to check in weekly with Grant and inform him when he leaves town, but Danks said he is not aware of any other requirements. OK, my question is: Has Melton filed these documents with Green, and can they be sealed without a hearing? Also, it's funny that Danks seems to be overruling Melton's probation officer. Does he truly think that he can do that!?!
- DonnaLadd
- Feb 15 2007
" will add that we do not know for sure that this is the same Robert Johnson, and Adam has been leaving messages for him throughout, and he hasn't called back. So we are more than happy to get his comments out there. I hope he returns Adam's call soon. And if Mr. Johnson wants to ask me questions directly, I'm at the same number Adam has been leaving."-Ladd I am one and the same. For what it's worth I've received calls from most all media, but not Adam. My number is an e-mail to him so maybe I'll get his call this time. "And if Mr. Johnson wants to ask me questions directly, I'm at the same number Adam has been leaving."-Ladd My question was posed in the above post that you responded to, so I'm good with it.
- Robert Johnson
- Feb 15 2007
I KNOW Donna is on the phone with Robert Johnson right now! My question for Mr. Johnson; Can Dennis Grant perform his duties without compromise when it comes to FM because of your relationship with the Mayor?
- Fitz
- Feb 15 2007
If da maya goes to jail, pre-trial or post-trial, the city of jackson will suffer. We won't have his unique leadership and get-things-done style to move the city ahead. Keep da maya free! Keep da maya free! keep da maya free! The "Keep Da Maya Free Coalition" is printing t-shirts and selling hoe cakes for funds to use in convincing the public to keep da maya free. We're taking contributions too. Come one. Come all. We need your support because a whole lotta _______ is jumping ship!
- Ray Carter
- Feb 15 2007
...and so it seems that from Shakespeare we we have the return or Brutus and this for melton would be the "Most unkindess cut of all."
- justjess
- Feb 15 2007
I am a regular at the CL, and I regularly cause rukus over there. That's where Cliff is at. He is annoying me to death over there with his Melton supporting and Jackson bashing at times.
- optimisticaboutNewJackCity
- Feb 15 2007
Melton supporting...ME? talking about?
- Cliff Cargill
- Feb 15 2007
no YOU supporting Melton.
- optimisticaboutNewJackCity
- Feb 15 2007
Melton is now reporting he will take a break from his raids or crime fighting, but it has nothing to do with Judge Green or probation services. He's probably just tired. Crime fighting is obviously exhausting.
- Ray Carter
- Feb 15 2007
I don't believe it. He wants to be Cheif of Police too much. He's takign a break because he knows the heat is getting high and it's time to cool down. He'll wait until it looks like he has changed. He'll wait until something good happens in economic development for the city of Jackson. He'll take credit for it. Then about a week afterward, he'll be tearing down somebody's house with a sledgehammer, or he'll be trying to tear down the Upper Level with one.
- optimisticaboutNewJackCity
- Feb 15 2007
"no YOU supporting Melton." What gives you that idea?
- Cliff Cargill
- Feb 15 2007
Anyone wo wants to chime in on this onr is welcome. I think I've gotten caught up in my on satire. (rolls eyes)
- Cliff Cargill
- Feb 15 2007
You should leave satire to the professionals.
- Kingfish
- Feb 15 2007
Yeah...maybe...I can't actually fathom this poor soul thinking I support Melton. That's too funny!
- Cliff Cargill
- Feb 15 2007
Oh okay then Cliff. I didn't know I thought someone said you did. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
- optimisticaboutNewJackCity
- Feb 15 2007
No problem.
- Cliff Cargill
- Feb 15 2007
There were 15 supporters (including children) at city hall to support f/m. I hope there are 174 thousands that do not and realize they made a mistake at the polls 2 yrs ago.
- sistergirl
- Mar 3 2007
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