Green Demands Melton Documentation | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Green Demands Melton Documentation

Dennis Grant, Probation Services Company Offender Services Coordinator said in a Jan. 29 letter (PDF, 100KB) to Judge Tomie Green that he has not received proof of Melton's recent surgery in Texas. Melton's bond for his felony indictments requires him to report any departures from the state. A delay in the mayor's heart surgery required he file details with Grant.

By Jan. 29, however, Melton was still holding out on the information, according to Grant.

"This (delay), I have been informed, was due to further complications of medical procedures in Texas. However, I still have not received documentation verifying his surgery, performing physicians, and scheduled release and return to Jackson," wrote Grant in a letter filed Feb. 7 in the Circuit Clerk's office. "I will be making out a violation report if I have not received this information by the end of the week."

Neither Melton nor Grant returned calls to the JFP for comment.

The Clarion-Ledger reported today that Green responded by issuing a Jan. 31 letter to Melton requiring him to submit certification from his cardiologist confirming his entry and release dates from the hospital. Green wrote that Melton "appears to be in violation of probation" but that "unforeseen medical occurrences reported by the media" provided an excuse, according to The Clarion-Ledger.

There is no news of a formal response by Probation Services Company or Judge Green to Melton's late-night police raid on the Upper Level last weekend. Melton told The Clarion-Ledger that he had permission from his probation officer for the raid, which otherwise violated requirements that he abide by a curfew and refrain from using police equipment. Probation Services Company is managed by Robert Johnson, who worked on Melton's 2005 mayoral campaign.

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