The Lawyers and the Statistician | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

The Lawyers and the Statistician

By day three of the Michael Ellis termination hearing, the Ellis women had moved up to the first row of the hearing room. They wore apparel appropriate for Valentine's Day—a red hat, a red coat, a red sweater, a red dress.

The hearing resumed with Ellis attorney Lisa Ross recalling Charlie Bonds, Jackson Public Schools executive director of internal audits. After Bonds' testimony yesterday, Ross requested the originals of two weekly time sheets with changed entries initialed by Ellis. Ross questioned Bonds about apparent differences between the copies introduced as evidence by JPS and the original documents. JPS attorney Armin Moeller would not allow Bonds to speculate about the differences because Bonds said he had never seen the originals, only the copies.

After Ross concluded her redirect, Moeller called Dr. Willie Johnson, JPS executive director of accountability and research, as his next witness. Johnson's testimony centered around two primary-color bar charts: the first showing Chastain discipline offenses from the '02-'03 school year through the first half of the '06-'07 school years, and the second showing summaries of Chastain's Mississippi Curriculum Test scores for the same period. Consistent with JPS strategy thus far, Moeller concentrated only on data from Chastain, and only on the years of Ellis' incumbency as principal, and the school year immediately preceding his hiring. In such isolation, the data seemed to support the allegations that Ellis had "failed to achieve significant progress," that Chastain had "steadily declined" and was in a "state of chaos and disruption," and that Ellis failed to "maintain a safe environment."

But as Mark Twain once said, there are "lies, damn lies and statistics." Under Ross' cross-examination, Johnson put the Chastain statistics into larger context, which calls Moeller's cherry-picked conclusions into question. (Cherry picking is a term used by statisticians for data presented out of context.)

Under Moeller's questioning, Johnson testified that Chastain's number of student disciplinary offenses increased from a total of 21 in the '05-'06 school year to 52 for the first half of the current year, an increase of more than 250 percent. Without any other context, the numbers didn't look good, especially in the bright red, yellow and green bar chart.

Moeller seemed pleased with Johnson's testimony, and distributed copies of JPS evidence, topped off with the multicolored Chastain charts, to reporters.

Under cross-examination, Johnson testified that the data did not show the specific type of offense, which could range from relatively trivial offenses like creating disturbances in the classroom to rape and murder. Ross also had Johnson testify to the number of offenses at all other JPS middle schools for the '05-'06 year, and had him estimate the number of students in each. Ross also introduced the proportional size of each school as a factor. Rowan Middle School, for example, with a student population roughly one-third that of Chastain, had 18 offenses to Chastain's 21, showing that proportionally, Rowan actually had more offenses for the year than Chastain. Once placed in a wider context, the cherry-picked Chastain disciplinary data lost its glamour, moving Chastain from the bottom of the barrel to the third-best middle school in the district for that year.

"You want to paint a true picture of Chastain, don't you?" Ross asked Johnson at one point, to which Johnson replied that he did.

On the chart showing MCT scores at Chastain, Moeller concluded that scores had been on a downward trend during Ellis' tenure at the school. Ross' cross-examination of Johnson concentrated first on the important effect household income has on test scores. Johnson admitted that household income was a key factor not represented in the chart. He estimated that 70 percent of Chastain students received free or reduced lunches, indicating that the majority of Chastain students are from economically challenged or impoverished households. Johnson also testified that Chastain's test scores had actually improved for the same period in four of nine areas.

In further testimony, Johnson put Chastain's entry into the federal "No Child Left Behind" school improvement program into context with the ten other Jackson middle schools. Including Chastain, nine of the 11 JPS middle schools are in the program, with four—Hardy, Peeples, Siwell and Whitten—in corrective action, meaning that they have failed to meet certain standards for three years or more, although they have received additional federal funds specifically with the goal of raising those scores. None of the principals of the other eight middle schools have been fired, Johnson testified.

Ross also questioned the timing of Johnson's data compilations. Johnson testified that he had pulled the Chastain data on Friday, Feb. 9, 2007, at the request of JPS district counsel JoAnne Shepherd, and that no one had requested the data previously.

Due to scheduling conflicts, the Ellis hearing will reconvene on or around March 19, when Ross will conclude her cross-examination of Johnson.

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