ARTICLE: The Mental Health Parity Bill Finally Passes the First Hurdle | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

ARTICLE: The Mental Health Parity Bill Finally Passes the First Hurdle

(verbatim from e-mail from the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance)

Guys, please do me a favor and click on the link in this article. Let our senators know that supporting this legislation is critical. The lives of many who suffer from mental illness depends on this.

For the past five years, we as mental health advocates have been working diligently to pass Mental Health Parity, legislation that would ensure that individuals living with a mental illness are afforded the same level of insurance coverage as individuals with a physical illness. And for the past five years, we've faced great disappointment.

On Wednesday, February 14, a bipartisan group of Senators, led by longtime mental health champions Senators Pete Domenici (R-NM), Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA) and Mike Enzi (R-WY) passed legislation that would finally end insurance coverage discrimination between physical and mental illnesses. It passed the Committee by an 18-3 vote.

The action by the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee marks the first approval by a Congressional Committee of parity legislation since 2001.

While it's important to always celebrate victories big and small, now is not the time to rest on our laurels. Right now, click on the link below to send a letter to your Senators. The letter will ask your Senators to co-sponsor this legislation.

Connect and be counted!

Make your voice heard now!

Remember to include your family and friends, there is always strength in numbers. Scroll down the page to the box that says, "Tell-A-Friend." This feature will allow you to easily forward this message to 10 family members and/or friends. The email is already created all you will need to do is enter their email addresses.

Additional information on Mental Health Parity:

* Mental Health Parity Update
* Mental Health Parity FAQ


Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
730 N. Franklin St. Suite 501
Chicago, IL 60610

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