Corps: Twin Lakes Plan ‘Economically Infeasible' | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Corps: Twin Lakes Plan ‘Economically Infeasible'

The Clarion-Ledger is reporting:

A recent U.S. Army Corps of Engineers study of a plan to build a lake development along the Pearl River in metro Jackson shows the project could cost $1.4 billion - hundreds of millions more than anticipated by the plan's proponents.

In a draft of an economic feasibility study reviewed by The Clarion-Ledger, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers calls the LeFleur Lakes project "economically infeasible" as a federal project. The study, sent with a letter dated Feb. 14 to the local board involved with the project, further suggests if the project is to go forward it must be paid for with local money.

Proponents say the corps' figure is inflated and that private developers can build the project cheaper. Others doubt whether the project is worth the cost. [...]

Richland Mayor Mark Scarborough said the city would need additional pumps - a finding also cited in the corps' study - to prevent flooding caused by Squirrel Branch and Neely Creek.

"My concern is that we're spending this kind of money and it's only going to address flooding problems north of Richland," Scarborough said. "It won't address problems north and south of the lakes."

Meanwhile, no compromise has been reached between the LeFleur Lakes proponents and supporters of a $424 million Airport Parkway from downtown Jackson to the Jackson Evers International Airport. The two projects, as proposed, collide on a stretch less than a mile wide at the Pearl River.

No surprise here.

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