City Council's Resolutions | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

City Council's Resolutions

During last Friday's Jackson Free Press radio show (which airs every Friday at noon on WLEZ 103.7), Council President Ben Allen set out several items he said City Council hoped to address by February:

• Resolution on City Attorney Sarah O'Reilly-Evans' contract, which allows her to take additional compensation from bonds issued by the city, to City Council's chagrin.

• Completing the city's Web site, which has been under construction for nearly two years.

• Interim Fire Chief Todd Chandler's confirmation, which has been held up by the Melton administration for more than a year.

• Establishing an ad hoc advisory committee to study and review solutions to the conflict between the Airport Parkway and the LeFleur Lakes Project. Allen anticipates holding four two-hour meetings over the next two months.

• Developing an events calendar for moving forward with the misdemeanor jail and/or other regional detention options.

• Compelling Police Chief Shirlene Anderson to present a crime plan and a recruitment strategy to City Council. Last month, Anderson refused to disclose her crime plan to Councilman Marshand Crisler.

• Exploring whether the city can relax residency requirements for police officers and firefighters in order to enlarge the recruitment pool. The city would require that recruits live within 30 miles of Jackson. This measure would expire in one year.

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