[Kamikaze] When Politicians Attack | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

[Kamikaze] When Politicians Attack

I'm sure by now you've read enough reviews of 2006. You've probably read as many predictions for 2007.

Fact is, every January, we pontificate about what the new year will bring. We sometimes denounce the missteps of the previous year, all the while promising to do better in the year to come. However, by the next year's end, we find that in most cases, we repeated those same missteps—only, they took on a new look with a few new names. In the end, resolutions are often misplaced and ill timed.

I'm not trying to be a pessimist here. I live by faith. You know, the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. It's just that experience has made me a realist. And in that reality, understand that if we don't change in the new year, we're doomed to repeat the mistakes of 2006.

This city is at a crossroads. Jackson has the potential to be the best of the new South or the butt of its jokes. In 2006, it seems we've been more of the former than the latter. My city has become the home of the finger-pointers: a collection of pundits, ripe with criticism but devoid of solutions. The end of 2006 brought negative headlines, negative numbers and negative comments from sitting lawmakers. There's a huge difference between holding someone or something accountable and placing blame. In 2007, into which category will you fall?

True, leadership has failed us on a number of levels, but I, for one, never put stock in one man or one body to solve the city's problems. The issues are simply too great and rest at all of our feet. The call in the upcoming year should be for all of us to assume roles as leaders. Each one of us should be in charge of our homes and families, and then our neighborhoods. If we succeed there, that translates to a greater scale.

It's easy to be apathetic when you look back at the examples some "grown" folks have set for our kids this past year. There are stories of murder and mayhem at my old junior high school, Chastain. Teachers who are entrusted to educate our kids have violated that trust. One is accused of murder, and another seems to be dodging the law. And you've got elected officials—councilmen, congressmen and senators—on TV and in print acting like spoiled school children.

Even more embarrassing is the fact that some of them are pushing 70 and beyond, which makes it even sadder when you hear words like "shut up" at a meeting. Or how about lawmakers who choose to protest an honor bestowed upon one of our state's biggest stars? David Banner continues to tout education despite its inadequate funding.

Still, I hope 2007 will be better. Honestly, if I thought this city was progressive enough to elect a young rapper to City Council, Congress, board of supervisors or whatever, I'd run for office my damn self! But then again, my mom always told me I'd make a horrible politician for two reasons: One, I speak the truth. And two, I'd actually get some things done.

Happy 2007, everyone. Whatever you have resolved to do, just make sure you do it. And that's the truth … shonuff.

Previous Comments


Friend, if bad actors like Swartzenegger (maybe I mispelled), Ronald Reagan, wrestlers (former governor of Minnesota), singers (Sonny Bono of Sonny and Cher was in congress), comedians (Al Franken is mulling a run for Congress), and future talk show hosts (Jerry Springer was a mayor) can hold offices then why not a rapper. It sounds like a great movie script (or has that movie been made already)(rapper turnt elected official or rapper/elected official. We need more ground breakers to break molds and blaze new trails. Clearly the status quo leaves something to be desired. Everybody say "vote!". We need candidates who can energize younger voters who tend not to vote and allow others to make decisions for them.


kaze, looks like he might be dodging the law for a reason. Nice to see the ghost of Cleon Butler has appeared.


Kaze, mayne I told you a couple of columns ago that I'd back you. You got my vote. I mean how much worse could it get. You'd have to just disappear to be worse than what we got right now. But if you can smile and wave and speak fluent english.....shssssH! u could hold public office in this town....ANY public office.


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