Monticello Mayor: No Payments for Jackson | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Monticello Mayor: No Payments for Jackson

Mayor Dave Nichols II of Monticello has a letter in The Clarion-Ledger today opposing the move to pass a PILT (payment in lieu of taxes) bill for the capital city. It reads in part:

Based on the arguments you make concerning the infrastructure demands placed on Jackson by the Capitol and its offices being there, you would have to pay every city and county in the state. Every city has some type of state government building or buildings in its corporate limits, putting a demand for services.

Keep in mind, there are no property taxes paid on these buildings, either; yet, they receive all city services. I am sure Wesson and every other small city with a two-year college would love an annual payment from the state.

You must remember that the state is already paying for water and sewer in all these buildings so the state is helping with some of the infrastructure costs in Jackson and all other cities where it has property.

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