No. 15, January 10 - 17 | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

No. 15, January 10 - 17

<b><em>Americans, Fix Our Country</b></em>

What happened to America? In the past, if something had to be done, America(ns) could do it. We were first. We could do it fast, and it was done right. "Made in the USA" meant pride by the manufacturer and dependability to the buyer. Back then, one would have thought that with modern methods and technology, and bigger and better machinery, that a new and glorious day was about to unfold.

But jobs are being sent overseas. And instead of looking for work, citizens are looking for handouts in the form of lawsuits. Worst of all, our youth are being raised by Ms. Hollywood and Mr. Studio Gangster—neither of which is an appropriate parental figure.

Corporate America is overrun with greedy, unscrupulous men who continually go from one company to the next, running them into bankruptcy. These men are robbing these companies and America before going to trial, but not before the honest employees who turn them in are vilified for doing the right thing. Politicians must also be mentioned because they have always been at the forefront of corruption.

What's wrong with the Gulf Coast? Why is the cleanup and rebuilding going so slowly? There was nothing slow about the bidding and awarding of the lucrative cleanup contracts. It has been a year now since they've gotten their slice of the pie. They should live up to the promises they made in order to get that slice.

Americans, it is time not only to fix the Gulf Coast, but America as well. America never was, and probably never will be, Camelot. But we were the nation all other nations looked to and followed during critical times. It is time to be that nation again. It will take some time, and it won't be easy. But I have some ideas to start with.

Politicians: Lead us with honesty and integrity. Work for the people who voted for you and pay your salaries, not the ones who give you money and gifts. If that goes against what you believe in, find another job!

Corporate Executives: Take your hands out of the cookie jar. Do not tell employees there is no money for raises, pensions and health care when you just gave yourself a $100 million golden parachute, along with the millions in stock options you sold just before bankrupting the company. A note for employees of public companies: If the new CEO is a shark, prepare to be bitten.

Americans: This is our country. Love it or leave it! Stop blaming Mexicans for stealing jobs. If you were working it, they couldn't have taken it. Stress education to your children. The children who aren't educated today are the criminals in your house tomorrow.

These are basic ideas, but we have to start somewhere. America was the standard all other countries were judged by. Now, we are the country held in judgment. Americans, fix our Coast; fix our country. After all, we were once the nation that got things done.
— Guzel A. Dempsey, Jackson

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