The Clarion-Ledger is reporting that a probation official wrote a letter to Melton this week containing harsh warnings against violations of his bond:
A letter written Tuesday by a probation service official reminds Melton that the conditions of his bond do not allow him to use police equipment for personal use or have contact with children under the age of 17. The letter also reiterates that Melton has a curfew from midnight to 6 a.m. and must notify probation services at least 48 hours before any overnight visit. "The conditions of your bond are also conditions of probation and any violation of either can lead to revocation of your suspended sentence," Dennis M. Grant, offender services coordinator for Probation Services Co., wrote.
Previous Commentsshow
What's this?One wonders at what point Melton is going to realize that he is accused of being a serious and dangerous criminal, and that the laws apply to me, too.
- DonnaLadd
- Jan 11 2007
This is so insane. Once again Melton, who loves to talk about "the law" and "being tough on crime" has no issue with BREAKING the law. ??? too weird for me, I'm sick of him.
- Izzy
- Jan 11 2007
Oh, gee. He got a warning. Like that will do any good. Might as well give him an ice cream cone and a hug.
- Lady Havoc
- Jan 11 2007
It was an accident. He didn't know he was violating anything. Or is he batshat crazy as Kate describes him?
- Ray Carter
- Jan 11 2007
Exactly, Lady. They need to quit with these failing threats and actually do something. Melton knows no law in this town as of now. He needs a REAL wake-up call soon. Like a jail cell wake-up.
- kp
- Jan 11 2007
Anyone remember this line... "Laugh now... because you clowns have been on double secret probation all semester. -'Double secret probation?' -That means one more slip-up... one more mistake..."
- Cliff Cargill
- Jan 11 2007
I remember it Cliff. I hope the city doesn't befall the ending that the fraternity in Animal House provided, but I won't be surprised if Melton crashes similarly.
- Ray Carter
- Jan 11 2007
"toga..Toga...TOga...TOGA...TOGA!!!" Ray, I think it's already there.
- Cliff Cargill
- Jan 11 2007
Is there a way to put Melton and his Command Center under constant watch? Have a video camera follow him wherever he goes and report back to the Courts?
- LawClerk
- Jan 11 2007
I wondered why he (melton) had not announced the next place he would be spending the night and the fact that there was no follow-though on his threat of tearing down Christain Brothers Apts. Maybe the letter from the parole officer was a trunk that has actually fallen on his head. I am also sick and tired of all of these warnings. As I posted earlier on another article, melton's timing of this latest stunt coincided with Lewis' announcement of running for the office of sheriff. I really believe that he wanted Mc to arrest him to create a stir in the community. I think that more people now than ever have come to know that melton is not what some thought they were voting for. He has been a disappointment to so many people.
- justjess
- Jan 11 2007
I think the proper phrase for the judge, DA, AG, etc, is... Put Up Or Shut Up.
- Lady Havoc
- Jan 11 2007
Just to be clear about Frank's probation, let's say he sees a friend somewhere out in public and said friend has his son or daughter with him. Does this mean he can't even do as much as speak to or shake the son or daughter's hand, even in the presence of his or her father?
- golden eagle
- Jan 11 2007
GEB, that's the way I read it. I could be wrong, and will happily admit it if I am. :)
- Lady Havoc
- Jan 11 2007
GOLDEN EAGLE BOY, if the friend is smart, my suggestion would be get your heels and your kids heels to CLICKING! Stay away from DA MAY-OR beccause he May - OR MAY - Not be the MAYOR the friend's kids need to be exposed to. It is not by accident that several kids that he claimed to be a parent image for are now awaiting trial on felonous charges. So, Ruuuunnnnnn Kids, Ruuuuuuunnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!1!
- justjess
- Jan 11 2007
Makes me think that maybe the Mayor just gave a comment to the media to generate a story and more coverage about him. I'm sure if he admitted to his probation officer that he indeed rode in the MCC, instead of say showed up in a personal vehicle and the MCC was there as well, that he would be in front of the judge now, if not days ago. LawClerk has it right...unless there is proof that he is in the MCC by way of video or still photo, then he can say all he wants to anyone - like telling media he still rides around and uses it in his Mayor's role, but maybe actually doesn't at all.
- JenniferGriffin
- Jan 11 2007
"This is all politically motivated".
- Cliff Cargill
- Jan 11 2007
Kim Wade: Somethin' got to be did..."
- Cliff Cargill
- Jan 11 2007
something strange about a grown man trying to hard to spend the night with strangers and be around kids. Maybe if he had a wife to go home to at night...................... On second thought, I wonder if a wife would put up with it.
- Kingfish
- Jan 11 2007
On second thought, I wonder if a wife would put up with it. Kfish Obviously not! When you got Chief Anderson wiping your kitchen counters and a wife (by marriage) back in TX, it looks like she isn't putting up with it.
- pikersam
- Jan 11 2007
That should be his sentence. He has to live at home with his wife. a certain Star Trek episode involving Harry Mudd comes to mind.
- Kingfish
- Jan 11 2007
WLBT is reporting Melton just called the warning from MS Probation Service "Very inappropiate..{/i]
- Cliff Cargill
- 2007-01-11T18:06:25-06:00
- ID
- 90803
- Comment
WLBT Also reported that Melton said in a phone interview that "They're doing everthing possible to keep me from doing my job... Somethin' got to be did...
- Author
- Cliff Cargill
- Date
- 2007-01-11T18:08:38-06:00
- ID
- 90804
- Comment
What does he think his job is?
- Author
- Kingfish
- Date
- 2007-01-11T18:19:55-06:00
- ID
- 90805
- Comment
Good question kingfish. The last mayor had crime down and cranes downtown by going to work at the temporary City Hall ( a fraction of the size of City Hall). And, he did that with one "semi-retired" police officer to drive him around in a Crown Vic. Thought I'd mention that in case some people still believe that Johnson rode around in a limo as Melton, and the NJam crew would have you believe. Of course, a limo would be cheaper than one RV, at least 2 police cars, and two bodyguards on overtime!
- Author
- pikersam
- Date
- 2007-01-11T18:39:35-06:00
- ID
- 90806
- Comment
Well, I wonder how much it would cost to put him under surveillance?
- Author
- LawClerk
- Date
- 2007-01-11T18:44:37-06:00
- ID
- 90807
- Comment
not worth the trouble. you think its ugly now, try putting him under surveillance. Then he has the person following him arrested as well as the people who hired him for stalking, harrassment, etc. That gives him an excuse to strike back at his critics in ways that are not nice but are legal.
- Author
- Kingfish
- Date
- 2007-01-11T18:48:22-06:00
- ID
- 90808
- Comment
Who's to say he isn't being followed? ;-)
- Author
- pikersam
- Date
- 2007-01-11T18:49:16-06:00
- ID
- 90809
- Comment
THE EDUCATION RALLY LINK IS NOT WORKING. so, i'm just checking in here. only hundreds? I did try the link a few times. it's like maybe importante. might be on my side but .. please look.
- Author
- sunshine
- Date
- 2007-01-11T19:16:40-06:00
- ID
- 90810
- Comment
Pike, I'm not talking about covert surveillance, but the kind of surveillance where you *know* you are being watched, and filmed, and photographed. If it's done from a public place (i.e. a road) then what can he do about it? If I come park outside your house, what laws am I breaking?
- Author
- LawClerk
- Date
- 2007-01-11T19:17:07-06:00
- ID
- 90811
- Comment
OK time to bash, the system, that is. Granted, the DA and the AG really are not on the hook here, but probation officials and the court... THAT is a different story. I just wonder how different it would be if the indivdual flaunting the conditions of his or her parole was a poor individual rather than the mayor. Granted, probation officers due make exceptions and allowances, so I can't say it is certainly favorable treatment, but I doubt an individual FLAUNTING the court that was a poor individual would still be free. AGAMMA
- Author
- AGamm627
- Date
- 2007-01-12T00:41:45-06:00
- ID
- 90812
- Comment
Mrs. Melton has no plans of letting frank embarrass her anymore. This woman is trying to run a business in Texas and has to deal with so much shameassociated with franks national exposure of his negative behavior. If this were a good relationship, she would have been by his side during his lowest ebb in this City - standing before a judge and being convicted of a crime. There was no participation from the two kids that are said to be his. I also remember the lame excuse he gave for his "daughter" no being present at his inauguration: "She just started a new job." Right. Instead of a WARNING for melton, it should have been a WARRANT. Where is Charles Evers and Dale Danks in all of this madness? They are suppose to be advising him. Could it be that he is not taking the advice given by anyone who makes the slightest bit of sense?
- Author
- justjess
- Date
- 2007-01-12T11:14:37-06:00
- ID
- 90813
- Comment
The Ledger today linked the probation letter, so read it for yourself. BTW, is Robert Johnson with PSC the former police chief (and Melton campaign operative)?
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2007-01-12T12:09:47-06:00
- ID
- 90814
- Comment
So, reading the letter, Melton will go to jail if he does the following: 1. Use the Mobile Command Center. 2. Having contact with minors under 17. 3. Be out past his midnight curfew. 4. Have an overnight stay outside his home without notifying his probation officer 48 hours in advance. 5. Stay in a home with children under 17 present, including his own home. 6. Have to gun or weapons in his possession—on his person, vehicle or home. 7. Use drugs or alcohol not prescribed to him by a doctor. Violation of any of those conditions will "result in revocation of suspended time and immediate arrest." Now, the question is: Who is monitoring him in his home? That is where he is most likely to violation the terms of his bond/probation, whether it's with guns, alcohol of contact with minors under 17, based on my past observations.
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2007-01-12T12:16:12-06:00
- ID
- 90815
- Comment
And Agamm's point is right on. If this was anyone else saying his probation terms are "stupid," and so on, and getting away with it, the city would be in an uproar. And I'll repeat what I always say: This man is the worst role model imagineable for young people. You can see what the court wants to keep him away from them.
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2007-01-12T12:21:08-06:00
- ID
- 90816
- Comment
If those are the terms of his probation, why did he just get a warning instead of getting arrested? I promise you, if a regular citizen had done the same thing, they would be after that citizen in a heartbeat. The court system is guilty of favoritism: different rules for different people. And they wonder why people are headed to the burbs. He needs to be arrested, jailed, and sentenced for probation violation. But the judges aren't brave enough to do so.
- Author
- Lady Havoc
- Date
- 2007-01-12T12:41:04-06:00
- ID
- 90817
- Comment
"I'm not your regular kind of mayor..." No sh!t.
- Author
- Cliff Cargill
- Date
- 2007-01-12T12:41:38-06:00
- ID
- 90818
- Comment
Nope. Not your regular kind of Mayor. He needs some Immodium. He'll be regular then. :)
- Author
- Lady Havoc
- Date
- 2007-01-12T12:43:33-06:00
- ID
- 90819
- Comment
Ladd, Read the second paragraph where it says "can lead to revocation." This does not say "will" lead to revocation (unfortunately). Then, jump to the fourth paragraph that says "will". Well, which ones is it? Can or will? There are HUGE differences in those words. I would also like to know how they define "contact with minors." I google a definition of "contact" and found these: * S: (n) contact (close interaction) * S: (n) contact (the state or condition of touching or of being in immediate proximity) * S: (n) contact, physical contact (the act of touching physically) * S: (n) contact, impinging, striking (the physical coming together of two or more things) Does anyone remember seeing a few days ago him "contacting" those minors in his sleepover party?
- Author
- LawClerk
- Date
- 2007-01-12T13:01:03-06:00
- ID
- 90820
- Comment
I'm not sure if it is favortism or rather the way probation works. If the Mayor went to his probation officer and said he did not use the MCC, inspite of what is reported in the newspaper, then without video proof or some order saying the probation officer must now follow this man everywhere, what are you to do? I believe everyone has expressed several times that not only is he not a good mentor, he is a liar. Well....maybe he lied to the media just to get the headline, and actually didn't violate using the MCC. Or maybe he lied to his probation officer who has absolutely not video/photo proof to present to the courts to say otherwise. Even if he was on electronic monitoring, it wouldn't indicate if he was in the MCC or any other official police vehicle. Thoughts from the lawyers out there?
- Author
- JenniferGriffin
- Date
- 2007-01-12T13:09:17-06:00
- ID
- 90821
- Comment
Ladd...good questions. Also, what is the definition of "personal use"....that seems to be another question.
- Author
- JenniferGriffin
- Date
- 2007-01-12T13:10:29-06:00
- ID
- 90822
- Comment
"Nope. Not your regular kind of Mayor. He needs some Immodium. He'll be regular then. :)" *PooP* A one word description of this administration..
- Author
- Cliff Cargill
- Date
- 2007-01-12T13:17:03-06:00
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