My love and blessings go out to everyone who came out last night to the "Best Of" Party at Voodoo. It surpassed even my expectations. I was impressed with the love that JFP has out in these mean streets of Jacktown and eqaully humbled at how much love some of you have for your favorite neighborhood rapper:-)
Thank You to everyone who voted for me as their choice for best Hip-Hop artist and even more thanks to those that finally got to see me in person and voiced their support. In the words of that famous actress..You like reeeeallly like me. And I am greatful.
But dont think for one second Im going to stop raising hell! Told you I was going to be more trouble than Im worth in 2007 so hold on to your seats.. and to all of you who got a sampling of the new material(I handed out some cd's) hit me here and let me know what ya think ok. I had a blast. The food was excellent and the drinks were free!!!(my favorite kind). That's the kind of party environment that we need more of here. Kudos to the JFP staff, glad to a part of the team. Since everybody's doing it, I may put together my own exploratory committee :-) for City council. If I get one-tenth of the love folks had for me in that room, I couldnt lose! Peace.
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