Why am I typing this at 4:30 AM? My sister called and said that someone broke into her van and stole her car radio. Before you say, "I'm leaving Jackson," listen closely.
My sister's van was an easy target because one of the doors was unlocked. She had told her children to be careful about leaving a particular door unlocked, and this happened to be one of those times when one of them forgot again. A neighbor saw someone get in the van, but he thought it was her son and didn't say anything. My sister believes that the thief would have broken the window to get in anyway, but I don't think he would have wanted to draw that much attention to himself since she lives on a busy street. If he tried to break the window, the neighbor who saw him would have known right away that the guy was up to no good and would have probably yelled at him or got a good description of him so he could tell the police.
I'm sure my sister's kids are getting an earful, and I also have some tips for protecting your car from burglary:
* Keep your doors locked.
* Keep items like purses out of view, or if possible, not in the car at all when you're not in it.
* Do not leave papers in the car that have personal information on it like your bank account number or Social Security number.
These are simple things we can do to keep our vehicles from becoming targets. This incident could have happened to anyone anywhere considering the circumstances. Let's not make it easy on the criminals. A little common sense and know-how is beneficial.
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