The organization is now registered with the Secretary of State's office. Also, we now have an address for correspondence:
P.O. Box 11251
Jackson, MS 39283
I was hoping that we could do a voter registration drive, but the clock is ticking on that, so I will take the time now to encourage everyone to vote August 7. A lot is at stake this year: the race for governor, lieutenant governor, Hinds D.A., Hinds County Sheriff, and now, Ward 1 Councilman. No one can afford to be apathetic. Too much is at stake this year. We want people in office who care about the well-being of ALL Mississippians, not just a select few who are in lockstep with someone's twisted idea of law and order.
Please vote August 7. If you're not registered, please print out this registration form, fill it out and mail or hand deliver it to the Hinds County Circuit Clerk's office during the month of June. You have to be registered at least 30 days before the election in order to participate, so doing it this month should give you more than enough time. The mailing addresses are:
Hinds County Circuit Clerk
P.O. BOX 327
Jackson, MS 39205
(601) 968- 6628
Hinds County Circuit Clerk
P.O. Box 999
Raymond, MS 39154
(601) 857- 8038
Call either number if you are unsure of which judicial district you live in. To find out more about who's running for office, go to StateDesk. See you at the polls!
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