In another demonstration of why their newspaper is so awful, The Clarion-Ledger edit-boyz today declared that, now that Judge Webster has thrown out the probation warrants against Melton, that the mayor "should have learned that doesn't mean he can break his parole with impunity." How's that, Ledge? How did a judge from elsewhere throwing out every bit of his parole violations, calling them "technical," send the message to Melton that he cannot "break his parole with impunity"? Are we on the same planet here? Is logic allowed through the front door over there?
Here's the real tragedy: In the city, state, even nationally, people are focusing on Melton and his problems and taking sides, not on the city's problems and joining for solutions.
Oh, please. Now that the Ledger's choice for mayor is in there and doing exactly the kinds of things they should have known he would do, based on his track record, they're complaining about people "taking sides" and not focusing "on the city's problems and joining for solutions"??? This is coming from the major media pawn that the Melton Machine used to spread myths about the last mayor and divide the city and not focus on solutions other than "ending crime in 90 days!"
(And while on it, how 'bout that sentence? Read it again: "Here's the real tragedy: In the city, state, even nationally, people are focusing on Melton and his problems and taking sides, not on the city's problems and joining for solutions.")
Could not some actual editor have deleted the phrase "and taking sides" out of that sentence before press, or moved it somewhere where it wouldn't make that sentence completely illiterate??? That paper's editorials alone make this state look backward and uneducated—from the writing and the cliches to the reasoning and poor research.
Do they even care what they put into print?
Previous Comments
- ID
- 110591
- Comment
The CL reporting on this entire episode has been rather bland, you'd think the reporters there would be digging deep and going all out, I mean the Melton story is something reporters could possibly win some awards for, if they do it well.
- Author
- GLewis
- Date
- 2007-03-16T10:27:50-06:00
- ID
- 110592
- Comment
Let's hope. ;-)
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2007-03-16T10:32:59-06:00
- ID
- 110593
- Comment
I don't know which is more pathetic: that editorial or the letter writer from Greenville and other out-of-towners who think Frank is doing a good job at reducing crime and that they know what's best for us.
- Author
- golden eagle
- Date
- 2007-03-16T10:33:54-06:00
- ID
- 110594
- Comment
The JFP should win some awards for their reporting. The C-L is milquetoast: JFP is prime rib. Reporting you can sink your teeth into. :)
- Author
- Lady Havoc
- Date
- 2007-03-16T10:39:09-06:00
- ID
- 110595
- Comment
Hey Lady, even this strict vegetarian appreciates that compliment! ;-)
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2007-03-16T10:45:53-06:00
- ID
- 110596
- Comment
I'm going to teach my two dogs Spanish. Don't worry, they'll "learn" it. I'll yell really loud and we'll have it wrapped up by mid-afternoon.
- Author
- Cliff Cargill
- Date
- 2007-03-16T10:49:41-06:00
- ID
- 110597
- Comment
Agreed, all, about the shabby reporting. That said, can you believe that over the past month, the C-L has managed to screw up the 'cryptoquip' puzzle THREE times by spltting words at the end of a line (without a hyphen!) instead of printing it exactly as the syndicate transmitted it to them! The first time, I thought I was batsh!t crazy when I couldn't solve the thing that morning and later that night. Next morning, I checked the Southern Style section first to see what the correct answer was. By comparing it to my unfinished Cryptoquip from the day before, I was stunned to see that a copy editor did not discover the error...or two other ones over a 10-day (or so) period! Unbelievable!
- Author
- Kacy
- Date
- 2007-03-16T12:01:18-06:00
- ID
- 110598
- Comment
And if they can't get the Cryptoquip right, how can we expect good coverage with the news? :) Even without CL errors, the Cryptoquip makes me batsh!t.
- Author
- Lady Havoc
- Date
- 2007-03-16T12:45:36-06:00
- ID
- 110599
- Comment
Oh, and the stupid poll! Why do they always have to put a comma after the Yes option? Yes, No Makes no flipping sense. I know, polls make no sense in the first place: but this makes even less sense!
- Author
- Lady Havoc
- Date
- 2007-03-16T12:50:58-06:00
- ID
- 110600
- Comment
Have you checked out the current poll? "Should Jackson Mayor Frank Melton obey his parole conditions now?" That's a question that should only be answered with a resounding "yes." Shockingly, 24% have said "No." I'm not sure what's scarier: the fact the C-L thought that was a question worth asking or the non-scientific results.
- Author
- Newt
- Date
- 2007-03-16T12:55:28-06:00
- ID
- 110601
- Comment
It's a question that should not have even been put in the poll. It should be common sense. But then again, if you look up common sense in the dictionary, you will not find a picture of Frank Melton. You will also not find any reference to the Clarion-Ledger. There's a good reason for this.
- Author
- Lady Havoc
- Date
- 2007-03-16T13:12:44-06:00
- ID
- 110602
- Comment
In Donna Ladd fashion: Stupidest. Poll. Ever. Of course, the man should obey the his parole conditions. And I question the mentality of the quarter of the voters who think otherwise. You think maybe that was Frank voting on different computers?
- Author
- golden eagle
- Date
- 2007-03-16T13:14:52-06:00
- ID
- 110603
- Comment
I question the mentality of a media outlet that would post such an asinine question. More. evidence. that they're the worst daily in the country. Or, in the bottom 5, anyway.
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2007-03-16T13:47:21-06:00
- ID
- 110604
- Comment
**You think maybe that was Frank voting on different computers?** <--golden eagle boy, 2:14 above And Parker-Weaver. And Hickinbottom. And Shirlene. And Bluntson. And Stokes. And Tillman. And SORE. And...
- Author
- Kacy
- Date
- 2007-03-16T13:52:34-06:00
- ID
- 110605
- Comment
Melton has been in TX for a week now for his follow-up procedure on his heart. Isn't that a long time to be in the hospital? He stayed less time for his orginal heart by-pass surgery. Maybe he is getting further treatmtent for his alcohol problems that he suffers from as mentioned in his medial file from a few weeks ago? If this statement from yesterday's update story in the Ledge is any indicator, this looks like a man who is struggling with his twelve steps: "My position is, and I've decided, is I have three choices. Like many other people, I can turn my head the other way. I can accept things like they are, change the things I can, or I can go forward," Melton said. "And my decision is to go forward." Huh? BTW: I voted that I think he shouldn't obey his terms of parole. I hope he gets arrested again for thinking he can do whatever he wants! LOL! Stupid polls deserve stupid answers! This judge may decide differently if Melton violates parole under his watch. I doubt it; but I can hope.
- Author
- pikersam
- Date
- 2007-03-16T16:10:49-06:00
- ID
- 110606
- Comment
I think the Clarion-Ledger's modus operandi is clearly evident in their new typeset, and their newly designed, offensive obituary page. David Hampton tells me that the obits are now controlled by classified (advertising), and are considered paid advertisements. He uses this excuse to justify the horror of their obit pages. He claims that typos and incorrect grammar are not their proofreaders' responsibility anymore, and errors will stand as submitted by friends and families. Last Sunday's memorial page to the dead was scattered among car ads, ugly headlines, and smeared ink! It's clear to me that if a newspaper chain decides to use obituary notices as a cash cow that nothing is sacred, and that money trumps decorum, good taste, grammar, and facts. If anyone thinks that accuracy is vitally important to this daily embarrassment, you're dead wrong. This paper would flunk any writing, journalism, media course in college. Forget its editorial policy--it can't even get a simple police story right. The folks running this paper don't care, they don't have to. They're the only widely circulated rag in the state. Check out any major college daily. The quality of writing, layout, editing, editorial content, etc. is far superior. Hell, the damn CL can't get it together 1-2 times a month on my delivery. They always claim, "it didn't get here from Birmingham," or, "they had technical problems in Birmingham," even when the roads are dry, the power's on, and schools and hospitals are running. Tell me, how does a plant whose only job is to print a newspaper each day fail to get out a paper once or twice a MONTH? I tell my friends, who shudder when I mention the JFP, that they should take a look at it, especially for local reporting, because the writing is excellent, and the editing and proofreading are, too. One doesn't have to agree with the "slant" to recognize quality. HDMatthias, MD BTW--Has the JFP written an "in-depth" on Bracey Coleman in the past? His hiring to track down the drug folks might end up being a brilliant move. :>) If anyone should know about Jackson's bad actors, it is he, for he is one. Just another "brilliant" Melton appointment. (How many jobs has Coleman had to leave for reasons related to breaking the law?) It's a travesty to hire a man forced to retire for sexual harrassment, being out of town "on business" with a woman other than his wife, having a restraining order filed against him by a husband of some woman he was allegedly having an affair with while he was working as a "liaison" officer for a JPS school, and allegedly being visited on numerous occasions by county deputies for "domestic disturbances." What next?
- Author
- HDMatthias, MD
- Date
- 2007-03-16T16:41:41-06:00
- ID
- 110607
- Comment
um, I hate to say it but much of what HD says about former police is true and well known all over town.
- Author
- Kingfish
- Date
- 2007-03-16T16:51:52-06:00
- ID
- 110608
- Comment
Doc, why in the world are they using an unreadable font in the obits!?! I can't believe how it looks. And thanks for this: I tell my friends, who shudder when I mention the JFP, that they should take a look at it, especially for local reporting, because the writing is excellent, and the editing and proofreading are, too. One doesn't have to agree with the "slant" to recognize quality. We miss the occasional typo, certainly, but we are woefully understaffed for what we do. And people seem to forgive us due to our reporting quality. So, thank you. No, we haven't featured Bracey Coleman. He kind of pre-dated us. His name comes up a lot with sources. Most of them tell us he is close to Melton, but I don't know that for fact.
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2007-03-16T16:59:38-06:00
- ID
- 110609
- Comment
Bracey is everything Melton wanted to be. I mean that in several ways.
- Author
- Kingfish
- Date
- 2007-03-16T17:00:32-06:00
- ID
- 110610
- Comment
KIngfish, do you mean Melton wants to resign in disgrace due to a sexual harassment incident? Sounds like Melton's kind of man.
- Author
- pikersam
- Date
- 2007-03-16T17:04:50-06:00
- ID
- 110611
- Comment
no, I mean he wants to be a badass cop who can beat up or threaten women I mean people who can't fight back. Melton would never have the ballz to fight anyone on his own. He's nothing but a wimp who would only do it if he had 100-1 odds.
- Author
- Kingfish
- Date
- 2007-03-16T17:06:23-06:00
- ID
- 110612
- Comment
Oh yeah... That too! My bad! It is so odd to see him regurgitate all these bad actors from Jackson's past. As if they formed a club or something in the mid 90's. Adding members yearly, until Melton releases them all onto the unsuspecting public. Like a League of Shadow Puppets or something! ;-)
- Author
- pikersam
- Date
- 2007-03-16T17:13:00-06:00
- ID
- 110613
- Comment
My teachers at MC did use the CL as an example of how not to run a paper, and that was 1989 or so! It hasn't improved any since then. Oh, Melton! Uh... he's bad.
- Author
- Ironghost
- Date
- 2007-03-16T17:29:39-06:00
- ID
- 110614
- Comment
I would love to get several copies of the CL and send them to the journalism class of my old high school. They would rip it apart at the seams.
- Author
- Lady Havoc
- Date
- 2007-03-16T17:30:19-06:00
- ID
- 110615
- Comment
Hey Kingfish, Would the answer be: Tall, Dark, and Handsome? That plus ex-military and truly sworn law enforcement officer?
- Author
- ChrisCavanaugh
- Date
- 2007-03-16T18:46:30-06:00
- ID
- 110616
- Comment
Clay Scott could be a tough professor.
- Author
- Kingfish
- Date
- 2007-03-16T20:52:10-06:00
- ID
- 110617
- Comment
I loved that class. I didn't find him hard at all, to be honest. He was concise, and clear. As opposed to Fortenberry.... If you're out there, Dude... I'm sorry, but...
- Author
- Ironghost
- Date
- 2007-03-16T20:57:32-06:00
- ID
- 110618
- Comment
thing is, Bracey is someone you would want in combat with you. I truly mean that. Also when he was a narc was one of the few who worked it strictly by himself, that is how tough he was. He is SF tabbed by the way and was a SF 1st Sgt.
- Author
- Kingfish
- Date
- 2007-03-16T22:13:31-06:00
- ID
- 110619
- Comment
Bracey is one well trained cop. If he would control his zipper and his abuse of women he would be a great choice to lead any police department. Ladd if you reserch this guy you will find he has the best training of any chief the city has ever had. Maybe he has cleaned up his persnal act now that he has been given so many chances to use his expertise. I still have aproblem with fm bringing all those notorious people back into to city gov. I guess if you want to make money in the city you need a criminal record or tarnished reputuaion.
- Author
- jada
- Date
- 2007-03-17T09:15:18-06:00
- ID
- 110620
- Comment
alot of cops didn't respect him though because he was seen as sucking up to harvey and playing footsie with him for years so he could get that job. What you say his true jada but some people probably don't need to be the head man with no oversight.
- Author
- Kingfish
- Date
- 2007-03-17T09:24:22-06:00
- ID
- 110621
- Comment
You know we ignored Melton's past indiscretions and look at how that's turned out. We can't continue to "excuse" these people who left the City under some type of scandal, investigation, or personnel issue just because they have the "training." If you (I mean "you all") who can excuse a Coleman or an Armstrong, for instance, then you should be able to excuse Melton for making a few illegal mistakes the past two years. Melton is giving all these guys (where are the women?) a second chance. So, we should give Melton a second chance too. Don't you think? Of every past bad actor that Melton has revived, there are two or three people who will tout their past experience or that they were really good at their job in the past. They'll say Melton may be making a good choice - even if they had a sketchy past with the City. Yet, those same people won't give Melton a pass on what he has done over the last two years. I mean, it was just a crack-house. Or, it was just an affair or consensual? Or, he served his time - it was only $25,000 dollars. Where do the excuses stop? Where do they stop being excuses, and become the red flags that they are? This City is in need of getting into better shape. Why does anyone think a person who contributed to it's decline in some objectional form or fashion in the past would now be a steward for our future success? It is time to leave behind those who didn't want to do right by the taxpayer. It is time to leave behind Melton, his clique, his cronies, and his supporters. Let's be consistent about Jackson's future and demand the best in our City employees; not the best - that went bad - we had from the past!
- Author
- pikersam
- Date
- 2007-03-17T09:44:49-06:00
- ID
- 110622
- Comment
check out the CL poll question today.
- Author
- Kingfish
- Date
- 2007-03-17T09:59:38-06:00
- ID
- 110623
- Comment
More fascinating are the details of the boondoggle they're doing up at the Rez in Jack Sun.
- Author
- Ironghost
- Date
- 2007-03-17T10:58:34-06:00
- ID
- 110624
- Comment
woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!! that project starts work on a NEW FUEL DOCK this month!!!!!!!!!! talk about a bunch of rednecks in Ridgeland. We've gone from having a Valencia Hotel to Cooter moving his gas station to a lake. Got to love Mississippi progress.
- Author
- Kingfish
- Date
- 2007-03-17T11:10:28-06:00
- ID
- 110625
- Comment
I saw an old ('05) issue of Mississippi Magazine the other day- it had an ad for the project- it said that the scheduled completion date was spring '07. Um, that's about now, isn't it?
- Author
- Rico
- Date
- 2007-03-17T11:41:05-06:00
- ID
- 110626
- Comment
I still doubt they'll ever build this according to plans.
- Author
- Ironghost
- Date
- 2007-03-17T12:11:11-06:00
- ID
- 110627
- Comment
just another example of why MS never gets ahead and has any amenities like big cities do. We have a lake already and have totally wasted that resource.
- Author
- Kingfish
- Date
- 2007-03-17T14:33:07-06:00
- ID
- 110628
- Comment
"We have a lake already and have totally wasted that resource." What the hell are you talking about?
- Author
- millhouse
- Date
- 2007-03-17T14:44:45-06:00
- ID
- 110629
- Comment
I think the Rez and Two Lakes suffer the same problem; exclusive developments paid for by the public.
- Author
- Ironghost
- Date
- 2007-03-17T15:00:39-06:00
- ID
- 110630
- Comment
Main Harbor will go bankrupt a few times before it's finished, if it's finished at all. Mr. Burwell gets VERY prickly if you mention all the problems to him. He's accused me of wanting the project to fail. Heck, I live at the Rez, and would only benefit by its completion. Notice that the Jack Sunn article didn't mention ANY reason for the delay of Harbor Road. But if Ridgeland can't get an answer to the calamity of orange barrels in perpetuity on Route 51, why expect them to know why this short piece of road, which is an extremely important conduit to smooth traffic flow in the area, is not yet completed? Let's start an office pool on whether it's completed by the end of May. I bet it's 4 months from completion. HDMatthias
- Author
- HDMatthias, MD
- Date
- 2007-03-17T15:42:14-06:00
- ID
- 110631
- Comment
well, I disagree somewhat. Two Lakes is being promoted by a couple of engineers and some members of local governments. Not quite the same as Mr Burwell who in my opinion, has misled everyone involved. He named retailers, advertised for "pre construction sales of condos" which in this case is a great way to lose your money, etc. That harbour can be developed properly and be a great asset to the region. However, I don't think Mr Burwell will be the one to do it. After 2 1/2 years there is literally nothing going on out there. No equipment. No building materials. no nothing. Its going to be like that water testing station/pier on spillway that sat there for 20 years not finished before it finally was a few years ago. Two lakes is more of a concept right now and I can't say we have been misled like we have on Harborwalk.
- Author
- Kingfish
- Date
- 2007-03-17T15:48:15-06:00
- ID
- 110632
- Comment
Just figured it out---King Edward Hotel, which I put in the same category as Harborwalk. HDM
- Author
- HDMatthias, MD
- Date
- 2007-03-17T17:54:58-06:00
- ID
- 110633
- Comment
Nah, I think they'll have the King Ed done way before then. :) Oh, King. That's a Water Intake for the city of Jackson. It sat there unfinished because it wasn't really needed and expensive to finish during budget crunches. It got done because they needed it finally enough to pay for it. Least that's the story I've heard.
- Author
- Ironghost
- Date
- 2007-03-17T18:50:31-06:00
- ID
- 110634
- Comment
My dogs never did "learn" Spanish. I begged, I pleaded...I cursed; all I got was a lousy "woof". Look for frankie-boy to be riding the blue light party bardge bringing "crime fighting" to a so-called "crack house" near you.
- Author
- Cliff Cargill
- Date
- 2007-03-17T19:15:14-06:00
- ID
- 110635
- Comment
"We have a lake already and have totally wasted that resource." -Kingfish "What the hell are you talking about?"-milllhouse What is going on with Lake Hico? Has there been any new developments in those negotiations?
- Author
- Jeff Lucas
- Date
- 2007-03-17T22:21:22-06:00
- ID
- 110636
- Comment
Hico still has Rex Brown nearby; that's gonna be a drawback.
- Author
- Ironghost
- Date
- 2007-03-17T22:31:47-06:00
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