How to Stir Up 'Holy Mischief' | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

How to Stir Up 'Holy Mischief'

"Speaking of Faith" had an amazing interview with young Christian Shane Clayborne this morning. I wasn't familiar with his work, or his book, but he was just breathtaking. The Tennessee native is a "new monastic," so to speak, and looks like a hippy. He grew up very conservative, but has turned away from the religious right (and criticizes the left as well for abandoning the important messages of faith). Long story short, he and a group of young people started a community in one of Philadelphia's (Pa.) poor neighborhoods after college, and are leading a "Simple Way" movement of getting back to what Christianity really is about—love and helping people. Really wonderful. Visit their Web site here. And go up read up on the "Speaking of Faith" interview with him and listen to it here.

Meantime, following are some of the Simple Way's folks ideas for "brew[ing] up some holy mischief" as they call it:

• Go out to eat with someone who is homeless, or invite them to your home or cafeteria to eat with you.

•Leave a random tip in the college bathrooms for the folks who clean them.

•Find out who makes the clothes for the athletic department and if those companies reflect the values of Christ.

•Learn to sew and begin making your own clothes.

•Start tithing 10% of all income directly to the poor (

•Connect with a group of farmworkers who grow food for your cafeteria or favorite restaurant (such as Taco Bells Immokalee workers

•Give your winter coat away to someone who is colder than you are.

•Ask to see the budget of your school. What do the workers get paid compared to the administrators? Make sure folks know -- if you are proud of this, affirm the folks who make those decisions... If not, begin a conversation with both workers and administrators of how this could be better.

More on the Web site.

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