The Clarion-Ledger is reporting confirmation of something that has been pretty clear for the last month or so -- Mardi Gras, the downtown restaurant and club, is closing its doors. It's available for lease or sale.
Previous Commentsshow
What's this?From the C-L: "I cannot manage it," Brown said. "I have another business, and I cannot split my time among the two." The 77-year-old also owns Brown's Fine Art in Fondren and says she feels sad to be leaving downtown Jackson. Her decision to close Mardi Gras is based on her age, she said. It would be nice if she was able to transfer ownership so that it could stay open.
- LatashaWillis
- May 24 2007
As I understand it, someone else tried to take it over already, but the Browns pulled out. I don't know the details beyond that. Also, you gotta love the way the Ledger flagged it on their front page: After more than two years of service, an upscale New Orleans-style restaurant has pulled out of downtown Jackson. "Pulled out." Makes it sound like they're running from Jackson, when it's clear from the article that Mrs. Brown is not up to managing such a big place.
- DonnaLadd
- May 24 2007
Yeah, Donna, they know what they're doing. If you're the type that just glances at the headlines and doesn't read the article, you would think that the owner was leaving for some reason other than age. You could assume that it was crime related.
- LatashaWillis
- May 24 2007
If you thought their blurb from the other day was bad, check this crap out. One of their main interviewees is some nobody from Clinton that says he won't be going downtown anyway. Who cares what somebody like that thinks about this subject??
- millhouse
- May 26 2007
One of their main interviewees is some nobody from Clinton that says he won't be going downtown anyway. Who cares what somebody like that thinks about this subject?? millhouse, that's exactly the kind of interviewee they're looking for - someone that talks smack about Jacktown. Nothing more than propaganda. My guess is that they interviewed several people and decided to focus on the Clintonian because they got what they wanted. Any other interview is probably in File 13 now.
- LatashaWillis
- May 26 2007
[quote]One of their main interviewees is some nobody from Clinton that says he won't be going downtown anyway. Who cares what somebody like that thinks about this subject??[/quote] There's your problem right there. Leave out the "nobody" part and read the rest of it. You could substitute cities such as Madison, Pearl, Flowood, Byram, Edwards or anyplace else in place of Clinton. It's not such an indictment of this person's view of downtown, but the fact that there is nothing downtown anymore. If you want to find shops and the like, you have to go to County Line Rd or Lakeland Drive anymore. Downtown is dead, and Northeast Jackson is dying fast and people still have their heads in the sand that our current adminstration can accomplish things.
- Ironghost
- May 26 2007
(left off a paragraph. Yerg.) Also, if anyone is interested in saving Jackson as a city rather than a collection of highways and run-down housing and government buildings that bring in no money, they'd better be concerned that there is no real reason for anyone to go into downtown Jackson. I don't go there, because there is nothing there for me.
- Ironghost
- May 26 2007
Iron, I find downtown to be a drag too... I mean, it only has the bulk of the dance clubs and live venues in a 60 mile radius. Has the largest museums in the state including the Museum of Art and the Natural Science Museum (does that quite count as downtown?)... One of the largest planetariums in the Southeast with IMAX... A friggin' Muslim museum. One of the state's largest libraries. Some incredible restaurants and diners... A great art supply right down High Street that is hard to beat on pricing (even the big boxes can't compete)... Fresh fruit and veggies at the Farmer's Market... A children's museum in the works. Art galleries that seem to be popping up everywhere... I won't even touch on the millions and millions of dollars being used to redevelop the area with or without Mary Mussolini and her beige-clad gustapo of Suburbans and Tahoes. Yeah. Downtown really has nothing on the Wal-Mart and Gap infested suburbs. I really need some more Made in China cargos, some polar fleece and another Wyatt Water's painting (no offense WW). Guess I should hop in my car, fill it up with petrol, kill some ozone, and conform to the nuclear idea of living. Charge it and put it in the back of my H3... Nah. I'm off for 2 for 1 ritas and maybe hitting one of the dance clubs with the thousands of people hitting downtown after sunset every weekend. Maybe Melton will give me a big ol' hug or take me on a demolition joyride! Tomorrow, I may go take a stroll around the quiet city to enjoy the non-stucco'd architecture and breakfast at the Eddison. ;-)
- kaust
- May 26 2007
Thanks, Iron. I knew I could count on you for some senseless commentary. You certainly came through.
- millhouse
- May 26 2007
Senseless. *snicker* You still missed my point. Not everyone is interested in those things. Dance Clubs? I don't dance and certainly don't drink. Museums? Expensive these days for my family. (When did the Planetarium go IMAX? Last I heard they were using Sony's LargeScreen format) My point is to some people, there certainly is nothing down there for them. They have their world, and it isn't based on a dance club.
- Ironghost
- May 26 2007
Just because someone's priorities are different doesn't make what they say senseless, millhouse, or doesn't warrant the sarcasm, Knol. I'm going to assume, right or wrong, that neither of you have a family. Have some kids. See where your priorities are then. At that time, then you can come back and continue your arguments. Until then, learn to see the other side of the coin once in a while.
- Lady Havoc
- May 26 2007
Let's keep this positive. How about the new art museum opening next month? I think that as the downtown area gets on its feet again there will be lots of things for families. It will take some time, yes, but the wheels are turning at last, however slowly it may be for some. Please don't give up on your city. It's still the centerpiece of the state.
- tombarnes
- May 26 2007
......The Mississppi Museum of Art is going to be free admission, with exception of the Big Shows (like the one about to open on june 9th with the Italian Works). The whole scene is changing in the city center now. I wouldn't judge the scene because one nightclub venue closed.....Do you know how many night club venues open and close here (in Atlanta) after a two year run? What was a 70+ year old woman with an art gallery interest in Fondren doing trying to run a nightclub venue anyway...... Changing....and will be a whole new ballgame in 24 months....those three developers, the ones from New York, the one from Memphis, and the ones from Dallas are serious about the three projects they are working on......but they know the long term goals.....Oh and i forgot Parkway (Jackson Place) and Watkins (King Edward).......your east west and north south DT boundaries are all underway. And you also have tha cool writers compound being built adjacent to the Eudora Welty birthplace on Congress....also Peters plans for Ole English Village. What's this DT is dying ain't dying...the patient is up walking around and talking the sun..... Northeast and North Jackson aren't through and look at the tear downs and in-fill that are going on all over the place. Your just seeing the beginning here........
- ATLExile
- May 27 2007
Re: Mardi Gras It had its really good points and will probably reopen. Can't help but say that the Browns or at least Mardi Gras supported Melton. If I remember correctly, they threw a big party there; perhaps more than one for Melton.
- ChrisCavanaugh
- May 27 2007
Good point Chris!
- pikersam
- May 27 2007
I didn't miss anything as far as you're concerned. The point was that the C-L should've interviewed somebody that this would have affected... not some 23-year-old from Clinton that says he'd never go there, anyway. How can you not see that? Lady, you're barking up the wrong tree. Your husband chimed using nothing but hyperbole and I called him on it. It's as plain as that. Even though I'm joining that club in November, I have no clue what "having kids" would have to do with anything that we're speaking of here. "Until then, learn to see the other side of the coin once in a while." That's laughable on so many levels. I won't go into it for fear of getting banned.
- millhouse
- May 27 2007
You still don't see, Millhouse. The list of people affected by Mardi Gras closing might not be as lengthy as you think. In fact, it might be very short. Whomever the reporter picked to interview just happened not to miss it, and they couldn't find anyone who would miss it. How long would you research a story on a restraunt closing that many people might not know was open? The reporter might have only had a few hours to do the story. Papers do have deadlines, ya know. So relax.
- Ironghost
- May 27 2007
"You still don't see, Millhouse. " That's rich.
- millhouse
- May 28 2007
Actually, Millhouse is right. That wasn't a great source. I know many people who would have been affected, for instance. And this has nothing to do with whether someone has kids or not. This thread had gone far afield from the topic.
- DonnaLadd
- May 28 2007
Mardi Gras shutting down isn't a big surprise. The food sucked the last couple of times I ate there and I planned not to return. But perhaps if they had selected a smaller, less isolated site (hard to find in downtown with adequate parking) it might have survived.
- Jeff Lucas
- May 28 2007
[quote]Actually, Millhouse is right. That wasn't a great source. I know many people who would have been affected, for instance.[/quote] You know, I tried to say they should have had more than one source in the story. It's like the reporter called one friend to get a quote and that was it.
- Ironghost
- May 29 2007
But the bright side........ the building is totally outfitted for F&B (thats restaurant and hotel design talk for "food and beverage") and HVAC system are in place and it will be easy to find a new occupant....actually quite desirable......
- ATLExile
- May 30 2007
Mary Mussolini and her beige-clad gustapo of Suburbans and Tahoes. okay, i had to laugh out loud on that one!! that's hilarious Knol. i don't see what having kids has to do with anything, either. if i ever have kids, i'll be happy to take them to the art museum and children's museum (is it going to be downtown too? i have yet to see a location), to my favorite restaurant The Mayflower and to Thalia Mara for shows. I do have a niece, and as soon as she's old enough to get out and about with her auntie, we'll be doing all those things. I want to take her to the St. Patty's parade, and anything else appropriate for kids in that part of town. we need both "family-friendly" things AND bars and clubs downtown. more restaurants. bookstores/gift shops. clothing stores like there used to be back in the day when my grandmother worked down there. a movie theater. it can happen. i refuse to give up on it!!
- music chick
- May 30 2007
Message from a disgruntled 23 year old Clintonian: The only issue I take with your comments (all) is that you mentioned the great museums and architecture and nightlife in Jackson, but you failed to mention the most important thing : CULTURE. I have lived in Clinton since I was 6, aside from college, and I am ready to pack up and head to downtown! I don't want to raise my (future) kids among this cookie-cutter mentality. Everyone with their 2.5, a golden retriever, and and SUV! Same furniture, same clothes, same brain? There's more than fluoride in the water here... Admittedly, I have only been to Mardi Gras once, probably for the same reason that other Clinton kid won't miss it... convenience. It's hard to go out and have a drink and be a responsible human being who doesn't drive drunk if the Jatran doesn't make it to your Exit on I-20! I have no idea of half the restaurants and sites to see in downtown, but before long I will be going to plays, art galleries, brunches, and becoming a member of an actual city... not a string of strip malls and Applebee's! Any yes, I have 2 Wyatt prints, and more than a few pieces from Le GAP. Here's to being on the outside looking in. I see a great time ahead in Chimneyville!
- HaHa
- May 30 2007
Children's Museum will be in LeFleur's Bluff Park (aka Riverside Park, for us old folks), near the Natural Science Museum. [Which does NOT count as downtown, at least in my book.] I don't go out, but I do care that there's an active club scence downtown. Because it's a sign of a thriving community. There's plenty of 'family orientation' in Jackson, if you know where to look. Manship House, Farmer's Market, Eudora Welty Library, along with all the stuff Knol mentioned upthread.
- kate
- May 30 2007
You have two Wyatts......??? I am envious...and I live in Atlanta....I wish I had "one" Wyatt. I do own a small Anderson wood cut though..... But in defence of Clinton. yes it is a neighboring town but it is more than Suburb. It actually has a heritage. Did you know that Frank Lloyd Wright toured the Jackson area in the 40's (when he was sighting Fontainhead in Woodland Hills and taking a tour of the region..he was said to have sat in front of the Chapel at MC and studied same for a couple of hours......he called it the most beautiful Antebellum structure in the south..............
- ATLExile
- May 30 2007
Welcome to Jacktown, CrimsonS! I saw your post, and although I couldn't answer your questions, there are plenty of folks here who can. :-)
- LatashaWillis
- May 30 2007
ATLExile, As for the Wyatts, I did say PRINTS. Quite affordable. I did not know that about FLW, and I do realize Clinton has a lot to offer some people. The bottom line is definitely safety and great public education. But don't worry, I try to efficiently split my time between outer raving pessimist and my inner idealist. For those art enthusiasts with what I would assume most would call an undeveloped palate, here's a link to Wyatt, God love him. Definitely see "Turning Angel" and "Head and Shoulders Above the Rest"
- HaHa
- May 30 2007
when you guys (all of you fromthe metro area) go to the Museum of "Art" opening on June 9th......(and I am sure you will all be there!) You will see the state art collection or "part of" that will has been in the making for 100 years (like over 3000 pieces I have been told). It has never been seen in it's totality. The first museum did not have anywhere near the space to exhibit. I really dig museums.....!!! I can't wait to come over there and go through it...
- ATLExile
- May 30 2007
I don't want to raise my (future) kids among this cookie-cutter mentality. Everyone with their 2.5, a golden retriever, and and SUV! Same furniture, same clothes, same brain? There's more than fluoride in the water here... amen to that. when i get married and (maybe) have a kid or two I definitely want to show them something other than the ordinary. i live just outside Jackson in Flowood right now, but that is only temporary until I can afford something nice in Belhaven or Fondren. i went to MC and so spent some time in Clinton. i never thought i'd live there after graduating because it was way too suburban and conservative for me. plus, it's not close to anything, really. it's much easier to get downtown from where i live now than it was from C-town. that said, there are a lot of lovely people in Clinton, but it's just not for me. i love the culture that exists in the city of Jackson, and hope to see more of it by the time i decide to bring a tot into the world.
- music chick
- May 30 2007
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