This meeting will be primarily to get the public involved in the fiasco that is the Farish St. Development project. This will be an opportunity for concerned citizens and long-time members/residents of the Farish St. community to voice their concerns about the status of
Farish St.'s facelift(that's 10 years in the making). City officials, all of whom have been involved in one way or another with the project, as well as community leaders will be on the panel. This is your opportunity to get some answers.
Please attend and spread the word. Thursday Nov. 15th @ 6pm at the Smith Robertson Museum.
Previous Comments
- ID
- 115750
- Comment
Question why have other downtown projects like the Pinnacle building, Capital Green, the convention center and other buildings been given precedent over Farish St. Which by the way was the FIRST project of its kind on the books for the city of Jackson some 10 years ago. My feelings are... once again that something that would resucitate the inner city has been pushed to the backburner for more "appealing" projects.
- Author
- Kamikaze
- Date
- 2007-11-14T11:50:14-06:00
- ID
- 115751
- Comment
Hasn't the current mayor done very little to move this ahead, and a lot to torpedo it? He was never a fan of this project. It seems like if he can't "own" Farish Street, no one should. Remember Melton trying to torpedo the King Edward project, and then blaming everyone but himself for the slowdowns? And then trying to bring that controversial guy in from Texas to take it over?
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2007-11-14T11:52:33-06:00
- ID
- 115752
- Comment
Also, we'll be posting a short piece on this shortly with some comments by developer John Elkington. More to come after that.
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2007-11-14T11:53:14-06:00
- ID
- 115753
- Comment
Well...actually THIS time Donna, the mayor has spearheaded the new inquiries as to why nothing is being done. As well as why the Alamo hasnt been operational and why there are no folks downtown working on this everyday as Performa had promised the last time etc. That and a lot of other things will come to light on Thursday hopefully. Elkington has been giving us the snow-job for some years now. and somebody's letting him do it. sinced Ive worked(both as a journalist AND a rapper) in the Farish St. area Ive found myself gettin way more passionate about this that I thought I would. I just think these contractors and folks at the city are insulting our intelligence by treating Farish like a red-headed stepchild. I want to see that area active in my lifetime.
- Author
- Kamikaze
- Date
- 2007-11-14T12:34:07-06:00
- ID
- 115754
- Comment
A revitalized Farish Street would tie in perfectly with the new convention center, Standard Life and King Edward projects. Now is certainly the time to get it going.
- Author
- tombarnes
- Date
- 2007-11-14T12:40:51-06:00
- ID
- 115755
- Comment
actually THIS time Donna, the mayor has spearheaded the new inquiries as to why nothing is being done. Kaze, he supposedly did that with the King Edward as well—even as he was blocking progress. We've heard it before. Maybe I'll be proved wrong, and I hope so, but this reeks of an attention ploy on his behalf (probably about the time his police chief steps down). I wonder: Have you talked to Elkington yet? I'm not saying he's perfect—I don't know him—but as a journalist you ought to try to talk to him before accusing him of giving a "snow job." There could be stuff you're not privy to—and if the mayor is involved, I'd bet on it. Melton has never cared about the proposed development on Farish. He downplayed it back during his campaign at that MAP Coalition event, which we have on tape. All he wanted to talk about was giving y'all a recording studio. Several people there called him out on it.
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2007-11-14T14:33:49-06:00
- ID
- 115756
- Comment
I think he said he didn't want outside vendors/restaurants either on Farish ignoring that a local BBQ joint, among other businesses, was slated to open along with some outside ventures. I don't know if the true bottleneck will ever fully be discovered on this one. Some say Performa, some say Johnson, or even MDA is to blame. But, we do know that it stalled after Melton arrived. And, we know Melton fired EVERYONE in planning and development. I'm not a rocket scientist, and I sleep at home; but, I would venture that a combination of all are involved with the last two being the main hold-up. I'm kinda crazy this way; but, if a mayor was getting rid of all the people I was happy working with, then talking bad about my project, I'd give pause before investing more money on the project regardless of the other factors.
- Author
- pikersam
- Date
- 2007-11-14T15:21:05-06:00
- ID
- 115757
- Comment
True on your first account Pike..And in that mode I believe that a Stamps Burgers and an E&L along with a remodeled version of the Big apple Inn were some of the homegrown businesses that were supposed to be there. the boondoggle came moreso near the end of johnson's tenure. there were deadlines in place that were to be fulfilled before even he left office that were not met. And i venture to say that's not the fault of the city this time unless of course they allowed Performa to breach and said nothing. Performa's only leg to stand on is the fact that the yahoo on the historic preservation committee keep refusiing their request to tear some of the key structures down in the first two blocks from Farish. Dont know elkington personally but hes obviously in bed with someone here who keeps "overlooking" the fact that they are missing deadlines AND have a similar undone project in another city. (which escapes me now). Performa's relying on OPM to get this project done. they've put none of their own money up. Which Im sure is a common practice in these type deals but its time to get someone in there who will finish this project before we all die. Im just hearing excuses. In any other line of consistently miss deadlines(especially with a project of this magnitude) you get fired. Why is that not the case here? all Im saying.
- Author
- Kamikaze
- Date
- 2007-11-14T15:52:52-06:00
- ID
- 115758
- Comment
You are right kaze. And, I forgot that Birmingham (i supplied the link for your thread on that one) is taking pause from working with Perfoma. So, they do need to be held up as one of the key reasons Farish St is stalled. Thx for reminding me. I wish I knew more...
- Author
- pikersam
- Date
- 2007-11-14T17:00:56-06:00
- ID
- 115759
- Comment
This will be interesting to see unfold. I still think performa is tapping the breaks until the convention center approches completion. But I still thought they were working down there. Even this long I would have thought there would have been something opened for at least the lunch crowd. But even the little that was under way is now stopped? I dunno, it will be interesting to see what the deal is....
- Author
- ATLExile
- Date
- 2007-11-14T17:01:46-06:00
- ID
- 115760
- Comment
Kaze, I think the questions you're asking are good, and I applaud everyone who wants answers, and we'll try to help get them. We're hearing a lot of different things so far. I'm just saying that the part where the mayor wants answers rings hollow, considering his track record of making a mess of the budget and anything to do with economic development. And I do caution you not to point any specific fingers until you get the whole story. Then, go for it.
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2007-11-14T17:11:14-06:00
- ID
- 115761
- Comment
Donna I think you are right on point. I have covered this story for so long, I'm sick of it. In the end Kaze you will find that this mayor is selling you and others a bill of goods about the progress or lack therof on Farish St. While I've not followed up in several months (what's the point), I would be willing to bet you..nothing has changed! I'm going to do some snooping tomorrow afternoon...and come to the discussion and see what if anything has changed..... If I had to guess...same old sad song from this administration.
- Author
- blkokc
- Date
- 2007-11-14T22:39:06-06:00
- ID
- 115762
- Comment
blkokc, *Im* not being sold anything. Especially if Im not in the market to buy anything:-). What I am is a concerned citizen who wants to see Farish st. renovated in my lifetime. And now that Ive been privvy to some of the inner workings of this thing Ive found that this is a much larger issue. and as much as eeevveeeryon wants to steer the issue back on the mayor again. This cant be attributed to Johnson or Melton. The stalling came before johnson and continued into this administration. as Ive said, the mayor's not the problem in this issue. Its the apathy of good men that has allowed farish st to be treated so callously. There are bigger powers at play here I think. As you see the Pinnacle project being built and other structutres getting green lights. You may find that its the guy spearheading THOSE projects that really runs Jackson. find whose benefitting the most from those and you may find the guy whose stopping farish from being built. Atl, Why would you stop a project that was started first to wait for another project to be finished? and why would Johnson sign on a company who intitially didnt even have the money to start this project?A company who btw has a similar stalled project in another city right next door.
- Author
- Kamikaze
- Date
- 2007-11-15T10:51:01-06:00
- ID
- 115763
- Comment
It is interesting to me that any citizen could claim interested in the Farish St. project and yet the person, former Mayor Harvey Johnson would be beaten to the canvass as he worked deligently on that project. If the history of his Administration were read, Farish St. was on the move and all that was done was secondary to his efforts. The same could be said for the King Edwards, another of his projects. Just remember that melton's efforts to kill the Johnson dream and hard negotiations for that project can be evidenced. There are too many direct quotes from melton to deny this. melton is the mayor who pubicly stated that, "I don't believe in set-asides." He also was not fund of Affirmative Action. A lot of his crap came directly from the mind-set of clarence thomas. You can't have it both ways. Either you will support people who work to build those things that are dear to your heart or you deal with disappointments when the dreams of others are not yours. Keep in mind that Leland Speed hated Johnson with a passion and I will not get into the whys and what fors.
- Author
- justjess
- Date
- 2007-11-15T11:21:00-06:00
- ID
- 115764
- Comment
..."Keep in mind that Leland Speed hated Johnson with a passion and I will not get into the whys and what fors.".. .. and thereiun lies the person that I think is the key to this structural constipation. "somebody's" projects keep getting funded and green-lighted. Isnt the pinnacle buildin on its THIRD floor already? Maybe that doesnt go so smoothly if we had a vbrant Farsih st. up and running at this point. And agin from all indicators the stalling began about 8-10 years ago. Wet willie's and BB king's was "supposed to be" running before Johnson left office. THIS time that wasnt Johnson's fault. UIts something bigger at work here...Follow the money trail./
- Author
- Kamikaze
- Date
- 2007-11-15T11:27:01-06:00
- ID
- 115765
- Comment
Kaze....I hope you get the facts and not allow your relationships to cloud your judgement. I have alot of documentation. I really know the inner some hard proof. I will however, wait your findings.... Johnson, I will say was on point with this project.
- Author
- blkokc
- Date
- 2007-11-15T19:29:30-06:00
- ID
- 115766
- Comment
what ever happened with this meeting....what was the outcome......are they building? Whats the scoop.......?
- Author
- ATLExile
- Date
- 2007-11-25T22:14:36-06:00
- ID
- 115767
- Comment
IMO ATL, the meeting was anti-climatic at best. There's a story on it posted up on the site and its in the latest issue on stands now. To me, it simply turned out to be the same feel-good get-together that we too often have. the room was filled with folks already on the same page, so in essence you were speaking to the choir. The entities that SHOULD have been there refused to show(including the Clarion Ledger) and thus key questions that deserved answers went to waste. I maintain that there is a much bigger picture here than anyone can imagine. the JRA board needs to be abolished or at best the current members should resign. They have been inept at best and continue to insult the intelligence of the residents in that area with the condescending "its really complex, you wouldnt understand" line that we've continuously been fed. They're comments up to now have been errouneous and evasive. Cocky even. Brent Walker needs to go, Perfoma needs to be taken off the project post haste, and someone needs to look into Leland Speed's budding empire downtown. He and Perfoema's boss Elkington are cozy rich buddies and Perfoma's been allowed to lolligag because of it. Then they send a footshuffler(Cato Walker, African-American of course) down here to soothe the rumblings when things get hot. He makes promises then leaves knowing that deadlines won't be met. Its a sad state. indeed
- Author
- Kamikaze
- Date
- 2007-11-26T09:56:37-06:00
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