The new police chief, Sheriff Malcolm McMillin, left the press conference this morning and immediately joined Radio JFP for an hour-long, commercial free interview, with WAPT also present. Listen to most of the interview (the first ten minutes were lost because the online feed was down) at
Just got word that the new Chief -- and the current Hinds County Sheriff -- Malcolm McMillin, will be on the 'JFP on WLEZ' radio show at noon today to discuss his new appointment.
Donna Ladd and Adam Lynch will also be on the program.
Listen to 103.7FM or online at WLEZ-FM from 12-1pm today. Click the "Listen Online" graphic.
Previous Commentsshow
What's this?I'll try to keep an eye on the blog during the show if any of y'all want to write in with questions.
- Todd Stauffer
- Nov 16 2007
360 still down...
- pikersam
- Nov 16 2007
Still? It shows up on the computer here...
- Todd Stauffer
- Nov 16 2007
Broadcast unavailable. 'wlez' is not broadcasting on our system at the moment. Please try again later. maybe it is me
- pikersam
- Nov 16 2007
Just restarted. Try now.
- Todd Stauffer
- Nov 16 2007
works now....
- pikersam
- Nov 16 2007
Does the Sheriff know if we have any grant writers employed with JPD, or does he plan to fill that gap? Does he know the grant status of the Department? He's had a few weeks to prepare.
- pikersam
- Nov 16 2007
Ask Mac if he will allow little frankie to conduct "police operations" with the mobile command center. We'd all like to know.
- Cliff Cargill
- Nov 16 2007
Especially when Melton has been a vocal opponent of most Chiefs we've had!
- pikersam
- Nov 16 2007
Ask the Sheriff what is up with this?
- pikersam
- Nov 16 2007
Great show! fun times ahead.
- jasp
- Nov 16 2007
Yup, that was fun. The podcast is up (most of it...had some technical trouble at the beginning). Share and enjoy. ;-)
- Todd Stauffer
- Nov 16 2007
I'm confused. Before the Hinds County election for Sheriff, JFP was very concerned about Melton's influence on the person elected to that office. You implied that Tyrone Lewis, a 20+ yr JPD veteran, was unfit to be the Sheriff because he worked for Frank Melton. However, apparently that was just a ruse because now it's alright that Frank Melton will have a presence in the Hinds County Sheriff's department, in the person of Malcolm McMillin. I listened to the radio show, and although I didn't think anything else would surprise me today, I was shocked by the love-fest and lack of hard-hitting questions I heard. Perhaps shocked isn't the right word. I was disappointed.
- empressjudykay
- Nov 16 2007
I think McMillan should let Frank ride with them a few times and even let him engage in a little action involving a suspect with no gun but who needs to brought down by the physical force or prowess of one man. A good ass-whupping is likely all Frank needs to put police work behind him.
- Ray Carter
- Nov 16 2007
You can be disappointed, empress, if you'd like, but the truth is that we will cover and investigate this just as hard as we do anything else. Which hard-hitting questions would you like asked in the future of McMillin. We will ask them on your behalf. And it remains to be seen whether McMillin acts on behalf of Melton or not. If he does, we will raise hell. Trust me.
- DonnaLadd
- Nov 16 2007
Pike what up with the game tomorrow?
- Ray Carter
- Nov 16 2007
Empress: I'm confused. Before the Hinds County election for Sheriff, JFP was very concerned about Melton's influence on the person elected to that office. You implied that Tyrone Lewis, a 20+ yr JPD veteran, was unfit to be the Sheriff because he worked for Frank Melton. However, apparently that was just a ruse because now it's alright that Frank Melton will have a presence in the Hinds County Sheriff's department, in the person of Malcolm McMillin. Isn't it true that McMillin has already been Sheriff of Hinds County? Can you see that there's a slight difference between the Mayor supporting Lewis for that race and Melton "having a man" in the Sheriff's department because the Sheriff runs JPD? There's seems to be a difference there. That said, I don't think there's any question that this is an odd situation and it will certainly bear further scrutiny. But I don't see any evidence...thus far...that McMillin has been in Melton's pocket -- in fact, there's been evidence to the contrary, no?
- Todd Stauffer
- Nov 16 2007
I am reminded that the City Council has to approve this appointment (and that Marchand Crisler can't vote), so this is not yet a done deal. I don't think that any one person can do both jobs adequately, and I don't want Victor Mason, or anyone else chosen by the Sheriff/COP running the police department that hasn't been approved by the elected representatives of the City of Jackson. Although I'm not prone to conspiracy theories, I do believe this is the first overt move of a hostile take-over of the City.
- empressjudykay
- Nov 16 2007
Lady Empress The citizens of Jackson voted this man in. a landslide. The elected City Council members refuse to sue the Mayor to hold him accountable for his actions, even as the Mayor's actions leave the Council members open to personal and legal liability. The elected City Council members are not being pressured by their constituents to sue the Mayor to hold the Mayor accountable, evan as the Mayor's actions hold them collectively liable for civil judgements to be paid by the City's taxpayers/electorate. The elected MS Attorney General refused to prosecute the Mayor effectively three times! If the citizens don't like what the Mayor is doing (taht include you Lady Empress) they should band together to form a mechanism to fund a legal challenge, it will only take one City Council member, to sue this Mayor through the courts (writ of Mandamus I believe it is called). As reported by the JFP this legal action was successfully used by the City Council vs the mayor in Hattiesburg. This is not a hostile take-over. This is a benevolent rescue. Sad to say in my opinion, the Mayor will quickly mess up this opportunity as well. The announcement made for a great press conference = ego rush for the Mayor.
- FrankMickens
- Nov 16 2007
Hostile takeover? By who? Quite a few non-Jacksonians would add, who would want it?
- Lady Havoc
- Nov 16 2007
Empress, your points are valid. I am concerned about how this is being done as well. And there can be different people involved with different motives. Dale Danks for instance (there as Melton's private attorney today, apparently, which doesn't make complete sense to me) made it clear that he wants the county and city to have combined resources in the future, which seemed to run counter to what the sheriff was saying. And is that what City Council wants? The Board of Supervisors? Do they really not even get a courtesy call? I am very concerned that they did not, apparently, talk to City Council, anyone in the Legislature, the governor or the County Supervisors (although Ben Allen made no secret that he knew about it in advance, saying he was amazed it didn't leak out sooner). I'm not convinced it's as cut and dried legal as they say it is, and if I were a county, non-Jackson resident, I'd be pretty perturbed that my elected sheriff was now doubling his workload. The whole thing sounds rushed and rash to me, and as someone said to me today, I'm not entirely convinced that it's going to "end well." So far at least, I lean toward the idea that the sheriff should resign his elected post to serve as chief. That doesn't mean I don't think he could run a combined force. But if we're not combining the forces, and he said we're not, and it's not legal I don't think, then he should make a choice.
- DonnaLadd
- Nov 16 2007
There are plenty of people around the fringes who would like to take Jackson "back" and control it. Just think of them as the Cubans over in Miami. I'd be surprised if Dale Danks wouldn't like to exercise a bit more control over Jackson. Not calling him an angry exile, of course. Just listening to his comments ...
- DonnaLadd
- Nov 16 2007
Jim Hood is saying it's legal. This town is one big soap opera.
- DonnaLadd
- Nov 16 2007
I am reminded that the City Council has to approve this appointment (and that Marchand Crisler can't vote), so this is not yet a done deal. As far as the Jackson City Council, it is interesting that this announcement came while they were all out of town. I wonder if they had any advance knowledge (I'm sure Bluntson did at a minimum). I predict they will support it now that Jimmy Hood has declared it legal. I'm sure they will question details on salaries and other funding between JPD and HCSD but in the end I believe they will support the decision. Hinds County is a different matter, but I think they will go along with it depending on how Dumb Anderson feels about sharing Mac with the City of Jackson. Although I'm not prone to conspiracy theories, I do believe this is the first overt move of a hostile take-over of the City. I disagree. I know the Jackson Illuminati have made a few behind-the-scenes maneuvers in the past to protect Meltdown, but I can't see this as "hostile" if it works to bring Jackson's crime numbers down. Meltdown wanted control of the HCSD by supporting Lewis, but I doubt that Mac will roll over and give it to him.
- Jeff Lucas
- Nov 16 2007
Thanks for asking my question. I thought it was an informative interview. As usual, the JFP was out front again in the melton saga. Good job. I don't doubt that the JFP will press the sheriff hard for answers if need be "empress". But, the guy had only been chief for an hour.
- Cliff Cargill
- Nov 17 2007
I have full confidence in Sheriff/Chief McMillin. I have my doubts he will sucumb to to Melton's illogical, unethical and fly by the seat of pants style of managment.
- Nov 17 2007
Not to mention, McMillin, who is one of the 6 BEST!! Law Enforcement Officers in the state. Also on the plus side is his Undersheriff Col. Jim Wallace. I've worked for him, Besides having a wonderful boss now, Ed Rice, Col Wallace rates a 100 with me
- Nov 17 2007
I'm thinking this could be good for the city, is it possible a turnaround is heading our way? If McMillan can bring his professionalism and good name to the city job, and do it right, well, it could be good news.
- Izzy
- Nov 17 2007
Memphis/Shelby County, TN has the same form of law enforcement. I have many contacts there. They say it works well for both the city and county.
- Nov 17 2007
This whole saga makes my head spin. I see dark days ahead for this city. IMHO, this was not a good move. On the surface, I thought so, I championed this. But when I processed the information...I had different thoughts. If this was/is such a great idea..why didn't Dale Danks combine these forces when he was mayor? McMillin can not physically do both jobs. Do I think he's capable of being chief? By all means, but not chief and sheriff at the same time. I am for forgiving and moving past old wounds/hurts, but it takes TIME. And not too long ago say...AUGUST, Melton and McMillin were at a serious rift...or atleast that's what they wanted us to believe. It was evident at the press conference that Melton will continue to do his "own" thing, no matter who the police chief is...Melton is the problem and until we rid ourselves of him and his stupid tactics..we will remain in a sad state of affairs. So, I think this was a very calculated move. Honestly, when I looked and saw three white men standing at the podium and one fraile /sick looking black made me sick. The progress that this city has made, that blacks have made...was pushed back twenty years. I hate having to bring race into this..but for me it is a factor. We are told...go to school, get a degree, get a good job, pay your dues...and you will be rewarded...what happened to that? Melton played Tyrone Lewis like a FOOL!..I could go on and on..but my head is spinning, I am ready for this night mare to be over...and you are is not a DONE deal yet..this mess is far from OVER!
- blkokc
- Nov 17 2007
Sheriff McMillin was asked by the JFP staff on WLEZ FM yesterday after the press conference if little frankie would be able to use the mobile command center. His Answer: NO! Way to go sheriff!!! Little frankie is grounded like a teenager that's had his car-keys taken away. Maybe now, some of this terrible mess little frankie has created can be cleaned up. It's so funny that little frankie is trying to look like he's some how coming out on top in this deal. He's not. He lost control of the JPD, the mobile comand center and I hope he loses his stupid Protective Services Division". What a load of crap. Clean House Sheriff/Chief McMillin!
- Cliff Cargill
- Nov 17 2007
Sheriff McMillin will in no way need body guards. He knows how to handle EVERYTHING from A to Z.
- Nov 17 2007
Amen! Mac doesn't need that bull. He can take care of himself. And, since little frankie isn't going out on these stupid illegal raids, Mac should make sure little frankie loses the bodyguards.
- Cliff Cargill
- Nov 17 2007
I had wondered all along, why a lil melton guy, who thought he was so tough ever needed body guards. Dr. Willie W. Herenton, Mayor of Memphis, from what I understand has never had any. Perhaps, it is because he was well educated. I still wonder if lil melton guy has the credentials he says he has. For some reason, I doubt it. Well educated people don't walk around so damn paranoid.
- Nov 17 2007
While I didn't hear the JFP still sounds like McMillin is blowing smoke. Why all of a sudden is Melton going to listen, obey and play by the rules? Is McMillin that powerful???? That memorandum of understanding that they signed that McMillin would be chief and Melton would be mayor..what a bunch of bull.... Here's whats clear to me: For two years Shirlene was police chief (even if only in title)...she did everything Melton asked her today...she let him have total control over the police department. And for one time as far as I can see...she went against the GRAIN. She refused to sign off on Receio's (and others) pay big bad Frank is MAD..he decides its time for a change. He appoints Gerald Jones and he served for all of 48 hours and the first thing he does is sign off on the pay increases demotes Domino..and other insane things... Do you think McMillin knew this? I certainly do....Will he recind this action? Not unless there is enormus public outcry.... This was a set-up!!!!I am so not rejoicing over McMillin's newly cemented relationship with Frank Melton.
- blkokc
- Nov 17 2007
"...Perhaps, it is because he was well educated. I still wonder if lil melton guy has the credentials he says he has. For some reason, I doubt it. Well educated people don't walk around so damn paranoid.".. HUH? WTF? I just had to comment cuz I was actually following you up until that point. And as a well-educated African-American male. I ALWAYS take offense when folks make those kinds of statements. so before I go further could ya clarify? What the HELL does being well-educated have to do with having bodyguards OR being paranoid for that matter? I get your mayor/mayor of Memphis not needing bodyguards/taxpayer money etc. argument. cool. But what does "well educated mean" Does it in this context mean "karate champion" , "experienced pugilist"? or maybe it means "expert marksman"?
- Kamikaze
- Nov 17 2007
HUH? WTF? I just had to comment cuz I was actually following you up until that point. And as a well-educated African-American male. I ALWAYS take offense when folks make those kinds of statements. so before I go further could ya clarify? What the HELL does being well-educated have to do with having bodyguards OR being paranoid for that matter? I get your mayor/mayor of Memphis not needing bodyguards/taxpayer money etc. argument. cool. But what does "well educated mean" Does it in this context mean "karate champion" , "experienced pugilist"? or maybe it means "expert marksman"? Kamikaze. Please don't take offense. I merely meant that Herenton being educated gave him a "one-up". Meaning he can move about the city without having any guards. Reason why? He knows well how to carry himself. He was the Superintendent of Memphis City Schools, as well, for a very!!! long time. He also knows "street smart" too. Many!!!! apologies. No offense was intended.
- Nov 17 2007
JMK Gotta tell you, I was blown away by your statement as well....Kaze beat me to the punchline. When making blanklet statements like must be careful to explain his/her intent..and not leave room for speculations....offensive at best!
- blkokc
- Nov 17 2007
OOOOKAY!! Ill acccept that you meant no ill intent. It gets a real rise outta me when I hear that tone of language. There are plenty of well Educated African-American men AND women who are cautious in everyday life. ESPECIALLY in a "public figure" life. You can be none too careful. I operate in many different circles from one end of the spectrum to what some would call the low end. I posess what my uncles called "book smarts" AND "street smarts" Feel comfortable in either setting. You never can be too careful of the actions of others. I consider myself a public figure. And although I dont use or want bodyguards, my head is on a constant swivel lol. Some mayors or most mayors may not use bodyguards but I never had a problem for one second with the mayor having any. Two maybe, eh..maybe a little much but as mayor he should be allowed it.
- Kamikaze
- Nov 17 2007
Kamikaze, Thanks!!!!!! :-) I too have to carry myself differently. After being in law enforcement and corrections, my head is always on "swivel mode" too.
- Nov 17 2007
I'm extremely concerned about this appointment for several reasons. Frank Melton is involved. The sheriff is an elected official that was elected to do ONE job. The taxpayers had no expectation that they'd be getting sorta sheriff. Gonna play the race care here because it's sooooo obvious. So the only person that Melton will let run JPD is a white guy who already has a job. What?! He's got qualified people who could do the job if he'd leave them alone but apparently not a woman or black man or black woman is capable of doing that. People who've taken tests and given their time to the city of Jackson for decades... I think the Sheriff is qualified but he's not capable of running a city and county law enforcement. No person is, unless is consolidated. I'd love for this to work out but Frank's involved and I hold very little hope that it's going to work out.
- msgrits
- Nov 17 2007
I don't believe there is any reason to be afraid of this appointment. The voting precincts in Jackson voted for Melton to be their Sheriff just like the rest of Hinds County. The A.G. says the move is legal. I don't believe Frank Melton will be the boss of Chief-Sheriff because I believe Melton wants Malcolm to be Chief as much as Malcolm does. I believe Melton's agenda has always been to have the Sheriff of Hinds County as Chief Of Police; he just thought it would be a newly elected Tyrone and not McMillin. I believe the memorandum of understanding has the power to be legally binding if both men signed it with a mediator or with separate lawyers present. Although, I don't have a law degree nor did I pass the bar exam, neither of which are required of our judges in Mississippi. Our judges will ultimately be the ones to validate any arguments of the sort if McMillin ever decides to take this to trial. Only time will tell if Melton abides by the agreement. McMillin has to immediately focus on changing the crime rate in Jackson, not Hinds County. Why? McMillin was just re-elected as Sheriff, but the mayoral race is only a few years away. McMillin will have to show progress to keep his position whether or not Melton is re-elected because at re-election the city council must once again look at the mayors appointments. If I remember correctly, this was recently decided in a trial where the Hattiesburg council sued their mayor. What do we have to lose? The crime rate was going up in Jackson under the watch of Anderson. The way I see it we can't go anywhere but up from here. As the chief officer of law enforcement in the largest county, largest city, and the capital of Mississippi, McMillin has greater power in lobbying our legislature. This could have numerous benefits for Jackson and Hinds County. I am saddened by one thing. If crime is turned around under McMillin, it will give every white racist in Mississippi the chance to say that it happened because it was a white man. Would they be correct? Hell Naw! Whether it is true or not, that won't stop people from thinking it.
- optimisticaboutNewJackCity
- Nov 18 2007
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